Kimberly's Mistake

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Kimberly's Mistake

Post by firm971 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:22 am

Kimberly sat quietly on the side of her neatly made bed. Her young face was veiled by her straight, strawberry hair, and her slender arms hugged around her own waste. Outside her window was a gentle, hazy, English summer day, all too rare and precious to be thrown away on getting into trouble.
Kim sighed, defeated and deflated. She was a good girl; a hard working student, a kind and attentive friend, a model daughter. Why had she done it? Why? She had never bullied anyone, but had lapsed for a moment when Pippa Hope had been the butt of a, well, quite nasty joke. It hadn’t seemed nasty at the time, though Kimberly knew now the quiet, solitary girl had been very hurt, and Kimberly, stupid, stupid, Kimberly, had joined in instead of sticking up for her. Just as her form teacher had entered the room. And now, one very public scolding and a worrying letter home to her parents, Kimberly’s day had taken a very downward turn.
Her Mum had been furious. Not the kind of yelling out loud furious that might have signalled the telling off was the main course of her comeuppance. No, this was a tight-lipped, icy-faced, no eye contact anger that Kimberly had never really experienced before. She felt her heart freeze in her chest and was afraid to even open her mouth when Mum had looked anywhere but at her downfallen daughter and muttered “Go to your room until Dad gets home”. And now here she was, two hours later. No tea, no TV, no word from her beloved Mum, hugging herself and trying to pretend her tummy wasn’t doing somersaults inside.
As time had ticked by, Kim had slipped out of her school uniform and into her nightie. Obviously Dad was late, and she half schemed to herself that a contrite daughter who had sent herself to bed early in self-flagellating style might ease her parents’ wrath. She had hoped to go stay at Ellie’s on Friday. That seemed a far-fetched dream now. The angst-ridden teenager lay back on her bed and chided herself for being a stupid, sheep-following, lowlife who would make fun of…
Dad’s key in the front door. Kimberly’s heart skipped a beat and she lay very still, half wanting to throw up and half wanting to cry with relief that it would all be over soon. She heard the familiar hum of her parents’ greetings, muffled through the floorboard of their little country house, but then flushed as the sound gave way to a long, painful quiet. Her parents were strict, in the gentlest kind of way. They rarely needed to raise their voices at Kim, and had only popped her on the bottom a few times while she was growing up for things like almost stepping out into the road without looking, or the occasional girlish white lie. She hated disappointing them, and she just wanted Dad to scold her, tell her he was angry with her, to ground her until the end of her life if need be! She just wanted to stop feeling so ashamed. And then there were masculine footsteps on the old stairs, and her door swung slowly inward. Kimberly bolted upright.
Her father stood in the doorway to her pretty room. Kim went to say something but the stern look on his handsome features made the words stick in her throat, until all that came out has a pitiful “Hi Dad”. Mr. Walker held his daughter’s gaze for the few seconds it took for Kimberly’s eyes to fall, shamefully, to the comforting shaggy rug on the floor. At the sight of her obvious distress, he softened inside somewhat, and sat slowly on the bed to the stricken girl. “Kimberly”, he said after what seemed like a lifetime, “I don’t know the circumstances of this incident, and I’m guessing your teacher doesn’t either. I know you are not the kind of girl who makes fun of others, especially those who are more vulnerable than you. Am I right?”
“Yes, Dad”, mumbled Kim hoarsely.
“However, it sounds like you made a very silly mistake, one that I never want to see or hear of again after today. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, absolutely Dad, I’m so sor…” The flustered girl was cut off with another icy look.
“Your headmistress wants to suspend you for the rest of the week”, continued her father, and Kimberly’s tummy did another somersault at the shame and indignation of such a fate being handed out to a good student like herself. Oh Lord no! She hated being behind with school work. She almost never took a day of sick for that very reason. This was turning into a nightmare! “However, I have given her my word that I will punish you fully here at home, so as to avert any suspension and impact to your studies. So, your mother and I have talked this over and we are in agreement that the proper response, to be fair to you, your teacher, and the girl you bullied, is to give you a good and thorough spanking”.
Kimberly wasn’t sure she had just heard what she had just heard, and she sat motionless for a moment, before glancing up into her father’s eyes. Unsure what she was hoping to see, she was nevertheless horrified to see in that strong gaze that her beloved Dad was very far from joking. She tried to say “But, Dad!” only nothing came out. The silence was broken by her father. “Have you anything to say before we begin?” Kimberly hung her head until her golden hair covered her face. She knew she had messed up. She knew she deserved to be punished, and she knew above everything else she didn’t want to be suspended. The fallen angel shook her head sorrowfully.
Her Dad gave Kimberly a moment, and then took her gently, but firmly by one arm. “I’m going to put you over my knee, Kimberly. You will stay put until I say we have finished, and you are to keep your hands away from your bottom. Don’t misunderstand me young lady, I will start again if I have to”. And with that Kim found herself hauled strongly over her father’s lap into the time-honoured but hitherto foreign position of punishment. One large arm held her across her slender back, and she felt a large, masculine hand rest across her nightie-clad behind. Kimberly screwed up her eyes in shame and nervousness. She felt as if she were five years old and…
Kimberly’s eyes snapped open. The slap across the lower region of her bottom stung like a bee! As the second blow slapped down on her youthful derriere she drew in a sharp breath and stared wide-eyed at the floor. Surely Dad wouldn’t give her too many of those, would he? After the third and fourth spank her mind was changed: she would take the suspension, and she cried out as much to her beloved Dad. But Dad was in no mood to change course now. Slow, steady, and mercilessly firm, Kimberly’s father smacked one pretty buttock and then the other, over, and over, and over, until his darling daughter was kicking and wailing for clemency. At one point her hand darted backwards of its own volition, in an act of desperate self-preservation, but the trespassing wrist was caught firmly and folded unceremoniously behind Kim’s arching back. She begged and begged her Dad to stop, entreating that she would never, ever do anything wrong again, but the blows kept falling on her blistered behind.
If Kimberly thought things could not get any worse, she was sorely mistaken, for all of a sudden there was a flip of her nightie, and a tug of her cute, innocent knickers! Her father bared her behind without missing a beat. Poor Kimberly implored her father, begging to please, please, please be let off now, but soon, stripped of her final modesty, and with pain she could hardly take in searing her pretty bottom, the young girl surrendered. Her kicking and pleading evaporated, leaving a limp and sobbing child. Her father continued remorselessly, knowing that to stop to early would be unfair, a mistake. He continued to thrash his contrite, tear-stained child until she was completely spent. Then, as the blows slowly subsided, Kimberly’s crying quietened, and melted into hot, wet, breath sighs. Her cute hair was matted against her wet face. Her poor, poor bottom was a fiery, angry red. She would be sore for a good long while, thought Dad, and would not forget this. And that was how it should be.
Kimberly’s father gently stroked her prone back. He softly brushed the matted locks from her cute, teary, snotty face. She was almost asleep, laying exhausted and spent across his broad lap. He thought about slipping her panties back over her bottom to re-establish her modesty, but thought better of covering her throbbing behind. Carefully he scooped up his contrite daughter, and nestled her into him until her wet face stained his shirt. Kimberly felt herself adrift in his aftershave, in those strong, protecting, guiding hands. She let herself go, giving herself up to her beloved Dad. Later that evening, bathed and soothed, Kimberly would curl up between her sated parents, snuggled between them on the couch, and trying not to sit directly on her screaming backside. But for now, she let her father hold his little girl, all forgiven.

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Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:57 pm

Re: Kimberly's Mistake

Post by Daddys_Spankin » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:01 pm

That was sizzling and wonderfully detailed and written--thanks! :) :)

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:56 am

Re: Kimberly's Mistake

Post by firm971 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:33 pm

Thanks! Glad you like :)

Posts: 293
Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:37 pm

Re: Kimberly's Mistake

Post by Often123 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:53 pm

Well done, Nic. I'm sure she's learned a good lesson.

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