A/N The characters from Nickelodeon's "Victorious" partake in some spanking adventures. Enjoy! More to come soon.
Tori Vega was still tired when the alarm clock on her phone
woke her up. She sighed and forced herself out of bed. She could have used
another hour of sleep, but she had to get ready for school. She hated Mondays!
She always slept in on the weekends, which made getting up on Monday morning that
much harder.
Tori slouched downstairs, still in her PJs, to make herself
breakfast. She got some strawberries from the fridge and spent a couple minutes
chopping them up. Then she got some waffles from the freezer and popped them in
the toaster, before going upstairs to get dressed while her waffles were
Tori kicked off her PJs and tossed them into the laundry
bin. She grabbed a bra and a fresh pair of underwear from her dresser and put
them on, before looking for her skirt. She had gone shopping on Saturday and
purchased a new miniskirt, which she had planned to wear to school today. She
had set it on her dresser the night before, but now it was missing. Her new top
was also missing.
A wave of irritation washed over her. Trina probably took
it, she thought to herself. Tori slapped open her bedroom door and marched
downstairs, forgetting that she was half naked. “Trina!” she hollered.
“Hey hey Tori!” her sister Trina greeted her. “Trina! Did
you take my new…?” Tori started to say, but then froze. Trina was sitting at
the kitchen counter, wearing Tori’s new skirt and eating waffles with sliced
strawberries on them. “Hey! Those were my waffles!” she
yelled. Trina looked Tori up and down. “I didn’t realize it was Underwear Day
at school today” she said, laughing.
“Don’t change the subject!” Tori snapped. “I spent several
minutes making those waffles, and how many times have I told you not to take my
clothes without asking?!” she yelled.
“Wow, you need to chill, girl!” said Trina, through a bite
of waffle. “RRGGHH!” Tori growled, stomping her foot. She was really annoyed
with Trina now. Her sister could be so thoughtless and inconsiderate sometimes,
and it drove her up a wall.
“Trina! You are the worst sister in the country!” Tori
yelled. Trina’s mouth opened in shock and anger. The two sisters started
yelling at each other, when Tori noticed the bushes on her patio moving.
“SINJIN!” she shouted angrily. Tori slammed open the door
and stomped out onto the patio to confront Sinjin, still in her bra and underwear.
Sinjin stumbled out of the bush. “H-hey Tori” he sputtered, staring at Tori
with eyes wide and mouth agape. Tori was livid. “SINJIN! How many times have I
told you not to spy on me and my family!??!” she yelled, shaking with anger.
Sinjin froze, his wide eyes fixated on Tori’s exposed body.
“W-wow Tori; this is just like that dream I keep having where…” *WHAM*!!
Tori punched Sinjin in the face as hard as she could, knocking him to the
ground. Sinjin staggered to his feet. He opened his mouth to say something, but
Tori cut him off. “GET LOST!” she shouted, raising her fist as if to
strike him again. Sinjin turned and ran away from the Vega’s house as fast as
he could, still clutching his face where Tori had punched him.
“Yeah you BETTER run!” Tori shouted after Sinjin.
Suddenly, there was a slam followed by a click. Tori spun around to see Trina
staring at her through the glass, smirking. She tried to open the door but it
was locked! “What the!!?!? Trina! Unlock that door this instant!” shouted Tori,
banging on the door.
Trina grinned at Tori through the glass. “Sorry! Can’t. I
have to finish your waffles and then do my makeup. There’s just not time! But
hey, the front door is unlocked!” she said, smirking. Tori was livid. “Trina! I
can’t go around front! I’m in my underwear!” she yelled, still banging on the
glass. “Well, you shouldn’t have gone outside in your underwear!” said Trina,
wagging her finger at Tori.
Tori pleaded with Trina to let her in, but Trina ignored her
and went to the bathroom to do her makeup. Tori angrily kicked over a patio
chair, cursing Trina, before heading towards the front door, hoping there
weren’t too many people on the sidewalk in front of her house.
As she came around to the front, she noticed Sinjin standing
on the opposite side of the street, using his Pear Phone to take pictures of
her. Tori wanted to run across the street and beat Sinjin to a pulp, but she
suddenly became very aware of her lack of clothing. Cars were slowing down and
honking at her, and some construction workers on the sidewalk started whistling
at her. “Hey! My dad’s a cop!” Tori yelled, as she hurried towards the front
Tori ran upstairs and hastily put on some skinny jeans and
an old tank top before heading out front to wait for Andre to pick her up and
give her a ride to school.
* * * * *
“Yikes! That is one ugly top!” exclaimed Jade, as Tori sat
down with the gang at their usual lunch table. Tori rolled her eyes and ignored
the comment while Beck sighed and shook his head. “So how’s the script coming
along?” asked Robbie. Tori, Robbie and Beck had a group assignment for their
film-writing class. “First draft is finished” replied Tori.
“Holy chiz, what happened to Sinjin’s eye?” exclaimed Andre.
Tori chuckled. “I caught him spying on me from the bush on my patio” she said,
as she dug into her chicken fingers. Andre looked at her, wide-eyed. "Dang
girl, you messed him up good!" he said, sounding impressed. Tori grinned.
Sinjin came over and greeted Tori awkwardly, as he
always did. “Hey Tori, I liked your underwear this morning. Are you still
wearing them?” he said, standing way too close to Tori for her comfort.
Everyone at the table exchanged WTH looks with each other, and Tori reminded
Sinjin that her dad was a cop and that his actions on her patio that morning
were a crime.
Sinjin backed away from Tori and leaned over to sniff Jade,
who was sitting on the opposite side of the table. Jade, however, was having
none of it. “NO!!” she screamed, scaring Sinjin so much that he fell
backwards onto a bowl of soup that was sitting on a neighboring table.
Tori was about to show Beck and Robbie the rough draft for
the script she had written when Cat interrupted. “One time my brother brought
home a troubled girl that he met at a home for troubled girls, and then the
judge told him he’s no longer allowed to go within 3000 feet of any school. He
also had his name, address and photo posted on a special website for people who
aren’t allowed near schools” said Cat, staring at everyone with her large
innocent eyes.
Everyone nodded awkwardly as they always did when Cat talked
about her brother, while Jade took a package of pipe cleaners out of her purse.
"Here Cat, play with these!" she said, handing Cat the pipe cleaners.
"YAY PIPE CLEANERS!" cried Cat, beaming with excitement.
Just then, Trina came over and greeted Beck. “Hey
handsome! Check out my new skirt!” she said. “You mean my skirt” Tori
interjected, while Jade glared at Trina. Trina ignored both Tori and Jade as
she ran her hand through Beck’s hair.
Predictably, this enraged Jade. “Trina!” Jade shouted, as
she lunged at Trina. “YOU STAY AWAY FROM HIM!” she shouted angrily, as she and
Trina grabbed onto each other’s hair and started having an all-out fight. As
the two tumbled around on the ground, swinging at each other, they ended up
flipping the lunch table. Everyone’s lunch tray went flying, and Tori ended up
getting splattered with ketchup and mustard. “Hey hey hey! Break it up!” yelled
Andre. He and Tori grabbed Trina, while Beck restrained Jade, trying
desperately to calm her down.
Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.
* * * * *
Tori stomped upstairs to her room and slammed the door. She
was hungry and cranky, as she had been unable to finish her lunch thanks to
Trina flipping over the table. She ripped off her tank top, which Trina had
managed to splatter ketchup and mustard all over, and began rummaging through
the laundry bin for a new top. After she got changed, she went downstairs. Beck
and Robbie were coming over to work on their group project, and she wanted to
get some snacks ready for them.
When she got downstairs, she saw her sister sitting at the
kitchen counter, helping herself to some brownies. The plate of brownies still
had the note Tori had attached the night before, which read “Tori’s brownies.
Do not eat”.
Tori bit her lip. “Trina! Did you see the note on
those brownies I made last night?!!?” she demanded. Trina rolled her
eyes. “Yeah, it said ‘Tori’s brownies. Do not eat’” she said, her voice
dripping with attitude. Tori put her hands on her hips and glared at Trina. “So
why are you eating them?” she yelled, her voice rising. Trina paused to take
another bite of her brownie, which only made Tori’s blood boil even more.
“Because I was hungry” sneered Trina, in her most obnoxious and bratty voice.
While Tori fumed, Trina finished the brownie she was eating
and reached for another. That was the last straw for Tori. “YOU PUT THAT DOWN!”
she screamed, grabbing Trina’s hand that clutched the brownie. “NO!” Trina
shouted, swinging at Tori with her other hand. Tori ducked just in time. “OH
THAT DOES IT!” she snarled.
Tori lunged at Trina, tackling her to the ground. The two
sisters rolled around on the ground swinging at each other, but before long
Tori got the upper hand and was able to pin Trina down. While pinned, Trina
flailed around desperately, managing to land a couple blows on Tori’s butt.
This gave Tori an idea.
Tori flipped Trina over onto her belly and pinned her arms
behind her back. Trina protested loudly, but Tori held her hands behind her
back with one hand and grabbed Trina’s hair with the other hand. “Ow OW OW!
OKAY!” Trina cried out in pain as Tori jerked her to her feet by her hair.
Tori grabbed the piano bench with one hand and placed it in
the middle of the room, all while holding Trina by her hair with the other
hand. Tori sat down on the piano bench and dragged Trina over her lap by her
hair. “OW! Tori! What are you doing!???!?” Trina protested loudly. “Something
that’s needed to be done for a long time!” snapped Tori.
And with that she started spanking Trina through her skirt.
*Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!*
“What the?!? Tori!” cried Trina indignantly, trying to twist
off of Tori’s lap. Tori grabbed Trina’s waist with her left hand, holding her
firmly in place, while continuing to spank with her right hand.
*Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!*
Trina tried to reach back her hands to block the spanks, but
Tori was having none of it. “Move your hands!” she ordered, as she gave Trina
several especially firm spanks to her exposed upper thighs.
Trina yelped in surprise and moved her hands to the front as
Tori had ordered, and Tori continued smacking Trina’s butt.
*Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!*
Tori was by no means being gentle, yet Trina didn’t seem to
be noticing the spanks, so Tori decided it was time to kick things up a notch.
She grabbed the hem of Trina’s tight denim skirt and started sliding it over
her hips. “What the – Tori! Leave my skirt alone!” Trina yelled angrily,
reaching back to try and stop Tori from pulling her skirt up. “YOUR skirt? You
mean MY skirt!” snapped Tori angrily, as she pushed Trina’s hands out of the
way and continued sliding the skirt over her sister’s hips, revealing Trina’s
firm, muscular butt sheathed in a pair of blue boyshorts with “Make It Shine”
printed right in the middle of her butt.
Tori was flabbergasted. “Really Trina?!? Really? You’re
wearing my underwear? REALLY?!??” she yelled. Trina rolled
her eyes. “Uh, yeah! Mine were all in the laundry bin. What was I supposed to
do? Pull a Britney Spears?” she said in her brattiest voice.
Tori was livid. She wound up and brought her hand down as
hard as she could right in the middle of Trina’s butt.
“OW! That HURT!” Trina yelled, kicking her legs. “GOOD!
It’s supposed to hurt!” snapped Tori, giving her sister
several more spanks.
*Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!*
“Tori! Ow! This is ridiculous! You can’t spank me!”
Trina protested, as Tori continued spanking her. “Actually, I can!” snapped
Tori, as she landed five especially sharp spanks to Trina’s firm muscular
*Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!*
Trina was definitely feeling the spanks now. Tori could feel
her body tense up slightly with each impact. “Tori! You better stop! I’ll tell
mom and dad!” Trina threatened. “Fine! Tell them! They won’t care” said Tori,
as she landed several spanks on Trina’s sit-spots.
*Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!*
“OW! Yeah they will!” yelled Trina indignantly, squirming
desperately as Tori assaulted her sensitive sit-spots. A smug smile crossed
Tori's face. “No they won’t. They didn’t care when I locked you in the bathroom
to keep you away from Dale Squires” she said, continuing to focus on Trina’s
Just then, the doorbell rang. “IT’S OPEN!” Tori yelled while
continuing to spank her sister. Trina gasped. “Wait what?!? NOO Tori! Please
don’t invite people in!” she begged.
The door opened and Beck and Robbie entered. “Hey Tori” said
Beck, “we brought Chinese food from Nozu so we can eat while we work on our
project”. Beck and Robbie stopped and stared: Tori was sitting on a piano
bench, with Trina draped over her lap. Trina’s skirt was pulled up around her
waist, revealing a pair of blue panties with “Make It Shine” printed right in
the middle of her butt. And Tori was spanking her; quite hard, from the looks
of it. The skin below the edges of her panties was already pink from Tori’s
assault, and there were even a couple pink handprints on Trina’s thighs.
“Tori, what… what are you doing?” asked Beck, as he and
Robbie stared with their mouths wide open in shock at what they had just walked
in on.
“Giving Trina what she’s needed for many years” replied Tori
without looking up, as she continued spanking Trina.
*Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!*
“OUCH! Tori! Please! Not in front of Beck! He’ll see my
underwear!” Trina begged, desperately trying to pull her skirt back down. “YOUR
underwear!?!? You mean MY UNDERWEAR!” yelled Tori angrily, as she pushed
Trina’s hand out of the way while punctuating her displeasure with five
extra-hard rapid-fire spanks to Trina’s sit-spots.
“OW OH OUCH! Tori PLEASE!” Trina yelled, frantically
flailing about, as the sting from five spanks applied rapidly to the same spot
quickly built up to a wicked burn. Tori frowned. “You borrowed my underwear!
Seriously, who borrows somebody else’s UNDERWEAR?” she yelled, shaking her head
in disgust as she landed several hard spanks to the middle of Trina’s bottom.
*Spank!* *Spank!* *Spank!*
“Ow! What’s the big deal? It’s just underwear! Sisters are
supposed to share” Trina whined. “Oh really?” said Tori, rolling
her eyes. “So then you’ll share you Fazzini boots with me, right?” she said,
resting her hand on Trina’s bottom for a moment. Trina rolled her eyes. “Um
noo! Those boots were expensive! Unlike those panties” she said in
her brattiest voice.
Tori went ballistic. “THOSE *SPANK* PANTIES *SPANK* WERE
*SPANK* A *SPANK* GIFT *SPANK* FROM *SPANK* CAT!” she shouted, punctuating each
word with an extra-hard spank to Trina’s sit-spots. “SHE *SPANK* MADE *SPANK*
“Ow ow OUCH! Tori! That HURTS!” Trina hollered, trying to
wiggle free from Tori’s grip. Tori stopped spanking for a moment to catch her
breath. Tori was not holding back at all, yet Trina was taking the spanking
remarkably well. Trina’s butt was very muscular, and each time Tori slapped it,
it was almost as if it was hitting back. The skin just below Trina’s panties
was still only pink, and Trina’s attitude didn’t seem to be improving. To top
it off, Tori’s hand was starting to hurt.
“Hey Beck, could you get me a ping-pong paddle from the game
room?” Tori hollered. “WHAT? A PING-PONG PADDLE?!!?!” yelled Trina, looking
alarmed. Beck raised his eyebrows. “Tori, are you sure that’s a good idea?” he
started to say. “NOW please!” snapped Tori, cutting Beck off. Beck and Robbie
glanced at each other, but decided it was probably best not to argue with Tori
at that particular moment in time.
“Thank you, Beck!” said Tori, as Beck returned with a
ping-pong paddle and handed it to her. Tori raised her arm, and with a flick of
her wrist, brought the ping-pong paddle down on Trina’s left butt-cheek.
Trina gasped. The sting from the ping-pong paddle was
incredible. It literally took her breath away. Trina had barely begun
recovering from the first swat when Tori landed another swat, this time on
Trina’s right butt-cheek.
Tori settled into a rhythm of about 2 spanks every 3
seconds. She focused most of the spanks on the middle of Trina’s bottom (right
on top of “Make It Shine”), while occasionally targeting Trina’s much more
sensitive sit-spots.
“YOWIE OWIE YOWIE!” Trina hollered, jerking and kicking her
legs with each swat. “Tori! PLEASE! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS HURTS!” she
yelled, pleading with her sister to stop the barrage.
IN THE COUNTRY!” yelled Tori, punctuating her point with an extra hard spank to
Trina’s sit-spots every few words.
Trina was really squirming now. The sting quickly reached
unbearable levels as Tori leaned into her with the paddle. Tears welled up in
Trina’s eyes, threatening to overflow and roll down her face despite her efforts
to avoid crying.
Trina thrashed, kicked and bucked, desperately trying to
squirm off of Tori’s lap. But Tori held her tight. Tears flowed freely from
Trina’s eyes, mixing with her mascara and makeup and running down her face in
dark streaks.
Just then, David Vega, Tori and Trina’s father, came in.
“Tori, what are you doing?” he asked, with a look of bewilderment on his face.
Tori glanced up at her father. “I’m doing what you and mom should have done
years ago!” she replied nonchalantly, while continuing to spank Trina. David
shrugged. “Well, be careful. That paddle was expensive” he said to his youngest
“OWIE OW! DAD! MAKE HER STOP!” begged Trina through her
tears. David glanced over his shoulder at his eldest daughter. “I’m sorry baby,
I have to go to work, even though I just got out of work” he replied, as he
hurried outside once again.
With their father gone, Tori resumed scolding Trina while
continuing to spank her. “YOU *SPANK!* LOCKED ME *SPANK!* OUT OF THE HOUSE
Trina was getting exhausted from all the struggling. Her
body went limp and she just lay there and bawled. She could no longer feel the
individual spanks; the sting from each swat blurred seamlessly into a constant,
unbearable burning sensation.
Tori smiled to herself as she felt the change in Trina’s
demeanor that meant the spanking had achieved the desired effect. She finished
the spanking by giving Trina twelve extra hard spanks to her sit-spots and
upper thighs.
Trina lay over Tori’s lap, sobbing hard. The sting in her
butt was so intense it took her a moment to realize Tori had stopped spanking
her. Tori allowed Trina to catch her breath before helping her to her feet.
Trina was a mess. Her eyes were puffy and red. Fresh tears
continued to flow as she sobbed. Her face was streaked with tears mixed with
makeup and mascara. It reminded Tori of the time she stuffed all those berry
balls in her hat and they had melted and dribbled down her face. Trina's hair
was a disheveled mess from all the struggling she’d done. Some of it was stuck
to her tear-streaked face.
“There, there” said Tori softly, giving Trina a hug. Trina
rested her head on Tori’s shoulder and sobbed while Tori rubbed her back. Tori
suddenly noticed that Trina’s skirt was still hiked up around her waist, her
underwear fully exposed. She grasped the hem of Trina’s skirt and slid it down
over her hips so she was once again covered. “Aw man! I was enjoying the view!”
said Rex. “Oh hush Rex!” Tori snapped, glaring at Rex, while Robbie looked
Tori put an arm around her sister’s shoulder. “Come on
Trina-Rina, let’s go upstairs” she said. Trina nodded, allowing Tori to lead
her upstairs to her bedroom.
Tori sat down on the edge of the bed. Trina rested her head
in her sister’s lap and sobbed, lying on her side to avoid putting any pressure
on her very sore bottom.
Trina looked up at Tori with large sad eyes. “Am… am I
really the worst sister in the country?” she asked through her tears. Tori
thought for a moment. “Nah” she finally said, “Not the worst in the country.
Maybe in the state” she said, grinning. “Hey!” said Trina, with a look of
“Just kidding!” said Tori, playfully punching her sister’s
arm. “You’ve always been there for me when it counted. You saved me from those
bush daisies that Jade tried to give me, you tried to protect me from getting
hurt by Ryder Daniels, you gave Cat a good scolding when she used Gorilla Glue
on my face, and you forced Robbie to decorate our Christmas tree for us without
giving him anything in return” said Tori.
Trina smiled at Tori through her tears, and then gave her
sister a big hug. “Aww” said Tori, affectionately rubbing Trina’s back.
“Okay, let’s get you cleaned up” said Tori as she brushed
the hair out of her sister’s face. And with that she put her arm around Trina’s
shoulder and led her off to the bathroom. Trina used a damp washcloth to clean
the dried tears, makeup and mascara off her face, while Tori fixed up her hair.
“Thank you Tori” said Trina as Tori helped her reapply her
makeup and mascara. Tori stared at her sister in shock. “Okay, who are you and
what have you done with my sister?” she demanded. Trina almost never
spontaneously thanked her for small acts of kindness.
Trina laughed. “Hello, my name is ‘New Trina’! Unlike ‘Old
Trina’, I am definitely not the worst sister in the state!”
she said, grinning. Tori laughed. “You’re silly” she said, playfully poking
Trina’s tummy. “Don’t change too much, though. I don’t know what I’d do without
my crazy big sister who buys illegal puka fish and sneaks into parties she’s
not invited to” said Tori, as she affectionately ruffled Trina’s hair. “Hey! I
just fixed that up!” said Trina, with mock indignation. “You mean I just
fixed it up!” replied Tori, as she quickly redid Trina’s hair. And with that,
the two sisters walked downstairs, arm in arm.
Beck and Robbie were in the living room, looking over the
rough draft of the script on Tori’s laptop. They looked up as Tori and Trina
walked in. “Um, is everything alright between you two?” Beck asked, looking
concerned. Tori and Trina grinned at each other. “Never better!” replied Trina.
“Yeah” said Tori. “We just needed to… talk things over”.
Trina grinned at her sister. “Tori's very persuasive” she
said, rubbing her bottom. “We gathered that!” replied Robbie.
Tori sat down with Beck and Robbie and the three friends
started discussing the script. Trina came into the room carrying her car keys.
“Hey, I’m going to the store. Do you guys want anything?” she asked. Tori
smiled. “We’re good. Beck brought us Chinese food. Thank you for asking,
though” she replied.
Beck and Robbie stared at Trina in amazement. “Who’s that?”
asked Robbie, turning to look at Tori. “And what did she do with Trina?” asked
Beck. Tori grinned. “That is ‘New Trina’. She is definitely not the
worst sister in the state” she said.
“Wait, Trina!” Tori called out to her sister. “Yeah?”
replied Trina, stepping back into the living room. “You’ll be wanting this!”
said Tori, as she tossed her sister a pillow.
To Be Continued…
A Victorious Spanking Story -- Chapter 1: Trina's First Spanking, f/f
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