Charlotte Harrison and the grass fight part 4 by pim parnell M/f
Carolyn eased herself up to a standing position and fighting to hold back her tears gave Charlotte a wan smile of the reassurance she didn’t feel. She then stood next to Charlotte at parade rest digging her nails into her palms trying to distract herself from breaking down.
“Miss Harrison if you would be so kind.” Dr Browning said sarcastically. Charlotte straightened her back a little more and with head held high marched crisply across to the high back chair and gracefully draped herself over the back of the chair and gripped the sides of the chair. She bit her lip in anticipation of the first cut.
The cane slashed down on Charlotte’s skirted behind and in surprise she stood up and swore not under her breathe enough,
“You bastard! I hope you die alone!”
“I beg your pardon Miss Harrison. Who the hell do you think you are talking to? I will not tolerate being spoken to like that! Take off your skirt and bend back over. We will start again only this time it’s another 6 for swearing at a senior member of staff.”
Charlotte glared at Dr Browning defiantly for a brief moment before lowering her eyes to the task of removing her skirt with hands shaking from fear and anger. She allowed the skirt to fall to the ground in an act of defiance all of its own.
“Pick it up and lay it on the desk, tidily!”
As slowly as Charlotte dared she gathered up the skirt and dropped it on the desk with barely concealed derision. Turning she exchanged a glance with Carolyn who by now had reduced to just an occasional sniffle. With as much spirit as she’d dare, walked back over to the chair, folded herself back over the chair back and grasped the sides of the chair radiating contempt and bit her lip.
“I don’t expect you to count them but if you stand up before I tell you it will start all over again.” Dr Browning walked over to the side next to Charlotte’s left hip and took a couple of air slashes truth be told to intimidate and scare her.
“Are you ready Miss Harrison?” Dr Browning not really caring what Charlotte replied.
“Yyyes Sir. “ Charlotte tried to keep the nervousness out of her voice cursing herself for the stutter.
Swiiiitch! The first cut landed across Charlotte’s white regulation knickers biting with an extra sting as Dr Browning flicked his wrist at the end to make it have more impact. Charlotte gasped at it, fighting down the instinct to yelp. The burn coming a few seconds after the cut itself. Charlotte dug her nails harder into the sides of the chair.
Swisssh! The second cut landed parallel to the first with the same flick of the wrist that made Charlotte gulp and have a sharp intake of breath.
Wissshk! The third cut parallel to the first two had Charlotte bit the inside of her cheek and tasted the metalic taste of fresh blood. The burn that came afterwards gave Charlotte a reason to despise Dr Browning.
Tttwaccck! The fourth cut landed lower than the previous three still parallel to the others each stroke leaving a slight dent in Charlotte’s knickers. Charlotte almost cried out at this one but refused to give him the satisfaction of getting her to cry out. The afterburn was somehow worse than the initial cut.
Swwwisshk! The fifth stroke landed in between the first and second cut parallel with no overlap of any previous cuts, Charlotte smothered a sob that rose in her throat and bit her cheek harder. Suppressing a whimper at the after-burn.
Slasssshk! The sixth cut landed just below the fourth stroke leaving Charlotte’s left cheek underneath her full knickers looking like a red and white striped flag. Charlotte’s whimper was a little louder at the stroke and she decided not to give the bastard the satisfaction of breaking her spirit no matter what he did to her.
Dr Browning stood back and looked at his work so far the cane lines visible through Charlotte’s knickers. Without a word, he changed position and stood at Charlotte’s right hip ready to continue her savage caning.
Swwwissshk! The seventh stroke on the other cheek landed perfectly in line with the first cut on her left cheek. Charlotte yelped quietly at it and tried to hold back her tears bravely, the burn nearly wiping out her resolve.
Twwwwack! The eighth cut again perfectly lined up with the vicious little flick of the wrist. Charlotte fought back her tears as her behind felt like it was on fire and being branded at the same time.
Slassssht! The ninth stroke continued the parallel lines pattern Charlotte was near to the limit of her resolve and let out a small squeak of distress. Carolyn wished she could stop this torture but daren’t step in to protect her best friend.
Shaaaawashhhtk! The tenth cut landed in between the seventh and eighth to perfectly mirror the left cheek. Charlotte let out a mew of distress as the searing pain of the cane impact and the building after throb started to overwhelm her.
Swwwashh! The eleventh stroke connected and Charlotte’s legs buckled briefly but she quickly straightened them. The sound coming out of her throat was a yell crossed with a yelp. Charlotte had no idea how many more cuts she was expected to take but she was at her limit.
Slaaashkt! The twelfth cut landed just where her legs met her bottom ensuring that sitting would be uncomfortable for at least a few days. Charlotte’s dam burst and she broke into floods of tears. Feeling very sorry for herself and wishing it was all over. Dr Browning stepped back and quietly placed the long cane on his desk.
“Get up when you are quite ready, take your skirt and get out of my sight!” Dr Browning snapped caning Charlotte for some reason had not improved his mood.
After a minute or so Charlotte stood up scooped up her skirt and the two friends gladly left Browning’s study.
the minxes regrouped in their little secret grove in the middle of the old hedge that leant up against the main analytical chemistry block and started bitching.
“The bastard!” Sukey ranted “ I can’t believe he demoted us and caned us!”
“Yeah, I don’t know how I’ll get all my prep done before bed. I suppose I’ll end up spending every weekend inside from now until goodness knows when.” Rue’s ire was up.
“Don’t worry Rue we’ll all help you as much as we can. I have all but finished my physical chemistry module so I’ll be free enough to help you with your work.” Rosie offered generously.
“thanks Rosie, you’re a real brick.” Rue was a fan of classic girls’ school fiction and often liked using the vernacular within it. Rosie looked puzzled momentarily then the penny dropped and she grinned.
“Erm, thanks Rue, you’re a real stone too.” The girls giggled at Rosie and all of the tension left them.
“Right I suppose from now on we’d better make sure we are angelic in all things. Tidy with all things and polish things until they start to wear out.” Carolyn proposed reasonably.
“Yeah it will nearly kill me but I will have to bite my tongue. I might even make sure I hang up my uniform.” Charlotte winked at her friends and despite her throbbing derriere sashayed towards the dining hall whistling out of tune.
For the next several weeks the minxes did their best to look their best, to work their hardest and be their tidiest with much comment exchanged in the staff room about it. As always Dr Browning was suspicious of any rapid improvement with any pupils because although he believed a good hiding could transform the behaviour of any pupil cadet, but in his experience, any change in behaviour rarely lasted.
More soon.
chocolates and flowers at the stage door please.
Charlotte Harrison and the grass fight part 4 by pim parnell M/f cane
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