Sarah's first few days

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Sarah's first few days

Post by sgtjoe » Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:09 pm

For the first 3 or 4 days after Sarah arrived, she behaved acceptably. Her attitude wasn't great, but she was bearable. She started spending some time in the study materials to get her GED, treated Shirley and me with civility, and avoided her cussing fits. I was starting to wonder if that initial spanking had gotten her attention enough that I could relax my stern manner a little.

Then Friday night came. Sarah was upset about something, but Shirley and I didn't know what it was.

Then Sarah let it out. "Damn it, I want a drink! I always drink with my friends on Friday night!"

Shirley and I exchanged looks. I didn't really want to give Sarah another spanking so soon after that last one that had left her bruised.

"On the deck!" I barked at her. "Give me 30!"

Sarah looked at us confused. "Deck? Like deck of cards?"

Shirley burst out laughing and I had to chuckle too.

"That's Marine talk for 'floor'", Shirley explained. "Get down on the floor and do 30 pushups."

"30 pushups!? I don't think I can do one!", was Sarah's squeal.

So then we were all down on the floor demonstrating how a girls pushup was easier than military style and that she could certainly do some. Sarah struggled through 7 before collapsing. Shirley did 25 girls-style in the same time and I snapped out 50 like the Marine I once was.

"Sarah, it looks like some excercise needs to be added to your regimine here", I said. We talked that over, then I brought the conversation back to her offence. "Now, what was it you did to have to do those pushups?"

The rebellious light came back into Sarah's eyes, then she winced as she sat up on the hardwoord floor. "I'm sorry I said 'Damn'", she said.

The rest of the evening went fine, but I knew we had not seen the last of Sarah's attitude.

At lunch on Saturday, Sarah nearly exploded. "Nobody over like 11 years old gets spankings! This is so damn crazy!"

"On the deck!", I barked. "Give me ... ah, give me 10 today."

She gave me a nasty look, but dropped to the floor and started struggling through her pushups.

"There are adults who get spankings too", I replied as I watched her. "But yours is an unusual situation. Most kids who get in trouble don't have someone strong enough in their family to make them mind once they get old enough to get in real trouble."

Shirley revealed something I didn't think she would. "I've gotten spankings as an adult too, Sarah. I know what Joe's spankings feel like. I've needed a few."

As Sarah stared up at us from her 6th pushup I said, "It's not been for small things or often. In 7 years of marriage, I've spanked Shirley 3 times."

Sarah rolled over and sat up. She didn't wince this time. "So have you felt that paddle? Or the belt? That belt was nasty."

"Oh, yes! I've felt them all. Dad used to double the belt. Joe doesn't. It wraps more and stings you where you didn't think he could get you."

"So ... like ... what did you do to get the belt? Or any of your spankings?"

I broke in. "That's none of your business, Sarah. Your business is to behave well enough to keep from getting spanked yourself." I paused, but there was no answer. "So, what did you do to earn those pushups?"

Again, the angry light came into her eyes. She hesitated a minute before saying, "I'm sorry I said 'Damn'".

When I came home from the office on Monday anger was in both sisters' eyes. "What's wrong?", I asked.

"Let's talk privately", was Shirley's answer. As I nodded and we turned down the hall, Sarah said, "Don't I have the right to face my accuser?"

I looked her in the eye for 5 seconds, then said, "For the moment, you have the right to remain silent."

I then followed Shirley to our bedroom. She wasted no time. "That girl has been cussing and grumbling and insulting me! I can't take 2 years of this. I love that kid, but she can't keep this up! Not in my own house!"

"No, she can't", I said. "And she won't. Sounds like lesson time."

I led the way back to the living room to find Sarah in the recliner with her draped over one of its arms. She was in some of her shorter shorts -- indicating her thighs weren't bruised any more.

"On your feet, Sarah", I barked. "You wanted to face your accuser. Sarah will list her accusations and you may plead guilty or not guilty. In this court you have no 5th Amendment rights and a plea of 'not guilty' to something of which you are guilty will be treated as perjury."

She gave me the dumbest angry look. "Can you ... like ... say that in English?"

"You must tell the truth about whether you did what your sister says, or not. If you lie, I'll punish you for lying too."

She nodded, still with the dumb disgusted look.

"Do you know the punishment for lying is?"

"Spanking, I guess. But it's her word against mine. No witnesses."

"Shirley's word is enough. And it's with the belt."

Sarah drew in her breath. "All of 19 swats?"

I nodded. "Naked."

The dumb angry disgusted look was gone. I turned to Shirley. "The first charge?"

"Mostly ... it was variations of calling me a damn fucking bitch. There were a few other terms thrown in ... but that was most of it." Shirley appeared to rest her case, so I turned to Sarah.

"Sarah? What do you say?"

Sarah started "It's not tr ...", then she looked at my belt buckle. "It's true."

I was angry. I determined not to act in anger ... but this being turned on Shirley was rather much. Shirley recognized the dark look in my eye -- one she'd seen only a few times over the years, usually when I heard of some heinous crime.

"Joe, come talk with me", she said. I raised an eyebrow and followed her to the kitchen. "It will be OK. Spank the daylights out of her again. If we have to spank the daylights out of her once a week, we can handle that."

"OK, how much? 6 sets with the belt?"

"Joe, you know that's too much. She got 2 sets by hand for cussing last week. Do that again."

"Four. And no supper."

Shirley started to plead for her sister again, but I shook my head. "That's final." She nodded and we returned to a sullen Sarah in the living room.

"Sarah", I began, "your sister to whom you were so unkind today has plead your cause. You will receive 4 spanking sets by hand. If you cause no trouble. You know what happens if you doddle or disobey."

I paused for an acknowledgement, but received none. "Everything off. Now."

"Joe, you prick! I'm not stripping for you to take a fuck break with my sister! I'm not standing here with my tits sticking out! I'm not OW SHIT DAMMIT!"

I had pulled my belt out of its loops and across her right thigh just below her shorts in one movement. As she grabbed the right thigh I swung the belt around stepping forward. This swat took the left thigh and wrapped around smacking the backs of both.

Sarah dropped to her knees to protect her thighs. I wrapped a couple more turns of the belt around my hand shortening to about 20 inches, then grabbed the back waist of her t-shirt. I swung the belt down as I pulled the shirt up leaving a red stripe from her waist to her bra strap. She screamed and I stepped back.

"On your feet!"

Sarah turned to Shirley, still on her knees. "Sarah, please, don't let him undress me! That's so humiliating. It was awful last week!"

Shirley was very firm at this point. "Sarah, obey. It won't be like last week -- you're not keeping your panties. You deserve everything Joe's going to give you. And if you keep stalling, I'll ask Joe to spread your legs for the last spanking."

"Spread my legs? What the hell for?!"

I took over again. "You're a woman of experience, Sarah. Use your imagination. Up!" With the final word I delivered the end of the belt to a section of thigh she had uncovered.

She stood then, the tears starting from her angry eyes.

"Everything off!" I said again.

She quickly dumped her shorts and t-shirt this time, revealing royal blue bikini briefs and a matching bra. She reached hesitantly for her bra strap looking pleadingly at me, then Shirley, then back. I was in no mood for hesitation and the belt crossed the fronts of her thighs just below the panties. That elicitated another curse but sent the blue bra to the floor.

I looked at the panties then at Sarah's face. She flushed and said, "No, you can't, please, not these, you OOOW"! The belt wrapped around her just above the waist stinging her lower back.

She spun around and lost the panties showing that white bottom off perfectly.

"Touch your toes." She started sobbing. I should have given her the spanking lecture with her hands on her head facing me ... but I'd do that for the next set. I stepped up beside her and gave her the same spanking I'd given a week ago. Middle left, middle right, a pause to appreciate the hand prints, down to the sit spot left, right, left right, up to the top, left right, left right, down onto her thighs left, right. This time I paused before number 19 to briefly spread her cheeks and see her anus. 19 was right over the spot.

I stepped back next to Shirley. "Sarah, stand, place your hands behind your head and turn around."

She stood and put her hands on her head but didn't turn. "Joe, Shirley, no, I can't!"

"You can and you will", I replied retrieving my belt. But Shirley mouthed "let me" and I nodded. She went up to Sarah's right stopping a bit behind her, reached with her left hand and grabbed Sarah's left nipple, pulling back. Sarah screamed and spun around and loosed a foulest string of profanity yet on Shirley. My belt wrapped around her right side striking her back at bra height and interrupting the tirade.

"The ones on the back hurt worst, don't they girl?", Shirley asked. "Now, what's the problem? Don't you think Joe's ever seen a bare vagina before? You couldn't be shy after all you did with Damon and his cronies!"

Sarah just sobbed, so I spoke. "Sarah, you will remain in this position until the clock strikes the half hour. At that time we will return and give you your next set. Your last tirade earned you another set by hand and your disobedience when undressing earned you a set with the paddle. You may as well learn to enjoy that pose. It will be a long evening for you."

Shirley and I ate supper in the kitchen making sure Sarah knew we could see her. Then we went back, turned her around, and I spanked and stood her back up. As we left the room, Shirley noticed my eyes sweeping Sarah again. "She looks pretty good, huh?", she said.

Fortunately I'd anticipated something like that. "She'd have to - she's your sister!" She teased me with her eyes and we hustled to the bedroom, where we spent the next half hour. We came back a bit out of breath and sweaty. We were a few minutes late for Sarah's 3rd spanking, but she only grimaced and obeyed. That one and the fourth went uneventfully - from my perspective. Just 19 more swats on a slowly bruising rump. Just a bigger pile of Kleenex every time we came back.

When we returned for the 5th spanking I started barking orders again. "Elbows higher! Chin up! Legs apart! Wider!" I traced the so-far-unpunished inner thigh with my index finger. With my finger just barely touching pubic hair I turned to Shirley. "Were you serious about asking me to spank her with her legs apart?" Sarah was breathing heavily now, biting her lower lip. Shirley hesitated and I spoke again. "That has never been for this. A standard spanking shouold do." Shirley nodded and I put Sarah back in position, spanking just a little more slowly this time. When she stood, I placed the paddle between her thighs again, this time pulling it snugly up against her crotch.

She got squirmy on swat 6 with the paddle, a swat on the thighs, but 3 swats with the belt returned her to position. I started over and made a point of giving her 6 of the 19 on that spot.

When she stood and had used enough Kleenex to talk, I set with her elbows up, chin up, chest out, legs spread.

"Sarah", I said, "Do you have something to say to your sister?"

"Shirley, I'm so sorry! I won't ever be so mean to you again." As Shirley embraced the sobbing, naked young woman, I really thought she meant it. In fact, I know she meant it ... at the time.

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Re: Sarah's first few days

Post by Often123 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:50 pm

Good stories, SgtJoe, but I think the second-in-command (Shirley) should also administer at least a hand-spanking to Sarah at some point. Her authority must be established too. We both remember the chain-of-command.

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Re: Sarah's first few days

Post by babygirl » Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:42 pm

Im sorry, but that was nothing but abuse...therewas NO loving discipline there at all!!! a bellt accross the back!!! and on the anus??? Common!!! i was so disappointed to read something so horribly abusive!! he should be tossed in jail for assult along with her sister!!!

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Re: Sarah's first few days

Post by sgtjoe » Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:48 pm

Thanks for the nice words, often123. I'd thought to give Shirley some of the action too ... will do so if I get to write some more.

Sorry to overdo it for you, babygirl. As for the anus ... I meant to write the swat was on the buttocks immediately where they are over the anus. Though some write stories in which the anus itself is struck, I've never seen the point in that.

I know we all have different levels of what we consider acceptable or believable. I have trouble with those that involve hundreds of strokes with severe implements. In real life, those are death sentences. I also have trouble with those that place the spankee in situations where there is no right answer -- they obey, they're punished for it, they disobey, they're punished more. Those and the ones involving non-consensual sex, to me, are over the top.

Obviously, others like those stories anyway.

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