A girlfriend, who, when we were teens in 1985, I saw go over her stepmum's knee - GENUINE! I was late teens, she was 16. We'd been to a rock club, (all ‘80s PVC minis and fishnets), and she invited me back to her house thinking that her parents were out. She wasn't allowed at the club as it was on all night. Unfortunately, (for her), her stepmother was in! A rather large intimidating woman.
So, taxi back to her house at 6am. Went in, and her stepmother came out of the living room. G/f went white! Mother fuming with anger, asked ME where we had been. I readily told her where we’d come from. She left the kitchen, with my g/f shitting herself. I asked her what was going to happen, jokingly suggesting that it looked like she was about to get her bottom smacked. To my amazement she blushed and turned away. Then her stepmother returned carrying ONE slipper! Without saying a word, grabs her arm and drags her across the hall to the dining room. Didn't even say a word to me to leave or anything.... I didn't see this bit, but she must have pulled out a stool from under the upright piano. Obviously I had worked out what was going to happen. I didn't know exactly what to do, but OBVIOUSLY I couldn't miss it! When I plucked up the courage, I walked over to the dining room. G/f was beetroot red, trying to avoid my eyes, about to be pulled over the knee! As I stood in the doorway, her stepmother looked at me, said nothing, then yanked g/f over her knee. She let out a gasp, and gasped again as her stepmother grabbed the hem of her mini skirt and rived it up over her bottom, exposing her stockings and black panties. G/f looked up to see me gazing at her bottom. This was obviously not a new experience for her, but my being there was obviously a new dimension. She quickly looked back at the floor as the slipper slapped very hard across her bottom. Her stepmother really dished it out hard! Saying nothing but whacking the slipper down on her bottom again and again bringing gasps and moans each time.
Then, just as things couldn’t possibly get more surreal, they did! I heard footsteps on the staircase, and into the dining room came her step sister. She’d be about the same age, and she politely enquired, “What’s the little bitch done now mummy?” whilst smiling at me. “She’s been out all night at a night club!” replied her stepmother, punctuating each word by crashing the slipper down on her bottom. “Ahhh, that’s where my £10 went is it madam?” her step sister said. “I think she deserves a couple from me when you’ve finished mummy.” “NO!” shouted the g/f from her over the knee position. “OH YES MADAM!” replied her step sister, “And it’ll be on your bare bottom!” she said whilst turning to me and winking. The step mother remained unmoved by any of it, continuing with the slippering.
The mother eventually yanks g/f from her knee, stands up, and unbelievably hands her daughter the slipper! G/f made a move to leave the room but was stopped from doing so by both of them. Then with her stepmum holding g/f firmly, her daughter sits down on the piano stool, holding the slipper, with an eager look on her face. “Right mum, let’s get her across my knee,” said the daughter. Stepmum then maneuvered my struggling, shouting g/f to the right hand side of her daughter, who pulled her mini skirt back up clear of her bottom. THEN, with my g/f staring at me with eyes as wide as possible, her step sister pulled her across her knee assisted by mum. There she was, face near the carpet, bottom in the air, and mum holding ankles to the floor on the other side. Her sister looked over the moon as she smiled at me and then said quite loudly, “RIGHT MADAM, IT’S ON YOUR BARE BOTTOM, SO WE’LL HAVE THOSE KNICKERS DOWN!” G/f’s mouth dropped open as she looked up at me with a red face and wide eyes to see me gazing back, taking in the whole scene. Stepmum then put her fingers inside g/f’s knickers and unceremoniously yanked the black bikini panties down to her thighs. As her stepmum left the dining room, her sister took a firm grip on g/f’s waist, and a tighter grip on the slipper that she was holding, just as the front doorbell rang. In the background I heard stepmum chatting to someone at the door. As the chatter stopped I heard the sound of high heals walking along the hall, then a slim middle aged woman wearing a rather short skirt walked straight into the room. G/f looked mortified. There she was, over the knee, bare bottomed, looking at her audience. “Hello.” The woman said to me. “I’m Aunt Anne.” “I’m David, pleased to meet you.” “Likewise.” She smiled. As she turned to face the two girls, my beetroot red g/f saw me looking at Anne’s bottom. “So what’s she done this time?” asked Anne. “Out all night at a night club, look at the way she’s dressed! Mum gave her a slippering but she had ten pounds out of my drawer without asking, so now it’s MY TURN.” Anne turned to me and said, “If I’d have done that, I’d have been over the dining room table, and my mother would have strapped my bare bottom with the belt.” She saw me look at her bum as she told me. “Right across there!” She exclaimed as she ran her finger across the centre of her bum. At that point, the stepsister started the second slippering of the morning, seemingly to the delight of everyone apart from my g/f. This was far harder than the mother had dished out, and the g/f was soon wailing, wriggling and kicking. “Will someone hold her legs for God’s sake!” said the stepsister. Anne walked over and pulled her knickers all the way off, then kneeled down between g/f’s ankles, slightly parting her legs, and gripping her ankles firmly. “Thanks Aunt Anne,” said the stepsister as she wacked down the slipper again.
Out All Night Ff/f UK
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