Niki and Sammy Jo

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Niki and Sammy Jo

Post by rachelredbum » Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:45 pm

It was a good dinner party. I knew it would be. No alcohol but lots of good conversation and good food. I cooked the food so I know its good. There is nothing I like better than to fuss around in the background while my guests enjoy each other's company.

So I fussed and put out food and cleaned up while my guests chatted and made friends. I pride myself on making a relaxing atmosphere for my guests.

All of a sudden, one of the guests said "my god its 2AM!" This caused some laughter for most, but my youngest guest, a 17 year old named Nicki got nervous and quiet.

"What's wrong, Nicki," I asked.

"I was supposed to be home two hours ago," she said, morosely. She looked very sad. All the guests gave her a hug before leaving. I offered to drive her home and talk to her mom. "You don't know my mom," she said.

"I don't care," I said. "Are you afraid you will be punished," I asked. She nodded. "Will the punishment be a spanking," I asked. She nodded again. "Oh, hun I'm so sorry. I forgot that you had to be home by midnight. Its all my fault. I know what it's like. I got the hairbrush until I was 16. Let me drive you home and I'll talk to your mom." Finally she agreed.

It was a quiet ride. There wasn't much to say. I was determined to prevent her spanking. I wasn't sure how, but I didn't want her to suffer for my mistake.

We met her mom at the door of the house. "Mrs. Jones, I'm the reason why Nikki is late. Please don't punish her. She told me that she had to be in by midnight and I completely forgot."

She smiled and let us in the house. "I'm afraid that I cannot not punish her, Sammy Joe. She's grounded and knew what would happen if she was late coming home." Nikki hadn't mentioned that little detail, but I should have guessed.

"Will that mean a spanking," I asked simply. She nodded. I then took my heart in my hand and said "Let me take her spanking for her." The both looked at me, shocked. "I'm 19 so you dont have to call my parents. Besides which I was spanked till age 16 so its not like its never happened before."

Mrs Jones thought for a moment. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nodded. She looked at me hard for a couple minutes but I held her gaze. "All right," she said simply, "I accept your offer, but I won't go easy on you."

"I understand," I said.

"Nicole, go fetch the paddle for me," her mom said. I stifled a gasp, which was thankfully not noticed. I'd gotten the hairbrush many a time but never been paddled. This could be a long ride home afterwards. Nicole returned shortly and handed her mother the paddle. It was like a wide ruler with a handle. "Still want to go through with it," her mother asked.

"yes, let's do it," I said, firmly. Nickie looked at me. astonished and grateful it wasn't her.

"Spankings around here are, ah, on the bare, but I will let you keep your panties on ok?" I nodded. She sat on the couch. I pulled my jeans down to half mast and went over her lap. The first smack was a shock. They always are. You never forget how much a hairbrush hurts but it always hurts more than you remember. Looks like the same is true of the paddle. It kept coming down hard at about one second intervals. By the sixth swat I was crying. She certainly meant it when she said that she wouldn't go easy on me. After about three dozen swats I was crying like a baby and my bottom was red and splotchy. After another dozen swats the spanking was over and she helped me up. "You are a very brave young lady, Sammy Jo," she said, hugging me. "Its all over now and I'm very impressed by you. Thankyou for doing this for my Nicky"

"You spank as hard as my mom," I exclaimed. We both giggled a bit at that.

"I warned you, hun! Seriously though I'm glad you did it. I really didn't want to do it to Nicole, but I have to be consistent," she explained.

"I understand," I said, through the tears.

"Now, go stand in the corner for a few minutes and compose yourself," she said.

While I was standing there, Nicole and her mom had a great conversation. Probably one that was long overdue. "See Nicole, that could have been you standing there," her mother started.

"I know, mom. I'm sorry," she said, through her own tears. I purposely held back my own tears with considerable effort. I wanted to hear this conversation.

"Sweetie," she began, "You should have called. I would have understood. Do you think I like being so mean," she asked. Nicole must have nodded as her mom giggled a bit. "No, Nicky, its not like that. Certainly I am hard on you," she admitted, "But its part of the job of being a parent," she started to explain.

"You certainly do that part of the job very well," Nicole said, with a note of playful sarcasm. The both laughed heartily at that. I must admit that I had a hard time not giggling and was glad they could not see my smile.

"Any parent worthy of the name," she started to explain, "will punish their kids when they are bad. They will also set reasonable expectations for their kids and hold them to those standards, punishing if necessary. its not always a spanking, is it, Nicky." She must have shook her head, as her mom continued on. "We have to teach you the difference between right and wrong because as an adult the consequenses can be a lot more severe. Remember what happened to dad?"

"Yea," she said, with a sniffle.

"I don't want that to happen to you. He's been in prison a long time now," her mom said, with a note of sadness. I didn't know about that. That definitely gave me a new perspective on both her and her mother. No wonder she's so damned strict. I wonder what he did? "I want youto be self controlled and confident and studious and responsible,"

"I try, mom, really I do," Niki said

"I know you do, sweetie, and I love you and I am happy with your efforts," her mom said. "You are a wonderful young lady, its just that sometimes you do stupid things thats all. Thats when I have to punish." Niki started whimpering a bit at that. "Ok Sammy Jo, you can come out of the corner now," she said

I turned around and I wasnt sure which one was more teary-eyed, Niki or her mom. I did up my jeans and hugged both of them. There was much sorries and apologies all around.

"Thank you for taking my spanking, Sammy Jo," Niki said. I smiled weakly.

"Thank you for doing this, Sammy. I know it wasn't easy," her mom said, "but I think the two of us have a better understanding of each other now." Niki nodded and I smiled again

I drove home on a decidedly sore bottom. I was glad that I could help Niki understand her mom better. It was a conversation she and her mom probably needed to have for months. Itws unfortunate that my bottom had to be the catalyst for that!

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Re: Niki and Sammy Jo

Post by niki1985 » Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:52 pm

Thanks for story Hun. XOXO

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Re: Niki and Sammy Jo

Post by Often123 » Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:14 am

That was a great story, rachel, and it had all of the elements. A loving parent, explanations, and even background. Not to mention a good spanking. More, please.

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Re: Niki and Sammy Jo

Post by recluse » Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:29 am

Well written, sensitive, and unusual in its twists... very commendable! :)

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Re: Niki and Sammy Jo

Post by gshaunm » Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:13 pm

Another fine story Rachel.

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Re: Niki and Sammy Jo

Post by Dadof_3 » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:17 pm

Interesting story line, nice twist and turn

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Re: Niki and Sammy Jo

Post by sirthomas » Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:39 am

Great story, so rarely do we see all of the aspects in some of these spanking stories. You well reminded me of the stories my wife use to tell me of she and her Mother's relationship. Please, more stories like that one. Fantastic job. Sir Thomas

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