Paved with Good Intentions: A Nat and Alyssa Story – Part Eleven
Nat rolled his eyes. Only his Alyssa would do this. “Alyssa,” he called to her. She didn’t move. “Alyssa,” he tried again. He sighed and walked over to the kitchen area. “Alyssa, enough of this,” he said. She ignored him. Nat pushed all of the items that she’d retrieved to the side of the counter. “Alyssa, dress yourself and come here.”
She still ignored him.
Finally, Nat did the one thing that he did not like doing. “Alyssa Marie Carruthers,” he let his voice boom. He saw her jump and heard the pencil fall. “You stop this ridiculousness this instant! Pull up your panties and march yourself over here, right now!”
There was a reason he did not like doing that when it came to Alyssa. Yes, she listened and did what he told her. But, as proven when she was at the counter, she was pale from fear and shaking like a leaf.
Sighing, Nat closed his eyes for a moment. Opening them, he looked at her. Some of her color had come back, but she was still shaking, and her eyes still told him that he’d frightened her. He pointed to the items on the counter. “Put these away, please,” he said to her, his volume normal.
“Yes, sir,” she whispered.
Nat went over to the table and sat down, writing more notes. He kept an eye on her. She quickly put the items away. He beckoned her over to him. It was clear that she was reluctant, but she did come. When she was standing in front of him, Nat took both of her hands into his. “I’m sorry I frightened you,” he said kindly.
“You yelled,” she whispered.
“I did,” he confirmed. “You weren’t listening, Alyssa. There were other times that I’d told you to come out of that corner and you didn’t listen.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I just. You know. You always.”
“I know,” Nat said to her. “Things are different this week. You’re going to have to accept that.”
He watched her look down. “Yes, sir, I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right,” he told her. “You put on an amazing little show.” He smiled when she looked up at him.
“I’m aware you don’t like waiting, Alyssa. But you don’t have a choice. I’m not going to change my mind. This isn’t because I’m horribly angry with you. It’s because we’re focusing on other things right now.”
He couldn’t tell if that helped or not. Nat hoped that it did. He was glad that she’d admitted the lie. “There is about an hour until I will start dinner,” he informed her. “We’ll eat in 90 minutes or so. During that time, you are going to work at the table, you’re going to go over the events of yesterday in your mind and you’re going to write down every rude, smart-mouthed, smart aleck, inappropriate remark that you made.”
Nat noted that Alyssa didn’t say anything. So, he stood up and walked to the front of the table. Grabbing the notepad, he placed it there along with the pen. “All right, young lady, start writing.”
He watched as she looked at him, then the table, and then back to him. “There’s nowhere to sit,” she informed him.
“That’s because you’re going to stand,” he replied. “Right here,” Nat pointed to the floor. “Feet planted on the floor, eighteen inches apart, toes parallel with the edge of the table, and you will write out that list.”
He could see her mind working. Finally, she nodded and looked around. Nat knew what she was looking for and waited to see if she’d attempt to retrieve them. Her pajama pants had fallen off her feet at some point in her mad dash to convince him to punish her.
When she stepped towards the kitchen, he put his arm out and stopped her. “No,” Nat said. “Leave them on the floor. Walk over here and get to work.” He saw her face turn red, again, and was surprised that she didn’t argue.
Going over to the storage area, Nat retrieved a few things before going back to the table. He sat down at the opposite end and began writing out some notes. Alyssa had walked over to the table and started working.
At one point he saw her starting to move. “Feet stay where they are, Alyssa,” he said. “That’s your only warning.” She moved her feet back up to make her toes parallel with the edge of the table. It was less than five minutes before she had moved them back, again. “Alyssa, move your feet to where they’re supposed to be, right now,” Nat told her, as he stood up and walked around to where she was.
Standing next to her, though facing the opposite direction, Nat wrapped one arm around her waist, using his other to pull down her panties. She quickly realized what was going to happen and began tried to twist away.
Nat tightened his grip around her. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Settle down, Alyssa!” SMACK! “For someone begging to be punished moments ago, you’re certainly fighting a lot.” SMACK!
She turned her head and glowered at him. “I’d suggest you wipe that look off your face, young lady,” Nat told her. “You seem to have trouble staying where I’ve told you. I gave you a warning. You’ve left me no choice.” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
Alyssa cried out at the pain and Nat blocked the sound from his ears. He was spanking on the tops of her thighs.
“Settle down,” he ordered her. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
“Now that is ten, which is what I’d planned on. Between your attitude and you're fighting me, I’ve considered adding another ten.” He saw the look in her eyes and knew that wasn’t necessary.
“Four more should do it,” he told her. “Remain still and show me that you know how to behave.” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
She was crying by the end. Nat helped her stand and turned her to face him. “No more attitude,” he said to her. She shook her head, the tears still pouring down her face.
“You’ll stay where I put you, do the work I give you?” He watched as she nodded her head quickly.
“All right, give me a hug,” Nat gave her a very, quick hug. Not the long embrace that she was used to. But a quick hug, letting her know that he cared. “Now,” he placed her back in front of the table. “Get to work,” he slapped her bottom.
He saw her start to reach for her panties. “Those stay where they are,” he told her. He saw the unhappiness that brought and hoped it would not manifest itself in more than a few seconds of a scowl. After thirty seconds, she was still standing there, pouting. Arms crossed over her chest.
“I suggest you lose the attitude young lady,” he told her. She rolled her eyes and within another few minutes, she’d stepped back again. Her panties had fallen down to her ankles by that point.
“Alyssa!” Nat snapped, again standing up from his chair. “You seem to be having an incredible amount of trouble keeping your feet in place. Step out of the panties.”
She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Out?”
Nat didn’t answer, instead, he remained quiet and stared at her. She’d heard him. “Do I need to count,” he asked. It had the effect he intended. Alyssa stepped out of the panties and looked up at him. He held out his hand and continued to stare at her. She knew what he expected. Giving an overexaggerated sigh, Alyssa picked them up from the floor, folded the miniscule cloth and placed them in Nat’s hand.
While he normally might have given a small amount of praise, all he did was nod. Instantly, he saw that she felt it. The lack of his not saying ‘good girl’ had a large effect on her. “All right, young lady,” he walked over to the doorway, slipping the miniscule undergarment into his pocket, and held open the screen. “Lets go.”
Alyssa stared at him. “I will give you to three to start walking,” Nat said very calmly. “One… Two…” She had started walking towards the door and made it all the way to the doorframe.
That was where she stopped and looked up at him. “Keep going,” he told her. “Right now, my thought is that we’ll follow the dirt path and take a walk around to the back of the cabin. There is privacy. A view of the lake. You may see the sunset.”
Nat saw her smile at the thought.
“Your behavior, though, is making me think perhaps it would be better to walk on the main trail,” Nat looked into her eyes. She was still stubborn. “Up to the office and back, perhaps? There are some trees that make for perfect switches. It’d be a good opportunity to get one or two of them. Test it out on you while we walk.” Looking in her eyes, he could tell how much that idea upset her. “I’ll decide in the next few minutes based on your actions. Now, do you intend to stand there or walk outside like I told you.”
Alyssa walked outside without hesitation. Once she was standing on the porch, Nat let go of the screen door. It swung closed quickly, making a loud noise as it slammed shut. While he’d been slightly surprised by the volume of it, Nat saw Alyssa jump at the noise.
Alyssa jumped when the door slammed closed. Nat grabbed her arm preventing her from toppling over. She turned and looked up at him. “Thank you,” she told him, hoping that her voice conveyed the gratitude that she felt.
He nodded, that was all. She hated when he was cold and detached like this. She never knew how to act or how to respond. After a moment he let go of her arm. He took a second to look her over and make sure that she was all right.
“Walk, Alyssa,” Nat said. No pleasantries, no please, no nothing. Part of her wanted to comment on it. However, the thought of having to walk all the way up to the front of the campground office and back was too overwhelming. So, she kept her mouth shut and moved down the four steps, feeling Nat’s presence directly behind her. Once she was on the ground she paused, unsure where she was supposed to go.
“Go to the left,” Nat’s voice ordered. It was odd not to see him. Still, she went to the left and walked. There was a path or path-like area for her to walk on. It was not paved, but it was a dirt path. Alyssa wished that she had her shoes on at the moment but was grateful for socks. She took two or three steps and then stopped. “Keep going,” Nat’s voice was firm and dispassionate.
She took another three steps and paused. “Alyssa, continue,” he ordered. Again, she walked another three steps. This time, she heard him sigh. “Alyssa, I told you that we were going to take a walk. Not repeating sets of three consecutive steps. Now, walk forward and this time, keep walking until I tell you otherwise. No more of this nonsense.”
Alyssa ground her teeth together. It wasn’t nonsense, she just wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. Walk. Well, walk where? It was a logical question. If he explained things to her, then she wouldn’t have stopped in the first place. Really, it was his fault.
She’d covered approximately fifteen feet when her mind landed on that conclusion. Which seemed life-altering at that precise second. Enough so, that she stopped walking. Yeah, she thought to herself, if Nat had just told her the details, he wouldn’t be getting annoyed with her.
In the background, he was saying something to her. She wasn’t bothering to listen to him. Alyssa was working herself up into a state. She nearly turned and lambasted him with exactly what she thought of him and his stupid directions.
However, she was pulled from her own thoughts very quickly when Nat hauled her off her feet and into the air. She dangled over his one arm while he applied five quick but hard swats to her cheeks. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Then, he set her on her feet.
She felt his hands on her shoulders, holding her steady until she regained her balance. “Now, young lady,” she heard him say. “You will continue walking on this path until told otherwise. The next time you decide to stop, it will be ten, not five swats that I give your bottom. If there is a time after that, it will be fifteen, then twenty, and so on and so forth. Put your arms behind your back, hold the opposite elbow.”
Alyssa was very slow to comply with that order. She did not like the idea of having her arms entangled with each other in case she fell. But she also didn’t like the idea of being punished more than she already would be. So, she moved her arms to be where he told her. Then, she continued walking.
In total, the walk was possibly one hundred feet. Really, it was just going from the front of the house to the back of the house and down a small path. Nat was right, the lake was beautiful.
Alyssa watched as Nat took a seat on one of the large boulder size rocks.
Suddenly, she was embarrassed and didn’t know what to do with herself. Nat was fully dressed, wearing sneakers, looking very comfortable sitting on that rock. She was in socks and a t-shirt. She looked at him and then out at the lake. Then at him.
“You may put your arms down,” he told her. “Keep them at your sides.” Nodding, Alyssa let her arms fall. She still felt out of place.
“Come here,” Nat said, beckoning her to him. Alyssa looked at him and then at the ground. Going to him wouldn’t require walking on anything horrible. So, she walked over to the large boulder and stood in front of him. Was he going to lecture? Yell at her? Spank her? None of the above, apparently.
Nat turned her, so they were facing the same direction. He pulled her in closer, so she was leaning against his chest, with his arms wrapped around her waist. “It isn’t as enjoyable at the moment,” he told her quietly. “But over the next few days, you’ll get to spend some time out here. I think you’ll enjoy seeing the water, especially in the evening.”
Alyssa nodded. She could see that. “I’ve only taken a switch to you once,” Nat continued. He acted like what he said was nothing. Alyssa had turned her head to look at him, but he was just staring out at the lake. “You may recall, it was during the storm. You took it upon yourself to go hang out of the upstairs window and cut it off of a tree.”
“Yes, sir,” Alyssa said, wincing at the memory. “I remember.”
“That is not how you are supposed to do that,” he remarked. Because Alyssa thought she heard amusement in his tone, she looked up again. She was right, he was looking down at her with a smile.
“That is not how you are supposed to do that,” Nat told her, the memory fresh in his mind. Alyssa looked up at him and he smiled at her. Now, he could smile about the whole thing. When it had happened, the thought of her hanging out of the attic window had nearly given him a heart attack. His reaction had not been a smile.
“In a moment, I’m going to show you the correct way to cut a switch,” he informed her. They both knew the reason why. He was going to allow her a few more minutes where they were, though. There was beauty in at this campground. He wanted her to see it. Alyssa was someone that would appreciate the lake and the sunset. He knew that seeing it would give her something to look forward to.
For close to three minutes, neither of them spoke a word. It was time to move on. “All right, young lady,” he told her. “Time to start walking back.” Nat pointed to a small group of trees that was twenty feet away. “We’re going to go over there,” he pointed to show her. “I’m going to show you how to cut a switch. I expect you to pay attention, Alyssa. Because at any time in the next week your behavior merits it, I will send you out here to cut one, and I expect it to be done correctly.”
Nat saw her eyes were wide and she looked nervous. He stood up from the rock and stepped behind her. “Let’s go,” he said quietly. Obediently, she put her arms behind her back, each hand gripping the opposite elbow. Then, she started to walk and went right over to the area that he’d pointed out. Nat smiled to himself, shook his head and went to join her.
He was aware that in her mind, he gave her the equivalent of an environmental science lecture. Alyssa and natural science classes had never been a good fit. But, he insisted that she know what type of branch to look for, how thick it should be (no more than her finger). He showed her how to scrape off a small piece of the branch to see what the wood was like. What color to look for in order to see whether the wood was old and would splinter easily, or would withstand some use? Then, he handed her the pocket knife and told her to cut two acceptable switches.
She looked as though she might faint.
“Go on, Alyssa,” Nat told her. “You’ve been told to cut them. I did not say I would use them. However, any disobedience on your part is going to ensure that I will.”
That did it. He watched her go over to the trees and examine different branches, look at different places. He smiled as she held her finger up in the air a number of times for comparison. She took her time, but she came back and handed him two branches that she’d selected. They followed everything he’d told her. Holding out his hand, she put the folded pocketknife into his palm.
“You will hold this one,” he handed her back one of the saplings.
Opening the knife, he nodded to the trail. “Let’s go.” As they walked, Nat stripped the bark off the branch that she’d brought him. It wasn’t a long way up to the front. By the time they were at the porch, he’d finished the first one. Alyssa looked at him nervously. “Go ahead and ask your question,” he told her, opening the screen door.
“Are…are you going to use the switch on me, sir,” she asked, her voice quiet.
“I’m not planning to at this moment,” Nat replied. “In the future, perhaps.” Tilting his head, he looked at her. “Why? Should I?”
He saw her surprise at his question and nearly chuckled at her expression. The shock disappeared quickly, though. He watched as she made the half frown/half pout where she stuck her tongue in her cheek and replied, “yeah, probably, sir.”
Alyssa couldn’t quite look at him, so she looked right past him. Of all the questions to ask her, he had to ask that? Should he? Ugh. “Yeah, probably, sir,” she admitted. When he laughed, she was surprised. More than surprised. Alyssa couldn’t come up with a word for it. Nat took the other branch out of her hand.
“Well, thank you for the opinion,” he smiled at her. “I’m going to hold off for the moment. However, if you continue to have a problem keeping your feet still, I may reconsider.” Alyssa knew she looked confused. She was confused. “I’m going to start dinner,” he told her. “You are going to stand at the table and work on that list,” he told her. Just like that, it made sense.
“Yes, sir,” she said. I can keep my feet still, she thought to herself. That’s not a problem. Walking up to the table, she kept her toes parallel with the edge and made sure there were 18 inches between her feet. Nat had put the notepad on the table and she wasn’t supposed to move it. Just write on it. That’s why she kept moving her feet back. So she could lean over and write.
Otherwise, Alyssa nearly groaned. She knew what she had to do. Resting one arm on the table, to brace herself, she kept her feet planted and pushed her bottom out. Talk about embarrassing.
She started writing. After a few minutes, she switched arms, taking a few minutes break. Then, she switched arms again, writing a few more things. Alyssa hated having her bare bottom sticking out. Plus, with the door open? Double ugh!
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes,” Nat cut into her thoughts. “Go ahead and stand up.” Alyssa realized that he was right next to her to help her. She stood up and was glad that he was there. Her legs felt like Jell-O and Nat had to grab her and hold her up. “Try and stomp your feet,” he told her.
“You won’t get mad at me,” she asked, clinging to his waist.
“Not this time,” he replied. “Try and stomp your feet. Your legs went to sleep.” It took her a few tries, but she managed to stomp her feet. “Good girl,” Nat told her as he held her close. Alyssa instantly felt better hearing those two words.
“Can you stand?” he asked her.
“Yes, sir,” she replied still basking in the happiness of the small praise.
“All right,” he said. “Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Put the notebook away and then put out some dishes.”
Alyssa nodded and looked up at him. “Yes, sir.”
She was surprised that he smiled at her. “You did a very good job of behaving for me, Lyssa,” he placed something on the table and walked back to the small kitchen area. Alyssa looked at the table. It was her panties. She looked over at Nat. “You may put them back on,” he told her. She didn’t have to be told twice. As quickly as she could, Alyssa pulled the panties back on. Then, she did as Nat had told her, putting the notepad away and setting the table.
Dinner was a peaceful event, which Nat was pleased about. They had exchanged a lot of small talk with each other. He was waiting. He knew Alyssa. He knew that she wanted to know what was going to happen.
They’d both finished eating and he was about to stand up when Alyssa spoke up. “Nat, sir, um, Nat?”
He smiled, “yes, Alyssa?”
“I was wondering, um, what is going to happen tonight, or the rest of the evening?”
There it was, he thought to himself. “Well,” Nat sat back in his chair. “We just finished eating. So, we’ll clear the table, wash the dishes, all the housekeeping items.”
He saw her nod. Nat was about to continue listing off the itinerary for the evening when he decided to switch tactics.
“Alyssa, is your question what are we going to do, or are you going to be punished,” he asked her. He saw her gulp.
“I think, both, sir,” she whispered.
“Ah,” he nodded. “Well, as I said, we’ll take care of the housekeeping items. Then, I’m not certain. You know that my rule for spanking is the same as swimming. Wait at least thirty minutes until after you’ve eaten.”
When she smiled at that he felt slightly better. She didn’t look as panicked and nervous as she had during part of the afternoon.
“So, during that time, we might talk, you might want to keep working on that list, who knows,” Nat told her. “In fact, let’s take care of these dishes, while we’re talking about it.” He stood up indicating for her to do so. They both carried the plates and silverware into the kitchen.
Alyssa insisted on washing the dishes, which only made him smile more. He thought of the morning and how shocked she’d been at the fact that he’d washed her dishes.
Working together, she washed and he dried, the work went quickly. They fell into an easy conversation. It felt like a conversation that they used to have with each other. Because of how things were going, Nat didn’t shut it down, to insist she work on the list.
The thirty minutes passed quickly. Alyssa had glanced at the clock and knew that the time was up. Nat saw it on her face.
“Is it time,” she asked him.
“Yes,” he replied. “It is. You’re going to want to sleep after this, Alyssa. I want you to go upstairs and make certain that you’re wearing the clothes you want to sleep in. Clear off your bed so that it will be easy to get into. Brush your teeth, wash up for the night.”
He saw the panic re-enter her eyes. That was not what he wanted. “Actually, I’m not sure I want to wear these sweats any longer,” Nat added. “I think I”ll change, too.” Placing his hand on the middle of her back, he guided her towards the stairs.
“It’s going to be that bad,” she asked him as they walked.
“It’s going to be a punishment,” Nat replied evenly.
“You’re telling me to get ready for bed,” she sounded worried.
“Yes,” Nat agreed. “I usually punish you before bed, though. Right, sweetheart?” He could see that hearing the ‘sweetheart’ relaxed her slightly. At the top of the landing, Nat waited for her to go into her room.
“Will, will you wait for me to go back downstairs,” she asked him.
“Yes, I can do that,” he told her.
“Okay,” she sounded uncertain but she walked into the bedroom.
Nat hated himself for doing it, but just as she was about to close the door, he called out, “Alyssa.”
She looked up at him, “yes?”
“Make sure to use the bathroom before you come back out,” he told her. He saw her eyes grow wide and knew tears were coming.
She nodded her head, “yes, sir.” Then, she closed the door.
Paved with Good Intentions: A Nat and Alyssa Story - Part Eleven
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