Susan Williams account (Cont)
I am sure that Katie hated Eleanor and I that last week of October. I think she believed that we had planned it from the day we got her to sign the paper. That is not true. Both of the more extreme reductions in her autonomy were kind of improvised.
If we had been asked if we would go that far back in June, when we got Greta and Katieís signatures I would have said ‘no’. I am sure that my best friend’s daughter had a miserable time that week. On the other hand we need to look at the positives. The experience of that week made Katie determined not to repeat it. Katie’s example was also a rather effective warning to Greta and Joe. I also think that Joe and the other girls did get some useful practical skills from what we had to do. I think I should tell you what led up to Katie’s most humiliating week?
: ***********************
I arrived at the Schoolroom late one Wednesday in the middle of October. Eleanor had told me of their plans. As I walked into the schoolroom Barbara gave me my bathroom key. I saw that Katie was really fidgeting quite violently.
Eleanor was going to be out that afternoon. I had planned some Math and science for the girls. I was looking at the books and papers. I saw the girls in the schoolroom. Greta was reading a set book. So was Katie. However in Katie’s case you could see some violent gyrations. I also saw little Emma, playing in her playpen. Elizabeth was both writing on her computer and playing peek a boo with the 2 year old.
By this time Emma’s potty training was going rather well. Elizabeth saw signs. She whispered to her baby sister. Then she picked her up and walked up those three flights of stairs. About five minutes later Emma was able to announce:
“I goed on the big girl potty.”
Katie’s fidgeting was now desperate. Finally she put her hand up. Her mother had a question and Katie had an answer. However Eleanor wanted more details:
“What is it Katie?”
“Mommy, I REALLY need the bathroom.”
“Well you had a proper shower this morning, do you want to go potty?”
“Of course I want the potty.”
Katie sounded rather annoyed. Barbara and Elizabeth were watching. I think they were enjoying the 24 year old’s discomfort.
“Do you need to go pee pee or to poop?”
“Excuse me.”
“Excuse me child, I asked a relevant question and I expect an answer.”
Katie whispered.
”I need to go pee pee.”
Eleanor was not letting her daughter of so lightly.
”Can you speak loudly and clearly?
“I need to go pee pee.”
Her Mommy reached down to Katie’s hand and said:
”Let’s get Katie to the potty.
I thought for a few seconds that Katie was going to complain or resist. She did not. Then I saw the well-rehearsed plan go into effect. Elizabeth revealed the large pink chair with “Katie’s Potty” stenciled onto it. She pushed it to just behind her older sister. Then, in seconds Elizabeth lifted Katie’s dress and Barbara pulled down what were clearly training panties. Her mother gently guided Katie onto the chair.
“There you are child, now you can go pee pee.”
There was a brief pause. Katie I later heard that Katie had been fidgeting for nearly two hours. Then I heard it. The sound of Katie’s use of the potty seemed VERY loud. Her mother had used an enamel potty instead of the plastic one in the childish commode. Katie was near to tears. It also seemed to go on for a surprising time.
From then on, except for that one week at the end of October, “Katie’s Potty” was always very visible in the middle of the schoolroom.
That afternoon, when I was teaching I noticed Katie again resisting her plain need for the potty. However just after three and again just before five I heard:
“Can Katie go pee pee on her potty?”
On each occasion her younger sister and my 12 year old lifted her dress and pulled down her training panties. I put the child into her position. Again each time there as quite a loud tinkle.
By Friday lunchtime Katie was accepting this insult to her adulthood without too much protest. She also accepted her mother supervising her at bath time and her being very closely supervised on the one occasion she went to a public rest room. She was allowed to use !the big girl potty” when she needed to poop.
At 2pm I was expecting a 6th student. At 2.45 I was still waiting. Finally at 3pm Joe Williams turned up. He was 24 but in very clear need of extra discipline. He sat doing math work sheets next to Katie and Greta. I noticed how much Katie noticed him. I also noticed that she did NOT ask for the potty. I guess she hoped that my cute looking, if lazy and useless, white brother in law might not notice.
Barbara, of course, was babysitting Greta. I totally trusted my 12 year old to keep her now 19-year-old sister in line,
Just after 5pm Eleanor arrived. I had business with my accountancy work with my sister. This was convenient.
I walked Joe to my car. I think that Katie must have been put on that childish potty pretty well as soon as Joe left.
As soon as I reached Harriet’s I explained about Joe’s lateness. I addressed him
“I was not sure about spanking you in front of Sarah but you do NEED a spanking Joe. Harriet can we take your husband to the front room. Joseph Peter Williams have you something to ask Aunt Susan? Something about your lateness?”
I heard nothing from him. Next however Harriet addressed her husband
Naughty boys who admit they need to be punished are treated more leniently.
Then hesitantly he said:
”Could you please punish me for being late?”
Luckily Lucy was very tired from her time at kindergarten She did not object to going to bed by 7pm. Also I checked that the baby monitor is one way. So, with my sister watching, I prepared this irresponsible young white boy for his first spanking for a long time, maybe forever.
Firstly we went to the bathroom. I turned the shower on cold. I insisted that he have such a shower. I had checked with Harriet who made sure that the spare bedroom was NOT heated. So Joe was led out of the bathroom in his pajamas. I lay him face down on the single bed.
I do like to spank over the knees but with males there is a risk of them getting too much pleasure even if the spanking is severe. I had arranged pillows to make sure that his ass was in a very convenient spanking position. I gave him all I could for 5 minutes. He was quickly crying. I think that if his legs were not resting on the bed he might also have kicked them.
Since Lucy was in bed I walked him downstairs for his corner time. Susan and I ate a nice meal. He stood still with his pajama pants around his ankles.
We agreed that spankings were long overdue for Joseph Williams. So after dinner he was led up to the spare room again. Harriet is younger than me. I think she got him to start crying even quicker.
“You lied when you married me. You said you were a man, actually our are a VERY naughty LITTLE boy.”
He cried through his next twenty minutes corner time
We made doubly sure that Joe did NOT enjoy any aspect of his first 2 spankings. After a second cold shower he was put to bed in the spare bedroom and his hands were tied to the bedpost.
Now amazingly for the following week my brother in law had a job. So of course our class was again all women and girls. I had noticed Greta having longer and more frequent visits to the bathroom. At the time I thought either she was ill or she wanted to rub in Katie’s situation.
I only taught two afternoons that week. On the Thursday afternoon my own daughter clearly was not concentrating. I gave her a warning. Then a second warning:
“If you do not pay attention I will have to pay attention to your hiney.”
By this time Katie putting up her hand and asking for the potty was routine. By now we did not need extra help. The 24-year-old former millionaire businesswoman let me reach under her dress to pull down her training panties. I lifted her dress. She was then down on the toddler style potty chair and the sound of her going tinkle again filled the whole room. Unfortunately I noticed Greta doodling rather than working.
Barbara came back into the room. She held Emma’s hand. The two year old had gone to the big girl potty.
Once Katie was ready to got back to work I went over and pulled away the ugly picture she had drawn of Elizabeth. I said:
“We’ve had enough interruptions so could the rest of you just carry on whilst I deal with my daughter’s nastiness.”
Sarah, Elizabeth and Barbara carried on their work. Katie carried on hers. As I sat down and patted my lap Greta said:
“It was only a picture Mom, please.”
I looked at her and again patted my lap. She lay where she was supposed. I took my time pulling up her dress and pulling down her panties. I made sure that she knew what was wrong:
“You must NEVER draw pictures in class. It is NOT nice to make your friends look bad”
By this time I was well practiced. It took very little time to reduce a young lady who was 19 to a bawling, kicking little girl.
Just after five school was finished. I thought that Elizabeth ought to know what my daughter had done and have the option to dealing with it herself.
So, after corner time Elizabeth spanked Greta. Now Elizabeth had grown both physically intellectually and in authority. She did not need the sofa for a spanking. She did not need to tie the 19-year-old’s hands. She simply took her place in the teacher’s chair, pulled the 19 year old across her knees and thoroughly spanked her. It took a little longer but soon enough Greta again started crying.
Of course this was after school. It meant that Sarah, Barbara and Katie got to watch, just as I did.
The next Monday morning I knew that Joe Williams would be returning to the class. I remembered how embarrassed Katie had been about even the idea using her particular potty in front of this, arguably attractive, young man. I certainly did not want my sister to have any rival for her husband’s affections.
I also thought that it would do Katie some good to have to sit down and tinkle like a toddler in front of the guy she obviously had a crush on.
I had chatted to Eleanor. She made sure that Katie had lots of fluid that breakfast.
Harriet arrived at just after half past eight. She brought her husband with her. The previous Saturday Elizabeth had made some suggestions when she and her mother had visited Harriet. So now Joe wore short, but definitely NOT athletic pants. He also wore sandals and ankle socks.
I made sure that “Katie’s potty” was very visible in the schoolroom. I was looking forward to the brat humiliating herself and asking for it in front of Joe Williams.
We did arithmetic with Sarah, Katie, Greta and Joe. I helped Elizabeth and Barbara with some rather more complicated geometry. I noticed Katie resisting her plain need.
Fifteen minutes before eleven we had our short break. Emma, Greta, Katie and Joe were given milk and cookies. Sarah asked for and was given orange juice. Elizabeth, Barbara and I all had coffee. There was a waiting line for the bathroom. Emma almost had an accident but Elizabeth was able to get her onto her potty chair in time.
Katie said nothing. She obviously needed the potty. I knew that Harriet would be coming at noon to collect her husband. My plan was not working. I decided that another hour so having to resist her bladder’s needs would be a rather effective punishment if this childish person wanted to keep her dignity.
I gave Katie every chance. At eleven, just after we finished our short break and reassembled in the school room Katie’s fidgeting was actually a bit distracting:
“Have you got anything you want to ask me Katie?”
She shook her head. I waited fifty minutes. Ten minutes before twelve I asked Katie:
“Do you need the potty?
She again shook her head
When Harriet came into the schoolroom to collect her husband I had an idea.
“Let’s go to the park.
The children’s play area was a walk of about 10 minutes. It was starting to get cold so I did not expect it to be crowded. There was a nice path. Sarah, now 7, was able to push her baby sister in the stroller. She was in front but we kept a good eye on her. I wanted to make sure we kept firm control of Katie. For that reason I held one of her 24 year old hands and her 14 year old sister the other.
I had walking shoes in a bag, but Elizabeth and I both wore heals. We both seemed to tower above the girl in a plaid jumper with a flattened chest. Elizabeth’s chest was actually larger than her sister’s naturally. Her mother had let the well behaved 14 year old wear support, which showed off this feature.
My hair was as big and tall as I could make it. Katie’s was in pig tails with cute pink and white ribbon bows. A minute after we left Katie asked:
“May I use the potty?”
I remarked:
”Well you said you did not need it fifteen minutes ago so it should not be very urgent. We will put you on the potty at lunch, just after one.”
Katie, Emma and Greta were put into the baby swings. I gently pushed the actual baby in the baby swing. Sarah had lots of fun on the big swing. Barbara gently pushed Greta.
Elizabeth pushed Katie in the child swing. She pushed her so that she moved rather more, much as if it was an older child’s swing. I managed to shorten the chains holding Katie’s swing with a couple of padlocks. Her feet did not touch the ground. She was no more able to get out on her own than Emma had been when she was in a high chair.
After ten minutes Emma said:
”Potty aunty Sue.”
I was able to quickly get her out of the swing and carry her to the rest room. She managed the big girl potty like quite a big girl.
Katie was to be different.
Catherine Baxterís account (Cont)
How Katie ended up in ‘The Diaper Position: The strange thing is that when I was this ruthless businesswoman Cat Baxter I remember realizing I had a rather large bladder. Very often I spent evenings in bars after making lots of money. I found that I needed fewer trips to the bathroom than pretty well every other girl and also than most of the boys.
Perhaps that was part of why I did not quite understand how angry people were when I enjoyed a LONG bath. Plus of course the bathroom was the only private place and I wanted to have one pleasure for myself.
When Elizabeth told me about the new lock on the bathroom and I was not given a key I was shocked. I kind of hoped that we would go out. Our education often included visits to museums and stuff like that. I was hoping that I would be able to keep such good control that mostly I could use public rest rooms.
When I put my hand up I dreaded my mother holding my hand and taking me to the bathroom like I was about 5. Being sat on the potty chair like a two-year-old felt like the end. For a few seconds I could not manage it. Then, when I thought things could not get worse I noticed just how loud my pee pee was.
After about 3 days I had got used to the routine. It was humiliating, but a lot less so than going across Mommy’s knees, let alone Elizabeth’s or Barbara’s.
I did know that Joe Williams was married. I do not think that I ever imagined I could have got far with him, even in better circumstances. Still he was not only the only male who normally came to our schoolroom but also very hunky and quite sweet.
I just could NOT have him seeing me being sat on the potty chair. I also did not want him to hear me go tinkle. Also, although he had seen the results of a spanking I really did not want him to actually see Mommy drag me across her knees. I was actually quite well behaved the first couple of times he came.
Although I liked him being there I was REALLY looking forward to him going that Monday. I was in total agony. I noticed that Aunt Sue forced me to drink two cups of milk with my cookies. I saw her game. It really did not occur to me that it would go so much further.
So when Aunt Sue announced we were going to the play area I was pleased. Now since the bathroom door had been locked at home I found that an ‘adult’ had to be with me when I went to a public rest room. It could be Mommy or Aunt Sue. Also Barbara and Elizabeth were allowed to walk me to the stall and time to make sure I was not too long.
Still relief seemed at hand. I made my request as soon as we started walking. The response was one of the biggest shocks in my life. Seriously it was right up there with finding out my job had gone and even realizing that my palace would be foreclosed:
”Well you said you did not need it fifteen minutes ago so it should not be very urgent. We will put you on the potty at lunch, just after one.”
I seriously doubted that I would hold out that long but I decided to try. Four things made it worse. Firstly I was pretty cold. I was in a thin dress and ankle socks, even if my panties were slightly thicker.
Secondly I was lifted into the baby swing. Elizabeth managed to raise it so my feet were not on the ground. In other circumstances I would just have run to the bathroom, with or without permission and take any spanking, even if it was out there with others watching.
Thirdly Elizabeth pushed the swing quite hard. It was kind of exhilarating but also made concentrating on the one key task in hand, keeping my panties dry, that bit harder.
Then Emma asked about the potty. Elizabeth gave the swing an exceptional push and then I could not hold it any more. I started to cry as I felt it. Elizabeth saw the stream. She went to Barbara. They looked at each other. I thought they were happy.
Lots of adult women have leakage problems. If you think my problem was a leak I think you would confuse leaking tap with the Amazon River. I was already crying. I was left effectively confined to that childish swing in soaking panties and a rather wet frock.
I saw Barbara and Elizabeth sent off in different directions by Aunt Susan. I was crying a bit. I was incredibly grateful that nobody else was in the playground. Then I saw a lady and her kids enter the gate. They were walking towards the swings.
I was grateful when Aunt Susan pulled me out of that swing. She led me to the ladyís room. It did not have any kind of bench but it did have a ëdiaper deck.í Aunt Susan pulled off my soaking dress. She pulled off my soaking panties. Then she lifted my back onto the ‘diaper deck’ and pulled up my legs. She then said:
“I always have a change bag, in case little Emma has an accident. I had asked Emma about the potty. I would have asked Sarah if I had not heard her flush. But you, well I asked you a couple of times.
“First things first. Lets get the little one clean.”
I felt it was pretty embarrassing lying on a diaper deck and being washed with baby wipes. I guess it was nice in some ways. Then Aunt Susan went on
“Now don’t worry Elizabeth is getting you some clean clothes and Barbara is getting you some brand new underwear. But we need to deal with your behavior.”
My legs were then pulled right up. Aunt Sue got her hairbrush out
It hurt a lot. Very quickly I was crying. I tried to struggle but I was pretty effectively confined. The lady I saw earlier came into the rest room. I felt I could die. Aunt Susan explained:
”This young lady was asked about the potty half an hour ago. She said she was fine. Then she TOTALLY soaked her panties and her dress. She is old enough to know better so she needs reminding about naughtiness.
I felt that it was less humiliating to be thought of as an irresponsible 8 year old than for the strange lady to know the whole truth. Actually I was kind of glad that my mother’s friend and my legs made sure that she could not see my bush or breasts.
After her brief explanation Aunt Susan continued the spanking. I was crying my eyes out.
”In you “
”I thought you were a big girl.”
At that point Elizabeth, who is a good athlete arrived. She had been running. She brought my new dress. It was the most infantile “Bridesmaid dress” in my collection. I remembered having seen a photograph of Mommy’s wedding. I remember thinking, and maybe say to Susan, that the only way to accessorize that frock would be with diapers.
Then the door opened again. Barbara had a packet of diapers. I said:
”Aunt Sue, please, you canít diaper me.
Aunt Sue smiled.
Elizabeth would you diaper your little sister?”
Elizabeth took her time as she pushed the rather large looking diaper under me and taped it in place. She did this as slowly as possible. She asked:
”Who’d Betsy Wetsy now, Katie?”
I remembered teasing Elizabeth about bed-wetting. I kind of felt guilty about that before but now it was awful.
It was also Elizabeth who walked me home. She changed her shoes from the athletic ones to rather tall heals. She was taller than me anyway. I felt very small. I also feared that my dress might not be long enough. I was right. A little boy was walking on the path with his mother. I noticed that Katie was making sure our walk back home was as slow as possible. I felt just how bulky my diaper was between my legs. The boy asked:
”Why is that little girl wearing a diaper?”
I guess I was kind of glad that he thought I was a little girl in a diaper rather than a 24-year-old woman. Aunt Susan answered:
Because she wet her panties 20 minutes after she has said that she did NOT need the potty.
Mommy had cooked lunch. I did not get to eat it. Instead Mommy gave me the most thorough mouth soaping I had ever had. Then I was stood in a corner with a large cake of soap effectively gagging me.
I heard the discussion. Aunt Susan and Mommy made sure that I would know about all the humiliations that would be my fate at least for a week. I was especially dreading the afternoon.
It was a slight relief that when we left I was put into a jumper style dress, which reached my knees. People might notice the odd way I walked but would not directly see my diaper whilst in the street.
The first thing that happened was that several of us had beauty appointments. Barbara, who had just had her 13th birthday, was taken to ‘Young Black Beauty’ which specialized in providing for the needs of African American teenagers. She was to come out looking about 20. Greta was NOT allowed any make-up. Neither was I.
My hair was done at the same time as Sarah and little Emma’s was. As we walked in I was aware of my hair matching my 7-year-old sister’s. We both wore pigtails in pink and white ribbon bows. Sarah wanted, and Mommy ordered for her, a more unisex hairstyle.
Little Emma’s hair was carefully put into toddler style sausage curls. I would have thought it very cute, except that my hair was also being transformed, in just the same way. After less than an hour it matched my 2-year-old sister’s.
Next we went to a department store. I am quite small and slim. Sadly lots of under 5s are overfed and rather large. In addition the age for potty training seems to have gone back. Some people think that cloth diapers assist potty training, because the child will be more aware of wetness.
The children’s department had made arrangements to meet the demand from mothers of VERY large 4 year olds who are backward in potty training. So Mommy took me to an aisle. She found some extra large 30-inch by 30 inch British style cloth diapers or terry nappies. They are basically square towels. She also bought some very large pairs of plastic panties.
Elizabeth can have a very loud very clear voice. She used it that afternoon. She was about 25 feet away. I heard her say:
”Little Emma is not having many accidents. We feel that she now deserves to wear big girl panties instead of trainers.”
I heard this compliment to my 2-year-old sister just as Mommy reached the check out carrying oversized cloth diapers and plastic panties for ME. It was hard to remember that I was 24.
Susan drove Greta, Barbara, Elizabeth and Emma home. Barbara would be babysitting. Elizabeth had bought materials for some work on adapting furniture for Katie. I had heard the discussion.
It was scary when I found that Mommy could and did strap me into Sarahís child seat in the car. We drove to an ‘Adults only’ shop mainly serving women. I had not had access to either my passport or my out of state driver’s license for over 4 months. I did not know where they were. Actually Greta’s and my documents had been kept in an office safe belonging to Aunt Harriet.
Mommy showed the lady my passport. They needed people to know that technically I was an adult. As soon as we got behind the frosted door Mommy took off my dress. She then took another frock out of a bag. It was the most babyish of the bridesmaid dresses. It really showed people that I was indeed wearing a diaper.
Mommy explained:
”I believe that you will be able to help us deal with this young lady. She is officially 24 but her behavior has all the maturity of a 2 year old. We think that you may be able to help us with keeping her in line.”
I think that the ladies in the shop assumed that there was some kind of S+M thing going on and that deep down I really wanted it. The first thing that happened was that I was fitted into a kind of set of toddler reins. Throughout my visit those were around me. Either Mommy or Aunt Susan kept control of these insulting infantile restraints.
The next thing was fitting some mittens. They had some that could clip over my hands and ensure that I could not use them. I let them clip them on my hands.
Something else was happening. I had been very glad of my large bladder when I realized that I was going to be out in public with a diaper under my dress for the whole afternoon I did not want to wet my diaper in front of people, and maybe be changed.
As sometimes happened another need had started catching up with me rather fast. I first noticed it in the hairstylist. It became stronger whilst I waited in line with my mother buying diapers and plastic panties.
By the time my mittens were clipped on it was desperate. I yelled:
”I need the bathroom.”
Mommy said:
”BABIES go pee pee in their diaper.”
I yelled:
But I need a shit.
Mommy’s response was:
Babies go doo doodies in their dydees too?
I tried and failed to pull away from Mommy, who kept firm control of the reins. The staff at the shop was amazed. A lady said:
Games donít usually go as far as this in our shop.
A few seconds later it happened. I did a poop in the diaper. Mommy said:
”Lets get baby all clean and decent.
It took nearly half an hour for Mommy to be satisfied that I had been cleaned up enough. The luxurious rest room in the sex shop had a comfortable bench. Well Mommy was comfortable as she decided to see to my now clean behind
”Katie needs a LONG spanking.”
I was soon crying and struggling. I tried to resist but in the end, as always, I just managed to kick uselessly. It added to my humiliation. I cried. Within two minutes most of the staff of the shop popped in to watch. It was weird. Mommy took a brief break from scolding me and explained
”I hope this is okay, my little girl REALLY needed a spanking.”
I knew that Mommy had a copy of my signed contract in case of some difficulty. However basically my audience assumed, quite wrongly, that I just liked being spanked. At the end of the spanking Mommy said:
” And we need to deal with naughty words.”
Susan took hold of my reins. Mommy went to a sink. My mouth was thoroughly soaped
Finally I was taken to another room, my bottom was quite bare. I was laid on a large soft table. Two cloth diapers had been folded and I was lying on them. However they had not yet been pinned. Instead an expert dealt with my hair err ‘down there’,
Soon I looked like a LITTLE girl right down underneath. When the skilled ladies at the shop finished with my hair treatment Mommy firmly fastened the two diapers around me. The plastic panties that were pulled over my diaper were totally clear. The diapers and their pins were rather visible under my very short VERY Childish frock.
When Mommy first pressured me into agreeing to be a little girl subject to spanking she had hoped to fill in various piercings. Now she was glad of some on my lips. Oversized pacifiers, which some teenagers choose to use, had been bought. Mommy managed to get some special rings that fitted onto my lips and also around the pacifiers. The babyish accessory now gagged me.
Mommy then said:
”Now Katie, cloth diapers are better for the environment than disposable ones, but we had your first stinky dydee it was nice it was disposable. So from now on at change time we will ask you if you are likely to be stinky next time. If you are we will put a disposable under your cloth diaper.”
“You will be able to nod or shake your head. Now if you say you will be stinky and at change time you are just wet then we will spank you. If you do not tell us about a stinky one so the cloth diaper gets messy again there will be a spanking.”
It was now dark. I assumed that when we were finished in the shop I would be put back into that jumper dress which sort of hid my diapers. Mommy had other ideas. I was forced to cross the parking lot wearing a dress that few children over 4 would voluntarily wear, which was so short that it showed off my bulky diapers. And I was only able to walk slowly because Mommy walked slowly and she held the reins.
When I arrived home I found out that the other girls had made preparations for my babyhood. Eleanor had made adaptations to a barstool. There was now a High Chair in my size. My bed was moved into Emma’s room. It had bars and was now my crib. There was even a changing table.
Barbara had made some alterations to some dresses. A couple of the bridesmaid dresses were even shorter.
Oh and there was one other ‘new dress’ for me. Barbara explained:
”When Aunt Harriet was expecting Lucy we saw her wearing this dress.”
I looked at the pink concoction. It was decorated with pictures of daisies and blue bells. I remember saying:
”It looks like you ARE a baby rather than expecting one.”
“So it will now REALLY suit little Katie.”
It was indeed the most humiliating week of my life. That week instead of ordinary lessons the girls were taught about childcare. Unfortunately Joe was with them almost full time that week.
On the next morning I did not realize that Joe would be there all day. I put off wetting as long as I could. Then I did nothing to indicate my need after I had fairly thoroughly soaked the inner of the two bulky oversized cloth diapers.
Just after lunch I had to let go again. I felt not only my diapers becoming waterlogged but also a stream going down my leg.
The odd thing was what happened. Mommy changed me, with Joe and the girls watching, She was very gentle. She spoke in a kind way:
Poor Katie is VERY wet. We must make sure she never gets so wet again.
Being cleaned was a fairly pleasant experience. I also noticed how much nicer dry diapers were than wet ones. From the on as soon as I had any ability to do so I wet the diaper. I also managed a sort of cry and quickly had my diaper checked and changed.
However it was not usually Mommy that did the actual changing. Elizabeth enjoyed taunting and rubbing in my humiliation at change time. Wet diapers are pretty shaming at 24. The stinky ones were worse for two reasons. One is the obvious one that it is just icky.
The other reason was that usually Joe got to change them. I heard Mommy telling him that he had refused to change Lucy’s dirty diapers and that he needed to learn in case his wife wanted more children.
So a man I really wanted to be intimate with got intimate with me, dealing with the fact that my most intimate area was, well, shitty.
Mommy and Aunt Susan were strong enough to carry me to the bathroom. By the way the bath was so large that I could be bathed much like a baby. However often what happened was that Mommy would hold me and either Elizabeth or Katie would wash me.
Elizabeth chose my baby food. Naturally she chose only vegetable based things. She also picked stuff I hated. I thought it was pretty bad when Elizabeth and Barbara fed me. Sarah got a chance to feed me.
By the way Sarah also helped at change time when I was just wet. Then on Saturday Emma, not yet 30 months old got a chance to feed me. She liked that game She did her best but lots got onto my face and my bib. Elizabeth was delighted to take photographs. One showed my messy face and bib, a second was a close up showing my visibly yellow diapers. The third had my whole self in it showing both aspects of my infantile treatment.
On Sunday I was taken to a party for Lucy’s 5th birthday. Aunt Harriet had sounded out some of her friends. All the little girls thought I was very silly for still being in a diaper. All the older girls, from aged 10, knew who I had been.
My humiliation was made worse because on the Saturday Susan had decided to be nice to me. I did not have to wear the mittens or the restraining reins. The pacifier no longer gagged me However I warned that anything said or done, which was not appropriate for a 2 year old would not only result in my restraints returning but also in my babyhood being extended and in a spanking.
On Halloween I was taken trick or treating. This time the pacifier gag, the restraining reins and the mittens returned. I was wearing Harriet’s old flowery maternity dress. I was already wet when we left. That got worse. People assumed that I had just agreed to the outfit for Halloween.
The day after Halloween I was allowed to grow up, a little.
It was strange. About a week earlier I was incredibly shamed by the idea of Joe Williams seeing me having training panties taken down and being sat on a little girl potty. I was now very relieved for him to see me like this rather than having a diaper change.
I did NOT want to repeat that week. Mommy had warned me
”You know the beauty of cloth diapers is that they will still be there if Katie acts immaturely again”.
I decided to try to be a good girl. I mostly succeeded. Actually I had a couple of light accidents. I had got used to emptying my bladder at the first possible opportunity, sometimes I was not quite quick enough in indicating my need for the potty. I actually NEEDED the training panties until about Christmas. In fact if we were going out for any length of time Mommy usually let me wear a jumper dress which was long enough to avoid giving any glimpses of my undies. I asked Mommy for plastic panties and a second pair of training panties. That meant that the accidents would always be rather private.
Actually overall the next few months were quite good for me. Mommy gave me lots of cuddles and encouragement. My studies went well. I also thought that Greta’s behavior was good. We found out about her extreme naughtiness later.
Still we now had a third older student. The hairbrush got a lot of use.
repost Home schooling for all ages part 3
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