The Current Path: A Nat and Alyssa Story – Part Five
“Go ahead and let your arms drop down,” Alyssa heard Nat say. Gingerly, she moved her arms to the front of her. Her muscles felt sore. She waited a moment before moving them around. They were stiff, but that was to be expected.
She was still dangling over Nat’s lap, which was a little odd. She’d expected him to let her up by this time. She felt his hand rest on the middle of her back, a second later he began to rub soft, slow circles.
While it probably seemed strange to anyone else, it was calming. Alyssa felt like she was safe, even if she’d just been spanked. She knew that Nat cared about her.
The feeling lasted for another ten seconds, and that was it. He lifted her up to her feet and held onto her while she got her balance. “All right,” Nat turned her and pointed to the wall.
Alyssa went, not sure what was going to happen. She tried to get a sense of things by listening, however, her ears were failing her. That wasn’t true, she could hear just fine. The problem was that the sounds Nat was making weren’t telling her much.
He was moving around, then sitting down, then moving around. It seemed like forever, but he finally called her name. Alyssa turned and looked at him.
Nat nodded with is head towards the table. So, she took a deep breath and walked over there, taking a seat. In front of her was the list she’d written out days ago.
“Well,” she thought to herself. “At least half of it’s done.” Instantly, she thought she had lost her mind. After all, she was the one that was insisting that everything is finished today.
1. Refusing to put my iPod away
2. Smart mouth comments
3. Screaming and misbehaving - nearly throwing a tantrum in the backseat - DONE
4. Telling Nat ‘no’ about giving me a spanking - DONE
5. Attitude, smart aleck, and rude remarks
6. Locking the door and refusing to get out of the car
7. Kicking the car/breaking the part next to the glove compartment - DONE
8. Making smart mouth comments while bare bottom over Nat’s knee
9. Throwing my hand back to protect my bottom
10. Refusing to tell Nat what was causing my behavior
11. Being sarcastic and rude while being punished
12. Digging my nails into my palms causing them to bleed
13. Pouting about sitting in the back seat - DONE
14. Smart-aleck and rude comments
15. Refusing to get out of the van
15A. Going beyond one hour to get out of the van. - DONE
16. Worse attitude and rude comments
17. Circles with the song – Nat already punished me for this - DONE
18. Continued disrespectful behavior and smart-mouthed comments
19. Disobedience by not eating dinner - DONE
20. Not accepting Nat’s decision not to punish me - DONE
21. ACTUAL Discussion (as in talking) to make sure I understand exactly what the lesson is I was supposed to learn last night-just talking? - DONE
22. Twisting words and pushing for an argument -
23. Yelling at Nat - DONE
24. Yelling because I was upset and slamming doors - DONE
She looked up as Nat walked over and sat down, placing a large paper bag on the table. “Refusing to put the iPod away, is the equivalent of a child who refuses to take care of their toys, putting them away, keeping them off the floor so they aren’t easily stepped on and broken.”
His voice was quiet, but his tone was anything but. He was scolding her, and she hated it when he did that. “Since you can’t take care of your toys, you’ll go without them until you convince me that you can. Before we get back home, you’ll give me the iPod,” Nat looked at her, his face was stern. “And you will not be using it for the rest of the trip.”
“You gave it back to me, though,” Alyssa found herself squeaking.
Nat shot her a frown. “I did,” he replied. “I also hoped, when I did so, that I’d seen the end of the bad behavior. That was not the case.” He watched her head lower. “I gave you a second chance, young lady,” his tone was stern. “You did not use that chance to show me any improvement with your behavior. Therefore, you lose the privilege of using the iPod.”
He looked at Alyssa carefully, waiting to see if she had any questions. “Yes, sir,” she said quietly.
“Question, Alyssa,” he asked.
“No, sir,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“Moving on,” Nat remarked, decidedly. “Two times you refused to get out of the van. Not once, twice. The first time you saw fit to lock yourself in.” He looked down at her. “I have a punishment in mind. However, I would like your opinion. What do you think is the best punishment for those actions?”
He watched her turn red. “I don’t know, sir,” she said quietly.
“You don’t?” Nat parroted. “Now, you’re refusing to answer my question. Very similar to refusing to tell me what was causing your behavior.” He watched her eyes open wide. She was getting scared. That was not the way to do this.
“This list,” he held up the papers. “Is complete?”
“Yes, sir,” Alyssa nodded.
“Good,” Nat set the papers aside, placing them on the other side of the table. “Now, it’s time to think about some things.”
He saw the look of confusion fly across her face. “From what I see here,” he tapped the paper with the list of transgressions, “there are twelve more items that we need to address. Twelve more punishments, Alyssa. At least eight of which will take place on your bottom.”
He watched her turn a shade lighter.
“Now, I told you that I would start and that we would see how things go,” he acknowledged. “That also means I’m trusting you to be reasonable about things. So, I want you to take the next few minutes, and ask yourself”
“I am reasonable,” she told him.
Nat felt his eyebrow go up.
Alyssa saw his eyebrow shoot up in the air and knew that she’d just made a mistake. “Well then,” he said after a moment. “What are your thoughts, being that you’re reasonable about everything, about what we should do the rest of today?”
“Finish everything,” she told him.
“I see,” he remarked. Then he stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Alyssa began to wish for a time machine when he came back without the spatula. She really should have burned that thing. “Up,” he told her when he was back at the table. Reluctantly, Alyssa stood up. Nat nodded towards the table, “over.”
This was not good, she thought to herself. Still, she bent over letting her arms lay on the table her palms flat, fingers spread. She heard the whooshing noise and then felt some of the most terrible pain ever. SMMACCKK!!! There was no way that was the spatula. She knew what it felt like to be spanked with the spatula. It was a bite, it stung, it hurt. It didn’t feel like thousands of bees attacking her bottom at once, combined with a plank of wood pressing the hundreds of bees up against her skin, making them bite her even more.
There was a slight pause and then another one came. WHOOOSSHH! SMMAACCKK!! On her better days, Alyssa would have refused to cry out. She would have gritted her teeth and refused to let Nat know that she felt a thing. Between gasping for breath due to the shock from each swat and then crying from the pain, bravery had gone out the window.
Nat was using the spatula and he wasn’t holding back. WHOOOSSHH! SMMAACCKK!! And yet it felt like it was something far worse than that darned spatula. WHOOOSSHH! SMMAACCKK!! By the time he gave her five strokes, Alyssa was sobbing. WHOOOSSHH! SMMAACCKK!! She was mortified that it only took five strokes to get her to this place. She was in pain. She was ashamed that she’d acted so horribly that Nat was having to punish her in this way.
“Now, Alyssa, is your answer still that we should finish everything?” Nat asked her.
She nodded, pain consuming her, tears overwhelming her, and wanting nothing but to get this done with. She waited for the rest of the punishment. Instead, she heard a chair moving. Nat had sat down. She could feel his presence next to her. She felt him take hold of her hand.
“Look at me,” he said. His voice sounded gentle. Alyssa turned her head so that she was looking at him. He had tissues with him, and he wiped the tears from her face.
“You know that I care about you, Alyssa, right?” he asked her.
“Yes, sir, I know that,” she whispered.
Nat nodded. “Good. You know that I only want the best for you, right?”
She nodded and whispered, “yes, I know that, sir.”
Nat smiled gently, “I’m glad to hear that.” He pushed some of her hair back behind her ear. “Do you trust me, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Nat, I trust you,” she said quietly, hiccupping at the end of the sentence. She felt herself turn bright red, while he merely smiled.
“Do you trust me enough to follow the decisions I make,” he asked her.
She felt him squeeze her hand and looked up at him. “Yes, sir,” she told him, starting to cry again.
“I’m glad to hear that,” Nat’s voice was so soothing, Alyssa found herself closing her eyes. She felt Nat wipe her tears away. “Listen to me, Alyssa. Take a deep breath. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. There you are. Can you listen to me?”
She nodded her head.
“All right,” Nat said, she felt him run his hand over her hair. “Now, you’ve told me that you trust me, and you know that I care for you, that I only want the best for you. So, any decision I make, is going to be based on those things. You also just told me that you trust me enough to follow the decisions I make,” Alyssa felt him move her hair out of her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked at him, her vision blurry from her tears.
“So, little one, I’m calling it,” he said. “You’re at your limit. We’ve reached that point where any further punishment would do more harm than good. It would serve no purpose. It’s time to stop. Yes, I said three days. But I’m also saying that it’s time to stop and take a day or two before finishing.”
Alyssa felt everything in her give, all the stress, anxiety, fight, all of it just left, and she started sobbing. “Thank you,” she cried. She couldn’t have made that decision. She wasn’t even sure why.
She felt Nat lifting her up off the table and let herself be taken into his arms. He was carrying her somewhere. After a few moments, she realized it was the couch.
“All right, sweetheart,” Nat said as he sat down on the couch, Alyssa in his arms. “Time to rest now.”
She curled up in his arms and seemed ready to rest, but something was bothering her.
“What is it, Alyssa,” he asked.
“We’re just going to rest for the next day or so?” she asked quietly.
“Oh, rest,” Nat chuckled. “Ice for your bottom, we’ll play some cards, talk about what’s been going on for the past six weeks. It will also be a good time for you to tell me about this dance league and Miss Alicia.”
He knew she wouldn’t be happy with that last one. So, when she turned her head inwards and settled in his arms, he allowed it. He’d get information from her at another time. She was tired, he could feel it in her body. “Go ahead and rest, now,” he murmured quietly. “We’re not going to finish that list, we’re not even going to think about it, for at least a couple days.”
He felt her move and looked down. She was partially looking up at him, partially still attempting to hide. Nat knew what it was about. “This doesn’t let you off the hook for the behavior, or the punishments that you earned because of that behavior,” he said quietly. “But I know you’re a good girl, Alyssa. I know that you’ll take the punishments that you earned. You won’t put up a fuss or fight me about it. You’re far more likely to fight me about having to take this break.”
He saw her smile at that, which was what he’d hoped for. Reaching down, he tapped her nose. “Knowing that it’s important, I think, for you to know, that, even though you haven’t been punished for everything on that list, and not to worry, you will be,” he looked down at her. When he saw a look of relief on her face at hearing that last part, he chuckled and ran his hand over her hair. Only Alyssa. “Even though we haven’t finished that very long list, Alyssa,” he continued. “I think it’s important for you to know that I forgive you for what happened.”
That got her attention. She drew back from his chest so that she could look up at him. “You-you do?”
“Yes, Lyssa, I do,” he told her. “Typically, I don’t tell you this until after you’ve been punished. However, I know how important it is to you, to be forgiven. I know how anxious it makes you. Like I said, in two days time, I know that you won’t fuss about the remaining items. Which is why I don’t see anything wrong with letting you know that you have my forgiveness for what happened. I know you’re sorry, and I know you’re trying to show me you’re a good girl. You are, sweetheart. It was one very bad day, and we’ll move past it. I promise.”
He wasn’t surprised when she started crying, tears of happiness this time. Nat pulled her close and held her in his arms, rocking her back and forth. It was only a few minutes before she fell asleep. This time, he noted, there was a stress that was gone from her when she slept.
The Current Path: A Nat and Alyssa Story - Part Five
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