The 'Toning Chair (Humor, mechanical/f)

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The 'Toning Chair (Humor, mechanical/f)

Post by calliope_1 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:13 pm

The ‘Toning Chair

This is the first spanking story I every wrote and posted on line, :-). Please please please comment on my stories Writers >live< for comments. Really, we do. Thanks!

"Miss C? The latest model is here Ma'am". The secretary’s voice came clearly over the intercom into my office. "Have them bring in here then so I can check it out." I replied, smiling to myself. Since the business got so big I was pretty bored, sitting around the office answering mail and phone calls all day. This would make a pleasant break from the usual daily grind.
Two strong young men brought the packing crate in and set it up in the corner, removing the older model (which had gotten plenty of use first, thank you) that had been there for a few months. I was always eager to discover what the gang in engineering had dreamed up for me to try out, and they were always looking for my first post-test visit to see if I would be happy with their efforts. Silly really, when you consider what I had started with a few years back! As if anything they created couldn't be an improvement on the old chair and bicycle set-up!
Who would have thought that a strange desire to be spanked would ever lead me to become the owner of a million dollar business, or that my products would not only be used by a few folks with similar desires but by schools, prisons, courtrooms and stores across the USA! We had just started sending the first ones overseas this year as well, and I was going to have to build a new section to the factory soon- we just couldn't keep up with the demand!
The new chair sat there like an oversized public toilet , a bit larger than what I had been used to in the past. I had heard rumors that the gang was working on a standing model of the chair- could this be it? Like a child unwrapping a Christmas gift, I opened the door and checked it out. It was a standing model! Hot damn, this was going to be fun!
I carefully read the instructions- they were similar to every other model that had come through my office since I had made those first ones, but it doesn't do to rush...I found that out with model # 6, and couldn't sit for a lot longer than I originally planned. Now I took the time to really read everything.
The first 'Toning Chair (TM)- well, it wasn't even called that back then, since it was just for me...and it had none of the safety features included in the later models for use by the public of course. Just a way for me alone to scratch my particular itch. A wide wooden chair with a large hole cut in it, rather like an ancient toilet in its looks, but with a hole so large your bottom couldn't help but hang down quite a lot. Underneath it was a metal pole with 4 pieces of an old belt bolted on, a bicycle chain attaching it to a set of scavenged bicycle pedals in front. Pretty simple really, but for a mechanical dummy like me it sure took long enough to build! Sit down on it with a bare bum, start pedaling and try to keep going as long as possible! Problem was that I wouldn't always pedal fast enough, or would pull away from the seat when it got to be too much. I still wanted it, and even harder, but natural self preservation would stop me from really feeling the glow I was longing for.
SO back to the drawing board- and another major problem- I knew nothing about motors! I tried a drill attached to the strap pole, but couldn't get it to work quite well enough. I finally was able to convert an old lawnmower motor to my needs and was off and spanking.
I mentioned my machine in a few spanking rooms I frequented, just to brag, and was amazed at how many people wanted one of their own. I told them how to make one, but most preferred to buy it ready made. I wasn't set up for that! I finally had to talk husband. Yes, the vanilla king would finally be confessed to...he had left my "Rube Goldberg" area in the basement alone, but I knew I would need his business savvy if I was going to start making these for sale to my on-line buddies. He knew I had had an interest in being spanked for some time, having caught me chatting on line in the past. That and the time I laid across his lap and asked for a spanking of course. He still felt it was a form of spouse abuse. Well, back then, anyway...nowadays he has come around of course. Hard to argue with a happy wife, 75 employees and a full bank account.
Good thing I did ask him for help- All I could see was the work involved making them all by myself and the fun everyone would have- he saw the possibility for lawsuits and the need to get things trademarked. It took all our savings, a mortgage on the house and a small business loan, but we were soon in business. Even hired a couple of guys with a mechanical bent (and a sense of humor) to help make the "Mark 1" and get them delivered. Some assembly required back then, now they are all one unit that just needs to be plugged in.
Then, one of my purchasers who happened to be a judge came up with the idea of using them in his court...the ACLU had a field day, People magazine went nuts, all the articles about cruelty and moral bankruptcy- this from a country that had other judges willing to drop "Under God" from the pledge, who would let criminals go for the slightest typographical error in the arrest warrant- honestly!
Didn't hurt the business, of course. Orders poured in, and we rented out a larger building to keep up with them all. I put a working model of one in a local mall so folks could see what all the fuss was about...and soon had another business proposal, that of setting them up in storefronts all over the place. And a lawyer was put on permanent retainer to handle all the problems that cropped up. I wish I could pack the entire ACLU into one of my machines and hit "puree" sometimes...nah, they don't deserve the pleasure.
When we added the receipt function that listed the number of strokes and the severity setting on a piece of paper you could show to others is when we really got flying. Had a fight with your wife? Flowers just not enough any more? Visit an Atonement Booth (tm) and show her you were >really< sorry. The advertising department has a lot of fun coming up with the ads these days.
Oh, I'm not saying that the original use I had planned for it wasn't still done- a nice warm spanking, a rush of endorphins and all- but more and more people would go in feeling guilty about something they had done, set the controls to punishment and leave sore and sniffling, but with a much lighter conscience. Folks would call it "Getting 'toned", so we adjusted the name on future models.
Now I was going to get the chance to try out the latest model...what would this one have that was new and different? We already had options for straps, paddles (various types, with and without holes), tawse (popular in Scotland, that one), canes, switches- even a hairbrush feature had been added in the past. Set the controls to what you wanted, punch in the length of time and severity, drop your panties, sit down and click the seatbelt- I had learned to add that little feature from the beginning.
This one promised to be different- a standing model, so that if you wanted to be bent over to be spanked you could. A tricky bit of engineering, but that was all out of my hands now. I read the instructions and followed them.
1. Remove clothing from below the waist.
2. Stand on the footprints indicated on the floor.
3. Press the "Begin" button. A padded bar will move into place. It will self adjust to the correct height; do not bend over it until the green light flashes.
4. Bend over the bar and grasp the handle you see before you, sliding your hands into the wrist restraints. This is for your own safety; the machine will not operate until the restraints have been engaged.
5. The engage switch is located to the right of your right foot. The panic button is to the left of your left foot, should you need to stop the procedure.

I was glad to see they still had a panic button somewhere, I couldn't imagine how this would pass the legal team without one. Not that I ever needed to use one of course...not since good old #6, when I insisted that they be created and installed in them all. I believe the justice department has them disabled on the ones they get from us...

No matter what though, I am the ultimate test of any Toning Chair(tm). I quickly remove all my clothing, step into place and press the "Begin" button.

This is going to be such fun!

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Re: The 'Toning Chair (Humor, mechanical/f)

Post by annelies » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:44 am

Very cute!
Please go on...

Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:34 pm

Re: The 'Toning Chair (Humor, mechanical/f)

Post by calliope_1 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:21 pm

Probably a long time ago- I wrote it about 10 years back :o) Hope you liked it!

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Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:45 am

Re: The 'Toning Chair (Humor, mechanical/f)

Post by maddin » Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:46 am

Great story, please go on!

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