Repost of: The Brilliant Idea I Thought I had

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Repost of: The Brilliant Idea I Thought I had

Post by lispank » Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:39 pm

I came up with a brilliant plan to get myself on track and caught up with housework, well at least it seemed like a brilliant plan at the time. I made a schedule so that I would get things done figuring that if I made one that I'd actually follow it, well apparently I don't like to be told what to do even when I'm the one doing the telling. So after not following it for awhile I decided to ask Boss to help me follow it. Brilliant idea number two, ya right.

"So I take it you didn't follow your schedule today?" he asked as he came through the door. Now you might wonder how he could tell just walking in the door, but it is simple to answer my schedule has times for me to do housework and there was still dirty laundry sitting in the hamper(our washer and dryer is near the door).

"No I didn't have time today. I was talking to mom this morning and then was chatting with some friends on the internet, and then I took a nap." I know this is a bad excuse since there are times set aside for all of that.

"Why didn't you just call your mom while you were on the internet? There is time for you to do that in the morning. And then there is still time for your nap and housework."

"I just didn't feel like following the stupid schedule, why does it matter anyways since it was my idea?" see I not only have bright ideas but smart things come out of my mouth all the time. Huffing is also considered smart by the mouthed anyways. "Besides you've been gone allll day and all you can say to me when you come home is to ask about the stupid schedule? Humph fine I'll start on getting things done, who needs a kiss from their husband anyways!" I turn to walk away, at least I didn't stomp my foot see there is some improvement. Start shoving clothes in the washer it's not like there are no clean clothes in the house.

He waited until after I got the load of laundry started before he said anything else. "Drop t he attitude right now. I love you and missed you today too, but we can't just ignore that you didn't follow the schedule, and you can call it stupid all you like you are the one that wanted it and asked for help to follow it." it drives me crazy that his voice is so calm that means I'm not going to be able to get away with huffing and puffing to get out of it. If he is being mean and demanding(or I can at least pretend he is) then I can feel justified being a smartass. But no the man has to remind me that he loves me and I wanted help with this. He walks over and plants a kiss on my forehead, then finishes the walk into the livingroom telling me to follow.

"You look tired, why don't we just forget about this? I don't really need a schedule I will eventually get everything done." he really does look tired, I'm starting to feel a little guilty since he has been at work all day.

"No. We won't just forget about it, but we will wait and talk about it after dinner."

Well one thing led to another and it was bedtime. I started thinking well maybe he is tired and didn't feel like following through with the "discussion" since it never happened after dinner and now we are getting ready for bed after a long day. Turns out I was wrong as I sometimes am. I knew he remember when he placed his pillow up against the wall like he normally does when I'm about to get a fairly long spanking at least one that feels like it will never end. He says that it is more comfortable to sit like that and he knows that it is easier on my back.

"Ok pull them down and get over here." strait to the point, and strait to the bare I hate that. No only did he not forget like I had thought, hoped ()or is that thought I hoped? but he was starting on the bare so I knew it would be no nonsense. Have I told you just how smart I can be? Wellllll.......if I really was I would have just did what he told me.

"Hon I'm tired I just want to go to sleep, you said we were going to talk after dinner if you really wanted to talk about it then you should have done it then like you said.' I tried to reason. He just patted his lap. "I don't want to, I'm going to sleep."

"Just do it. We both know what is going to happen if you keep stalling." I just looked at him. "Your only making it worse. 1...2..."

"Fine." I pull my pants down and lay over his lap, secretly glad that he remembered and wasn't going to let me get out of it.There is that part of me that wants to push his buttons and see if he will let me get out of it, but then there is that part of me that loves that fact that he is sticking to helping me like I'd asked he too.

"I want you to listen to what I have to say, I want you to stay quiet and not interrupt with excuses that we both know are just that excuses. Do you understand?" He did tell me to be quiet now he wants me to talk? Not answering is one of the things that bug him for some odd reason, after all he did tell me to be quiet. "I said Do you understand?" punctuated each word with a firm stinging swat to my unprotected bottom but that isn't going to make me talk because I am such a brilliant person. He has dealt with this tactic of mine in the past and knows just how to get me to answer. A fast flurry of firm smacks and then he calmly asks again.

"You told me to be quiet, how can I be quiet and talk at the same time?" Can you guess his response to this. If you guessed that he saw my point and thought it was funny....your wrong. He picked up the bamboo spoon before asking again.

"Do you understand?" the fact that he just stays calm and repeats the question, as well as the fact that he is brandishing that damn spoon makes me think that now might be a good time to give him the answer he is looking for.

"Yes, I understand. And before you ask yes I will listen." see I know him well too, well enough to know he knows me well enough to ask if I would.

"You really should have followed the schedule, there was no reason not to other than you just didn't feel like it. Now you told me that you are in a slump and having a hard time motivating yourself to get things done, and you asked me to help you with that. I understand we all go through times we don't feel like doing anything and I'm proud of you for asking for help. I have every intention of giving that help because I love you." Have you ever had anyone lecture you in a way that all it did was make you melt inside? All the resistance just seemed to flow right out of me. He picked the right words to make me feel loved and sorry at the same time, how did he do it? I didn't try to make excuses which is a miracle in itself but I even managed to not say anything smartmouthed or try to get off his lap and other than some squirming and a few times trying to protect my butt when that damn spoon started playing its rthyme I took my spanking because I knew that I deserved it and because I knew that to do otherwise would only make it that much harder to sit later. Maybe I have a tiny bit of intelligence after all. After some hugs and kisses we cuddled up and fell asleep.

The lesson must have had some effect because today I followed my schedule.

Most of this is fiction although I do see a "discussion" in my future regarding my schedule. Wish me luck. I hope you enjoyed reading this, I wasn't sure if it was good enough to post but thought I'd try before I chickened out and didn't post it.

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Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:37 pm

Re: Repost of: The Brilliant Idea I Thought I had

Post by Often123 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:48 pm

Definitely good enough to post, and pretty believable too. Keep writing, & we'll keep reading.

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