Paved with Good Intentions: A Nat and Alyssa Story – Part Nine
“15 A,” Nat said, reaching out and attempting to rub some of the tension out of Alyssa’s shoulders. He saw that she’d written it down on the notepad. Now or never, he thought to himself.
“Going beyond the one hour that you were allowed to stay in the van,” he stated. He realized what it felt like to brace oneself for something, as he waited for her outrage, comments, arguments and whatever else might come.
There was nothing.
After a moment of silence, he looked and saw that she’d written it down.
Then, he watched her carefully place the pen down. “I don’t understand,” she said, staring straight ahead. “You had the child safety locks on the door, how is it fair to hold me to that, when I couldn’t open the door?”
Now, things had truly started, he thought to himself. It was time to get real with each other. He’d been keeping things light, pleasant and soft up to this point. But, he knew he was going to have to transition from that at some point. Looked like this might be that time.
Nat lifted her up and set her on her feet, pulling her in close to him. “You were not able to open the side door of the van, that is true,” he told her quietly. “But we’re going to be honest and real about this. You’re a very smart girl, Alyssa. You could have exited the van any time, by crawling up to the front seats, and exiting through one of those doors.”
Nat saw her about to talk, and increased his volume, ever so slightly, letting her know that he wasn’t finished. “Before you say anything, let me remind you that I know you’re more than capable of climbing between the seats, I’ve seen you do so many times.”
The look in her eyes told him that had been the argument that she was about to make. “Let’s not have any statements made, without thinking first,” he went back to using a quieter volume.
He’d known Alyssa wouldn’t like hearing that, and he was right. Nat continued to look her in the eyes, watching as the sparks ignited and dulled in less than a second. There was a glint there, one that usually got her into trouble. When he saw that her mouth was about to open, he knew she was ready to fire off some high charged retort. Nat quickly pressed his finger to her lips. “Ah, ah, I’m not finished,” he told her.
While Nat could see the anger brewing in her eyes, he ignored it for the moment. “As I said, you’re very smart, Alyssa. Even if you weren’t aware that you could exit through the front doors, you knew that the owner’s manual was in the glove compartment. You also had your phone where you could look up that type of information. However, given that you know which models of what vans are equipped with cruise control, I think it’s a safe bet that you know how child safety locks work.”
Nat removed his finger from her lips and nodded for her to go ahead and speak. When she was quiet, he knew she was thinking of a good argument to make. Reaching out, he pulled her chin up slightly.
“Think carefully on what you tell me,” he warned her. “Now is not the time for games. We’re not going to engage in the usual banter and back and forth that we might in other situations. My mind is made up about these, already, they are not up for debate.”
He couldn’t read what he saw in her eyes upon hearing that. He’d expected anger, sparks and the usual. But that wasn’t what he saw. “So,” he continued, “the comments that I can tell you’re contemplating, before you speak them, Lyssa, be certain that they are what you want to say.”
He saw the challenge enter her eyes and she looked right at him. For thirty seconds there was silence as she tried to stare him down. Nat knew this was her stubborn side. That once he got past it, things were slightly easier.
Alyssa dropped her gaze, looking at her lap. Nat watched as she blinked twice and then looked back up at him. He continued, “absolutely, one hundred percent certain that your response is respectful and useful to the conversation. Because everything else, the spun responses, hypotheticals, ‘possibles’, those are all mistruths today. I will count every single one, as you're being dishonest and you know how I feel about honesty.”
“I will count every single one, as your being dishonest,” Nat seemed to pull her chin up higher at that statement. “And you know how I feel about honesty.” Boy, did she ever. Even when he let go of her chin, it didn’t feel like he let go. It was like he was holding her with his eyes. That stare, the one that always got the truth out of her. She hated it.
“Now, do you have anything that you’d like to add,” Nat asked her.
“No, not any longer, sir,” Alyssa replied. Not after hearing all that.
“Thank you, sir, for helping me not get into further trouble,” Nat said, looking in her eyes.
“Thank, thank you, sir,” Alyssa repeated. “Thank you, sir, for helping me not get into further trouble.”
She hated when he did that. Not that there was anything about being punished that she liked. Alyssa was surprised and nervous when he pulled her closer to him. She was already practically glued to his side.
When he placed a kiss on top of her hair, she relaxed. “Good girl,” he said to her. “You were very good about thinking things over and choosing not to escalate the situation.”
1. Refusing to put my iPod away
2. Smart mouth comments
3. Screaming and misbehaving - nearly throwing a tantrum in the backseat
4. Telling Nat ‘no’ about giving me a spanking
5. Attitude, smart aleck and rude remarks
6. Locking the door and refusing to get out of the car
7. Kicking the car/breaking the part next to the glove compartment
8. Making smart mouth comments while bare bottom over Nat’s knee
9. Throwing my hand back to protect my bottom
10. Refusing to tell Nat what was causing my behavior
11. Being sarcastic and rude while being punished
12. Digging my nails into my palms causing them to bleed
13. Pouting about sitting in the back seat
14. Smart-aleck and rude comments
15. Refusing to get out of the van
15A. Going beyond one hour to get out of the van.
16. Worse attitude and rude comments
17. Circles with the song – Nat already punished me for this
18. Continued disrespectful behavior and smart-mouthed comments
19. Disobedience by not eating dinner
20. Not accepting Nat’s decision not to punish me
21. ACTUAL Discussion (as in talking) to make sure I understand exactly what the lesson is I was supposed to learn last night-just talking?
22. Twisting words and pushing for an argument
23. Yelling at Nat
24. Yelling because I was upset and slamming doors
“All right,” Nat said. “Time to get on with the more difficult part of the day.” Alyssa felt his arm snake around her, and he held her at his side as he read over the list.
“Let me ask you something,” Nat turned to her. “We talked about who is in charge, who makes the decisions, yes.”
Alyssa nodded, yes she remembered the conversation.
“So, when you say ‘no’ in the middle of my punishing you, what do you think that tells me?”
Alyssa knew she began to blush, “it tells you that I don’t respect your authority,” she told him.
“What else,” Nat asked her.
“That I don’t really believe you’re the one in charge,” Alyssa replied her answer very much a guess.
When Nat nodded, her surprise was evident. “And if you don’t believe that I’m the one in charge,” he took her chin again and held her head still. That told her that this part was very important. “What does that mean?”
“It means,” Alyssa began and then thought on what the answer might be. “That I think I’m the one in charge?”
“That’s right,” Nat nodded, letting go of her chin. “That’s what all of this behavior showed,” he ran his hand up and down the long list.
Alyssa was horrified. “But I don’t think that,” she began.
Nat gave her a small smile, “I know. I’m not saying that I think you do. I’m telling you that’s what your behavior looked like.”
Alyssa was about to ask a question when he switched topics. “Yesterday, Alyssa, you had very strong opinions about the front door.”
Alyssa remembered what he was talking about. She also knew that whenever something like the front door was brought up in this context, it wasn’t going to work in her favor. “Yes, sir,” she said quietly.
“You thought that it was ridiculous to lock the door given how remote and out of the way this place is,” Nat repeated her words for her. “I did tell you that we’d discuss it. Because you felt so strongly about the matter yesterday, we’re going to see how we fare this afternoon without the front door.”
Alyssa turned her head and stared at him, her eyes wide. His face was dead serious though. “Go and open it, please,” he told her.
Alyssa nodded to herself and then walked over to the front door. She unlocked the two locks and pulled the door open.
“All the way open,” she heard Nat call out from behind her.
Biting her lip, she opened the door as far as it would go. There was a large rock by the wall. She’d noticed it before, but Alyssa now realized what it was for. It was there to keep the door open. It was a lot heavier than it looked. It took a lot to move it on her own.
She was mortified by the mental picture of it, bending over, hands on either side of the rock, her butt up in the air, practically begging for a spanking. That was probably more her neurosis, Alyssa assured herself, once she had the door secured.
She stood up and held grabbed hold of the doorknob as she waited to regain her balance. ‘The rock holds the door in place, that’s for sure,’ she thought as her eyes were closed. After all, she’d literally grabbed that doorknob and the door hadn’t moved.
Once she knew that she was steady, she turned to go back to the table. Nat had moved. He was still sitting at the table, he had just moved to sit in the chair that was closest to the door. Alyssa was nervous. Something was about to happen. Something meaning some kind of punishment. Go on, she ordered herself. While she began to walk over to him, she hadn’t gotten herself to the mental place that she needed to be.
You were begging him to punish you last night, she reminded herself. That seemed to help. The last thing she wanted to do was make herself a hypocrite. She realized she’d stopped walking and was standing there, thinking. Alyssa looked at Nat, but he didn’t look angry. He beckoned for her to go to him. Alyssa took a deep breath and then took the remaining steps over to stand at his side.
“I’m ready,” Alyssa said. When Nat gave her a small smile, she felt a little better.
“I’m ready,” Alyssa told him, as she stood next to him. It was obvious that she was nervous and trying to convince herself, not him. Nat smiled gently, as best he could, while still maintaining the demeanor necessary for the rest of the day.
“I’m glad to hear it,” he told her. “We’re going to do things a little differently than other times that you’ve found yourself in trouble.”
Nat saw the apprehension enter her eyes. Reaching out, he grabbed her hand, “don’t worry, it’s nothing horrible. Remember, I’m not going to punish you in a way that is abuse, I won’t give you any task that is not doable, I will always be checking to make sure that you’re okay, and I always will make sure that you learn the lesson necessary, but that things don’t go past that.”
He watched her nod, and so he mirrored her behavior, nodding as well. “Yes, sir,” he said out loud.
“Yes, sir,” Alyssa whispered.
“Vocal responses from this point forward,” Nat told her. “I won’t always be able to see if you’ve nodded your head, so you need to verbalize your answers.”
He watched as she nodded, and then quickly caught herself. “Yes, sir,” Alyssa said, blushing.
She was nervous, she was practically shaking. Alyssa was always nervous before he punished her, but not to this extent. While he did intend to change a handful of things, in an attempt to make these punishments truly resonate with her, Nat was realizing that making all of the changes at once may not be the best attempt.
“Very good,” Nat tapped her nose. “There are a few things that will be different, but not for this first one.” It was better to keep things as familiar as possible for the first one. “Anything you want to say, any questions before we start?”
“No, sir, just that I’m sorry,” Alyssa said quietly.
“I know you are,” Nat replied gently. “I accept your apology, Alyssa. This isn’t a question of whether you’re sorry for your actions. This is the consequences that you earned and making sure that you learn the appropriate lesson so that we never do this again.”
She nodded and then jumped in, “yes, yes, sir, I understand.”
Nat smiled at that and nodded his head once. “All right,” he said, getting her attention. “The time for talking is done. Pants down to your knees, panties down to your thighs, right now.”
Alyssa stared at him for a moment. He knew she was surprised. Typically, he lowered her pants and panties for her. He was aware she hated doing so. For that reason, he intended to have her be the one to bare her own bottom for most of these punishments.
“Come on Alyssa,” he said, his voice growing stern. “You’ve been told what to do. Lower them, now. I don’t want to have to start counting.”
He saw tears pooling in her eyes. “You-you-you always,” she said.
“This is not like every other time,” Nat replied. “Now, do as you’ve been told.” He watched as she stood there, looking shocked.
“One,” he said quietly. Her head, which had been glued to her chest, shot up upon hearing that. Her eyes were wide with surprise and he saw a bit of defiance in them.
“Two,” he looked directly into her eyes, letting her know that he was not playing around. He was just about to say three, however, Alyssa had hooked her fingers into her yoga pants and pushed them down to her knees, her panties going with them. When she realized what had happened, she quickly pulled the panties back up to the top of her thighs.
Nat waited for her to look up at him. It took a moment, but she eventually glued her arms to her sides and looked up. “Next time,” he said, reaching forward and taking her arm. “I expect that you’ll do so without the delay.”
He guided her over his lap, simultaneously dropping his left leg down from underneath her, swinging it out to the side, before lifting it up and over her legs, using it like a vise to hold her in place. “Hands behind your head,” Nat told her. He watched as she interlaced her fingers and held the back of her head.
“Good,” he said, not letting her see the item that he’d grabbed from the kitchen.
“Good,” Alyssa heard Nat say. Normally, the praise would help. It didn’t, in this case. She could tell by the way that he turned his body, that he picked something up from the table. That meant that he wasn’t going to be using his hand to spank her.
“All right, young lady,” Nat said, now using the ‘all-business’ voice. “The fourth item on that list you wrote. Telling me ‘no’ when I was going to spank you. That’s is the first one we’re going to address and cross off that list. Sound like a plan?”
Alyssa nodded and then realized that she was supposed to actually answer. “Yes, sir,” she said.
“The word that caused the trouble, ‘no’,” Nat told her. “You’re going to say it. Over and over, Alyssa, until I tell you to stop. You’re going to say it clearly. You’re going to say it so many times, that you never want to say it again.”
Alyssa wanted to start crying then and there. She knew what this was going to be like.
“I’ll give you ten seconds, and then I should hear you,” Nat told her.
Alyssa reassured herself that she could do this. That she’d wanted this. That she’d behaved horribly and earned this. That she’d be forgiven after this. That most likely took the ten seconds.
“No,” she said, loud enough for him to hear. “No. No. No. No. No. No. SMACK!!” She was shocked. Whatever he was using to spank her, it was something that she’d never felt before. It hurt so much.
“Keep going,” Nat said quietly, tapping her bottom with whatever that horrible thing was.
“No. No. No,” she continued. “No. SMACK!!!” Alyssa paused for a moment but knew that she had to continue. “No. No. SMACK!! No. No. SMACK!! SMACK!! Argh!!” Alyssa stopped for a moment.
Two in a row hurt like a whole lot of curse words she was not going to say. Taking a breath, she kept going. “No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!!”
While she was shocked that he did two in a row again, and the pain was horrible. More than horrible, she forced herself to keep going. “No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!! No. SMACK!!”
Alyssa was sobbing. She didn’t realize that Nat stopped spanking or that she’d stopped talking. Not even when she felt him lightly massaging slow circles on her lower back. “Deep breaths,” Nat said quietly.
She attempted a deep breath and ended up choking instead. In response, Nat smacked her on the upper back, clearing whatever she was choking on. “Slow your breathing,” he said to her.
“Slow your breathing,” Nat said gently. He could hardly bring himself to look at the small sobbing girl draped over his lap. If it wasn’t this exact word, it was something similar. They’d gone over this lesson far too many times. He listened until her breathing was calm. It took another few minutes.
“All right, Alyssa,” he said, noticing that she was ready to try and get up. “We’re not done yet.” That one surprised her. “I’m rounding your age up to the nearest 10, so we’re going with 30,” Nat informed her.
“Thirty more,” he said, lifting her and moving her forward by an inch. He doubted that she noticed. “I will count, as these will be fast. You still must say the word before each one. It will hurt but it will end. Let’s not find a reason to start over. I’ll give you fifteen seconds to begin.”
She didn’t take the full fifteen seconds, Nat noted. He heard her take a deep breath, and then she said the word, the trigger word, in this case. “No”. The moment he heard it, he brought the spatula down on the lowest part of her cheeks and announced “one.”
He heard and felt her internalize the pain before she spoke again. It went quickly, as he said it would. It wasn’t until the twelfth one that she let out a cry of pain. Even with that, Alyssa still said ‘no’ within a few seconds. By twenty-two, Nat was willing to believe that she’d get to thirty without an issue.
The twenty-third one, she moved her hand from her head and tried to protect her bottom. Luckily, he caught it. Nat continued to hold on to the one hand, he instructed her to grab hold of the leg of the chair with the other. They would repeat the twenty-third. The twenty-sixth stroke she reached back with her other hand. Nat caught it and pinned both her wrists to her back.
He informed her that he was going to repeat the twenty-sixth stroke and there would be an additional one, so the total was now thirty-one. He also reminded her that was the second strike in the three-strike policy. Meaning if it happened again, he was starting from the beginning.
He held his breath during the last of them. Alyssa got through the thirtieth without an issue. It seemed like all the determination left her, after that. “One more, young lady,” Nat reminded her. He could tell, she wanted to beg him not to. But, instead, she took a moment to mentally prepare. Nat could practically see her mind working.
“No,” Alyssa said.
Nat brought the spatula down on the very lowest part of her cheeks.
“Thirty-one,” he announced. Alyssa shrieked in pain. But she didn’t interfere, didn’t do anything that would have caused a problem. Just the opposite.
Nat saw all the fight drain out of her. He let go of her wrists and watched, as she let herself lay over his lap, sobbing. “Thank you, sir,” she said in the midst of her tears. He waited until her tears had quieted and she would be able to hear him, and then began to soothe her. When he knew that her breathing was even enough that she’d be all right when he flipped her over, he lifted her up and into his arms.
“I’m sorry, sir,” Alyssa sobbed. “Thank you for punishing me.”
Nat raised his eyebrows but didn’t comment. He let her cry, holding her close. It was obvious she was quite tired. When nearly all of her tears had diminished, he gently pulled her from his chest. “Alyssa,” he said quietly, wiping her tears and brushing her hair out of her face. “Sweetheart, I want you to listen to me.”
She nodded, “yes, sir.”
“First, it’s very important that you know,” Nat moved another piece of hair away from her face, “that regarding what happened, you telling me no? I forgive you, Alyssa.”
He saw her eyes light up.
“Second, I’m going to give you a choice,” he moved more of her hair out of her face. “You can either go and stand in the corner for time-out, or you can go and lay down on the couch and take a nap. We’ll call that your time out. Which would you prefer?”
“Couch, please,” she said, looking shy.
“That’s what I thought,” Nat chuckled, standing up and walking over to the couch. He carried her in his arms, holding her like she was the most precious thing in the world. At the couch, he set her down gently. “All right, young lady, on your stomach, head here,” he gave her a pillow. “Time to rest.”
Nat knew she was exhausted because she didn’t say anything about the fact that her bare bottom was on display. She was asleep in seconds. Smiling to himself, Nat pulled her panties up to cover her bottom. Save her some embarrassment when she woke up. Grabbing a blanket, he shook it out and carefully draped it over her. “Sleep now, Alyssa,” he said quietly.
Paved with Good Intentions: A Nat and Alyssa Story - Part Nine
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