The Urgent Message

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The Urgent Message

Post by goodgulf » Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:21 pm

The Urgent Message

The door banged open.

Jennings glanced up from his desk, annoyed at this unexpected action. There was student there, babbling something. It might have sounded a bit like 'Ohyouhavetodosomthingpleaseohplease' but that would have been just a guess.

"Calm down." Jennings said gently.

More words rushed out of the girl's mouth, all mashed together in to an incomprehensible jumble.

"Slow down." Jenning cautioned. "I can't understand a word you're saying."

This time the babbling might have been "But you have..." or "Cut shoes half" or anything like that.

"Calm!" Jenning urged, raising his hand. "Take a deep breath."


"Deep breath." Jenning repeated. "Breathe deeply. Now start at the beginning."


"With your name." Jenning said, interrupting after a single word and ignoring anything else she might say. "I can't just call you student, can I?"


"And I don't know your name." Jennings continued, ignoring her rushed attempt to speak. "Which means you generally be a well behaved student. Otherwise I would recognise your face. So we can start here."

He gave her time to answer, but only gibberish came. Words still run so closely together that they were indecipherable. He was fairly sure that the first one was 'but' and didn't bother guessing at the rest. With his time being waited it was clearly time to take charge.

"Name." Jenning demanded, using the voice of authority.

"Sandra Hill, sir."

Jenning bit back a smile. He had cultivated that tone, working on it, until he could cow any student with a single word.

"Well Sandra, what is so urgent that you had to rush through my door without even knocking?"

The question sent the girl babbling again, her words tumbling over themselves in a nonsensical rain of syllables.

"Sandra." Jenning scolded. "Slow down. It is clear that you feel you must urgently tell me something, but unless you slow down I'll never be able to understand what you're trying to tell me. Now start again."

Jennings smiled condescendingly as the girl visibly composed herself.

'Oh to be young again.' Jennings though to himself. 'When every single thing is of ground shaking importance.'

It could be almost anything, from a problem with a fellow student to a lack of feminine products in one of the student washrooms. Probably not the latter (the girls usually ran to a female staff member for that one) but he knew that the situation couldn't be that important. That the girl couldn't have possibly encountered anything of real import at the school.

"We have to... My aunt... We have to save my aunt!" Sandra yelped.

"Excellent! Now we're getting somewhere." Jenning smiled. "Which aunt?"

"My Aunt Sandra..."

"But aren't you Sandra?" Jenning interrupted.

"I am but.. she's... I mean she's Sandra too." Sandra took a deep breath and calmed down a bit. "I'm named after her. She's my dad's sister so she's Sandra Hill too. And that's the problem. One of the two problems. Um, one of three and ..."

"And where is your aunt?" Jenning queried in an attempt to keep things on track.

"She's here!"

Jenning looked pointedly around his office; Sandra blushed deeply.

"I mean she's here at the school." Sandra clarified. "And that's the problem!"

"Shouldn't she be here?" Jenning asked. "Is there a restraining order or some other unpleasantness?"

"No, not that. It's just..." Sandra took a deep breath. "My aunt is visiting and she's young, for an aunt, and she's only a few years older than me and she's staying here because her university is out for the year and she's getting a summer job that my dad lined up for her and..."

"And your aunt decided to visit your school?" Jenning prompted, still wondering why his office had been invaded by a girl who didn't know better than to use a run on sentence.

"Yes! And she, um, well, um, shethoughtitwouldbe..."

"Slowly!" Jenning scolded. "If you don't slow down I won't be able to understand you. That last bit didn't even sound English."

"Um, my aunt, she has a weird sense of humour." Sandra began. "And um, when I kind of tried on some of her clothes she tried on some of mine and it was just a joke and it wasn't really meaning anything and I wasn't really going to borrow her clothes and..."

"If this is something to do with you possibly being out of uniform?" Jenning began, trying wonder what it could be.

He could see that she was wearing the right skirt, blouse, tie, socks, and shoes. He could tell that she had something under her blouse keeping her from bouncing around and didn't care if it was her regulation bra or not. As for the rest, unless she planned to flip her skirt up over her waist he didn't see why he would care what she had under it.

"No, not me! It's Sandra! Not me Sandra! I mean my Aunt Sandra." Sandra said.

"Your Aunt Sandra is out of uniform?" Jennings asked in confusion.

"No! She's in uniform! That's the problem." Sandra exclaimed.

"It is? Maybe you should start at the beginning?" Jenning suggested.

"No! There's no time! We have to hurry!"

"Hurry to do what?"

"Save Sandra."

"But you're Sandra." Jenning pointed out.

"No, my Aunt Sandra."

"Who is where?" Jenning asked.

"Here! In school!"

"And you've lost me again." Jenning said. "So we start at the beginning. What is she doing in school?"

"She came to pick me up and..."

"Good." Jenning nodded. "We have a logical beginning to your story. One we can expand on. Your aunt is in the school."

"And we have to save her! Fast!"

"But why does she need saving?"

"Because of the uniform!"

"But you're wearing your uniform." Jenning pointed out. "Aren't you?"

"Not this uniform! One of my other uniforms."

Light dawned, but Jenning kept his face neutral.

"You mean a sports uniform? Or do you have an afterschool job that requires a uniform?"

"No! One of other school uniforms."

"But what would your aunt be doing in one of your uniforms?" Jenning asked.

"She wanted to see if she could fit in it." Sandra explained. "And she does. Mostly."

"Then why does she need rescuing?"

"Because she wore one of my other uniforms! And Mr. Johnston came by and said she was out of uniform and..."

"But wasn't she in your uniform?" Jenning interrupted.

"She was. Mostly. But not the tie. She wasn't wearing the tie. And Mr. Johnston called her on it but Aunt Sandra just laughed him off."

"And she told him that she wasn't a student?"

"Um, no, but he didn't ask." Sandra said. "He just asked who she was and she said she was Sandra Hill and he recognised her name, I mean he recognised her name thought it was my name. I mean he thought that she was me."

"You must be a very good student indeed if neither I nor Mr. Johnston can recognise your face." Jenning noted.

Between the two of them, Johnston and Jenning handled most of the discipline at the school. Not the team building, confidence building, self affirming version of discipline nor the running laps or writing lines type. No, the only lines they dealt with were those raised by the cane. Jenning had one in his office and Johnston had one in his. Then there was Ms. Connors, but she rarely used hers.

"Um, I guess I am but..."

"Or has Ms. Connors seen the need to handle things with you?" Jenning asked

"Um, no, she hasn't and - But we have to save my aunt! Mr. Johnston thinks she's me and she mouthed off at him and..."

"And where were the two of you when all this happened?" Jenning inquired.

"In the school! And we have to help her and ..."

"But where in the school?" Jenning probed.

"Um, by the swim team's trophy display. And you have to call Mr. Johnston and..."

"That's a strange place to meet your aunt." Jenning observed. "It's nowhere near any of the entrances. Why did you want to meet her there?"

"I didn't. She picked it. She said it was a landmark she could find it and she wanted to see the inside of my school and that doesn't matter! We have to save her!"

Jenning put things together. A grown woman dressing up like a schoolgirl and coming to her niece's school. Mr. Johnston, being by that trophy display - a place where the man had no reason to be. Not this time of day. The purposely missing tie to provide the excuse. The woman clearly not revealing that she wasn't a student, something she could do at anytime.

Individually those facts meant little, but added together they added up to a fun time for Johnston and the elder Sandra Hill. A fun time that Jenning wasn't going to interrupt just because the younger Sandra Hill wasn't clued in.

"Just calm down." Jenning advised. "The first thing we have to work out is where Johnston took your aunt."

"To his office. You have to call his office and stop him. It might already be too late!"

"If it is, then there's nothing we can do, is there? Now calm down and think for a moment." Jenning said. "Did Mr. Johnston actually say why he wanted to talk to your aunt?"

"No! And he thought that she was me. That she was a student. Please! You have to call him!"

"Just a moment." Jenning said, lifting his phone. "Hello, Stella? Jenning here. I have an odd question: is Johnston there? No, I'll wait."

"Wait?" Sandra squeaked.

Jenning just glanced towards her, silencing the girl.

Of course he didn't bother explaining why the question was an odd one. Johnston had no possible reason to be at the sports centre which is why Jenning started there. Nor did Johnston have a reason to be at the main office or in the maintenance department. Or any of the other numbers that Jenning tried as Sandra fidgeted. Fidgeted as if she was the one at risk for a caning.

Finally he called Johnston's office, which was the only place that Johnston could reasonably be found in these circumstances.

"Ah, Johnston. Found you at last." Jenny said.

Sandra practically jumped out of her skin with excitement.

"Yes, the reason I'm calling is there seems to be a sort of mistake." Jenning said slowly, ignoring the background noises that were leaking through the phone. "It seems that we have a student named Sandra Hill who has an aunt named Sandra Hill. Yes, that is odd. And it seems that, for some reason, the aunt decided to try on one of her niece's uniforms. Yes, probably. Just the other day I tried on one of my old school blazers to see if it still fit, but somehow it shrunk over the years. Yes, well the funny thing is you have the wrong Sandra Hill in your office. Yes, that is an odd. Almost an implausible series of coincidences. Anyway, now that you know that it's the aunt... A fresh mouth? Well she is a college student. Oh good. Yes, I'll tell her."

Sandra was almost squirming out of her skin, waiting for what Jenning would say.

Jenning hung up the phone and turned to the girl.

"Well, we're in luck. None of the paperwork was even close to being filed. You won't have a black mark on your recond."

"My record?" Sandra exclaimed. "But... but it's my aunt!"

"Yes, and you came that close to being mistakenly blamed for her fresh mouth. Everything she did today would have gone on your record. You might have even found yourself scheduled to meet with me tomorrow."

"Me?" Sandra gasped, one hand snaking back to shield her backside.

"You." Jenning confirmed. "If Mr. Johnston had seriously problems with someone he thought was you he would have done the professional thing and sent you to me tomorrow."

"But... But..."

"And I wouldn't know anything except what the note said." Jenning continued. "And I certainly wouldn't have believed some absurd story about your aunt. Not if the report had you scheduled for a serious 'talking to'."

"But... But that's not fair!"

"No, it wouldn't have been." Jenning confirmed. "So we can be thankful it didn't happen. Now I was asked pass along a message: your aunt is very embarrassed by what happened and is going to meet you at home. She said something about a bus?"

"But... but she was supposed to drive me home." Sandra protested. "And I already missed the early bus. And the usually bus. I'll have to take the late bus."

"Poor you." Jenning commented. "Meanwhile your aunt got lectured by Mr. Johnston, who probably gave her one of his best. She'll need some time to recover from that."

'Six of his best is more likely.' Jenning thought slyly. 'Or 12.'

The crisis adverted, Jenning guided the confused student from his office.

Then he made one last phone call.

"Johnston? Look, I don't care what you get up to, but next time can you let me know that there's going to be a hysterical girl running into my office. I don't know why she didn't go to Ms. Connors. Well it's been so long since Ms. Connors caned anyone, maybe she forgot. Okay, but next time, advanced warning."

Chuckling, Jenning put the incidence out of his mind.

A few days later a different Sandra Hill was in his office, one wearing a borrowed uniform. After apologising for how her niece inconvenienced him, she bent over his desk.

"Don't bother to count sir." Sandra Hill told him. "Just cane me until you think I've had enough. Please sir?"

Since she asked so nicely he did so.

Last edited by goodgulf on Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by Often123 » Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:02 pm

Hahaha, that was a good case of "mistaken identity".

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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by johncook » Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:44 pm

He should have had her skirts and panties off and caned her for wasting his time. Then she would have had to stand on the bus and both Sandras would have something in common,

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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by goodgulf » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:00 am

I did think about having both Sandras caned, but thought that it wouldn't fit the "I'm not in on this" plotline. Beside, if they are having naughty fun with Big Girls that means they are leaving the students alone.


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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by goodgulf » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:33 pm

Often123 wrote:Hahaha, that was a good case of "mistaken identity".
Hi. Sorry for overlooking your comment.

One girl got to live out a fantasy - and if she hadn't upset her niece then things would have been perfect. As it is, Sandra the Younger is going reach home and complain about having to take the bus because of the mix up and then her parents are going to start to ask questions...


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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by genieman » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:47 am

Holly cow Goodgulf. thank you for all the stories. i always look forward to reading yours and this was a huge update.

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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by goodgulf » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:54 pm

I'm glad you enjoyed them. I've been working on these (and others) for a while and just got around to proofing and posting them.

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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by imreadonly » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:50 pm

Another great story. Mistaken identity stories are a favorite, as are uniform stories, and this combined both. I think I might have added a bit more on the Aunt playing around a bit in the uniform -- deciding to go out and see how many people she could fool, and maybe sitting in on a class. Always like to see a naughty girl truly earn her discipline!

Great story, very well done. Thanks so much for writing this!

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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by goodgulf » Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:17 pm

I thought about doing a longer story, but I wanted to show things only from the niece's point of view. Of a girl who is scared for her aunt and doesn't understand that there's a game being played.


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Re: The Urgent Message

Post by goodgulf » Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:39 pm

Edited, and changed the ending slightly.


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