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Free Spanking Stories - Spanko.net • repost of lispank and bob part 2
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repost of lispank and bob part 2

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:16 am
by lispank
After a quite dinner I went to start folding the laundry, I had forgotten about the bleach with his clothes. It hit me just how stupid and childish I was being earlier when I opened the dryer door. Why didn't I just tell him earlier and get the spanks out of the way? Oh well now to just hide it maybe he'll never know I can go tomorrow and replace what I ruined. "Hey hun need any help?"he asked sweetly. Then his eyes fell on the pile of clothes I was putting into the basket. "Lispank! What in the world did you do?" he demanded, knowing that there was no way that it was an accident after the little discussion we had earlier about the dishes. "Well you see... I was doing what you told me to by washing the laundry and you did say you needed your jeans washed...so I put the soap and...added bleach to it." I mumbled through most of it but that last part came out kind of quickly. "You what. You know better than that those clothes cost money. And it will be you paying for new it can come out of your savings account. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" He looked at me with anger and disappointment in his eyes, I felt guilty and couldn't even look him in the eyes knowing I was wrong and for me that is saying alot because I go down(or across) fighting. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." His hands went to his hips. Oh shit I'm in for it now. "I am so sorry I was mad and I know that isn't any excuse." Maybe apologizing will help I thought plus I really did mean it. Normally I don't say I'm sorry and mean it until my butt is on fire. "Your right it is no excuse. Get the cutting board and lay it on the ottoman then go stand in the corner." "Not the corner.." "I don't want to hear it I need some time to cool down before I spank you so just do what I said you have already earned yourself a hard spanking don't make it worse." he cut across my protest.

After what seemed like forever but was only about 15 minutes or so he came back in the room. "Come get over the ottoman but first pull your pants and panties down." I slowly walked over trying to delay the inevitable, was thinking man we need to get a bigger place when all to quickly I was pulling down my pants and laying over the ottoman. Wonder if I'd get into trouble if I got rid of this damn thing. Then wam the first smack landed without me expecting it. After about 10 more really hard swats my hubby asked "Why would you do something so childish?" 5 more really hard ones and I was having a hard time not jumping up and rubbing my butt which I knew I wasn't allowed to do. "When I ask you a question I expect it to get answered young lady." he paused waiting for me to answer but no matter how hard I tried to think of a good reason none came to me. "Because I was mad, I know that is not a good reason but I can't think of any." I whispered. I was trying not to cry it wasn't the pain which I really did fell like my butt was on fire but that I really did deserve what I was getting. "I it ever going to happen again?" "No sir." "ok we are almost finished I'm going to give you 10 with the belt and then it will be over forgiven." At the mention of his belt I felt like running away and hiding for some reason I'm terrified of that thing he has only ever used it on me once and it wasn't much worse then the paddle. I shivered as I heard he pull it from his belt loops. Swish snap ouch a line of fire over an already blazing bottom. Did I mention that I don't like the swishing sound? After about 5 I was sobbing. After the last one fell my hubby helped me up and gave me a big hug told me that I did a good job with staying in place. "I love you. I wouldn't do this if I didn't, you know that right?" he asked making sure that I was ok with what happened. "I love you too and I know you do this for me." I sqeezed him tight needing the love he was offering. "What would I do without you to make life interesting?" he asked. I smiled up at him knowing that all was forgiven and said "Die of boredom?"

Re: repost of lispank and bob part 2

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:45 am
by Often123
I loved the surprise ending to this short story.

Re: repost of lispank and bob part 2

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:28 am
by str8n_u_out
Good writing, loved the last line, made me smile!

Re: repost of lispank and bob part 2

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:40 am
by lispank
Thank you. I will hopefully be able to write more stories soon, just have to get them figured so that they made sense first:)