Spanking in the 60s (FF/fffff) (5390 words)

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Spanking in the 60s (FF/fffff) (5390 words)

Post by captdeck11 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:57 pm

Please read this as fiction or historical fiction as names and some of the
details have been changed. Spanking of real kids is not advised.

Spanking in the 60s (FF/fffff) (5390 words)

Some interesting spanking history

I have 50 plus years of experience with spanking for disciplining children.
Starting in the early 60's my sisters and I ended up over a parent's lap
(mostly Mom) for a needed and typically at least somewhat deserved
medium to hard spanking all the way through our high school years. Then as
a parent, I had my 3 daughters and one son over my lap for at least as many
sessions. Now as a grandparent of 8 teenage granddaughters and 3
grandsons, I hear about and watch the traditions continue.

This post is about my experiences growing up.

Spankings in the 60's were different than in the 70's and now. My sister
Barb graduated from high school in 1967, I (Susan) in 1971, and Sally in
1973. From at least the mid 1950's to about 1965-66, older girls wore girdles
basically daily with panties underneath. For school, until the early to mid
70's, dresses or skirts were a requirement and most girls wore thigh high
nylon stockings that attached to garter belts that were part of the girdle.
Younger girls typically into or mostly through the sixth grade did not wear
the girdles, just dresses several inches below the knees, slips or petticoats,
and conservative white cotton panties. The girdles were called foundation
garments. They were really tight, holding in your tummy making you look
thinner. The girdles were not that easily put on or taken off, breathing in and
shimmying side to side helped. Were they comfortable or fun to wear?
Definitely not, but when has that made any difference in women's fashion?
For this post, what matters is what this meant for being spanked. Girls
wearing girdles were certainly no less prone then to needing to go over a
parent's lap for a generously provided spanking that was no more
appreciated then than now. The key was the girdle was very, very rarely
going to come down or off. With a very large amount of work, a Mom could
get it down, but as noted it very rarely happened. It was just accepted as
standard procedure, that you went over Mom or Dad's lap, the dress and slip
came up and the spanking started. It was really embarrassing to have Mom
or especially Dad see you in your underwear. As older girls got spanked
over their girdles, younger girls back then got a real break and were almost
always spanked over their panties.

What changed in the 1965 to 1966 period was the advent and popularity of
pantyhose. This was also the era of the Beetles and major changes in music
and contemporary life. Over a fairly short period of time, girdles and
separate nylon stockings became passé (except for elderly ladies in their mid
30's and above). This was also the time that miniskirts became very popular.
At this time (at least for us) options for panties went way beyond white. I
remember having several sets of different colors for each day of the week.
White was always Sunday, Friday was always red, and Saturday was black
and the day was always printed on the panty. Girls generally really liked all
of these changes. The annoyances were a nice pair of pantyhose cost $3 to
$5 (think $12 to $22 today), were subject to the same runs as nylons, and
didn't last anywhere near as long as panties or girdles. Most girls wore
regular panties under pantyhose but others didn't as there was usually a built
in panty. Mainly due to the miniskirts, boys started paying even more
attention to girls' legs.

My sister Barb didn't start wearing pantyhose on a regular basis until the fall
of her senior year of high school, 1966. This meant she got spanked over her
girdle almost the whole time. Mom found that having Dad spank Barb
usually meant it was longer till the next time she needed it. The quirk with a
lot of Barb's spankings was that Barb had a penchant for wearing tight
straight skirts that came straight down to below her knees. These skirts
didn't lift up at all or look very nice if they were rolled all the way up once
they were unrolled. This meant my annoyed Mom telling Barb she was
getting a spanking and Barb thinking if she had to get it, she should be
allowed to get it in her room. Mom gave almost all of our spankings in the
kitchen or living room where any sisters that were home had to watch. This
meant Mom had to wait while Barb argued and got ready, instead of just
turning her over her lap and beginning the spanking. Barb had to take off her
belt, unzip her skirt, step out of it, fold it carefully over a chair, slip off
slip, fold it carefully, remove her shoes, set them neatly under the chair,
unhook both nylons from both sides, watch them swirl down to the floor,
pick them up, smooth them out, and put them over the chair. Then with her
matching top and blouse still on and only her just above the knees girdle,
was she ready to step over to Mom and be put over her lap for the spanking
to begin. I don't know how many times I watched this sequence. Mom was
typically not real happy about having to do the spanking and the delay
certainly didn't make Mom very likely to cut down on the number of spanks.
Mom normally spanked with a belt. From talking with my friends then I
think about two thirds of all spankings used a belt compared to maybe one
fifth today. The belts used were always fairly pliable leather with no plastic
so they would wrap around instead of bounce. The belt then wasn't doubled
up like today, but was folded and held such that only as much belt as it took
to cover both checks and wrap around each side was used. It really, really
stung. From watching Barb get it a lot, Mom was much happier when Barb
was wearing a skirt and it was less than twenty second from Mom telling
Barb to the first spanks being given.

I really remember Barb's most memorable spanking very well. It was in the
fall of Barb's junior year. Barb had been spanked hard of Monday of that
week for something I have forgotten and an additional minor consequence
was she had to come right home from school the rest of the week. On
Thursday Barb got home at 5:45 instead of 4:15. Mom was pretty upset to
find that Barb had to stay after in detention for smarting off in English class.
Barb thought she should have a pass from getting home on time. Mom told
Barb to stay where she was and called the school and found out the detention
had been only 20 minutes and Barb had just been socializing with a bunch of
friends for 45 minutes instead of coming home. Barb hadn't grasped that just
having to spend time in detention was worth at least some spanking. Barb
accepted that she was going to be spanked much better than most times and
was already girdle ready when Mom was done talking with the assistant
principal. Barb's face got really red when Mom told Mr. Smith that Barb
was just about to go over her lap for a hard spanking.

Over Mom's lap Barb went, but instead of the spanking starting, Mom
announced something was wrong. Mom started feeling where Barb's panties
were. Even I could see it was way too thick for a pair of panties. Barb said
all was fine and she wanted the spanking to be over with. Mom stood Barb
up and summoned me to hold Barb's hands out of the way, with instructions
that each time Barb broke away would mean another smaller spanking in
two to three days. Mom, who understood girdles very well, started taking
Barb's down right in the kitchen. Barb started getting nearly hysterical
earning her another future spanking. It took a while but Mom got the girdle
down inside out to find almost Barb's entire panty wardrobe on underneath.
Off came the girdle still inside out while Barb howled about being on
display. Mom gave Barb two sharp spanks with the belt. Then one by one
each pair of panties came down being counted along with two more spanks
from Mom's belt. When the fifteenth and last pair of Barb's panties was
down, a half nude Barb had to step out of the whole batch. One of Barb's
hands went down to cover her front and one her backside. This was the third
time her hands broke away, putting the future spankings count up to four.

Mom said Barb was really going to remember this spanking which looked
like it was about to actually get started. Mom said she thought spanking bare
bottom was likely a good idea for times in addition to this time. Mom told
Barb that it was really disappointing that Barb had planned ahead to
misbehave and tried to minimize the effects of being spanked. Mom said
almost all of the spankings she gave us were spankings we somehow asked
for and Barb was in for some others also. Mom told Barb that in addition to
the 4 more planned spanking, she had earned 14 Mom's choice spankings,
one for each pair of extra panties. Mom said these spankings would be given
whenever Mom decided it made sense. Mom also said she may make some
of Barb's future spankings bare bottom.

(Interesting note, the lady responsible for the Spanx and Assets
undergarment products, Sara Blakely, was spanked growing up. She tells of
hurriedly going to her room and slipping on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
…. before her father got there to spank her. Odd as it may seem she was
spanked over her clothes and her efforts to cut down on the hurt were never
discovered. Her memory of being spanked is the source of the Spanx brand
name. The most significant part of Spanx undergarments is elimination of
the Visible Panty Line (VPL). The Spanx panties aren't girdles and are
pretty comfortable, but they are closer to girdles than panties.)

Mom said she wanted Barb to have some time to think about this and
announced there was going to be a delay of a while because she wanted our
sister Sally to watch this spanking also. Mom noted that Barb had already
had some spanks with the belt to hold her and we would get to watch as her
bottom would go from a light reddish pink to very red. Barb's face was
already red from embarrassment. Barb pleaded not to be on display while we
waited but Mom would not give in. About 20 long minutes later Sally came
in aghast to see her half nude sister with a partially spanked bottom on
display in the kitchen. Sally later said that this site was the most shocking
thing she saw growing up. Mom made Barb explain what had happened.
Sally was given a few minutes to go to the bathroom and change out of her
school clothes.

Soon Sally was back and Mom seriously went to work on Barb's bottom
which got much redder and Barb got much louder. I think Barb got about 25
to 30 more spanks on top of the almost 30 she had earlier. Mom then sent
Barb to her room to change, telling her to put on one pair of panties only and
that her bottom was to be inspected at bed time. Mom promised Barb a few
touch up spanks also.

I am sure that was the harshest spanking I've been around. It was the first
time I watched a spanked bottom changing colors. I felt really sorry for
Barb. Barb did get the rest of her promised spankings but it took a several
months. During this time, Barb was frequently asked if she wanted a
spanking. Of course none of us ever wanted a spanking, but Barb understood
she was due for a bunch of them and Mom was sometimes giving her some
flexibility on when. For Barb, Mom adapted adding the Mom's choice
spanking for not cooperating which immensely improved Barb's cooperation
and Barb didn't get that many more after the batch of 14 was finally
wrapped up.

I entered high school in the fall of 1967 well into the pantyhose and
miniskirt era. I think I only had three girdles starting in sixth grade and when
I outgrew those, I didn't get any more. In the fall of 1966, Barb gave up on
girdles and started wearing pantyhose. This changed spanking practically
over night. The important detail is that Moms talk with one another. It
certainly wasn't Mom's original idea, but she was for sure an earlier adaptor.
Late that summer when our school ward robe was set (likely wouldn't have
mattered, - fashion rules), Mom got us together for a "discussion". Mom said
times change and some of the moms she talks with were talking about and
changing spanking. Mom said that spanking over pantyhose instead of
girdles was just a bad idea as it wouldn't hold up at all. Mom didn't want us
spending all of our wardrobe money on hose. Mom said that at least some of
her friends were finding out that spanking bare bottom was working really
well. Mom said she was reserving to option to spank over panties but for
now it would usually be bare bottom. It was pretty clear that at least many of
Mom's new plans came directly from her talks with her cousin Gladys.

None of us liked the idea at all and argued for privacy and not being as
embarrassed. Mom said if Dad was around or any boy cousins, the spanking
would be done in a private setting. Mom said the other newer idea was
spanking with a paddle some of the time. Mom said the paddle didn't leave
as many lines and often took more spanks. Mom said she was going to
experiment with the paddle, but certainly (not to worry) would still be using
the belt.

Another really annoying part of being spanked was Mom's first cousin,
Gladys, who was also her close friend. Gladys had two daughters, Marilyn
and Janet, who were our age and lived about 20 miles away. Fortunately, for
Mom it was a local call to Gladys. Every Tuesday evening after dinner,
Gladys would call. Our whole family was typically in the living room where
our only telephone was when she called. It seemed like the main topic most
weeks was who got spanked and why along with all the details. It wasn't at
all pleasant having all the details shared. It seems our ears burned every
week as Mom seemed oblivious to our being in the room. Mom and Gladys
would also talk over who came close to be spanked and when their next
spanking was likely to be coming up. Things like getting good grades on
tests were often just mentioned in passing. The really unfortunate part was
talking about each of us kids and after careful discussion, deciding at least
one of us was qualified for at least a minor spanking that had been missed.
Mom and Gladys would discuss incessantly how many spanks we "should"
have received last time or would need next time. Mom and Gladys would
thank each other for their advice. Probably twice a month one of us would
end up over Mom's lap after the call was over. I felt bad for my cousins as it
sounds like Gladys was even more generous with her spankings. I liked my
cousins at one level, but seeing them at least a couple times a month
normally after church wasn't as pleasant as one might expect. It seems all
Marilyn and Janet wanted to talk about was spanking. Fortunately most of
the church families were from Marilyn and Janet's school. I didn't like
Marilyn sharing details of my latest spanking with both girls and boys she
was friends with but certainly couldn't make it stop. Janet was in my grade,
not quite as good a student, but had a really nice figure even going into high
school. Janet had a shapely bottom while mine was too flat. Janet also
always wore panties one size larger than me. Sadly for Janet, this meant her
larger bottom typically required more spanks than mine. Janet also had more
self confidence than I did. Much later I learned that Janet felt being able to
cope with something as difficult as Gladys' way too frequent spankings
somehow really helped with her self confidence.

In my situation, Mom used the belt on me over my panties until I got my
girdles. Then, just like Barb I got it over the girdles. From seeing Barb's
making spankings hurt less failure, I never tried anything like that. I was
much easier to spank than Barb, no arguing (pleas yes) and getting ready

right away. I didn't like straight skirts which also made it easier. After I
outgrew my girdles I was back to slips and days of the week panties. Yes it
did hurt more to get spanked over panties than girdles but it usually took
fewer spanks to get where Mom was going anyway. I started wearing
miniskirts and pantyhose in the middle of seventh grade and until I got into
ninth grade they got increasingly shorter. Mom did not give me any of the
verbal grief about shortness that many of my friends got but she kept a pretty
close eye on us. It seems Mom was amazingly quick to provide me a quick
10 to 15 spank spanking. It also seemed the shorter the skirt the more likely I
was to get it. Mom spanked me typically differently than Barb. Barb usually
got medium to hard spanking with 30 to 45 spanks with the belt. I got it
more often (at least is seems), but usually 15 to 25 spanks. I didn't like
getting spanked ever, but I don't think it bothered me nearly as much as
Barb. While not labeled as Mom's choice spankings, I think most of what I
got were what was labeled as Mom's choice for Barb.

The big spanking change, which Mom made in the late summer of 1966, was
when I was starting into eighth grade. From the late summer "discussion"
Mom had with us, it sounded pretty awful to be bare bottom over Mom's
lap, but at least Dad would be spanking over underwear. Mom said that next
week on Sunday afternoon, Gladys, Marilyn, and Janet would be coming to
our house and we were all going to get our first (except for Barb) bare
bottom spankings. Mom said she and Gladys wanted to experiment on how
to best give the spankings and for us to know we weren't the only kids to get
it with the "new improved methods". These spankings were to be a learning
experience for all of us, not behavior spankings. We were going to get to
skip the next two non urgent earned spankings. We knew enough not to

That Sunday after church, Mom and Gladys brought in deli food for lunch.
Both Dads had made plans to be gone for the afternoon. If there was another
small thing that was nice, it was having this done at our house instead of
having to endure an uncomfortable 45 minute ride home when it was over.
Mom and Gladys were in a really good mood, the five of us kids were
gloomy at best. Gladys announced the rules which were summarized as
cooperating (no carrots offered but sessions with the belt working as a stick).
Mom said the big change was getting it bare bottom. Mom said we were all
on our way to being grown up and each of us would see each other without
our clothes on. We needed to understand it was no big deal and this
afternoon would make this less of a problem in the future.

While Gladys and Mom were getting organized elsewhere, a surprisingly
tearful and shook up Janet took me off to one side. Janet said she had a real
embarrassing problem and hope the rest of us would be kind and not
mention it at all. Janet said it would be dreadfully obvious and made gym
class showers very frightening but so far she had always get in first to the far
shower on the left side keeping it hidden. She was almost always one of the
last ones out, not leaving enough time to get her hair very dry. Janet said she
had a "giant" bright 1" by 2" strawberry birthmark (hemangioma) just below
half way down on her right cheek. These are fairly common, known as
"stork bites", and vary in size, location, and intensity of color. She said it
was harmless but super embarrassing and she really didn't want anyone to
see it. One by one, I talked to the other three girls and we promised to ignore
it and say nothing about it to anyone, even Janet. Janet did not even know if
Gladys, her Mom, still knew she had it. This was going to make being
spanked bare bottom especially hard for Janet.

I took a chance and went upstairs and talked with Gladys and Mom and
explained Janet's predicament. As Janet had suspected, Gladys did not know
about it, thinking it had gone away as Janet grew up. I explained that Janet
and I both knew she would get bare bottom spankings just like the rest of us,
what she really needed was for neither Gladys nor Mom to ever mention it.
This meant especially during the Tuesday evening chats. Both readily agreed
to this.

Mom wanted to cover all the possibilities for starting bare bottom spankings.
Most of the time we would be wearing skirts or dresses and Mom needed to
decide if it worked better to have us slip off the panties before getting in
place or to have Mom peel them down. The other case was when we were
wearing slacks or jeans. Wearing dresses yet from church, we lined up and
each went over and first had Mom slip down our panties, get two hard
spanks with the paddle. Then we did the same for Gladys. It felt very
unpleasant to have particularly Gladys getting her hands on and in my
panties and having no control of them being pulled down. I could already
tell I was going to find getting spanked bare bottom even more painful than
over my panties. Next came the same exercise with each of us slipping off
our panties and getting two spanks with the belt. I didn't like watching my
sisters get turned over the Mom's laps, having their skirt and slips lifted, and
be already bare bottom. I decided most of this was due to being bare bottom.
I tried really hard to see how much difference the belt made on bare bottoms.
With a sample of just four spanks I couldn't feel that much difference, but I
think it sounded very slightly different.

Next it was time to do the exercises starting with jeans. The first test was
standing in from of the Mom and having the jeans unsnapped, unzipped,
pulled down to our knees along with our panties, and then put in position.
This time we got 5 spanks from each Mom with the paddle. When let up, it
was easy to how we would be waddling off if we had a actual spanking as
pulling up even our panties let along slacks wouldn't feel good. The next
part was having us take our jeans and panties down ourselves and getting 5
spanks from each Mom with the belt. Mom loudly noted to Gladys that if we
didn't have jeans on, panties would have to be off or our kicking could
practically destroy them.

Mom and Gladys decided not to do a pantyhose case, as that was basically
another panty case.

Janet had been correct, her strawberry birthmark was pretty noticeable but
the rest of us kept our word making the afternoon a little more tolerable for
her. By this point each of us had received 24 spanks, twelve and twelve over
about an hour. My bottom was doing fairly well so far but it would be a long
afternoon. So far our cooperation had been really pretty good. I noticed I
was getting along better with cousins Janet and Marilyn and could see being
closer friends. I could see it would be nice to call Janet up after Mom got
done with a nasty spanking for support from someone who understood

The next part we had to set the spanking parameters ourselves and get 10 to
15 spanks from the opposite Mom. We had to choose, skirt or jeans, Mom
baring our bottom or us doing it, and paddle or belt. This was so Gladys and
Mom could see each of their girls getting about a third of a spanking. All of
us chose to wear our skirts so when we stood back up we wouldn't be on
display. We also chose to remove panties ourselves rather than be stripped
by Mom or Gladys. Marilyn and I chose the belt having a better idea what
we would get and correctly guessing we would get fewer spanks given
quicker. Gladys was talking about likely not having selected the best paddle
or hairbrush for giving spankings yet. From watching Barb, Marilyn, and

Janet taking the brush, I could see Gladys and Mom would be able to give an
equivalent spanking to the belt but didn't see much advantage to either us or
the Moms.

After this part was done were all crying some and there was a break of
nearly ninety minutes. We were all in the same room while Gladys and Mom
had their conversation about us relative to the experiments. Early on, all of
us girls voted strongly to keep giving us at least the great majority of our
spankings over our panties. Gladys and Mom quickly made their point that
the whole idea behind spanking our bare bottoms was to step up the
embarrassment part of spanking. By definition being spanked bare bottom
was vastly more embarrassing, increased the effectiveness of spanking, and
should lead to needing to spank us less often or very slightly less hard.

Mom noted that she really liked seeing our bottom cheeks as they changed
color and also showed her where to land spanks to evenly do the entire area.
Gladys readily agreed with Mom but noted she didn't like to have to see our
cracks, and especially our anuses, and vulvas once we couldn't keep our legs
together. Mom agreed but noted that the spankings were for our benefit and
getting grossed out was just a price bare bottom spankers have to pay.
Gladys said we should try it again with our panties peeled down inside out
just below our bottoms, so our entire bottom would be on display, our
panties would be out of the way, and out Moms wouldn't be grossed out.

This was the first test done after our break with each of us getting 5 with the
belt. This wasn't enough spanks to know for sure but it seemed like it would
work, giving us a very small amount of privacy and not grossing out the
Moms as much. As Mom noted, it wouldn't work when we wore pantyhose
without panties underneath.

Mom said the final part of the afternoon was going to be a demonstration
experiment spanking that would involve no more than 10 spanks each and
this was something that would not be done on a routine basis. Gladys said if
we really messed up, alcohol, tobacco, or other substances we would get an
entire treatment. Mom said that her oldest Barb and Gladys's youngest
Marilyn, would be done first over their panties, then the rest of us bare
bottom. Gladys got out a new pair of panties for Barb and Marilyn. Mom got
out an unopened pint jar of rubbing alcohol and put about half of it in a
bowl. Then she took the new panties and soaked the back half in the liquid
for a couple minutes. Next Barb and Marilyn had to change to the new
panties. Both Barb and Marilyn started crying and complaining immediately
because the alcohol really made their already spanked bottoms really hurt.
Barb was then first over Mom's lap for 5 with the belt. I'm pretty sure I have
not heard Barb that loud ever. Next Barb got 5 from Gladys with the paddle
staying just as loud. Next was a very frightened Marilyn who got her 5 first
from Gladys with the paddle and then 5 with the belt. Marilyn was plenty
loud and like Barb crying like she had just had a very hard complete
spanking. Mom and Gladys both noted that the belt had even more of an
effect than the paddle.

Mom then got out an empty spray bottle and put in the rest of the rubbing
alcohol. Mom had Janet, Sally, and I stand in a line nude from the waist
down. I was picked first. While standing on a large white towel, Mom
carefully sprayed my bottom with the alcohol. It was strangely cold but
stung an extreme amount. I re-remembered all the spanks I already had
received. It was really hard to stand still so Mom could apply the spray.
Then I went over Mom's towel covered lap for 5 with the belt that each hurt
way more than normal. Next I got the paddle from Gladys which also hurt a
lot. After I was partly done hopping around, Gladys refreshed my bottom
with more alcohol and I had to put my panties back on. Mom said this was a
gift that kept of giving. It took a very long time for the burning to subside
and sitting down which is typically challenging after even a medium
spanking was harder yet. Janet and Sally were next and certainly faired no
better. Mom said she would be keeping the leftover rubbing alcohol for
possible future use.

Mom and Gladys decided if any of us ever needed this treatment the plan
would be, spray, spank, spray, spank, wait 20 minutes, and finish up with
spray, spank, and spray.

Gladys and Mom talked about how the experiments had gone. The main
conclusion was that they hadn't found the right paddles or hairbrushes yet
that would work as well as the belt. The other conclusion was that the
rubbing alcohol would work really well for especially badly needed

We were glad the spanking part of the afternoon was over. The next 2 hours
were spent in our rooms. Janet and I were in our room becoming much better
friends. It turns out that each of us liked the other's wardrobe and we ended
up trading a bunch of clothes. I sent some of mine home with her and got
hers the next Sunday.

The upside of the afternoon is that I became much better friends with Janet. I
found that watching Janet and Marilyn get spanked did make it easier to
cope with my own spankings. Janet and I started spending a lot of Sunday
afternoons together. Again it was somehow helpful for me to get some
spankings from Gladys and Janet to get some from my Mom. It didn't seem
fair to me that Barb got only one year of bare bottom spankings and I got

Looking back now, our first bare bottom spankings seemed to be an
unnecessary overreaction. I thought we did just fine getting spanked over
our underwear. Now I clearly understand that getting it over our bare
bottoms made a huge difference in effectiveness. Other than a few really
unusual circumstances, I can see no reason not to provide at least most
spankings on bare bottoms.

Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:19 pm

Re: Spanking in the 60s (FF/fffff) (5390 words)

Post by DisciplinaryArtSpanks » Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:13 am

Evil Spanx.

I love to see a bottom with a visible panty line.

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:08 pm

Re: Spanking in the 60s (FF/fffff) (5390 words)

Post by lonny55 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:36 pm

Very well portrayed as I grew up in the 50's/60's with similiar sights, sounds and experiences.

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