Starting a new school
‘Hurry up Karen or we’ll be late.’ Said Lisa waiting impatiently on the street corner for her friend Karen. ‘We’ll get the slipper.’
‘Oh Crikey, sorry I'm late but I couldn’t do my tie up properly. Do they give the slipper at this school then?’ Asked Karen anxiously.
‘So my friend tells me, she's a second year.’ Replied Lisa grabbing Karen by the arm and dragging her along.
‘Mum says they do, but I thought she was just saying that. Do all the teachers do it?’
‘Don't know, I suppose they do.’
‘I'm so scared Lisa. The slipper really hurts I've been told.’
‘Nothing to be scared of, if you behave yourself.’ Said Lisa trying to reassure her friend.
‘Yes I'm very well behaved, and I never got in any real trouble at juniors. Well just once. What about you?’ Asked Karen.
‘Not very often but it always seems to be something I haven't done rather than something I have, if you see what I mean.’ Replied Lisa.
‘What like homework you mean?’
‘Yeah, sort of. More like forgetting to do things as soon as I'm told.’
‘Oh Crikey, I hope then you don't do that here or you're going to have a sore bottom a few times.’
Lisa shrugged her shoulders.
‘I hope we are in the same class as each other.’ Said Karen.
‘So you can watch me get the slipper I suppose.’ Chuckled Lisa.
‘You know me better than that.’ Retorted Karen.
‘Seriously though we must stick together.’ Said Lisa.
Finally they arrived at the school gates just before the duty prefect was about to close them and report the latecomers to their form tutors.
‘Let's go in and see what it's like.’ Said Karen.’
You can see the other new girls like us; their uniforms are miles too big.’ Observed Lisa.
‘Oh god, there are some really tough girls here, I'm scared of being bullied.’ Said Karen looking anxiously round the playground.
‘That's what I mean about sticking together, they won't take on two of us.’ Said Lisa trying to sound confident despite having her own misgivings.
‘I hope not.’
‘There goes the bell; I suppose we have to line up with the other new ones.’ Said Lisa.
‘See you later.’ Said Karen starting to m away
‘Where are you going?’ Asked Lisa
‘We have to line up according to the junior school we went to.’ Said Karen
‘Oh, didn't know that. See you later I hope.’ Said Lisa
‘Fingers crossed.’ Called Karen over her shoulder.
Lisa and Karen joined their respective lines and were led into assembly.
Assembly over girls of all shapes and sizes poured out into the playground and made for their classrooms.
Lisa spotted Karen and ran over to her.
‘Which class are you in Karen?’
‘Same as you, they called your name out before me. We've got Mrs Hawsley first lesson. Wonder what she's like? Come on let's go along and see who else is in our class.’
‘Ok . You lead the way.’
The two girls found their classroom and went in. The girls that had already arrived were sitting at the back so Karen & Lisa had to sit at two desks side by side near the front.
‘I'm glad you're here because I know hardly anyone, just a few boys from junior school.’ Said Karen looking around.
‘There's one or two from my school, not one's I'm friendly with though.’ Replied Lisa.
After a few minutes Mrs Hawsley entered the classroom and placed her bag down by her desk.
The class stood up.
‘She looks like an old dragon.’ Whispered Lisa.
She is ignored by Karen.
'Sit down.' Said Mrs Hawsley looking around the room.
‘Now let me start as I mean to go on with you all. I will not tolerate talking in my class, unless I am speaking to you. Is that clear?
'Yes Miss' Replied the class in unison.
‘So will the person who said something just now please stand up.’
Nobody moved a muscle.
‘It was a girl’s voice I heard and it was from that direction.’ Said Mrs Hawsley pointing in the direction of Lisa and Karen. ‘Which of you was it?’
Lisa and Karen looked at each other.
‘It was me Miss.’ Said Lisa.
‘Stand up girl.’
Lisa hesitated for a moment.
‘I SAID STAND UP GIRL!’ Repeated Mrs Hawsley in a raised voice.
‘Yes Miss, sorry.’ Said a red faced Lisa.
‘What's your name girl?’
‘Lisa Berry Miss.’
‘Well Lisa Berry my name is Mrs Hawsley and I am not an old dragon.’
‘No Miss.’ Said Lisa, her face becoming a more deeper red and playing nervously with her fingers.
‘So I’m going to make an example of you in the hope that you will all behave.’
Mrs Hawsley took a piece of paper from her desk and wrote on it. Then she folded it up and walked over and gave it to Lisa.
‘You will take this to Miss Woods at morning break.’
‘Yes Miss.’
‘Now sit down.’
Lisa sat down and the whole class looked at her.
Needless to say you could hear a pin drop for the rest of the lesson.
As soon as the lesson finished Karen wanted to know what was in the note. Lisa opened it and read it out.
I heard this girl making a derogatory remark about me. I leave you to deal with her as you think fit.
Lisa and Karen looked at one another.
‘You’re for it now.’ Said Karen.
‘I know, why was I so stupid. ‘Groaned Lisa.
‘Crikey Lisa, Were you scared?’ Asked Karen.
‘Nearly doing it in my knickers, she must have ears like microphones, I only whispered.’ Replied Lisa
‘Well you know now not to cross her.’ Said Karen. ‘Oh hell look at our timetable, she takes us for needlework with someone called Mrs Ferris.’
‘Better stuff something down your knickers.’ Said one of the other girls as she went past with a grin on her face.
Lisa ignored her.
During the next lesson Lisa was unable to concentrate. Several times she was reprimanded by the teacher for inattention and nearly ended up with lines. Finally the bell went and the girls streamed out of the classroom. Lisa found out where Miss Woods’ room was and went off with her note accompanied by Karen.
‘Go on then, knock.’ Said Karen as Lisa hesitated.
‘Alright for you, you’re not going to get whacked.’ Retorted Lisa irritably.
‘You don’t know that, she might let you off being first day.’ Said Karen.
‘Some hopes of that.’ Replied Lisa as she knocked on the door.
‘Come in.’
Lisa looked at Karen and then opened the door. She went nervously into the room. Miss Woods, a young woman in her twenties who took girls for PE who was sitting behind her desk, looked up.
‘Yes, what is it?’
‘Mrs Hawsley told me to give you this.’ Said Lisa handing the note to Miss Woods.
‘Is this your first day?’
‘Yes Miss.’
‘Your name is?’
‘Lisa Berry Miss.’
Miss Woods read the note and looked up at Lisa.
‘Not a very good start to your school career is it?’
‘No Miss. I’m sorry.’ Mumbled Lisa looking down at the floor and playing with the hem of her skirt.
‘If this wasn’t your first day I would take this extremely seriously, however I’m not a vindictive person so perhaps a warning is in order.’ Said Miss Woods.
Lisa breathed a sigh of relief which proved to be short lived. Miss Woods opened a drawer in her desk and took out a black plimsoll. Lisa groaned inwardly. I knew it, she thought to herself. Miss Woods, dressed in a dark blue tracksuit, got up.
‘Believe me Lisa I don’t like having to slipper any girl, especially on their first day; in fact I think that this is the first time that I’ve ever had to do it. We just cannot have this sort of behaviour, girls are expected to show respect for their teachers. I don’t know what your parents would say if they knew about this. So let’s get it over with; lean over the desk.’
Lisa leaned forward and put her hands on the far side of the desk. Miss Woods came round behind her and Lisa felt her hand on her back pushing her down further until her elbows were on the desk.
Miss Woods then raised the slipper and...
‘Stand up please Lisa.’
Lisa pushed herself up relieved at only getting two whacks. Miss Woods walked back round behind her desk and replaced the slipper in the drawer.
‘Now Lisa, remember that was a warning. If it happens again I shall be forced to be very severe with you. Is that clear?’
‘Yes Miss, perfectly.’ Replied Lisa.
‘Very well, off you go.’
‘Thank you Miss.’
Lisa quickly left the room and as soon as she was outside breathed a huge sigh of relief.
‘Only two, did it hurt?’ Asked Karen.
‘Stung a bit, nowhere near as bad as mum does it at home. She said it was a warning and I’d get more next time.’ Replied Lisa giving her bottom a token rub.
‘Right let's get to PE then. You got your kit?’
‘Sure have. I’m not getting into trouble for that.’ Remarked Lisa.
‘I have too although doubt we have to do PE on our first day.’
‘I bet we do, sort of thing they would do here.’
‘But it's pouring with rain. What horrible cow would make us do PE on our first day in the rain?’ said Karen looking out of the window.
At that moment Mrs Davies walked in.
‘Ooops!!!’ Said Lisa hoping that Mrs Davies hadn’t heard Karen’s remark.
‘Right girls all have a seat while I explain a few little rules to you. First, welcome to the school and to the PE department. Between now and December we will be playing hockey and netball outside and gymnastics inside. Please make sure you bring kit for all of these options for every lesson.
‘Excuse me Miss, what happens if we forget our kit? Asked Lisa putting her hand up.
‘I'll explain that rule at the end. What's your name girl?’
‘Lisa Berry Miss.’
‘Kit is to be kept clean and tidy when worn, that includes hockey boots and plimsolls.’ Continued Mrs Davies. ‘Any absences must come with a letter from a parent, and don't even think about forging mums signature, I can always tell. When you come to lesson, you get changed quickly, no messing about. Always change from school knickers into PE knickers, even for inside games. Is that clear?’
‘Yes Miss.’ Replied the girls.
‘So Lisa in answer to your question about forgotten kit. See that basket over there? The empty one?’
‘Yes Miss.’
‘Well in a short time it will be full of lost property. Forget your kit and you will find something from there to wear.’
‘Yes, thank you Miss.’
‘If you forget it twice in a term we will have to have a little chat about how to remind you to bring your kit. The same for anyone who breaks the rules I've just told you.’
The rest of the day passed without further mishap and Lisa and Karen made their way to their respective homes.
Lisa’s mother was a schoolteacher and arrived home sometime after Lisa.
‘Hello mum.’ Said Lisa as Mrs Berry came in.
‘Hello dear, how was your first day?’
‘Ok. I did get into a spot of trouble though.’ Said Lisa. She thought it best to tell her mum what happened. She never knew how much contact her mum had with other teachers and it might come out that she had been slippered. If that was the case retribution would be swift and painful, more painful than admitting it straight away.
‘What sort of trouble?’ Asked mum as she removed her coat and hung it up.
‘I whispered a comment about a teacher to Karen and she heard me.’
‘What sort of comment?’ Asked mum.
‘I said she looked like an old dragon.’
Mrs Berry smiled.
‘And what happened?’
‘She sent me to Miss Woods, my class tutor and she gave me the slipper. Sorry mum.’
‘Lisa, I’ve told you what would happen if you are punished at school.’
‘Yes mum, I am sorry.’
‘I think you had better go to your room don’t you.’
‘Yes mum.’
Lisa gloomily made her way upstairs and stood by her bed waiting for mum to come with her slipper.
It wasn’t long before she arrived, slipper in hand.
‘I’m sorry Lisa but you have no excuse, I don’t like to do this but you bring it on yourself.’ Said Mum.
‘Why is it that teachers always say they don’t like having to do this then do it?’ Asked Lisa.
‘Don’t be silly Lisa, now bend over please.’
Lisa bent over and held her ankles while her mum lifted her skirt and slip.
‘You can get up now and do try and behave otherwise next time it’s six.’
‘Yes mum.’ Said Lisa rubbing her stinging bottom.
Thank goodness Miss Woods doesn’t slipper that hard thought Lisa to herself.
Starting a new school
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Re: Starting a new school
good slippering story, more please.
Re: Starting a new school
yes big spanks were given.
Re: Starting a new school
Great story, love english headmistresses and female teachers!
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Re: Starting a new school
This was a really evocative story. We look forward to reading more of the girls’ adventures.
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Re: Starting a new school
i liked this
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