A smile played across the Headmaster’s face as he regarded the young woman before him. Alexis, the wife of his fellow Headmaster, had been quite the bureaucratic bully since she had purchased her way onto the school board. However she certainly cut a different figure now that she was in a full school uniform. Gone was the cocky, confident, and overbearing young professional woman who insulted him at every opportunity. In her place stood a shy, nervous looking teenager. She was even chewing anxiously on her lower lip as her fingers perhaps unconsciously tugged on the hemline of her short uniform skirt. A skirt whose brevity the headmaster was pleased to see showed off her lovely coltish legs.
Suddenly the stories about Alexis’s doppelganger “niece” Alex made perfect sense. It seemed the Headmaster’s wife liked to play schoolgirl, even to the point of bending bare for the cane. Given what a thorn Alexis had been in William Thomas’s side, it was a role-play the strict Headmaster was only too happy to indulge.
Planting his fists against his hips the Headmaster adopted a stern visage. “Stand up straight girl, no slouching.”
Seeing the previously headstrong Alex come smartly to attention only added to his amusement. Especially when he saw the look of nervous excitement that flashed across her pretty face when he barked his next command.
“Knickers off, girl!”
Alexis was surprised. She had supposed he might start with a hand spanking over her panties, or that despite the teasing “bare bottom” suggestion on her punishment slip he might respect her actual age and social standing or even her standing as the wife of one of his oldest and dearest friends. But it was not to be.
“Does the entire spanking need to be bare, Sir?” she asked pleadingly.
Her defiance, timid as it was, only stiffened the Headmaster’s resolve, as well as other body parts. “Does the entire spanking need to be bare, Sir?” he repeated in a mocking falsetto, as if the question itself was the stupidest inquiry he had ever heard in his decades of teaching. “Yes, it does, for the charges against you are most severe, and you will learn to do as you are told!”
Alex swallowed hard at the verbal and literal dressing down but dutifully reached under her skirt and started the agonizing process of peeling off what he was pleased to see were her regulation bottle green knickers. When her knickers reached the level of her knees, she paused and gave the headmaster an imploring look.
“Off means OFF, girl,” the Headmaster retorted, making it clear who was in charge. A flush of embarrassment colored Alex’s cheeks as she stepped out of the knickers and rather hastily started to fold them.
“Not so quickly, girl,” William Thomas snapped as he snatched the offending item from the blushing girl’s trembling hands. Holding up the knickers for a closer inspection he nodded. It was exactly as he suspected…and what he had hoped for.
“What is the meaning of this?” he demanded as he waved the gusset of the wet knickers in front of Alex’s nose. They both could see how stained and moist they were.
“Have you been diddling yourself?” the Headmaster demanded. “Back in my day a girl who disgraced herself like that got the birch on the bare, right in front of the entire school at assembly.”
Alex’s eyes went wide as teacups. “But you can’t,” she sputtered as some of her old assertiveness returned.
“I can’t?” the Headmaster said coolly. “We’re all singing Christmas Carols this afternoon at lunch. It will be most amusing to have you bend over bare, and sing a very different tune.”
Alex swallowed. “But SIR!” she pleaded. “You can’t… I mean, you CAN, but… Please, Sir! What I mean to say is that… well I… I didn’t do anything sir. Its just that the knickers are so snug and the way the rub ….”
Her composure finally cracked. “Please don’t birch me. Not on the bare! Not in front of EVERYONE!”
Would he do it? Damn right he would. But it was important to build it up, and turn the heat up one degree at a time, for William Thomas relished the chance to make Alex sweat it out. He was enjoying the look of shock and horror on the face of the trembling little minx in front of him, recalling her endless insults and disrespect and all the trouble she had made for him over the last year. The old Headmaster found himself quite enjoying this far more diffident and respectful slip of a girl. Nor had he missed that for all the girl’s genuine fear of being birched the spark of excitement that flashed across those pretty eyes of hers. On some level Alex still thought this was her game, and he was still a pawn on her chessboard. The Queen hadn’t yet realized that she had been captured.
“How public a girl’s punishment is is entirely up to me, and is based on a number of factors, such as the girl’s level of naughtiness and the possible deterrent value, and perhaps even how I feel that day, none of which are subject to YOUR opinion. Are we clear about who is in charge, Alex?”
“Yes, Sir,” she said, staring at her pigeon toes. Delightful!
“So as for who sees your punishment, I shall have to see,” he declared. Better to leave the threat hanging over her than to pronounce immediate judgment. “Now let’s see that naughty bottom of yours. Kneel on the Chesterfield, if you please.”
Alex turned and looked doubtfully at the large, leather, antique Chesterfield chair that had so recently served as her throne. Did he really expect her to kneel on it, in that short skirt?
The Headmaster answered her question without her asking. “Are you stupid, girl? Kneel on the seat! Then reach over the back of the chair, and put your hands flat on the floor!”
As he watched the embarrassed schoolgirl scamper into the required position, the Headmaster took a moment to enjoy the hemline of her deliciously short skirt riding up the toned trim expanse of her thighs. Without her high heels Alexis was quite diminutive, and had to strain mightily to reach the floor with her hands. Regrettably for her and to the Headmaster’s delight, his positioning left her bottom raised nice and high, perfectly positioned to receive a sound thrashing. Alex’s painfully short skirt was straining to cover her now bare bum, and the Headmaster could just see a bit of her delightfully round bottom peeking out at him as if to say “Hello, there!”
Unfortunately for Alex even the shortest of skirts provided her with far more covering than the Headmaster intended to give her. A casual flick of the Headmaster’s hand flipped her skirt up over the girl’s rump so that he had a perfect view of her tight but pleasantly rounded bottom cheeks. A shudder raced through the girl as the air current stirred up by the air conditioning unit caressed her bare cheeks, emphasizing how exposed and vulnerable she now was.
“Legs apart, if you please.” The “please” was perfunctory, almost sarcastic, for his tone made it perfectly clear that he was telling, not asking.
“Whooooot?” Alex said, her snobby, upper RP failing her as she made a guttural, cockney expression of shock at what he was asking.
The Headmaster’s next command was physical rather than verbal, and Alex never saw his hand coming.
SPANK! “Are you STUPID, girl? Surely a girl your age (Spank!) knows what (SPANK!) spreading her legs (SPANK!) means!” (SPANK! SPANK!)
Any thought that this was merely a game or that the Headmaster was going to treat Alex like anything but the naughtiest of schoolgirls vanished in an instant as the pain shot through Alex’s bottom. Her shock and pain overcoming her modesty, Alex dutifully spread her legs.
“I said SPREAD!” the Headmaster barked, punctuating the command with another sharp slap across her shapely bottom. All the way, girl! Knees touching the sides of the chair!”
The venerable old chair was quite wide and the leather cushion quite soft and comfy. Alex’s weight sinking into the cushion made it quite difficult to get her knees up, and the enormous width of the grand old chair forced her to spread her knees wider than her shoulders just to barely touch the sides. As her amused Headmaster watched her naked bottom bobble up and down as she strained to spread her legs for his viewing entertainment, she wondered why she hadn’t just settled for the plain wooden chair, even as her teacher delighted in the spectacle created by her massive ego coming home to roost.
Alex’s face was flush. She couldn’t see the Headmaster, but he could see all of her, for he had placed her in a position that would have made her gynecologist blush.
Alex tensed sharply as the old Headmaster reached down to caress her bottom as if he had every right to do so, which, of course, he did. “Hmmm…” he said, taking his time for a serious consideration of the shape, elasticity, and general springiness of the schoolgirl bottom presented for his disciplinary expertise. “Let us see… Shall we warm you up with the strap, and get these little sitters of yours all nice and pink before we break out the cane? Or should we lay on the stripes straight away?”
“It’s good to have you properly spread out like this. Perhaps I’ll use the pony whip, and catch this little winker of yours…” Alex’s bottom hole did indeed wink as he tapped it several times with his finger to emphasize her exposure.
Dropping his fingers he “accidentally” copped a feel of Alex’s shamefully wet sex. Pausing, he gave it a good feel. “Enjoying ourselves, are we Alex? I’ve had girls like you before. No worries. The solution to girls who like the cane is… more cane. Yes, we’ll cure you of your disgusting perversions, even if I have to break every cane in my cupboard to do it.”
Who was going to cure William Thomas of his perversions was another matter altogether, for he spent the next several minutes molesting Alex’s bottom while discussing the “springiness” and “how it will bounce under the cane”, and “where the stripes will look the best,” versus “where they will leave the most lasting lesson.” Apparently there was quite an art to striping a girl’s bottom that Alex hadn’t considered, for the inspection took quite a long time.
When at last he finished, he wiped his soggy fingers on her naked rump and retreated to his Headmaster’s cabinet. From her bent position Alex couldn’t see what was happening, which turned the whole procedure of selecting her instrument of correction into an agonizing and suspenseful radio play as she listened to the TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK of the old grandfather clock.
Alex listened closely as he made a show of moving the squeaky cupboard door back and forth, ostensibly to get a better view of the canes, but with the clearer purpose of letting the nervous schoolgirl trembling on the sofa chair know precisely what he was looking at.
“Let’s see… with a bill of particulars as longs as yours I’m afraid I’ll have to be most severe. Even the slightest hint of mercy will send the wrong message to the other girls. Hmmm... this is a good senior cane, but I’ll need something quite a bit more whippy. Something that will hug the curves. I need a cane that will really let me pickup some airspeed on the follow through…”
As if he didn’t have a care in the world, the Headmaster began slowly whistling an old time Cockney music hall number, “Knees up Mother Brown”. Alex knew the tune had been selected entirely to emphasize her humiliating position, and as the beads of sweat formed across her brow she found herself involuntarily singing along in her head to the old pub favorite.
There was a girl from France
Who didn’t know how to dance
The only thing that she could do was
Knees up Mother Brown!
Oh knees up Mother Brown
Knees up Mother Brown
Knees up, knees up
Never let the breeze up
Knees up Mother Brown!
As the rivulets of sweat dropped off her face and onto the hard wooden floor, the song worked its devilish torture on her at numerous levels. As an old Cockney drinking song, it emphasized the class difference between her inherited wealth and position and her working class Headmaster, a class distinction that had now been turned as topsy-turvy as her current posture suggested. She wasn’t the Queen bee anymore; she was a naughty schoolgirl with her bottom raised high for justice at the hands of a man who had been fetching her tea only moments before.
There was also the merry, sing-a-long nature of the song itself, which emphasized the fun that William Thomas was going to have at her expense. After all, Alex was now simply another schoolgirl to be caned, and how many canings had he already handed out today? The degrading tune reduced her shameful and humiliating caning to a mere pub game, like darts or billiards, a diverting amusement of no great consequence.
And of course “knees up” was a lewd, lower class sexual innuendo for a tart spreading her legs for sex. Not unlike the dreadfully exposed position poor Alex was in right now, exposing her wet pussy for the Headmaster’s leering gaze.
The only thing worse than the horrid whistling was when the horrid whistling stopped. The selection had been made.
“Oh, yes. This one will be perfect. It will cut into your naughty bum like a knife through hot butter.
Alex tensed as she heard him slowly walk across the creaking floorboards of the study and stand behind her. A pause. The faint grandfather clock was suddenly deafening.
She thought she was going to faint as she felt him ever so gently tap her exposed bottom with the long, slender, whippy cane he had chosen for her correction.
Using the cane to jiggle her bottom in time with the merry tune, the Headmaster began to sing another chorus of Molly Brown:
Oh, prancing up and down
Prancing up and down
Prancing, prancing, never dancing
Prancing up and down!
Tears in her eyes, Alex could take no more. “Oh, this is dreadful! Why do you have to be so mean? Don’t you know how humiliating this is? This isn’t a pub game!”
The Headmaster picked up on the suggestion straight away. “Backchatting me, even now, you little minx? You’ll pay for your impertinence, I promise you that!
Alex fell silent as he teasingly rolled the cane over her bare bottom. “A pub game? Yes, there’s an idea. Perhaps I should take you down to the pub, and put you in this position there, and let all the punters watch as I stripe your naughty behind. Or perhaps I’ll invite some of the boys from the neighboring school in to play penny toss, to see if they can get their penny in the hole,” tapping her quivering bottom hole with the tip of his cane for emphasis.
“Humiliation is part-and-parcel of the punishment, Alex, and this punishment is designed to take you down a peg, or several pegs. Indeed, if you can think of something more humiliating, do suggest it, for I shall gladly do it. No? Then let us proceed.”
“Still, your suggestion of a pub game sets one’s mind a-whirling. I call this game, cane clench, and I think you will find it most unforgettable. You will hold the cane between your clenched bottom cheeks…” Alex gasped as she felt the cane slide deep into her bottom cleft. “Now if you drop it I will take you down to the pub, and put you in this position there, and let the punters all hoot at you as I lay on the stripes. Don’t think I won’t do, either.”
Alex concentrated on grasping the cane as the Headmaster returned to his desk and dialed the old-fashioned rotary dial monstrosity that should have been retired years ago. Alex listened anxiously to the slow ticks as the dial returned into place, trying to guess whom he might be calling when she was in such a shameful position.
“Jack? How are you, old sport? Hope the end-of-term paperwork isn’t getting you down... Yes, it does get worse every year. Bloody bureaucracy will be the death of us all. I’d like to make a Christmas bonfire of every report they make us write, ha-ha!”
Alex, straining to maintain her grip on the cane, was puzzled. Why was he calling her husband, Jack? Whatever his reason, she was glad, for she knew Jack could rescue her!
“Anyway, speaking of bonfires, I’m about to start one here. Your wife’s niece Alex showed up with a rather long list of charges and asked that I cane her. No, not Alexis, Alex. She came dressed in one of our school uniforms, in fact. Yes, I was surprised too. Could have knocked me over with a feather.”
“She didn’t tell you about it? Oh, dear! No, of course… I’d be angry with her if I were you! Livid, you say? Well not to worry, I’ll set her straight. Not at all, old sport, I’m happy to help out… It’s my pleasure. In fact, that’s why I’m calling. She has a rather a long list of misdeeds, and I’m afraid a single caning won’t really do the job. So I was thinking I might keep her over Christmas break with a few of the boarders who will be staying over. I can put her in the dorms with them, and she can study along and do netball and exercises with them. Oh, Alexis is hosting a party on Christmas Day? Well, I can send Alex home on Christmas Eve, then you can send her back on Boxing Day… Excellent. We have a plan. Don’t worry. I’ll take very special care of her. No, don’t worry. I’ll make her toe-the-line.”
“Did you want to talk to her? Actually, she’s right here, in her uniform, kneeling on my Chesterfield with her butt cheeks clenching the cane I’m about to stripe her bottom with. Yes, it’s quite a sight, ha-ha. I can send you a picture if you’d like. Did you want to speak with her? No, nothing urgent… by all means go watch Dr. Who. They have a lady Doctor, now, you know. So-called progress, I suppose. Don’t worry about a thing, Jack. While you’re enjoying the good Doctor I’ll be giving Alex here her medicine. Yes, we’ll get together soon, my friend. Maybe we’ll down a pint at the pub next week. Yes, have a lovely evening.”
Alex’s heart sank as she heard the receiver click down, severing her final lifeline and hope of rescue. Jack never approved of her dressing up like Alex, but he never interfered, and it was something of a game between them to refer to the imaginary “Alex” as a third person. It was quite clear he was surprised but not displeased at the pickle she had gotten herself into, and was quite happy to leave her at William Thomas’s tender mercies.
William Thomas wasted no time, and moved briskly to remove the cane between Alex’s clenching buttocks. “Very good, Alex; it looks like you’re learning obedience. It seems the barflies down at the pub are going to miss a very enjoyable show. I shall not.”
Alex’s butt cheeks clenched as he gave the thin, whippy cane several fierce practice strokes through the air.
As he measured out the first strokes the lecture continued. “We shall begin by punishing you for today’s offense, your tardiness, made all the more galling by the fact that you knew you were reporting for punishment, but were late anyway, and then blamed others for your misbehavior. It’s almost like you wanted me to punish you. Regardless of your wishes, I can assure you that you will indeed be punished, young lady… with a vengeance.”
“Here that, Alex? That’s the sound of overdue justice. Justice that has finally found your naughty bottom, as I intend to hold you account for every offense on your discipline request form, and many more, over this blessed holiday season. But we’ll begin today with your intolerable tardiness. Given this is a repeat offense, and something I’ve suffered with for quite some time, I think six-of-the-best is the most lenient sentence I can imagine.”
Tap-tap-tap. Alex tensed as he tapped her bottom with the cane. Oh why wasn’t she at time for once? She had spent forever staring at herself in the mirror, dressed in her school uniform. Now her fascination with her own reflection would cost her dearly.
Taking a moment to remember every slight, insult, threat, and bullying maneuver the young woman before him had forced him to endure, William Thomas raised the cane high above his head.
“Did you feel that one Alex? Good. That was for calling me Tommy, when you knew I hated it.”
“Nicely spaced, if I do say so myself. Your bottom is gong to be quite a sight when I’m through with you. The very picture of girlish discipline.”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Please sir! I’ll be good, Sir.”
“Indeed you will. From this moment on, your backchat and insubordination end, and you will treat your betters with deference and respect!”
“Oh, PLEAZZZE Sir, not so hard, Sir! Pleazzzze! I’m begging you.”
“You are not in charge here, young lady, and the stripes need to be brilliant enough to serve as a beacon of warning to the other girls when they see you in the showers.”
“Oh, my thighs! You caned my thighs!”
“Indeed I did, low enough so it will be clear to everyone who sees you in that short little uniform skirt of yours just how naughty you’ve been. The tossers in the village always have a good laugh, teasing the girls with the freshly caned bums. Now get ready for the last one. This one will put you on your toes!”
Indeed it did, as he caught her right between the bottom of her butt cheeks and the top of her thighs, and exquisitely sensitive area that would guarantee that the school’s newest pupil would be doing the awkward “cane-walk” for several days to come.
The Headmaster returned to the phone. “Miss Grimshaw, could you come in for a moment?” he queried. Immediately Alex’s head snapped up as her eyes went wide with surprise and panic. It was no secret that she’d never gotten on with his old biddy of a secretary. After she successfully resisted Alex’s attempts to put all of the school’s records on computer Alex called her “a hide bound old shrew who should have been put out to pasture long ago. Alex also told the Board she was “a dried up old dyke, who just liked to leer at the girls.” There loathing was mutual, for Miss Grimshaw regarded Alexis as a slip of a girl with far too much money and far too little respect for her years of experience.
The Headmaster, standing in front of the sofa chair, didn’t know where to look. Mrs. Grimshaw had seen Alexis come in, and had doubtlessly heard the caning, for she always listened at the door to enjoy such things. Now doubt Miss Grimshaw could scarcely believe her ears, but as she saw her nemesis, blushing and bent over in school uniform with her bottom raised high, it was her eyes that appeared to be playing tricks on her.
The Headmaster glanced back-and-forth between Alex’s tearful, blushing face, and the baffled but pleased face of Miss Grimshaw, which was slowly turning into the broad grin of the cat who had finally gotten her cream.
“Miss Grimshaw, I would like you to meet Alexis’s niece, Alex. She looks quite a bit like her meddlesome Aunt, but unlike Alexis, Alex is in our full custody, and is ours to discipline for the next several weeks. By strange coincidence Jack told me that Alexis will be out of town over the same period. Do you understand what I am saying, Miss Grimshaw?”
“Yes, sir,” Miss Grimshaw said. “Alexis… I mean Alex, of course, is to be treated like any other schoolgirl then, I presume.”
“Yes, although I’m going to be paying special attention to her attitude and discipline as she has quite a few thrashings coming her way. But start a file on her.”
“My pleasure, Sir.” From the horrible grin on her hideous face Alex knew Mrs. Grimshaw would enjoy preparing her file very much indeed.
“The little minx thought it might be fun to try and sneak some contraband into the school,” he added, moving around to give Alex’s sore bottom a sharp slap for her latest misdeed. “The contraband in question are in that cupboard. A fancy leather bag and a coat. When we are finished could you secure it in the property room?”
Miss Grimshaw looked down at the worried Alex as she fished the key hanging on the chain around her neck out for Alex to look at. “Indeed I will, Sir. Her things will be locked up safe-and-sound, in a room to which I have the sole key. In fact it will be like those things never existed.”
Miss Grimshaw grinned down as a look of alarm flashed across Alex’s very worried looking face. Her purse, her shoes, her mobile phone, her car keys, even her shoes were in the bag. If her trappings of adulthood were locked away, out of her reach…
The Headmaster smiled again as he saw her breathing quicken and her bottom cheeks clench at the prospect of being forced to remain in the school uniform. Was that panic or excitement? Perhaps a bit of both...
Time to add some spice to the Christmas punch, he decided. “Let’s take her down to the showers. Given the contraband she slipped in, we’ll need you to snap on the rubber glove, and check her inside-and-out.”
“My pleasure,” Miss Grimshaw cooed. Alex shuddered at the thought of the vengeful old lesbian getting her fingers in her mushy wet pie. She knew the old dyke would search her very thoroughly indeed, and take her own sweet time about it.
“She’s quite wet between the legs,” the Headmaster observed. “Randy little minx. For sanitation reasons it’s probably best that you get out the straight razor and shave her down there. Get that little whisker biscuit of hers shaved clean as a whistle. Then a bracing delousing shower and we can put her in a PE kit for a nice long run.”
Alex found the idea of being a student under William Thomas’s vengeful control terrifying but dreadfully exiting. Still, she could scarcely believe her ears! “It’s only 5 degrees outside, Sir!” Alex protested. “And it’s pouring rain.”
“Not to worry. The trail is a bit muddy, but we’ll keep our eyes on you from here in the study as you run the obstacle course and it will be the strap for you if you don’t make a suitable time. We don’t want you getting all flabby over Christmas, now do we?”
“No, Sir,” Alex said, not even trying to hide her misery. “Thank you, Sir.”
“You’re welcome, Alex. Merry Christmas.”
The Headmaster's Wife - The Xmas Present Part 2
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