She pulled into the fueling station parking lot with her hands trembling. She got out and looked at the car and didn't see anything wrong but the missing hubcap. If she could retrieve it and replace it he wouldn't have to know.
She returned to the car and drove back to where she'd hit the curb but the hubcap was nowhere to be seen. Where could it have gone. She turned around again and there she saw pieces of it scattered around the was demolished. The butterflies in her stomach churned even more and now her bottom twinged as well.
She returned home, removed her dress, put on pj shorts and a tshirt and climbed into bed. She may as well rest while she could. The whole thing started since she didn't feel well anyway. Eventually, despite nerves, she drifted off. That was until she heard his voice calling hello. She sat up with a start and said hello and asked how is day went. He came to check her forehead and ask how she felt. He was so caring and kind, but she knew he would be furious.
"I made a huge mistake," she said softly.
"What's wrong darling?"
"Well, you know I left work early not feeling well. I left early but there was a meeting I needed to participate in so I was going to call in. I had the number programmed in but needed to enter a code. I was trying to get it entered and well, I was already driving and suddenly there was a huge thump and I realized I was up on the curb. As I got back on the road the hubcap rolled in front of me. I went back to get it, but it was destroyed." Her confession spilled out of her mouth and she waited, biting her lip, for his reaction.
"Is the car ok otherwise?"
"Yes, I didn't see any damage. I'm very sorry I know it was stupid. Are you mad?"
His jaw clenched. "Yes I'm mad, you were playing on your phone while driving. You should have pulled into a parking lot. What if it had been another car instead of a curb? What if you had hurt someone else or yourself? I care about you too much so your backside will pay."
She knew that was coming but it still caused that internal groan and all too familiar twinge in said backside. He stood to walk out of the room.
"W w where are you going?" she asked nervously.
"I'm looking for a few switches."
Her stomach sank and she stared at the floor. "I really am sorry and I had been doing so much better since I got the bluetooth in the car. I really have learned my lesson," she pleaded.
"Not yet, you haven't. You will learn a better lesson over my knee. Get yourself prepared while I get the switches young lady."
She managed to squeak out a yes Sir as he walked out to the backyard. She pulled a kitchen chair to the middle of the floor and removed her shorts. She stood waiting in just the t-shirt and pretty pink cotton panties.
He arrived several minutes later with 3 freshly cut switches. She couldn't help but wince when she saw them. He sat in the armless chair and dropped 2 of the switches next to him on the floor. She approached his side obediently and he guided her over his strong lap. He scolded her about how dangerous it was to use the phone while driving as he pushed her panties off her soft white bottom. The two switches on the floor were just inches from her face, the third in his hand. All too soon there was a whippy swishhh sound and then a searing pain across her backside. An angry red line quickly formed. 19 more soon crisscrossed her upturned bottom as she yelped and sobbed. He stopped briefly while he grabbed one of the other two switches. She barely caught her breath before the next set of 20 commenced. Her bottom was covered with red welted lines and burned. Finally he retrieved the third switch and really laid into her with the last 20. She sobbed and wailed with each blow. By the time it was over she lay limp across his lap not feeling like she could move. He helped her stand and walked her to a wooden stool facing the corner. She sobbed more seeing it and yelped as she was sat down.
"Twenty minutes and no rubbing or talking," was his stern warning as he went about picking things up. She sat there squirming trying unsuccessfully to ease the burning ache. She longed to be laying in the bed half naked on her stomach crying herself to sleep but not yet. She had a lesson to learn.
Hang up and drive
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