[/b]PART 7[/b]
Tracy (cont):
I had agreed with Clemency, Ruby and Jane about what Tabby needed. I was certain that what we were doing was for her own good. I knew that it was essential that I follow through on the promise.
Yet that Tuesday night I was uncomfortable. Tabby was my best friend in the World. Even though I had not seen much of her in the previous year I still felt closer to her than to my parents, siblings or teammates or classmates.
In the old days a parent or teacher is supposed to have said before giving a spanking:
“This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you”
I literally did feel that. I also, however, knew that if we were going to change Tabby’s behavior the spanking had to be good, or do I mean bad. I did not sleep much that night. I made my plan. It was very simple. It would be both VERY severe and very short.
Tabby (Cont):
So I woke up on that Wednesday morning. I was aware that my rear, especially on the right side was rather raw. Furthermore, despite the extensive rinse I had the previous night I could still taste a little soap in my mouth.
I thought about how different everything had become. Firstly I was ordered to take leave. Then, without having any choice, my lover, and her daughter my daughter and a young lady I had once thought of as a friend had hurt and humiliated me. Oh and I knew that I would have another spanking in the morning.
I came downstairs a little after seven. Everyone was ready for me. I was still in my pajamas, I did not want to disobey and make things worse. Everyone else was fully dressed.
Breakfast was nice. Tracy cooked mine. Ruby did not even make too much of a fuss about some of us eating meat. Then a little after eight, when breakfast was finished Clemency washed the dishes. Next it happened. Tracy addressed me:
“Taylor Abigail Brown, you do NEED to learn to accept spankings when you deserve them. Because you resisted Clemency’s spanking I will have to give you one. I think after this you will learn it is much better to do what Clemency says.”
She sat on a tall chair. She wore a long dress. You could almost have believed that she was a 1950s housewife, although she was too tall. I saw her pat her lap. I went over it. In scale I looked like a naughty little girl, also from the 1950s. The ‘jammies with the pretty elephant pictures strengthened this impression.
I could see myself in a mirror. I later realized that this was planned. I felt and saw her pulling down my pajama pants. Clemency handed her that huge hairbrush and:
The incredibly heavy hairbrush blows came in very quick succession. It hurt pretty well as much as anything I ever experienced. And they hit mainly my left buttock, which had not experienced much from Clemency the night before. I screamed as much as I cried.
In less than 20 seconds I resolved NEVER to do anything to annoy Tracy ever again. The spanking lasted more than three minutes.
Suddenly the whole atmosphere changed. Tracy lifted me up and hugged me:
“All over Tabby, Aunt Tracy has forgiven Tabby for being a naughty girl. And guess what, Aunt Clemency has got a really pretty dress and some lovely ribbons…”
I did not really like what I saw of my new ensemble. The shoes were for a little girl. The dress, even more so. The socks were just for the ankles. Still I let my daughter take off my pajamas.
I guess I was relieved that I actually got to wear a bra. Still the one chosen was uncomfortable. It was a girl’s sports bra, designed to stop the early developing breasts from getting in the way during athletic activity. I had on occasion worn as push up bra. This was the first time I had tried a ‘push down’ bra.
The dress buttoned up at the back, with many small buttons. Again I felt I was rather being trapped. Still it was a lot nicer than being spanked.
Obviously I did not want to sit down so, as requested, I crouched a little whilst Clemency sat on that tall chair and slowly, and in truth lovingly braided my hair into rather cute ribbon bows. I did not resist my 14-year-old daughter’s rather effective efforts at disguising me as a tall 8 year old.
The next thing that happened was we played Monopoly. I won. I, of course, stood whilst other people sat round the table. I now thing the others let me win.
I got given some books to read. They were the Paddington series. I had liked reading them to Clemency when she was about 8. I was still kind of amused. (For people outside England I should tell you the Paddington stories are about a bear who is very like a human child who becomes part of a family in England, they were written in the 1950s but they are still nice)
We then watched some videos. They were actually black and white versions of adventure series from the 1950s. I quite liked “Robin Hood” and “The Buccaneers.”
Jane and Ruby went shopping. Somehow they managed to get vegetarian versions of my favorite foods. I have to admit that the veggie sausages were almost as nice as the real thing, with the great virtue of not being accompanied by Ruby’s lectures.
I did not like being sent to bed at 8pm. Still I decided that obeying was preferable to another spanking, even from Clemency. After my bath Jane applied ointment to my rear. I felt a lot better in lots of ways.
I wondered what my lover felt. Jane too, was in effect, being denied some kinds of adult company.
The next few days were rather similar to Wednesday, though they did not start with a spanking. I had fun playing games. We went out and played ‘hide and seek’. We also had some nice walks and saw lovely flowers and pretty birds and animals.
Then they found a recreation ground. There were lots of actual children. I was embarrassed by how well I fitted in using the slide and the swings. People were a lot less comfortable about Tracy, who looked like she was nearly an adult, doing the same.
I later saw Tracy having a long chat with a teenage girl who seemed to be watching 3 little kids. As we drove through the town I saw a movie theatre.
I started resenting being treated like a kid. I shouted and I stamped my foot one night. Then I got a slightly different spanking. Clemency still spanked me. I was relieved that she did not use the hairbrush but the hand spanking felt even more humiliating, especially as I just let her have me across her knees, pull down my childish panties and spanked. Then I got the mouth soaping.
I was not allowed to rinse my mouth during my bath. I was left overnight with a soapy mouth. I tried to control myself but still got cross a few times.
By the way I soon did not know what day it was. Each seemed a lot like the last one. I did try to relax and have fun, but every so often resentment set in. I noticed Clemency, Jane and Tracy reading very grown up books. I was reading something aimed at 10 year olds.
I asked if I could borrow Ruby’s book, which she was not reading. Then Clemency explained things
“No Tabby, that’s for big girls.”
I ignored it and picked up the book. Tracy took it away from me. Then I slammed the living room door and yelled
“I’m not a baby, don’t treat me like one.”
I knew what would happen next. Still I hated it. Clemency told me:
“You’ve been a naughty girl, you need a spanking. If you go over my knees now I won’t need Miss Hairbrush.”
Again I allowed myself to experience the humiliation. This time it was followed by a long time lifting up my dress and petticoat whilst standing in the corner with my panties around my ankles.
I got a couple of nasty shocks that evening. Firstly Jane chose to cook things she well knew I was not keen on. I sort of played with the eggplant and sprouts when Clemency said:
“If you prefer I can feed you Tabby.”
At that point I stuffed the food in my mouth, even though it made me gag. However just after tea Tracy, who clearly seemed to be in charge had an announcement for me.
“Since Tabby has not been acting like a big girl she needs to have an earlier bedtime, like a LITTLE girl.”
After Clemency and Ruby bathed me Jane came in. My lover had a razor.
“Tabby, darling, during your vacation you ARE going to be a LITTLE girl. We need to make you like a little girl on the inside.”
I allowed my big girl hair ‘down there’ to be removed by the lady who I had previous had some ‘big girl’ fun with.
Two days later there was talk about a movie. It was a foreign language show aimed at adults. It was agreed that it was not right for Clemency, or me. Then I heard the thing that shocked me. It was from Ruby
“We don’t think that Clemency should be left on her own and little girls cannot baby-sit. So Tracy had a chat with Jenny Peters, you know who looks after the triplets we often see at the recreation ground. She will be here in five minutes.
“Tracy had told her that if she is good Clemency does not have a bedtime but that Tabby needs to be in bed by seven..”
I then lost control and yelled:
“You f***ing B**CH.” I’m not a BABY so I don’t need baby sitting.”
I was yelling, stamping my feet and slamming doors when the doorbell rang. Jenny arrived. Jenny talked to Tracy:
Then Jenny really ruined things:
“Ms Taylor…”
She was addressing Tracy.
“You did say I was to be strict with Tabby. I think you should leave now, or you’ll miss the movie. I will DEAL with this little madam…”
Jenny was about 16 and of average height and strength. Sadly that meant that she could and did overpower me. Clemency handed the teenager the hairbrush.
This spanking actually did last fifteen minutes. I was crying, kicking and uselessly struggling for fourteen of them.
For the next forty minutes again I was in a corner holding up my dress and petticoat. Tracy and Clemency had usually left my panties around my ankles, but I am not sure having them round my knees was much better. During that time I wondered about trying to tell Jenny of my situation. I decided on balance it was less humiliating to be thought of a naughty 8 year old than admit that at 38 I had submitted to the sixteen year old’s severe spanking.
Then at bedtime I was not bathed but put under the shower. Jenny did wash me, but with a lot less gentleness than I had experience earlier.
Jenny also turned out to be very good at mouth soaping. Worst of all Clemency (how did I give her that name) told her.
“When Tabby uses naughty words and needs a soapy mouth this late she has to wait until the morning before she is allowed to rinse out.”
Clemency’s story:
I was not yet 15 that autumn. I knew how well Tracy’s system worked in making adults in a household do their share. I also understood, more than she realized, my Mom’s problems
I was sure that Tabby really did need a period where she had no responsibilities. I knew she resented it. On the other hand a lot of the ‘little girl’ activities were quite fun. Actually I liked some of it – which can be harder at 15 than 38.
The funny thing was that in some ways my Mom acted liked a LITTLE girl. She threw tantrums. I was amused. I had some concerns about getting her back after the 7 weeks were over but that was a worry for another day.
I gave Tabby a spanking about every couple of days. In a way these were different. I never felt that I needed the hairbrush, let alone to ask for Tracy’s help. My mother’s emotional states was such that I could easily get tears with my hand on Mommy’s rear, sometimes even on her little girl panties.
In lots of ways it was rather good for our health. Tracy and I, being sportswomen, were very fit. We were in a beautiful part of Yorkshire. We did a lot of walking. By the way though Tabby had a compulsory early bedtime the rest of us also got into bed well before 10pm. We often left home for our walks before 8am.
When it rained we spent a lot of time watching videotapes and playing games. I have to admit we often did let Tabby win.
Sadly for the first three weeks Tabby was not reconciled to her position. She HATED the early bedtime and kind of resented being bathed. I actually think part of her liked the attention in the bathroom.
At least ten times a day Tabby said:
“Please stop treating me like a baby.”
A couple of little scenes made me decide that an even more drastic reduction in my mother’s responsibilities was called for. We did not let Mommy listen to the news and weather but did check it (usually on the car radio outside). That day it was raining in the morning but the forecast was good. So I planned an early lunch and a lot of walking.
At lunch I cooked desert. It was apple crumble or apple crisp. I also made some custard. Mommy really liked this desert. However she also had a particular idea of what went with it.
I offered he custard:
“Tabby want ice cream…”
She yelled. She slammed the door and ran upstairs. Of course it was necessary after desert for me to put my mother across my knees, I did not use the hairbrush but I did give her a long heavy spanking on her bare bottom.
I did not stop when she started to cry. I think the spanking lasted nearly 10 minutes. And of course Tabby ended up not getting any apple crisp.
Well we had a nice walk but suddenly it rained again. Luckily there was a little café and we decided to eat our supper there rather than cook one at home. There was a little girl of about three in the café. The child was obviously very stressed. Still I saw the kid, with a nappy visible under her dress but speaking more than you might expect.
“Amy not have sprouts
“No sprouts…”
“NO sprouts!”
The toddler stamped her feet. She turned her plate and the bowl of sprouts onto the floor.
That night, after we were sure that Tabby was asleep I made my suggestion to Tracy. At first she thought it was absurd.
The next morning again we got:
I said
“Tabby, Mommy you are NOT being treated like a baby but please stop saying that.”
In the next few days we had one more tantrum from the 38 year old and saw one in the playground from a three year old.
Again we met Jenny. Tabby had complained about all the walking. I had an idea. Tracy agreed.
Now Tabby did not like all the walking we did. The weather forecast was good. I had a suggestion.
“If Tabby does not want to go out walking Jenny could baby-sit her and the triplets..”
Tabby yelled:
“I DON’T need BABY sitting.”
Then Tracy warned:
“If Tabby does not want to be babysat she can walk with the rest of us. But every time she complains she will be spanked AND have her mouth washed out with soap.”
Tabby Cont:
I did not like the idea of this 17-year old- Jenny had just had a birthday- babysitting me. The triplets, Holly, Molly and Polly were 11. They were taller than me and pretty well as developed in the front (despite my being 38 and a mother).
I heard about Jenny’s family situation. Sadly her mother’s husband had died. Jenny’s mother got reasonable pensions but wanted more money and independence. That of course meant going out to work. This meant, that especially in the summer, Jenny did a lot of babysitting.
It was a couple of days after the triplets 11th birthday. Holly told me:
“Mummy has decided that because we’re 11 Jenny can’t spank us any more.”
Jenny asked me how old I was. I did not want to lie. But I could not tell the truth. I answered
“Older than you think.”
Jenny smiled:
“Well I THINK when I see your behavior that you’re about 6.”
Oh and Jenny told me that my “Aunt Clemmy” had given her permission to spank me.
Late on the first morning I was BABY-sat there was an argument. Holly and I shouted at each other about the television. Holly was sent to stand in the hall. However Dolly and Polly got to watch whilst Jenny put me across her knees.
Up went my dress, down came my panties.
I was soon crying. It was incredibly shaming as well as very painful. Oh and joined Holly, then I both of us standing in the hall, with my nose to the wall. However I had to hold up my dress and show off my bottom as the other two girls walked past going to the bathroom.
Then Jenny said:
“The next time Tabby is naughty Jenny will use her hairbrush.”
Tabby (Cont.):
I felt very embarrassed that the triplets, at 11, were perhaps half an inch taller than I was. The worst was that Jenny treated me as about 3 years younger than her sisters.
I decided that it was easier to play along. I played games with the other ‘kids’. Actually it was good to have the sense that people were NOT letting me win. After I whipped Holly at Chess Jenny did not want to play me.
I got to see a slightly wider range of television. Jenny’s Mom was away working. Then I heard that the following evening a ‘sleepover’ was arranged. Mary 13 and her little sister Sarah, aged 9 would be staying so would Christine 14 and her little sister Penny, aged 6.
Tracy drove to collect me the first day I had been baby-sat. Holly asked her:
“Can Tabby come to our sleepover?”
Tracy’s response was:
“I’ll think about it.”
She did not ask me. I hoped that the sleepover would be a bit less shaming than my usual nights. On the sleepover I would not have an 8pm bedtime or be bathed by kids. At least I would not need to let youngsters give me my bath.
During the next day three times Jenny tapped her hand with the hairbrush but I avoided any actual spanking. However that evening Tracy arrived. She had brought my ‘jammies.
I suffered two humiliations that night. I was given the first chance to have my bath and get into my nightwear. My pajamas were very childish with the elephant pictures on them.
I found out I would be with the little girls Penny and Sarah. I noticed that their pajamas looked less infantile than mine. We all played Monopoly in our nightwear. Holly, Polly and Molly wore the sort of nighties Jane and I used to wear when we had fun in bed.
A little after nine PM the ‘little girls’ including me were sent to bed. (At least it was much later than what Tracy, Jane and Clemency had been allowing me.
As I sat on the bed I noticed something. It felt odd. I then realized that there was a waterproof sheet on the bed.
I removed the plastic sheet. Jenny saw me. She told me:
“Tabby what are you doing?”
I replied:
“I’ve not wet the bed for..”
I hesitated, I was going to give the game away by saying 35 years. Then I said after a pause I said
“Some years and I won’t be treated as if I was a bed wetter.”
Jenny responded:
“I’m not taking any risk, put it back.”
I shook my head. This was an error. In the next twenty seconds I found myself across Jenny’s knees on the bed. Down came my pajama pants. Then down came the hairbrush
I was quickly crying kicking and struggling. The spanking seemed to last a long time. It was worse because not only did the other little girls watch but also the triplets and their friends joined them. It was the biggest audience I had ever suffered for a spanking.
Finally Jenny asked:
“Has anyone else questions about their bedding?”
I found it hard to get to sleep partly because of my sore behind and partly because of the noise and chat from the next door. I finally did get to sleep. I was woken at about 6am.
Sarah had wet the bed. She was very upset. I suddenly found myself back being a professional
“It’s all right. You know there are lots of kids your age who have accidents at night. They grow out of it and so will you.”
I think that Sarah was actually quite grateful when I took her into the bath and showered her. She was able to get dressed. I read her a story from Paddington, Paddington makes a bid, I think.
I was feeling quite good. I was surprised when the doorbell rang at a little after 8 in the morning. Luckily I was dressed. Tracy explained to Jenny:
“We’re going to be busy with Tabby today. We have SPECIAL plans for Tabby.”
I did not like the sound of that. I was right too. As we drove across the Moor Tracy said:
“You keep saying we’re treating you like a baby. That’s not true but we’re going to change that.”
I did not get her meaning. I do not thin I could have guessed just how much responsibility I was about to give up.
I walked into the living room. Tracy held my hand. I was wearing a knee length dress, my hair was in pigtails and my ankle socks were pink. Being just under five foot you actually could think I was a child- perhaps as young as 8. I thought that I could not be more helpless or humiliated. How wrong I was to be.
To my surprise Clemency handed me a couple of packages. They were gift-wrapped. I carefully undid the ribbons and the tape on the first one. I was confused:
“Towels are very nice but they are not usually a present…”
Clemency smiled:
“They're not exactly towels, open the other package.”
I obeyed my daughter. The second package contain plastic panties and large diaper pins.
“What is this about?”
Tracy told me:
“I told you that you kept falsely saying we treat you like a baby and that we would change that. Now it won’t be false.
“Once Clemency has finished folding you nappies I’d like you to lie down like a good baby so that she can pin you into your new undies.”
I stood up, stamped my feet and yelled:
“You’re NOT going to treat me like a baby. I will NOT let you.”
Tracy then grabbed me. I struggled but she is so much bigger than me. Jane put a waterproof sheet onto the sofa. Then I found myself lying on my back . Ruby took hold of my arms.
With her right hand Tracy held my legs into the air. Clemency handed her the hairbrush.
“I had heard about different way of spanking. I believe that your countrywomen call this the diaper position.”
I was not able to struggle with both my hands and legs restrained. I could actually see Tracy’s face as she hit my bottom with the hairbrush.
“Stop it. You can’t do this. You’ll be in so much trouble…”
My protests gradually changed to crying. The humiliation was all the greater, as Clemency slipped the folded diaper under my bottom. The spanking did not stop.
I think it was the longest spanking and most severe I ever had. Of course corner time was not on the agenda this time. Ruby removed my dress.
Tracy kept my feet in the air and apart. Clemency very slowly and very carefully positioned the nappy and then firmly fastened it with the safety pin. The next thing was a surprise.
A second terry cloth toweling diaper was placed under my butt. Again it was pinned in place. Tracy moved my feet closer together so that Clemency could slip the plastic panties over my feet. Up my feet went. Clemency carefully made sure that the clear panties totally covered my bulky absorbent dydees.
“It is obvious that we will have to treat you as a BAD baby this morning.”
Clemency explained. She went on.
“I remember babysitting a two year old who undid his nappies. We will not let Tabby do that so Aunty Clemency made these.”
I saw a pair of mittens. I tried to resist but Tracy held each hand as Clemency placed the mittens over my hands and put them in place. The mittens also had little attachments. I did not then know their significance.
Tracy pulled me to my feet. I saw myself in the mirror. I was still wearing childish shoes and socks. My push down bra was still there. But I could clearly see my hugely bulky diapers very visible under my plastic panties. I felt still felt the pain in my behind but it was the shame that caused me to cry.
I did not resist as Clemency put me into my new dress. It seemed to have a LOT of buttons, all at the back. Then Tracy had a surprise.
“NAUGHTY children sometimes go places they shouldn’t”[/b]
I saw what she held. It was a set of toddler reins. I resisted but could not stop the reins being placed over me. My mittens were clipped to the front of the reins.
Then Clemency announced:
“Breakfast time.”
Tracy opened the door to the dining room. Clemency held the reins. I walked, or rather waddled into the kitchen diner. I then saw the large high chair. Tracy lifted me into it and then the tray was clicked into place. I also heard other attachments on the reins being clipped to the chair.
It was odd. Usually the shame of corner time added to my humiliation. Tracy, Clemency and the others, rightly, assumed that the shame of diapers would be worse than corner time. There was one advantage of corner time; it put off the time when my weight went onto my sore rear. Actually that was a good aspect of being diapered. The nappies did sort of act like a soft cushion for my poor hiney.
Clemency then looked at me.
“If Tabby had been a good baby she would have coco pops. But since she is so bad we have got lots of baby food. Lots of liver and spinach, just what naughty children need but do not like to eat.”
I saw the spoon and the plastic bowl. I would have tried to push it away but I could not. Clemency lifted the spoon. I shut my mouth. Ruby squeezed my nose.
I saw that the bowl was very large and the spoon very small. My feeding took forty minutes. Tracy, Clemency and Ruby took turns to feed me whilst they ate what they knew was my favorite food.
Then toast was made. Clemency had another announcement
“If Tabby had been a good baby we would feed her bread soldiers with marmalade. But since she is a bad girl she can have marmite.”
Marmite is a British spread. It is very salty. Clemency and Jane love it. Ruby and I hate it. I could not avoid eating the disgusting stuff.
I was feeling quite full. I did need a drink. I watched the others drinking coffee as they took it in turns to give me oversized baby bottles of grapefruit (which I do not like) and milk. I do not exactly hate milk but I had not had it as a drink for a long time.
The television was moved into the room. I was left strapped into the chair.
Now I am a very smart person. I figured that if I really stretched I would be able to undo one of the clips on my right wrist with my mouth. Then I would be able to undo the other clips. Then, I would be strong enough to get out of the chair and remove that ridiculous dress, I would not be sorry about tearing it instead of unbuttoning it.
I saw Clemency carrying an oversized pacifier. I decided to cooperate and then when they were not looking spit it out. I was in for a surprise. Now I did go through a very brief punk phase. Unfortunately there was a legacy form that phase, it consisted of lip piercing. The pacifier had tiny rings that fitted in.
So a little after 9.30 am I was left strapped into the high chair. The television was in front of me, with a mirror next to it. I could not help seeing 36 five minute repeats of an edition of “The Wooden Tops”, and especially silly toddlers TV show carefully recorded for me on a VCR tape. I could also see myself. I was helpless. I could see my infantile dress and I could see my underwear.
Oh and as the pacifier was being fixed in place I became aware of something else. Since Clemency’s birth, in spite of doing all the exercises I found that quite often I really HAD to run to the bathroom. I had that feeling again but I could not get to the bathroom.
I used all my strength and concentration to avoid, or at least put off the shame. Clemency had popped in once and checked my still dry nappies.
Then I could not help it. I saw the clock read 10.10 and I decided the agony of holding my bladder was worse than the shame of wetting diapers. So I wet them. Even though I had so much bulk I could see the yellow stain in the mirror. I was actually still wetting when Clemency came in.
“So baby’s used her nap naps. Tracy says it would do the NAUGHTY baby good to stay in soggy dydees for a while and I agreed.”
I ‘used’ my underwear twice more for its intended purpose. I actually feared it that there would be a leak.
Just after half past twelve the Jane and the girls came back. Tracy then talked to me:
“I do think that Tabby needs some days…”
I was shocked by ‘days’. I had hoped it would be hours but then it was better than ‘weeks’ in this condition.
“As a baby without ANY responsibilities..”
Are needed by Tabby. But we decided to give Tabby a choice.
“If Tabby wants to be a BAD baby we can cope with that. She can expect us to choose the food she hates and make sure she eats it. She can stay for a long time in wet or dirty nappies. Oh and maybe Jenny might be invited to BABY- sit her.
“If Tabby wants to be a good baby we will be nice to her. We will change her if she is even a little bit wet. We will find nice food and treat her mostly like real babies are treated. Of course she will have to use only baby words. Oh and if she wants to she can say if she needs to go poopies and we will put her on the big girl potty (though she will still use nap naps for wee wees)”
“So Tabby, if you want to be a GOOD baby nod your head and if you want to be a NAUGHTY baby shake your head.”
The thought of Jenny seeing me like this was so awful that I nodded my head.
So I allowed my nappies to be changed. I lay down on the plastic sheet. Clemency was very careful and gently in washing around the diaper area. It was also nice having a cool baby wipe on my behind, which was still sore from Tracy’s spanking
The next two and a half days were VERY humiliating but not as unpleasant as I expected. I was always pinned into only one nappy. As soon as there was a slight leak I cried or said:
“Tabby want nap nap.”
Each change time was careful and gentle. Actually when I needed the bathroom for the other reason the girls undid my underwear and let me essentially act like a grown up, except that when I had finished wiping myself Clemency, Ruby or Tracy went into the room and pinned me back into a nappy an put me into plastic panties.
All my feeding and changing was accompanied by ridiculous baby talk commentaries.
“Here comes the choo choo”
“Who’s a Miss waterworks…
“Who’s der biggest baba in der whole wide World den?”
I did not have to sleep in that ridiculously decorated bedroom. However my crib was placed in the big bedroom and Clemency kept an eye on me.
Oh and there was something else. The first time I had wet my diapers I had been strapped into the High Chair. I literally had no choice.
Now it was a little different. Physically I could have taken off my plastic panties, unpinned my napkins (an old fashioned word for dydees that Jane sometimes used), and gone up to the bathroom. But I knew that the consequences of being a bad baby would have been dreadful. The first couple of times I wet my nappy I had to make a real effort.
Oh and there was a scary couple of trips. This was a very empty area. Nobody could see me. Still it was scary walking on the lane wearing the nappy and the reins with Tracy holding the reins. The trouble was from a distance, and Clemency took some Polaroid photographs. It did not look that absurd. Tracy wore her tallest shoes and had her tallest hair. My shoes were thin as well as flat.
Tracy had some photographs of my diaper changes as well. And during some of these there was a tape as Clemency said:
“Let’s get your bum out of the way Miss waterworks. What are we to do with Taylor Abigail Brown? I mean I changed her forty minutes ago and again she needs it, I guess some babies are very immature..
“Id Tabby very immature den?”
And I somehow found myself saying
“Tabby id vewy im- mate- ure….”
I spent two days and nights in nappies. I was VERY grateful to go back to being a little girl. Unfortunately my bottom got other kinds of attention from Clemency, sometimes using the hairbrush.[/color]
Family power structures Part 7 (re written re post)
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