Samantha wastes the rent [M/F]

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Samantha wastes the rent [M/F]

Post by sgtjoe » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:11 pm

Sargent Joe and his wife Shirley have been caring for Shirley's 19-year-old sister Sarah for several months
The story begins at ... f=3&t=2093

More recently, Joe's niece Samantha has needed some disciplinary attention. She enters the story at ... f=3&t=2407

Today, Samantha is in trouble again.

It was just a couple months after I'd bailed Sammy out in Dallas that she started law school -- at the university 1 town away. So she moved into a little house about 15 minutes from school and another 20 from us. Her dad was paying for school, paying for the rent, had given her the "old" BMW he was replacing -- all of 3 years old. The kid had it made!

Shirley & I helped her move in and saw her a couple more times, but she was pretty independent so we didn't see all that much of her. Shirley had commented the last time that she must have an incredible allowance as she was wearing all new designer clothes.

"That's not WalMart stuff?", I asked her.

"No, honey, that's not WalMart stuff."

"Well, how do you know it's new? She might have brought all that stuff from home."

"Joe", Shirley said with a sigh, "you pay attention to clothes like I do to pickup trucks!"

"So, you can recognize a new model year?", I asked still a little puzzled.

"A new season. The come out with new styles and colors every 6 months."

"And these were styles from very recently?"

"Yes, they just showed up in the catalog last month. It's Lane Bryant."

I guess "Lane Bryant" was supposed to explain it all. I let it go and thought no more of it ... until ... one Saturday morning in November when I got a phone call.

"May I speak to Joseph Weaver?", asked a gravely voice.

"Speaking", I answered. Nobody called me "Joseph" except for telemarketers.

"Mr. Weaver, this is Bill Edwards. I rent the house on Vine Street to a relative of yours."

"Yes, sir", I answered. "I remember you now. Has Sammy damaged something?"

"$2175 damage", was the answer.

"$2175! What did she do? Wreck the carpet?"

"No, she's just behind 3 months on her rent."

At first I thought that wasn't my problem. Then I remembered, I'd cosigned for her. It was my problem!

"She gave me some legal talk", he went on, "trying to say it wasn't all due or something. I don't know what she was talking about. But I've been renting property in this town for 34 years and no fancy pants law school kid is gonna hoodoo me!"

After a little discussion Shirley and I withdrew a CD at the bank and met the landlord in front of the little house. He counted the money meticulously as if I had been the one cheating him before making out the receipt. Before he left he said, "When I was her age, any uncle I cheated like she done you would have tanned my hide! I still think these college girls would do better if somebody would whip their butts once in a while. Shouldn't say anything, but I'm old-fashioned and too stubborn to shut up!"

Samantha was peeking out the window at us. As soon as the landlord was gone she let us in. "Thank you so much, Uncle Joe and Aunt Shirley! I just got so far behind with the repair bills! But I'm caught up now, so it won't happen again."

"Repair? What repair?", I asked.

"Oh, didn't I tell you last month I had to get a new transmission for the car. BMW repairs are so expensive!", she answered.

"Well, that's too bad", Shirley said skeptically. "Did your dad know about it?"

"Oh, he's done so much, I just couldn't ask him", Samantha answered.

She was nervous. Of course, she'd just cost us our "new car fund". But I thought I was smelling a lie.

"So, where did you get the work done?", I asked. "I could have recommended a place."

"Oh, I took it to the dealership. That's what Daddy always did."

"Which one? The one on 395 or on Richmond Avenue?", I asked. Both were fictitious and Shirley recognized what I was doing. Her little smile told me she knew, but Samantha didn't see it.

"On Richmond", Samantha answered. "I called both and they gave me the better price."

I leaned close to her. "I can smell a lie that big from 800 meters. What did you really spend all that money on? Are doing drugs?"

"No!", was Samantha's shocked reply.

Shirley had it figured out. "It's clothes, isn't it?"

"Yeah", Samantha said, "shoes mostly."

"Shoes?", I asked. "How much can a pair of shoes cost?!"

"No, Joe, the question is how many pairs", Shirley explained. She looked hard at Samantha.

"Well, a few", the girl answered.

"Sammy", I said, "I'm not buying it. That you spent $2200 on clothes, mostly shoes, in 3 months. Show the stuff to Shirley. If you can convince her, I'll believe it."

As she turned toward her bedroom, I noticed her clothes for the first time. She looked great in them, really. The jeans made the best use of her curves and her sweater blouse looked very nice.

Shirley commented on them to me before following her. "Those blingy butt jeans by Lane Bryant cost about $80. The blouse is almost as much. I'm not sure about the shoes, but they aren't cheap."

I shook my head and went to the front window while Shirley inspected the closet and dresser drawers.

Returning, she said, "It's true, Joe. There's a fortune in designer stuff in there. Over a dozen pairs of shoes. Designer jeans and tops. She must have $400 in lingerie."

"Sammy, there is no excuse for this! Now I know why you didn't ask your dad! I can't imagine being so wasteful," I thundered.

"Uncle Joe", she started, "it's not all wasteful. I need to dress for success! I need to give clients the right impression."

"Sammy, you're not a lawyer yet! When you are, you will need several good-looking business-like outfits. When you're a 4th-year student trying to get on somewhere, you'll need a couple. You're in your first year! You don't need this stuff! Not as badly as you need to pay your rent! Watch The Rainmaker sometime. Get an idea of a lawyer being frugal."

"But, Uncle Joe, I look my best in this!"

"Looking good is nice, kid, but it must be balanced with your means. Why the expensive underwear? The only one who needs to be impressed with your underwear is your husband or maybe a boyfriend."

"Uncle Joe, it helps me feel confident and sexy. Don't the jeans look good?" She turned her bottom toward my showing the "blingy" stuff.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and hustled her to the arm of the sofa a few steps away. Bending her over, I planted a hard swat on each bling-covered hip pocket.

"Your butt will glow brighter than any of that blingy stuff on these pants, little lady", I told her as I delivered 6 more swats.

"But my blingy stuff sparkles, Uncle Joe", she said, surprising me with a taunting grin over her shoulder.

"Your bottom will feel like it's sparkling before I'm done with you", I answered and delivered 6 more swats.

As I let her up, Samantha backed away with a stubborn look in her eye. "Uncle Joe, I don't have to let you spank me for this", she said.

"No, I guess not", I answered. "This is a bigger deal than a spanking is good for anyway. What you need is to move back home and have your dad make sure your spending is reasonable. That's probably what will happen as soon as he finds out."

"Joe, you can't be threatening to call my dad about everything!" Sammy was yelling now.

"Who's threatening? You wasted over $2000 that he gave you for a particular purpose. You know very well he needs to know."

"Joe, NO! He'll make me quit law school!"

I shrugged. "Didn't you think about that when you went shopping?"

"No." Samantha's fight had left her and she looked deflated.

"One way or another, your father needs to know what you did. The responsible thing to do is to call him yourself. I think he'll respect that."

"Uncle Joe, would you help me convince him to let me stay?", she asked.

"I don't think I should", I answered. "You need oversight. You've proven that."

"Joe", Shirley said, "I have an idea. Just for your ears at the moment."

"OK, nose in the corner, Samantha", I said, giving her a swat on the bottom as she turned away.

"What's the big idea, Shirley?", I asked in a whisper.

"Well, we oversee Sarah already and she's more of a handful than Samantha", Shirley began.


"And you're about ready to move your computer stuff out of the 3rd bedroom into that new room you've added."

"Are you sure?", I asked. "That puts one more young woman in the house under your supervision most of the time."

"Well, she'll be at class several hours and wherever she studies several hours. It won't be like Sarah who can't leave without a corrections officer."

"Samantha", I called, "turn around. Shirley and I could let you stay in our home under our supervision. You would follow our rules, show us your bank statements, and, if needed, submit to our discipline. We're doing that for Sarah. I don't know how much you been told about her, but she's under house arrest for a series of things. If you would agree to that, I would try to get your dad to keep paying your tuition and allowance. Basically he'd know it wasn't being wasted. At least not to the same degree!"

"Thanks, Uncle Joe, but he won't go for it. I mean it, really, thank you. But Dad will say, 'You've got to learn there are consequences for your actions'. If I heard that once as a teenager, I heard it a million times."

"Well, your dad is right. But sometimes the consequences don't have to wreck a career. Of course, he may keep you home this year and let you come back next year."

"I don't think so. If I blow this, it's the only chance he's giving me at a school this expensive." Samantha was seeing no bright side at all.

"OK, Samantha, what consequences did he usually impose when he said that?", I asked.

"Depended on the situation. From age 8 to 15, he'd belt my bare ass. Once Mom caught me smoking. She paddled my bare bottom and then in less than an hour Dad belted me too. I was sore for days. When I got older he'd refuse me permission to go on a school trip or something."

"And was he satisfied with the punishment he gave? Would he restore fellowship and give you another chance?"

"Usually. When I was texting and driving, he didn't let me drive for a year though."

"But he did let you drive again. He gave you that BMW." I paused as I thought something over. "Why did he stop spanking you as you got older?"

"I think Mom insisted."

"So, do you think your dad would consider a belt spanking would be sufficient consequence for this? To keep you in school if you move in with us?"

"He might", Samantha answered. "Would you help me call him? If it's just me, he'll just get all upset and I won't be able to tell him everything."

"Certainly, I'll help you", I answered and sat down on the sofa. "Come here."

"Uncle Joe, I'll take the spanking if Dad goes for it."

"No", I answered, "you'll take the spanking before we call him. That way you can prove you're really getting punished."

"Prove? What do you mean?", she asked. But the look on her face said she knew.

"You'll send him a picture of your belted bottom when we get to that part", I answered.

"Uncle Joe, I can't do that!"

"Of course you can. If law school is that important to you, you'll take your punishment, you'll humble yourself, and you'll ask your dad to let you keep attending."

"You're right, Uncle Joe", Samantha said with a sigh. She came to stand in front of me.

"Well, I'll get some of this off before you go to the corner", I said as I unfastened her pants. "Remove your pants and blouse."

She obeyed and stood in front of me in red hipster panties and a matching plunge bra that complimented her generously sized breasts.

"Satin, huh?", Shirley said. "More LB? Those would be part of the reason you're in trouble, Samantha!"

"Yes, Aunt Shirley", Samantha answered.

"Put your nose in the corner, Samantha", I said. "I need to decide what your punishment will be."

Shirley and I watched the upscale underwear to the corner and them talked softly.

"I'm thinking of a hand-spanking for overspending, another for defending it, and the belt for skipping the rent", I said.

"OK", Shirley answered, "but remember that for Samantha the humiliation is as big a deal as the sting. She's pretty proud and protective of those breasts."

I nodded. "I'll embarrass her. But I'll sting her bottom too. And her legs. I think ... she will not like that second spanking."

"She won't like the belt!", Shirley said.

"Well, no, but I have something a little special for her second hand spanking."

"I see", said Shirley. "Now what about the lie about the car repair? Lies are generally belt spanking offenses."

"Definitely, but her rump will need a break", I answered. "I think I'll schedule a follow-up with her tomorrow."

I brought one of the straight wooden chairs from the table and set it in the middle of the room. After a few more minutes I went to the underwear-clad girl. "Hands on your head, little lady", I said. Then with a couple swats on her red satin panties, "Almost time to pay the piper for this dance." Then I unfastened her bra.

"Uncle Joe", she protested, "you let me keep that on almost until the end last time!"

"That was last time, Sammy", I answered and delivered two more swats.

I returned to the chair I'd brought in. "Come here", I called.

Samantha turned slowly to face us. Her hands were still on her head and she was trying to keep her arms positioned so the unfastened bra still covered her breasts. She was successful as she walked gingerly to me and stopped in front of me.

"Something's causing you extra concern, little lady", I said. I grabbed the middle of her bra and raised it above her nipples.

"Uncle Joe, please, no!", she said.

Without a word I grabbed the matching hipster and lowered it to her knees. I looked from her brown pubic hair to each nipple in turn, then to her face. Tears had started from her eyes.

Then I gave her the lecture. "Samantha, you have overspent terribly. Buying new clothes when you have a closet full of perfectly good ones is inexcusable. You're acting like a 13-year-old who just started getting a bigger allowance. You have money entrusted to you -- not just given, but entrusted for the purpose of putting you through school -- and you wasted it. You have risked your chance at a good career so you can have designer underwear every day." I raised the middle of her bra to her chin, then dropped it. "You're 22 years old and you have an opportunity very few young people in America get. But you are showing less responsibility than I would expect from a teenager. For that you will get your first spanking."

She had nothing to say and I continued. "You have defended your indefensible actions. You wouldn't admit your foolishness even when it cost us a lot of money. Your claim that you needed all this fancy stuff is preposterous. A 6-year-old should be ashamed to say something so foolish! You have all your needs provided, but have been given the respect to actually manage the money yourself. But when you make a foolish choice, you double down on it by defending it! For that you will get your second spanking."

Samantha's cheeks were red and moist with tears. I adjusted her elbows wider before continuing.

"You went so far as to fail to pay your rent, your most basic need. This one goes beyond you. It affects other people. I'm amazed your landlord didn't take action much sooner than he did. Your skipping rent makes it difficult for him to make his payments." I planted my forefinger on the middle of her chest and tapped it hard every few words for emphasis. "Your late payment threatened to make him late on payments on incur extra fees. You didn't even think about how you're actions affected someone else! For that you will get the belt. You will be too sore after that to be punished today for trying to lie to us about the reason. So tomorrow you will get the belt for that lie. I'll tell you then what use I have for liars. I'm not surprised when a 5-year-old lies, but you are much too old for that! Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"No, sir", she answered simply.

"Very well, let go of this", I said pulling her bra away from her. She slipped her arms out of it and returned her hands to her head. I motioned to my right side and she moved over and lay across my lap. I began spanking her with my typical pattern alternating left and right, working the lower buttocks, then the upper buttocks, then giving a couple swats to each thigh, then back to the lower buttocks. When I'd delivered 20 hard swats, I paused, took a better look at her bottom and aimed my last 2 swats low in the middle. I took another good look down at the bottom I'd punished. It was bright red, fairly evenly covered.

It had been a minute's hot work and my hand stung. I was sure her rump did.

"Stand up, Samantha", I said in a low commanding voice. "Slip out of your panties."

She obeyed, stepping easily free and standing naked except for her white cotton socks.

"Now sit on the floor at my feet", I told her. "I need to take your socks off."

"I can take them off, Uncle Joe", Samantha said between sniffles as she sat.

"No, I will", I answered.

She sat with her bottom in front of me and her legs toward my right, confused about what was coming next. A glance at Shirley said she understood little more than Samantha this time.

"Give me your right foot", I said and she lifted it toward me. "Turn so you're facing me", I ordered. She scooted around on the floor to face me as I moved her foot to my left side. When she was facing me I lifted her foot high, forcing her to drop back on her elbows looking up at me. With her foot high, I removed the sock, then gave the sole of her foot one sharp swat.

"Ouch", she said, still confused about the awkward way I was removing her socks.

A glance at Shirley showed she understood now what was about to be the center of attention. She moved to look over my shoulder as placed Samantha's bare right foot to my left. I placed her foot flat on the floor with her leg bent.

Her left foot lay to my right already, but I lifted it up near my shoulder before removing the sock and swatting the sole of the foot. Then I placed it on the floor with that leg bent.

"Samantha", I said leaning forward, "your next punishment is for defending your foolish actions -- for trying to cover them up as not being foolish. For this punishment you will be very uncovered."

I placed a hand on each knee and pushed them wide. As her legs spread, Samantha's face took on a horrified look and she brought both hands down to cover her spreading labia.

"Uncle Joe, no! Don't make me spread myself like that!", she begged.

I looked hard in her eyes before answering. "Sammy, you know you have no right to modesty when you're being punished. Put your hands behind your head."

Samantha looked fearfully toward her hands, to my face, over my shoulder to Shirley, and back to her hands. Then she slowly pulled her hands away and placed them behind her head as she lay on the floor. She continued to look toward her vulnerable vagina, probably wondering just how much she was showing me. She wasn't in perfect gyno exam position, but her outer labia were definitely spread and her inner labia slightly.

"The buttocks are not the only area that can be safely and memorably spanked, little lady. You'll remember a spanking on your inner thighs. And you need to remember this spanking. You must not insist on defending foolish decisions. Learn from your mistakes. Don't show me the hubris to look me in the eye and tell me something foolish wasn't! That's the kind of excuse-making I'd expect from a little girl." I paused for her to see me look at her spread vagina before looking back to her face. "Your obviously a girl, but you're a long way from being little any more."

I pressed a hand onto each thigh, my fingertips barely an inch from her spreading lips. Then I raised my right hand and brought it back down with a sharp swat. It was mostly wrist action, so not terribly hard, but Samantha winced and pulled that knee up slightly. I repeated with my left hand, then right, then left. After 2 swats on each thigh her knees had pulled far enough back together that swatting would be more difficult. I pushed her knees back out, farther than I had originally, and resumed the quick swats to the rarely punished area. Every 4 to 6 swats, I had to pause and spread her knees again. Every time I spread them again, Samantha's eyes glued themselves to the pubic hair she could see by looking between her breasts. Though her thighs were stinging, her attention was clearly on the tender lips she could not see but knew were opening in front of me.

When I reached 22 swats, I spread her knees again and held them wide as I addressed her. "Samantha, what did I just spank you for?"

"For justifying my foolish actions", she replied between sniffles.

"That's right, little lady. Wisdom can only be gained when you stop clinging to folly." I knew she needed to get up and blow her nose, so I kept the lecture short. "Will you remember this punishment?"

"Yes, sir", she sniffled.

"OK, go use some Kleenex, then get your nose in the corner", I told her.

The red-legged girl sat up and scooted back until she could climb to her feet, then went for some Kleenex. In a minute she was back and in the corner, rump still glowing from her first spanking.

"Hands on your head, Sammy", I reminded her. "I'll give your bottom a few minutes to cool off before the belt."

Shirley and I talked softly a few minutes while we waited. Both of us hoped the punishment would be enough to appease Anderson into continuing to send Samantha to school.

After 5 minutes ordered Samantha to face us. "Spread your legs to show me where I last punished you. Wider! Elbows back and chest out!" Samantha's cheeks turned red, but she obediently displayed her body.

In a few more minutes I changed her position again. "You've been thinking about the breasts you've been posing for us and the vagina you spread for me during your last punishment. It's time to think again about the butt that I'm about to belt. Turn around and get down on your knees. Put your nipples on the floor."

She struggled a little with the position, spreading her knees fairly wide to achieve it.

After Samantha had been in that position almost 10 minutes, I moved the chair near the doorway but facing into the room. Her bottom had cooled to pink and her labia appeared swollen.

"Get up and turn around, Samantha", I said in my deepest commanding voice.

She stood up and turned slowly, knowing the worst of her punishment was about to begin. Her breasts rose and fell quickly with her shallow breathing as she watched me remove my cell phone from my belt and lay it on an end table. Her nervous eyes followed my hands to the buckle as I unfastened it and drew it from the loops. I wrapped the belt around my fist until 24 inches hung free.

"Come take you belting, little lady", I ordered.

As the fully naked girl came back to the middle of the room, I saw that her inner thighs were still pink. When she stopped in front of me, fresh tears were starting from her eyes.

"I will not go as easy on you this time as last, Samantha", I told her. "I've left my belt longer and I will give you 22 swats. More if you cause any problems."

"Yes, sir, Uncle Joe, I'll try hard."

"Put your elbows on the chair."

She turned around and obeyed. I stepped to her right sight and made her lift her head and lower her shoulders. I stepped back both behind her and to her right side and surveyed her position. She appeared extremely vulnerable with her pink rump high and her white breasts hanging low.

I shook my head slowly about the punishment I was about to deliver with the stout leather in my hands.

Then I swung it hard across the middle of her bottom with a loud "CRACK!".

"Ow!" The expression was as sudden as the swat, but quiet. She swayed forward slightly but pushed her bottom back into position almost immediately.

Five seconds later I delivered the second swat a little lower. "Oww!" This time it was a little louder and a little higher pitched. Again she swayed and returned to position.

The third swat cracked across Samantha's sit spot and received a louder "Owww!" She wasn't yelling, but she was no longer quiet.

I placed the fourth exactly where I'd placed the 3rd. "Ow-howw-howw-howw!" The crying was in earnest now with her back shuddering and her breasts shaking.

The 5th swat was across the middle, the 6th at the top of her buttocks and the 7th a little lower than the middle. For each Samantha produced a long "ow-howww!" as her crying continued. But after each she dutifully returned her bottom to position for the next.

I gave her the 8th swat on her legs about 4 inches below her bottom. "No!", she shrieked. "Not my legs, Uncle Joe!" She wiggled them quickly in a desperate attempt to cool the fiery stripe across them.

"Hold 'em still, Sammy", I said. "I promise you at least 2 more on your legs."

"Y-y-yes-s, S-s-sir", she sobbed as she steadied herself.

Swat 9 was high on her bottom and she took it with just another "Ow-howw-howw". But when number 10 cracked her sit spot again, she dropped to her knees and sobbed.

"Sammy, I'll give you a break when you're half way, but not now. That swat didn't count. Get your butt back up here." I stepped behind her and gave her 3 swats on the side of her leg with my left hand.

When she was back in position I repeated swat 10 across the sit spot. "OOOOOWWWW!" was a long cry this time, but she stood fairly still. Swat 11 was on her legs just below her buttocks.

I looked Samantha's bottom over carefully. The left side had been more thoroughly punished than the right since I was standing to her right. Her stripes were bright but not turning into welts yet.

"Sammy", I said, "you may go get some Kleenex. Also get your phone. Shirley will take a picture as soon as I finish."

"Yes, sir", she said and obeyed.

I kept her standing with her breasts toward us for about 5 minutes before returning her to position with her elbows on the chair. Her bottom no longer showed stripes, but glowed intense red.

"Hold it still, Sammy", I said. "I'm going to make this good, and I will not put up with ANY foolishness. If you pull away once I'll give you 3 extras."

"Yes, sir", she answered through clenched teeth.

I unwound one turn of the belt from around my hand, effectively lengthening it by 6 or 7 inches. I was spanking for welts now.

The belt now made a brief "swish" before landing across Samantha's sit spot with a loud "Crack!"

"Oowwwww!" was a long moan as she flexed her knees and came slowly back to position.

I spanked more slowly now as I was spanking harder. I gave her about 10 seconds between swats. I worked my way up her rump, leaving an angry stripe across it with each swat. My fourth swat was at the top of her rump and I worked my way back to her sit spot where I laid the 7th.

The right half of her rump was covered in welts and the left side had a couple. With every breath she let out a long "oowww-hooow-hoow!" She had started wiggle her buttocks from side to side in a vain effort ease the fire they felt.

"Almost done, Sammy, hold 'em still", I reminded her.

She stopped wiggling and I delivered the 8th swat to the tops of her thighs. Again she flexed her knees, but brought her well-punished bottom back to position in a few seconds.

For the 9th I stepped back a little and delivered the full power of the swat to her nearer cheek, the left one. She nearly dropped to her knees, but caught herself and came back to position. "P-pl-please, n-no ex-ext-extras!"

"OK", I answered as I watched the welt I'd just formed stop wiggling.

I laid the 10th and 11th swats both across her sit spot, making the areas welts that much deeper. Sammy started wiggling again, but I stopped her.

"You're done, girl, now hold it still for a picture." I nodded to Shirley. She squatted down a little to Samantha's right and behind her and took the picture. When she had done so I told Samantha, "Get up, little lady."

When the sobbing girl faced us she asked, "Please, may I rub it, Uncle Joe?"

"For just a minute, Sammy, but remain facing us", I answered.

She arched her back, swayed, wiggled and did everything short of dancing as she rubbed away the worst of the sting. After a minute I stopped her and Shirley handed her phone to her.

"Get ready to send that to your dad, but wait until I say to actually send it", I told her.

"Yes, sir," she answered as she took the phone. Then she exclaimed, "Aunt Shirley, you didn't just get my butt! I can't send that to my dad!"

"Your father has seen bare breasts before, Samantha", was Shirley's firm reply. "It's the picture I took. It's the picture you'll send."

I was already locating Anderson's number on my phone.

"Wait, I'm not dressed yet!", Samantha protested.

"No", I answered, "you don't need to be. Now are you ready to send that pic?"

"Almost", she answered, and I dialed.

When Anderson recognized me he put on his tough-guy-camaraderie act. "How the hell are ya, Devildog?"

"I'm OK", I answered. "How about you?"

"Oh, I'm good", he answered. "The damn cardiologist keeps me ticking."

"Well, we had an incident here that needs your input, but it's under control. So ... what I mean is, don't do anything so the cardiologist will have to hear about it."

"Ah, don't worry about me! I'm as cool as hell!", he answered. Before I could remark on the unusual simile, he said, "Does this involve Sammy?"

"It does", I answered. I nodded to the nervous girl.

"Dad, I spent too much money on clothes", she began. As the story unfolded, I stepped in several times to calm the easily angered lawyer.

When she finished he said, "Sammy, you pack your shit and get your ass home. I'll call the school and withdraw you."

"Anderson", I said, "I wish you'd consider a different proposal. Samantha, being of age, has already consented and submitted to Shirley's and my discipline for this and we would be willing to take her under our roof and provide the guidance here that you would at home."

"What kind of discipline did she take, Joe? Marine discipline would make her run a while, right?"

I nodded to Samantha to send the picture as I answered. "That didn't seem the best option. She just sent you a picture."

"Holy shit! You whipped her ass good! Are you OK, Sammy?"

"Yes, Dad, but he spanked me as hard as you ever did, probably harder."

"Well, I guess he knows how to make you behave, girl. Just don't tell your mom about this!"

After several more minutes, it was decided. Samantha would get to continue school, but the next week she would move in with us. Anderson would send the next 3 months' rent to us to repay us for what we'd spent. She would show us her online bank records at least once a week. She would be subject to all our rules and any discipline we considered necessary.

"And mind you, young lady, you're under a suspended sentence here", Anderson said, "That simply means, if you fuck this up badly enough they can't keep you in line, you can come home. I don't think I need an irresponsible paralegal in the office, but McDonalds is hiring."

With that warning the phone call ended and Samantha took a deep breath.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Joe and Aunt Shirley", she said.

"You're welcome, Samantha", Shirley answered, "but don't forget to schedule your appointment with Joe's belt for lying to us."

"Oohh", she moaned. "Uncle Joe, you spanked me really hard. Can you count that for the lie too?"

"One spanking for 2 different things that each deserved the belt?", I asked.

"Yes sir", she answered. "It's just a matter of serving my sentences concurrently instead of consecutively."

I shot Shirley a disgusted look.

"Let me show you how bad it is!", Samantha said quickly and turned around and grabbed her ankles.

Her bottom was sore and welted.

"OK, 20 minutes in the corner and no more belt for what you did today", I said.

"Thank you, Uncle Joe!", she said and nearly danced to the corner.

45 minutes later, Shirley and I were backing out of the driveway. "I hope we know what we're doing", I said. Shirley gave a long slow nod.

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Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:28 pm

Re: Samantha wastes the rent [M/F]

Post by redbottbabygryl » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:57 pm

Awesome story, please write more!

Posts: 13
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:32 pm

Re: Samantha wastes the rent [M/F]

Post by roseofsharon1 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:37 pm

I enjoyed that very much! Thanks for sharing with us.

Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:07 am

Re: Samantha wastes the rent [M/F]

Post by johncook » Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:01 pm

They should keep her naked and spanked all the time that she's there. And sand that picture to everyone on her friends list on facebook,

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