My girlfriends late night punishment.

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My girlfriends late night punishment.

Post by LadyMary » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:58 pm

Ok, I will tell you a true story again, but I have changed something to avoid someone to recognise the incident, since I do not want to embarass my girlfriend who was the main ”actor” in this happening. We were just 17 at the time and like all young people on our age, we wanted to party.
The same attitude were definitetly not shared among our parents, and definitely not by my friends daddy. He was a priest and a very stern and religious man. So the only way of getting out on a Saturday night was to say that she would visit me as participant in a ”reading circle”. This time we went to a big dancing event outside town and my friend really had som fun including some glasses of sweet cider (actually a lot of them). I did not drink since I was the driver of our car, but i love dancing so the time went by very quickly. And suddenly Sarah (not her real name) came almost falling over me, whispering that we had to go home. I was starting to get sleepy as well so I said ok and then we were in the car. In there she told me that she had to be home before eleven thirty and now it was two o’clock in the night.
- Daddy will punish med for this, she said
- Really?
- Oh yes, I am sure, and she was almost crying, regretting already that she had forgotten the time schedule. I was starting to be curious and asked her:
- How does he punish you?
She sighed and answered:
- Well, the usual way, she answered, like the same you usually get, I guess.
- But I never get any punishment, I told (which was almost true).
- She looked at me to see if I made a joke.
- Well, she said, I am spanked.
- Wow, I could not believe it, she was seventeen and still spanked.

Instinctively I went faster, driving silently, but I felt a strange excitement thinking about my best friend being spanked by her daddy. She was a beauty, very womanly and with som strikingly blue eyes and fair hair. And her female shapes was certainly much more to look at then my rather tiny body . I am quite sure that both her look and what happened later added to my bisexual tendency. Another half hour and at 2.30 we stopped by the front gate of their bungalow.

- Oh my God, bursted out from Sarah, he is waiting for me!

She looked at me as if she needed help. Then she jumped out of the car and stuck her head in through the open window and said:

- Wish me luck, Mary.

I did not think of my spontaneous reaction, I just took her head between my hands and kissed her – on her mouth. She looked quite surprised, but then she smiled and whispered – thank you…!
She ran up to the front door, and I could clearly see her stern daddy letting her in.
I drove 50 meters around the corner, but could not get rid of my curiosity, I had to see this!
So I stopped the car, jumped out of it and through a shortcut I was into their back garden. It was completely dark outside so they could not see me, but I had a clear view into their sitting room, and my heart started to bump quickly as both Sarah and her Dad was in the room, and she obviously got a lecture from the old man. I sneaked closer, hiding to be unseen, but I had very good overview of the room. Now he pointed to the big chest of drawers and Sarah went over with her head bent and opened the top drawer. She returned and put som special implements in his hand. It looked like a black leather strap and a long wooden paddle. Now things started to be exciting – at least for me. Sarah took off her skirt and put it nicely over the back of a chair by the low coffe table. Then she rolled down her nylon stockings and opened the garterbelt and put it also on the chair. And now she did what really made my eyes rounder, she juste slided down her panties and was completly nude down there. Her dad gave her some messages and then she bent over and grabbed the chair. Her daddy adjusted her feet apart, patted her back so she arched it and in this way presenting her lovely (sorry) cheeks both for me and her dad. Then he started to paddle her with the long wooden instrument- and although he did not seem to use much force she struggled to keep her position. In a steady rythm he made her bottom glow. I was astonished. I had never seen anything like this before.
For almost 10 minutes he spanked her and she moved back and forth for every slap - lifting her legs and I wriggling in pain – and I could see she was crying. When he stopped her bottom was intensely red in sharp contrast to her light complexion.
I felt so excited by looking at her. I am quite sure this was the beginning both of my strange type of sexuality and also my interest in spanking. But it was not over yet - as I thought! She was now allowed to stand up and I could see he gave her a lecture again.
Then she buttoned up her blouse putting it neatly on the chair. Finally she took off her bra and stood straight in all her naked beauty before him. I had always been envious looking at her in the shower – especially her wonderful tits. Now she turned around went over to the sofa and sat down. My heart really started to race as she lifted her legs high and took a grip behind her knees showing all her womanhood to her punisher. He could also see her face and i learned much later that this was an important part of what you call the diaper position in here. But I, in my youth, had never seen anything like it. As he started to strap her poor bottom and thighs I could not help feeling sorry for her. At the same time I suddenly felt my own hand down between my legs and understood that this really aroused me. I could see her crying as her thighs and bottom was treaed this way, and when he stopped they had a deep red colour. Now she had to get up and stand straight with her hands on her head as her daddy inspected her by touching her sore bottom and he looked very satisfied. She just stood in that position as he grabbed her clothes and went out. I could not get enough of this sight – She was seimply so exposed to my greedy gaze and did not know anything about it. After ten long minutes her mother came in with a night dress over her arm. She looked over her body and also slapped her bottom lightly and seemed to say some serious words. Sarah nodded obediently. Then she got the nightgown over her head and followed her mom out – and the light went off.
I just stood for five minute trying to compose myself befor I stumbled on my shivering legs back to the car and drove home.
Unbelievable. You may all guess what I did as I got into bed.

And I have done that many times later… this was the story I just had to tell you.

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Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:53 pm

Re: My girlfriends late night punishment.

Post by AWizardOfAss » Fri May 04, 2012 8:11 pm

LadyMary wrote: Unbelievable. You may all guess what I did as I got into bed.
Hmmm, that's a tough one ;)

SEXY story! Thanks for sharing it.

I bet she will fake a car breakdown next time, just to make her friend late again...

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Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:37 pm

Re: My girlfriends late night punishment.

Post by Often123 » Sun May 06, 2012 7:02 pm

I'm wondering now if Sarah & Mary might just have something going later. Somehow, I think so.

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