It had been one of the worsts weeks of my life. One thing after the other had gone wrong. Finally Friday rolls around and I was so ready to have the weekend to rest and relax. I walk into the house and I was headed towards my room when I hear him call me back to the living room.
"Put your things away and get your butt back in here young lady , time for us to have a very long talk.'
I chill goes down my spine when I hear the words "young lady". Anytime I get called that means I'm in some serious trouble. When I get back to the living room just one look at his face told me I was really in for it. He's moved a chair from the kitchen into the living room and on the coffee table I see a paddle , ruler and wooden spoon. It was pretty clear that he had plans for more than a long talk. My stomach was filling with butterflies and I was more than a little scared, I'd never been spanked in my life.
"I don't know what has gotten into you these last few weeks but your behavior has been just plain awful. I may not know what's gotten into you but I'm going to get to the bottom of the problem which is not good news for your butt! Now you need to pull your dress up and I mean all the way up young lady , I better be seeing the waistband of your panties all the way around or there will be hell to pay."
As I pull up my dress my face turns so red it's burning. It's not like he hasn't seen my panties before , I walk around the house in a tee shirt and panties all the time. This is different , making me hold my dress up like that was putting me and my panties on display and just felt so naughty. He walks behind me and even tugs the waistband of my panties to get them good and tight over my butt which was also very embarrassing. No warning at all before the first smack lands on my right butt cheek.
"Things are going to change around here young lady!"
S M A C K His hand lands on the left butt cheek.
"You seem to think that just because you wear a bra and your kitty cat now has fur that you are all grown up and can do as you damn well please!"
S M A C K S M A C K This time he lands smacks to both my butt cheeks and I almost let go of my dress.
"Keep your dress up or it's coming off and I'll use my belt instead of my hand! The talking back and coming and going as you damn well please is over young lady!"
He lands three smacks to each butt cheek then tugs on the waistband till over half my butt cheeks are no longer covered. My butt was on fire and my face was getting redder by the second. Until you have to do it you don't understand how hard it is to hold your dress up like that. Your arms are in a weird position plus you ass is on fire. My heart skips a beat when I see him walk over and pick up the ruler. He lands the ruler across my butt 8or ten times and it takes everything in me not to let go of my dress and rub my butt. He yanks the waistband of my panties again and now it's like I have on thong panties.
" I hope I'm getting your attention young lady! Things are going to change around here little one and if it means me spanking your pretty little ass daily then so be it!"
He lands the ruler across my poor bottom a couple dozen time and just when he stops I mess up and let go of my dress and both my hands go to my butt to rub. I realize what I've done and start to pull my dress back up but he stops me.
"Just leave it down young lady!"
He didn't sound mad which made me nervous in a way. Then I feel him unzip my dress so I know my punishment for letting my dress come down was me taking the dress off. Then things got worse when I feel him unhook my bra. I was not ready for that at all.
"Seeing you can't seem to do as your told I'm going to make it easier for you little lady. Take everything off except your pretty little panties. If I was you I would do as your told because you will not like what is going to happen if I have to tell you a second time!"
My heart is racing , my head is spinning and I have the worse case of butterflies that I've ever had in my life. Getting spanked was embarrassing enough but now he wants me pretty much naked. I had never thought of myself as bashful but this was a whole new world for me. He stands back with his arms crossed over his chest as I begin to undress. It didn't take long because he had already done half the work for me. Once I was just in my panties I crossed my arms in front of me so my arms kind of covered my breasts and my hands covered the front of my panties. He just shook his head at me.
"Get your arms to your sides little girl , with your hands like you have them it looks like you are playing with yourself!"
I pull my arms to my side and can't believe he would say such a thing to me. He sits down in the chair and pats his lap.
"Get your little ass over here , one more spanking then I think we need to give you a break. I want your ass sore but not black and blue."
I hesitate for a second , my poor bottom was on fire and I really didn't think I could handle another spanking but I didn't want to argue and get myself in even more trouble. I make my way to him and much to my shock he yanks my panties down to my feet before laying me over his lap. I had tears in my eyes just thinking about him smacking my sore ass some more. Well he actually knew what he was doing. No warning I feel quick little stings on the inside of my butt crack, up and down one side then the other. He's spanking my butt crack with the wooden spoon , it stung like hell and I had never even heard of someone getting spanked there. He spanked up and down five times on each side then used the spoon just under each butt cheek , right where the butt cheeks and thighs meet. I was kicking and squirming the entire time and felt my panties come off one foot during this but didn't realize I had kicked them totally off till he helped me up and I see them hanging off a lamp. So there I am , standing in front of him completely naked with my ass on fire hoping he remembers he said my butt needed a break.
"So young lady I think you are starting to understand that I'm serious about this! I thought long and hard about this and I will tell you that if I had my way your little friend Susie would be standing right beside you getting the exact same punishment you are! Hell her behavior is as bad maybe even worse than yours but lucky for her that isn't my call. Would that have made things worse or easier for you? How would you have felt if your best friend was standing right beside you and both of you were holding up your dresses with me going back and forth smacking your asses? Would you have even cared when you had to take everything off that she was watching and you got to watch her when she took off her clothes. I know you two see each other naked all the time but as you just found out being naked to change clothes or take a shower isn't the same as being naked and getting spanked like a ten year old!"
As bad as my bottom hurt I almost laughed out loud when he said he wished Susie was with me. He is right that as many times as Susie and I have seen each other in our underwear and yes naked it would be so embarrassing to have he watch me strip to get spanked and then see my very very red and sore ass. I also know that I would be checking her ass out just to get an idea of how red mine was. The reason I almost laughed was the fact Susie is very bashful except when we are together and I wonder if she could handle being spanked and watching me get spanked. He turns me around and runs his hand over my very sore bottom.
"You still need a little more time before we can get back to your spankings. You remember how you feel right now the next time you think it's OK to ignore your curfew! Bet your little ass will tighten up the next time you talk back to me too. I have an idea on how to speed things up little one , lets go to the bedroom."
He takes me by the hand like I was a ten year old and we go into the guest bedroom and once inside I could tell he had this planned all along. The covers were off the bed and several bath towels and pillows were on the end of the bed. He puts the towels over the pillows and tells me to lay face down on the bed. I do as I'm told and watch him open the drawer on the bedside table and pull out a large bottle of baby oil. I'm not sure why but the idea of him rubbing BABY oil on my butt was super embarrassing. I have to admit the oil felt wonderful as he massaged my bottom with it and it was working because I could feel the heat leaving my bottom. Little did I know the oil was a dirty trick. He makes me raise up and put a second pillow under me which had my butt sticking way up in the air. Then he moves so I could see him take off his belt and fold it in half. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to come right out of my chest!
"I think twenty five with the belt should be about right young lady. You need to count each one out and if you forget to count we start all over."
The belt lands and I felt like I had been stung by a thousand bees all at once! I almost scream out "ONE" not about to give him an excuse to add more. He waited a good thirty seconds before landing the belt again and the second lick with the belt was even worse than the first one but I manage to say TWO loud and clear. This continued till I got all twenty five and managed to count out each and every one. He tosses the belt on the dresser and sits on the bed and begins rubbing the baby oil on my butt again.
"Punishment over! I'll save the paddle till tomorrow. So I think I know the answer to this but I'll ask anyway. Was it everything you thought it would be?"
I let my legs part and hope he notices.
"Well it was tens times more embarrassing than I thought it would be and hurt a bit more than I thought but besides that it was just what I was hoping it would be ,,,, it was wonderful which I know is crazy. You sure played your part well , I had to remind myself a couple times that it was just a roleplay and I wasn't actually in trouble. I sure hope you enjoyed it too because I don't want this to be the last time you spank me and who knows I may even get up the nerve to get Susie to play with us."
His clothes come off and he takes the pillows away and gets behind me. He rubs his extremely hard cock against my wetness before slowly slipping inside me.
"I'm not so sure asking Susie to play is such a good idea. I mean look how turned on both of us are right now and we can do something about it with it being just us but not so easy with your best friend in the mix."
I push back against him making him go even deeper inside me.
"Oh is I get Susie to play things would change a bit. Instead of being naughty girls we would be you little slaves girls for a weekend and totally at your mercy! It's not cheating if it's my idea and think of all the things you could make us do!"
I would love to say my first spanking was my best but we were just getting started and learning more and more each day and turns out Susie and I have lots of the same fantasies which was a good thing for all three of us!
He decides it's time to teach me a lesson!
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