When I first met Kimberlee it was during her interview for an executive assistant position.
Kimberlee was bright and articulate; She was 5’4”, with long brown hair and green eyes.
Cute in an impish sort of way.
The interview went very well and I offered her a position and asked if she could start the following Monday. She eagerly accepted my offer.
Kimberlee showed up precisely at 8 am, filled out all of the necessary forms and paperwork and reported to me. Welcome aboard I said. She smiled and hoped that she would meet all of my expectations. I assured her she would and I showed her to her desk and on the way I introduced her to my office manager Sandy. Initial pleasantries done I noticed a look on Kimberlee’s face that portended trouble but for now I let it slide.
Kimberlee showed up for work everyday that first week right on time and immediately dove into the pile of work on her desk. She was a quick study and in no time knew the office routine. She did have one annoying habit. She always was correcting people and it was starting to get on everyone’s nerves. Minor mistakes were blown way out of proportion and even though she was the newest person in the office she acted as if she was in charge much to the annoyance of Sandy!
She’s making me nuts said Sandy! Correcting everyone including me! I need you to have a talk with her she said. I said OK and asked Kimberlee into my office. I told her that Sandy was the one she should go to in the event she found a problem and not to take it upon herself to correct everyone. Kimberlee said she was just trying to improve the efficiency of the office. I told her from now on she had to go through Sandy and I asked if she understood. She said yes but there was a look of annoyance on her face.
A short time later I heard a commotion out in the office and found Sandy and Kimberlee almost to the point of exchanging blows. What’s going on I said. Sandy said the Kimberlee had made some rude remarks about how Sandy handled the office and was being insolent toward her. I asked Kimberlee if that was true and she said yes in a low voice. Into my office right now Kimberlee!
I told her in no uncertain terms that Sandy was her immediate supervisor and how Sandy ran the office was no concern of hers! I also pointed out that she was still on probation and I could terminate her right now!
Please don’t fire me I’ll behave I promise! You have disrupted the office Kimberlee and I don’t have the time for this! Sandy I said over the intercom, please prepare a check for Kimberlee she'll be leaving us! No please no! I promise this will never happen again I swear. Can’t we work something out? I mean find some other way to punish me? I really need this job! I asked Sandy to come into my office. She was holding a check for Kimberlee in her hand. Sandy I said, Kimberlee wants me to give her another chance and she wanted to know if there was some other way to punish her. Well said Sandy, if it were up to me I’d put her across my knee and give her a spanking she wouldn’t forget!
Spank me? Kimberlee said. Sounds like a plan to me I said. Well Kimberlee what do you say? The check is already made out and I can have you out of here in about 30 seconds! The choice is yours!
Well seeing what my options are I’ll take the spanking she said matter of factly. Sandy, please draw up an agreement for Kimberlee to sign releasing us form any liability and lawsuits. My please Sandy replied with a smirk on her face. Kimberlee stood there silently but with the hint of a smile on her face. She didn’t seem nervous at all!
A short time later Sandy returned with the document. “I Kimberlee do hereby accept spanking as an alternative to being fired. I authorize Lee to spank me whenever he feels that spanking is appropriate” This was more than I had asked for but Kimberlee signed the document without hesitation. I signed and then Sandy witnessed it.
OK Kimberlee now that is done I’ll see you after 5 PM and we can get this over with! 5 PM? Why do I have to wait until then? I was bad and I am ready to accept my punishment now! All right I said as I stood and pulled a chair to the middle of the room. I made sure that my door was locked and I asked Kimberlee to come to me. She did without hesitation and immediately put herself over my knee. She turned her head and looked at me. Spank me good she said I’ve been very, very bad! She was actually smiling! So this had been a setup all along! She wanted me to spank her! Well young lady you have been extremely naughty and I am going to spank you good and proper! Are you going to spank me on the bare? Knowing that this is what she wanted I quickly said yes and quickly lifted up her skirt and lowered her panties to mid-thigh.
I raised my hand and brought it down hard onto her left bottom cheek. A soft ow! Again and again my hand flashed downward and at each impact Kimberlee emitted the same low ow! I asked her if she had enough and was going to behave. She just shook her had and whispered a low no! I started to spank her with more vigor and her cries became more and more distressed. Her bottom went from a light pink to a blazing red in short order. After about 50 smacks I again asked her if she had enough and again she said no but more emphatically!
I spanked her much harder now and she was crying hard but still she didn’t want me to stop. After 100 smacks. I stopped and let her up. Are you done already? She asked. For now I am. We will have to finish this up later I have much to do today. She looked at me with those doe eyes and said maybe you need to get a hairbrush to do it right! I’ll go out at lunchtime and get a good one she said.
All right and later we can finish this. By the way why did you go through all of this just to get spanked? Well Kimberlee said, I like to be spanked and I’ve always had a hard time finding someone who wouldn’t take my nonsense and take me to task. You let me have just enough freedom to do what I wanted and then lowered the boom! You spank pretty good she said with a smile but I could use a bit more!
Later miss now go back to work and I’ll deal with you later! As she turned to walk away I gave her a hard smack on the bottom. She let out a little ouch and turned towards me with a big smile on her face.
After lunch Kimerlee came back to my office to show me what she had bought. She had a large wooden hairbrush in her hands. Very nice hairbrush Kimberlee I said. Probably gives a great sting! I said with a smile. Oh I’m sure it does she replied. I’m ready when you are! Later Kimberlee I have am important meeting in 5 minutes and I want to give you some quality time to do this right!
Kimberlee looked and me and said all right but I’ll be waiting. She had a very large smile on her face knowing that some she was going to get exactly what she really wanted, a long, hard bad girl spanking.
My meeting lasted most of the afternoon and it was late when I finished. Kimberlee was standing there waiting for me. I’m ready sir she said. OK Kimberlee come into my office.
I could see that she really wanted me to spank her good but I also noticed something else. The way she said sir. It seemed to me like she wanted me to be more strict and to do more scolding than I had done earlier. Come here I said in a commanding voice. Kimberlee looked all scared and nervous at this point. She come to me in small baby steps. You have been a very bad little girl Kimberlee and now I am going to punish you! Hand me the hairbrush I ordered. Slowly she stretched out her hand to me and I took the brush from her and in one quick motion I pulled her over my knee. She gasped at my suddenness. As I held her in position I scolded her and slowly lifted her skirt and lowered her panties. You have been very very bad Kimberlee! I know sir and I need a good hard spanking! Yes you do young lady! With this I lifted the hairbrush high and brought it down hard on her left bottom cheek leaving a very red and angry mark. OUCH! Cried Kimberlee. Again I brought the brush down this time on the other cheek and again a loud OUCH came from Kimberlee’s lips. I continued to spank hard and fast. Kimberlee was swinging from side to side and her legs beat the air! You are not to correct anyone in the future young lady and I don’t want to see a repeat of your actions today! I won’t sir I promise. I’ll be a good little girl from now on Daddy! I stopped for a moment and she turned and looked at me. I’ve been a very bad little girl daddy, spank me hard and make ma a good girl!
Tears were flowing freely at this point but she needed to be punished! More than that she wanted to be punished! I gave here the next 10 whacks as hard as I could and Kimberlee screamed out as each landed. Promising that she would be the best little girl a daddy could have! At the last whack, Kimberlee broke down completely and she lay heaving over my knee and crying fitfully.
Are you going to behave now young lady? Yes Daddy! I’ll be a good girl. I promise.
I let her up and I held her for a long time until she regained her composure. Wow! Now that was a spanking! Best one I’ve had in a long time she said with a smile from ear to ear. You really do know how to spank! I don’t think I’ll be sitting down tonight or tomorrow! You really blistered my butt she said. And I’ll do it again if needed I said.
I can hardly wait was her reply but how about the day after tomorrow? I need to sit once in a while she said with a laugh.
Look Kimberlee, if you want a spanking you don’t have to go through this elaborate game just ask me and I’ll do the rest OK? Well I do need to be punished for things that I’ve done wrong she explained and I do need it hard at times. I tell you what Kimberlee, you make a list of your behavior and I’ll spank you for that? Do we have a deal? Well yes but sometimes I really just need a good spanking to keep me focused. How about we set up a code word for when you need a fast keep me on track spanking? How about the word “Rose” I suggested. Sounds like an appropriate code word because your butt is going to be rosy red when I’m done I said with a smile. I can hardly wait she grinned, then we hugged and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she turned and with a smile said ROSE and ran out the door!
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