This was originally posted in the Woman Spanker section of the old board, and is one of a series of experiments I did while exploring that genre.
Returning to the Family Reunion
"This is stupid." Derrick Fellows muttered as he screwed the top back on his 'water bottle'. "But it's the rule."
At least it was the rule it was explained to him. You could drink in the park, but only from an 'oblique closed container', which meant a water bottle that you couldn't see through. If park security noticed you drinking then you had to screw the top of the water bottle back before they reached you or they'd bust you. Someone, Derrick thought it had to be one of his cousins, had called it a simple sobriety test, because if you were too drunk to screw the top back on the bottle then you were too drunk to wander the park. It had almost made sense when the cousin said it, but that was before Derrick had to refill his bottle.
Derrick didn't know the man who had told him that, but he was sure the guy was cousin. Practically everyone else here was. All of them related to Patrick Hill, who settled the area in eighteen something and who had hundreds of descendants who held an annual reunion. Not all of them came every year, Derrick and his family didn't, but every five or six years there was some important date to celebrate and people made an effort to gather together.
They usually reserved a part of Lincoln Park, a sprawling green space on the edge of the town. It was the biggest park in the county and could handle a gathering several times the size of their reunion. It was filled with hidden niches and isolated places that only the native cousins knew about. Including one that Derrick wanted, no, needed to prove to himself that it really existed.
"So let's see if I can find it this time." Derrick muttered, unscrewing his bottle for another chug.
Derrick wasn't sure what he was drinking. All he knew was that it was reddish brown, had been mixed in a huge water drum, and his cousins were handing it out from the back of a SUV. They had asked his age so Derrick flashed his driver's license, making sure that they could see the year while 'accidentally' covering the day and month. Doing that was a skill that Derrick developed at college - he'd been doing it since January. As long as the years made sense then no one really cared about the month, not at college and not here.
"It was down this ravine, I think." Derrick muttered himself.
It was place he would never forget - if it existed. If it hadn't just been a dream. Maybe there had been a dream that Derrick made into a memory? He wasn't sure any more. He'd search around for that place the last time he was here, and that was five years ago. That had been five, maybe only four years since it happened. If it happened.
"No." Derrick slurred, taking another drink. "It happened. Shit, I've got to slow down. I didn't really mean to down the first one that fast. Not being able to see the level, that's screwing my timing. Pace myself, that's it."
He couldn't remember what they had been doing. He'd been with a group of cousin. He wasn't sure if he was the youngest of the group but he had definitely been the smallest. He'd been basically tagging along with them, knowing what they were doing was wrong but saying nothing because he wanted them to let him be around them.
At least he thought he had - if it was a real memory.
"Lost? The bathrooms are that way."
Derrick turned to the speaker. It might have been a trick of the light, but for a moment she reminded him a certain teen goddess that he once had a huge puppy dog crush on. He'd practically worship her before that day, and hadn't stopped when IT had happened. Maybe it was just a family resemblance (Derrick knew there was a lot of that going around) but he decided to take a chance on the memory.
"Would you happen to be Anne, Anne Jackson?" Derrick asked.
"Guilty as charged." Anne answered. "Now I know you're a cousin... Let me guess, one of the Cliftons or one of the Fellows?"
"I'm Derrick Fellows." Derrick told her. "And I'm sure we met before. But that was years ago. Practically a decade ago."
"That long?" Anne laughed, opening her own water bottle, but taking a smaller drink than Derrick had managed. "My goodness. That must have been during my 'I get paid to babysit so I am the boss of you' phase. If so, I'm sorry."
"There's nothing to be sorry for." Derrick said, speaking before thinking. "Well, um, there almost was, but there wasn't."
Mentally cursing his mouth, Derrick covered his embarrassment with another drink.
"Almost was?" Anne asked, laughing again. "That sounds like a story."
"Um, well, let's just say I was led astray by some older cousins." Derrick told her. "That or they let me tag along with them. You caught us doing something, and well..."
"And I took charge of things?" Anne laughed. "And I can bet I know how I did it. Wait, you said there was a group?"
"There was six of us, counting me." Derrick said. "Anyway, you herded us off somewhere and, um..."
"I bet I did." Anne laughed. "And you slipped away, right? That I remember. I must have overreacted a few times that year, and I know that wasn't the only year I did that, but you slipping away, that reminds me. So what are you doing out here?"
"Well, um, I kind of wanted to see that place again." Derrick admitted before downing another mouthful. "It was so long ago that I'm barely sure it even happened or it was just some weird, scary dream."
"It gave you bad dreams? Oh you poor thing." Anne said jokingly. "Well I'll show you where it happened. Come on."
Derrick nodded, then started to follow her.
"The path isn't really a path." Anne explained as she led the way. "It's a strip of bedrock between the bushes. You can only really see it in the fall or winter, when the leaves are off the trees."
"Ah." Derrick nodded sagely. "So that's why I couldn't find the last time I was here."
"Mind the brook." Anne warned him. "Well it's a brook now, but it floods most springs."
Derrick remembered the brook. Back then he'd waded through, soaking his feet, but now he gingerly stepped over it. He swayed a bit as he did it, but his stride was longer now. That, or the brook was lower.
"So do you remember what we did? Because I don't."
"How could you forget?" Anne asked him. "The bunch of you were chasing a porcupine and poking it with sticks."
"What?" Derrick asked.
"It couldn't run fast enough to get away and you kept poking it with sticks." Anne told him.
"That doesn't sound like me." Derrick said, not sure if Anne was remembering him or someone else.
"Or, it wasn't your idea." Anne assured him. "I didn't know it then, but now I'm sure it was your cousin, Howard Jack Clifton, who thought it up."
"My cousin? Isn't he your cousin too?"
"Maybe, but only by an accident of blood." Anne answered. "I don't claim any other relationship with him."
"I bet there's a story there." Derrick said, pausing to drink - his promise to pace himself long forgotten.
"A long one." Anne agreed. "When he was 14 he got in trouble with the cops. I'm not talking about a ride home in a police car trouble, he'd been doing that for a couple of years at that point. No, I'm talking about getting front of a judge trouble. But that didn't straighten him out - when he was 16 he was in more trouble, call it spend time in a jail trouble. And when he was 17, well, I won't keep listing court dates. The story ends with him doing eight and half to life."
"Really?" Derrick asked.
"Yeah, and it would have been 15 or 20 to life if it wasn't for budget cuts." Anne revealed.
"Budget cuts?" Derrick asked, wondering just how much he had to drink. Something wasn't making sense. What did budget cuts have to do with a sentence?
"Budget cuts." Anne confirmed. "A bond didn't pass so the DA couldn't afford to do many trials, so he was pleading everything down. He'd sign off on anything that was a 'to life' sentence. I even heard that he signed off on a six months to life sentence, just so it was life and he didn't have to bring it to trial."
"So are you a lawyer or something?" Derrick asked.
"Me?" Anne laughed.
"It's just that you know about the legal stuff." Derrick told her.
"I know family stories, not legal stuff. No, I work in my dad's paint store." Anne said with a laugh. "Maybe one day I'll take it over, but for now I'm just pushing paints like everyone else there."
Then they were through the bushes and in a natural clearing. Suddenly Derrick had a major case of déjà vu. This was the place, and if the place was real then the memory was real. It had happened, it had really happened.
It was all flooding back. Anne had herded them all here and (for some reason) told them to take off their shoes. Then she had grabbed one of his cousins (maybe the recently mentioned Howard Jack Clifton, maybe a different boy - Derrick didn't know) and hauled him over to that rock. Anne had sat on the rock, then had taken down the boy's jeans and hauled him over her lap. Then she yanked down his underwear and started spanking him on his bare bum! Just like that! And she wasn't his mother, she was barely older than the oldest boy there, and she hadn't asked a grownup's permission, she just did it.
She did it to that boy, and she was going to do it to Derrick.
Derrick had stared with his mouth open, then reached for his shoes. He had picked them up and inched away, and once he hit the bushes he had run. Not far, he couldn't do that without his sneakers, so he had been forced to sit down put them on. Only there was a knot in one of the laces and they were wet and he had been forced to wrestle with the knot with the sounds of the spankings echoing in his ears.
"This place bring back a lot of memories." Anne noted. "Oh, not of that day. Hidden here, this place is a major make out place for teenagers. I even, well, over there I got some grass stains on my ass and maybe thirty seconds later was asking myself 'was that it?'. It could have been the worse mistake of my life, but thank God I didn't get knocked up."
"He was that much of a mistake?" Derrick asked, hitting his bottle again.
"After we did it was like he thought he own me." Anne revealed. "A week later I broke up with him when he wouldn't let me talk to my friends without him being there. I didn't know how big of an ass he was then, but I knew that if someone was going to be in charge in our relationship it wasn't going to be him, so I walked out on one of the town's biggest assholes before I knew how bad he was. He's getting his third divorce now - that's right, he's been married three times - and I heard he was a bar bragging that this time he'd get shared custody. Like that's going to happen; he's got so many domestic abuse convictions that he's lucky if he gets any visitation, even once a year. No, there's a lot of memories here and not all of them are good."
Derrick had to nod.
"I bet you wish you had anchored memories anchored here too." Anne continued. "Better me than what your mom did you to that night, right?"
"Huh?" Derrick asked.
"Afterwards I told your mom what had happened and how you had run off and she said not to worry about because she would handle it." Anne told him. "Then I heard how someone got a major paddling around 7:00 that night at the Hillside Motel. Something that went on almost forever."
"Um, no, I'm pretty sure that we went to a movie that night." Derrick said. "We didn't get back until nine, maybe later. Wait, one of my cousins, Henry Fellows, he was limping around the next day and someone said that he'd really gotten it the night before. Something about pantsing a girl cousin at the motel pool."
"So that wasn't you?" Anne asked in surprise.
"No, my folks, well, I've heard they used to spank sometimes, but I hadn't gotten it for a year, maybe two or three years, before that happened that summer." Derrick confided. "Mom never even mentioned that she knew about how I skipped out of that spanking."
"What? Really?" Anne laughed again. "Then if you hadn't left I would have given you your last ever spanking? That's unreal."
And not exactly truthful, but Derrick didn't correct her.
"No wonder you had nightmares about this place." Anne continued.
Again Derrick didn't correct her. Oh, the first few dreams and been terror filled, pee the bed, nightmares but those had faded. Then the next summer (at least Derrick thought it was next summer, but some summer memories ran together in his mind so it could have been the summer after that) Joey Parson's mom had hauled Derrick over her lap and given him five smacks over his jeans. The woman had been apologetic afterwards, and it had been a mere pittance to what Joey Parson had gotten, but it was enough to get Derrick thinking about spanking again and that time his beautiful cousin had almost spanked him.
He hadn't stopped thinking about it. And a few years later those dreams had returned, only this time when Derrick woke up with damp PJs it had nothing to do with pee. He'd thought about this place so often, in dreams and waking, that he wasn't really sure what was real and what was fantasy. Now that he was seeing it again and Anne was confirming what had happened, Derrick could only regret that neither Anne, his mother, or his Aunt Kay (mother of his Cousin Henry and a die-hard spanker) had taken action back when he had skipped out on that group punishment.
Thinking about his cousin prompted an old question, one he had wondered about since that summer when he'd had a case of puppy love for Anne.
"So how are we related again?" Derrick asked.
"Aren't you into genealogy? We're second cousins once removed." Anne answered.
"Which means what?"
"Maybe I can show it better than I can tell it." Anne said.
She found a clear patch of dirt, carefully positioned her water bottle next to her shoulder bag, and started drawing.
"Let's call this dot Abigail." Anne said, pressing her finger into the dirt. "Now Abigail lived before the pill was invented and Abigail had 14 kids who lived long enough to grow up and marry."
"Fourteen? Ouch." Derrick muttered.
"You can say that again." Anne said, pressing her finger into the dirt two times below the first dot. "So the oldest child was a girl named Ethel, which was a popular name before the Rosenbergs, and the youngest child was another girl, this one named Debra. Of course there were a lot of years between the two of them. And they were sisters."
Anne placed two more dots in the dirt.
"So Ethel had a daughter named Ruth and Debra had a daughter named Harriet, and those two were cousins." Anne said, drawing a line between those two dots. "And Ruth had a daughter named Eve, who happens to be your mom, and Harriet had a daughter named Anne, who happens to be me, and since our moms were cousins we're second cousins to each other." Anne continued, adding another set of dots and drawing the line between them. "Then your mom had you, so we're second cousins once removed. You're also a first cousin twice removed to my mom, and any kids I have will be first cousins twice removed to Ruth, and third cousins to you. Does that explain it?"
"Kind of." Derrick said, nodding and taking another drink.
"And that's the basics of genealogy." Anne said, standing and dusting her hands off. "Of course I left out a large bit, like how your mom married someone related to her mom by marriage so you're related to Fellows on both sides and hey! I just remembered."
"Remember what?"
"That all your cluster of the family has birthdays in September and October." Anne explained. "There's a running joke that they all need electric blankets for those cold January nights and that's why those birthdays are then."
"Could be." Derrick agreed, looking around at a place that had shaped his life and wondering if the stone had shrunk since Anne sat on it.
"So if my math is right you're still a few months from being able to drink the Brown Mystery Brew." Anne continued.
"The what?"
"That's what we call what you're drinking." Anne said, indicating his water bottle. "Your Cousin Jack makes it up and lets it sits for a couple of months before any major party. No one but him knows what's really in it, but it packs a kick and you're supposed to be 21 before you taste it."
"What can I say? I showed them my ID and they looked at the year, not the month." Derrick replied with a shrug.
"Then someone screwed up." Anne said firmly.
Derrick shrugged again and looked around.
"Um, there's something else that's been rolling around in my mind." Derrick admitted.
"Is this another genealogy question?" Anne quizzed. "Because I'd need to be sober to answer a complicated one of those."
"No, it's about that day when, um, that almost happened. Um, well, the thing is, I never knew why you wanted us to take off our shoes." Derrick admitted. "I mean if your had wanted us to lower our jeans or shorts or something then that would have made sense, but why the shoes?"
"I would have never asked a bunch of boys to drop their jeans." Anne replied. "That's only one short step from having everyone bare their bums while they wait and I wouldn't never do that. It would be too embarrassing - that's why I waited until the boys were over my lap before I took down their skivvies - and I would never do that. Not like a certain aunt I could name but won't."
"Um, sure, but that's not what I asked." Derrick pointed out, and then took another swig. "I asked about the thing with the shoes."
"Oh, that." Anne said, pausing to take a sip from her own water bottle. "Well, that's another thing that I can show better than I can tell."
"Huh?" Derrick asked. He knew she couldn't have said what he thought she said, but if she hadn't said that then what had she said.
"I can show it better than I can tell it." Anne repeated. "It's clearly something that still bothers you. If that memory wasn't still haunting you then wouldn't have been looking for this place or talking to me about it. You had nightmares about it, right? Well now's your chance to see that it wasn't all that terrible. That the reality wasn't anywhere near as bad as you thought it would have been."
"Um, but..."
"You've been worrying about this for years." Anne reasoned. "Having nightmares and stuff. Don't you think it's time to let it go?"
"Um, yeah, but..."
"And how will you let it go without knowing how little a thing it would have really been?" Anne challenged.
"But... um, I'm not a little kid and ..."
"No, but you are underage drinking." Anne pointed out. "And this could be your last chance to work through the nightmares."
Derrick couldn't believe what she was saying. It was like something out his dreams and not all of those dreams were nightmares.
"And it's the only way I'll explain the shoe thing." Anne added.
"Um, well, I guess..." Derrick said, then took a long pull from his water bottle.
"Then take off your shoes." Anne ordered, then took a sip from her own bottle.
"Um, well, I guess..." Derrick said, slipping his shoes off.
He couldn't believe this was really happening. He had thought he might be able to pin down some old memories, but now it was almost like he had found a way of going back in time. Back to when he was a boy and thought that spanking was just an old fashioned punishment.
Anne moved towards the rock, wondering just how many times she had sat on it to do something like this. She carefully positioned her shoulder bag and water bottle, taking the time to rearrange things in her shoulder bag as she sat. Then she looked over to where Derrick was standing, patted her lap and said "Well?"
"Um, are you sure that..."
"I'm sure." Anne told him, patting her lap again. "This will clear up all your night horrors and take care of your underage drinking without getting the sheriff involved."
"Um, well..."
"Last chance." Anne told him.
Derrick swallowed hard, then walked in his sock feet to where Anne sat. He stopped in front of her and Anne undid his belt buckle. Derrick swallowed again as Anne undid his jeans and pulled them down to bunch at his knees. Then she guided him over her lap.
"Now lift your hips so I can tug down your shorts." Anne instructed.
"Um, do I have to, um, do that so, um..."
"Not really." Anne said cheerfully. "I can yank them down enough to bare most of your bum, or I can start smacking your bum until you lift your hips. If I do that then those smacks don't count towards the spanking."
"Um, but..."
"Your choice." Anne said cheerfully. "You can lift them now or I can start spanking. It's the same choice you would have had back on that day. That's what we're doing here, that day over again but this time you didn't run."
Derrick forced himself to lift his hips a bit, then gasped as his cousin lowered his underwear. As she bared his bum for a spanking. He might have had that happen years and years ago, long before that summer, but if it had happened back then he couldn't remember it. But he would never forget this day. Even through the haze of the booze he knew that he would never forget the feel of the air and the summer sun on his bared, upturned backside.
"So I'll just smack you now like I would have smacked you then." Anne told him, bring her palm down hard on his right bottom cheek.
Derrick gasped again. The impact rolled through him, shocking him to his core. Before he could adjust to the feel of the first one a second hard smack landed, hitting his left butt cheek. Then came another one.
"Normally I lecture." Anne said conversationally, bringing her palm down again. "But we both know why you're here. Underage drinking, which won't matter in a couple of months and I don't really care about." Anne paused her speech long enough to deliver a flurry of smacks that left Derrick gasping. "But the main reason is to conquer those old nightmares. After today you won't have any phantom fears about getting spanked, will you?"
Anne paused for an answer, then repeated her question, punctuating it with spanks. "Will you?" SMACK "Will you?" SLAP! "Will you?" SMACK!
She kept it up until Derrick finally gasped out "No! No I won't! But does it have to be so hard?"
"Of course it does." Anne answered with a laugh. "And this isn't hard, not yet."
"What?" Derrick asked, a hint of panic entering his voice.
Anne's answer was another flurry of smacks, enough to put some good colour in his cheeks.
"Ah! um, I think that OH UM AH I think that's enough!" Derrick gasped.
"Oh, we're just getting started." Anne told him, pausing to fish something out her shoulder bag. "I wouldn't have let you call an end to the spanking all those years ago, and I'm not about to let you do it now. In fact I'm probably going lighter on you now than then. Back then I had something to prove and now I don't."
"But maybe my nightmares are over and AHHH!" Derrick's well reasoned argument vanished as something other than Anne's hand hit his bum. "What the fuck?"
"Language." Anne chided, smacking him again.
"AH! What is that?" Derrick demanded, starting to struggle.
Derrick had drank too much for him to have much muscle control, and Anne had far too much experience with balky subjects to let him get away.
"It's practically nothing." Anne said, bringing it down again, and again, and again. "Back in the day it would have been a hairbrush with a flat back, but I don't carry one of them anymore. I guess I'm just not looking for chances to spank naughty boys anymore."
"OH! OUCH! AH! OUCH! No! Gasp, what the hell is it?" Derrick demanded.
"It's a paint stirring stick." Anne informed him, whaling away. "I carry them for work."
"What the hell? Let me up!" Derrick demanded, his arm now wedged halfway up his back.
He had seen Anne giving that spanking way back when and knew that his cousin didn't want to be on Anne's lap and was probably fighting his hardest not to be there. That time he'd seen Joey Parson get it, Derrick knew that Joey Parson had been fighting like mad to get off his mom's lap, a lap that Derrick then briefly graced. He knew that he had been too shocked to fight back against Joey Parson's mom, but if it had lasted much longer then it had Derrick knew that he would have started fighting to get off her lap.
So he knew that Anne, she who had spanked that entire group of boys and countless other backsides, must have had lots of experience of keeping reluctant kids over her lap. He just didn't think that she could keep a grown man there. Maybe it was the Brown Mystery Brew, or maybe it was his memories warring inside him, or maybe Anne was just that good at wrestling people over her knee. Whatever it was, the result was he couldn't get away from the spanking that his Cousin Anne was giving him.
He'd come here just to look, and now... One or two pats, or maybe five, like Joey Parson's mom had given him, or maybe just what his cousin had been doing with her hand, but this stick thing? It was burning his bum like nothing he had ever imagined. And he had imagined it, he'd imagined it countless times. A few times, when he was alone in the house he had experiment with tapping his own bum, but nothing he had ever used ever felt anything like that stick thing felt like. He wouldn't be surprised if his bum was covered with bruises after this.
And he hadn't really agreed to it! He hadn't really thought it out! He'd been tricked into this. The pain and the unfairness of the whole situation was too much for him. Tears filled his eyes, and to his total surprise Derrick realised that he was crying.
Anne took his tears as a compliment. It had been a while since her babysitting days, and it was nice to know that she still had it. Compliment or not, she didn't pause her spanking, keeping up a steady rhythm; shifting the point of impact so no one place got 'spanked out' before another. She avoided his thighs as much as she could, but a few smacks landed on them as he struggled. Not that she stopped when his struggles slowed - if this was going to fight a decade worth of nightmares she going to leave him with a burning backside. She planned to avoid bruises, but beyond that she planned to leave his backside ruby red.
Which was almost what would have happened back in the day - only then she would use a brush and didn't worry about mild bruising. Back then she had been headstrong and out to prove that she was in charge, and now she was content with her life. Well, not entirely content, but she hoped that she would be the one to take over her dad's store and until that happened she was making okay money selling paints. She had to admit to herself that she sold more paints when she wore a low cut top and flitted with the contractors, but she knew enough about colours to work with the interior designers, and that was more than anyone else who worked at her dad's store could do. Anne's knowledge of colours was one of the things she used to decide when to stop. Seeing the right shade of red meant that if she went further she risked bruising. Anne wanted to make sure that her cousin's (second cousin twice removed) nightmares ended, not start a new batch by beating his backside black and blue. She wouldn't have done something like that on that day she had caught him with the other boys as they tormented that poor animal so she wouldn't do it today. In the back of her mind, Anne thought that she wouldn't have done any of this today except for the Brown Mystery Brew. Not Derrick's underage drinking of it, but the buzz that she had going.
Derrick didn't know about Anne's internal dialogue or eye for colour schemes. All he knew was the spanking stopped and he was being helped off her lap. He tried to grab for his jeans, but Anne didn't let him do that. Instead she herded him towards a tree. Ignoring his tears, Anne spoke to him.
"You didn't watch the end of those spankings, did you? Well I had each of them stand facing a tree when I was done spanking them." Anne explained.
Derrick just nodded to himself as she positioned him.
Once he was facing a tree, Anne shifted down. Holding his jeans, she patted his left calf and said: "Lift your foot."
Sobbing, Derrick lifted his foot out of his pants. A moment later Anne was threading his foot back through his jeans. Then she was patting his right calf and demanding he lift it. This time it was out of his pants for a bit longer, but soon his foot was back in his jeans.
Derrick didn't understand why she did that, only that she had. That, and he had finally gotten that long overdue spanking. It was everything that he thought would be, but more. If he had a chance to call it off, to end it, he would have done that. The throbbing in his backside was more than he had ever imagined it could be. He felt a wave of sympathy for those cousins, for Joey Parson, for every kid who he'd ever seen spanked. And in the back of his mind he felt a strange kinship with them; after all these years he had finally joined the ranks of the spanked!
As the throbbing slowly faded, Derrick finally got control of his tears. He told himself that he wouldn't have cried if he was on his first water bottle of the Brown Mystery Brew, that it was because he half drunk, but he wasn't sure if he believed himself.
"Okay cousin, you can pull your pants up." Anne called over, then took a swig from her own water bottle.
Derrick bent over and reached down for his jeans, then paused. His jeans were around his ankles, and that was the only thing down there.
"Um, where's..."
"Confiscated." Anne said with a chuckle. "That's what I did back on that day."
"Back then, when I gave a bare bum spanking I kept the underwear." Anne responded, elaborating. "All those boys went commando after I spanked them, and you would have done that too if you hadn't have run off. That's why I needed you to take your shoes off; have you ever tried to get someone's jeans over their shoes? It can be done but this way is easier."
"Um, but..."
Derrick's alcohol fuzzed brain was still trying to make sense of things, let alone form the words he needed to say, not even in his own mind.
"Consider it part of the treatment. Now pull those jeans up - unless you want more?"
Derrick yanked his jeans up, feeling odd. He'd only gone commando once or twice in his life and hadn't planned on doing so doing this reunion. Then again, without his underwear there was less to keep the heat in on his battered bottom.
"And you were wondering what I spanked you with?" Anne asked, walking towards him while holding a paint stirring stick - one that was stained with red paint. "This is the paint stick I was using, and the colour on it is called Sunrise Red. In a way you lucked out - I think it's the only red colour I was carrying. I've got Verdant Spring, Birch Leaf Green, Oak Leaf Green, Elm Leaf Green, and others shades of green, but unless I'm so drunk I don't know what samples I'm carrying this is the only red I have."
"So you have lots of green paint, or is it just your favourite colour?" Derrick asked.
Anne hugged him, then slipped the paint stirrer into his back right pocket.
"I was bidding on a job where the husband wanted a green bedroom, and it's been almost a month since I was dealing with a client who wanted a red room." Anne explained. "Green is in this year, and red isn't. At least not when it comes to rooms instead of bums. Spanking with a red stick seemed to make more sense than using a green one."
"I'm guessing my bum is sunrise red." Derrick said, trying to joke, but even to his ears the joke fell flat. "Um, so, um, thanks for the stick."
"No problem." Anne sniggered. "I'm sure it's not the first time one of these stirring sticks has been used that way."
"Um, maybe not." Derrick said, half-heartedly agreeing.
"So let's get you cleaned up." Anne declared. "We can't have you walking around with tears streaks on your face, can we?"
"Um, so where do I clean up?" Derrick asked.
"Um, well..." Anne burst into laughter. "I really don't know. Back in the day, I didn't care about that. Fuck, if there was a kid walking around with tears in his eyes because I spanked his bum I wore it as badge of pride. Back then, if you were sobbing your heart out I would have probably steered you towards some other kids so they would know what a bad ass babysitter I was. Don't worry, we'll think of something. So how's your bum?"
"It hurts like hell." Derrick admitted. "So..."
"Wait, I have an idea. Follow me oh Mr. Follows." Anne said, giggling at her pun over mispronouncing his name.
Derrick grabbed his water bottle and took a long drink. He figured that he might have swallowed almost a third of the bottle, but he needed to take the edge off. Then Derrick followed his cousin ("second cousin once removed" Derrick thought to himself) as she led him back down the path.
"The brook." Anne declared with a grin. "You can wash your face off in the brook."
"That's a great idea." Derrick said.
Derrick went to his knees, and slowly leaned towards the brook. At least he tried to do that - moments later he was face down in the brook spurting water out of his mouth.
"Are you all right?" Anne asked, dragging him from the water.
"Um, yeah." Derrick said, sobering up a bit from the cold water. "And I've got an idea. I mean, if I can't not fall into a brook I probably should try to sleep it off, so I'm going to head back the motel."
"That sounds like a sensible plan." Anne acknowledged. "If you're feeling tipsy then you shouldn't be wandering around."
Derrick nodded, and headed back down the path. Once he was out of sight of his cousin, Derrick paused long enough to dump out his water bottle. Once it was empty Derrick put the paint stick (the red stained paint stick) inside it, hiding it from random eyes in his oblique water bottle.
Not that he thought that anyone would see the stick and think that it had been bounced off his bare bum, but why take chances? This way he would leave with the stick and hopefully no one (except his Cousin Anne) would know how it had been used.
Derrick headed back to the main parking lot. Bypassing the SUV where they were refilling water bottles with the Brown Mystery Brew he stumbled his way towards the area where the designated drivers were hanging out. Walking up to one of his numerous cousins (one that Derrick thought had mentioned something about being a 12 stepper), he put his plan into action.
"Hey, can I get a drive back to the motel?" Derrick asked.
"Shit, what happened to you? You're dripping wet."
"That's why I want to go back to the motel." Derrick answered. "See, I came across this brook or stream or something, and I decided that maybe I should dilute my drink by adding some water to my water bottle, so I bent down and tried to add water, and somehow I ended up in the water, and I figure that if I can't dodge a brook then I should maybe lie down and sleep some of it off."
The cousin just grinned back.
"I've been there. Come on, I'll drive you back. It's the Hillside Motel, right?"
"That's it." Derrick agreed.
For the drive back to the motel, Derrick had braced himself for various questions: why are your eyes puffy, why can't you sit comfortably, and things like that. To his surprise, most of the conversation was in a totally different vein. Did Derrick often find himself unable to dodge streams? Was this just one of many binges that Derrick had gone on? Had been he missing hours or days from his memory?
Derrick dodged all of those questions, and made it back to the room he was sharing with three other relatives. It had twin beds, and normally didn't feel crowded, but Derrick was happy to see that he was the only one there in the middle of the afternoon. He paused for a moment at his suitcase, getting a change of clothes (including a fresh pair of underwear), then he went to the bathroom and locked the door after himself.
Once there Derrick quick shed his jeans. He was sure that that he wasn't the first boy to stand in the bathroom and look at a pair of red cheeks staring back at him from the various mirrors that framed the room, but he thought that he might be the oldest boy to do so. Staring at those red cheeks, he couldn't believe the difference between those hesitant attempts of smacking his own bum and what his cousin ("second cousin once removed" Derrick mentally corrected) had done in such a short time.
Then he grabbed the sample bottle of body lotion that the motel provided, and standing in front of the toilet turned that body lotion into lube. Standing there, Derrick told himself that he wasn't doing anything that hadn't been done hundreds of time in this motel room. Maybe not by someone his age with a bottom as red as his, but he was sure that countless boys and a few men had jerked off in this room and that all the smart ones had used the body lotion as lube when they did it.
When he was done, Derrick changed into dry clothes (including the fresh underwear he had snagged), retrieved his paint stick from the water bottle and slid into the back of his suitcase. Then he collapsed onto his half of the bed he was sharing. Drifting off to sleep (or passing out drunk, depending on your point of view), Derrick had two questions in his mind. The first one was if Anne was dating or otherwise in a relationship, and the second was him wondering if Anne had been correct in her genealogical presentation - would Anne's children be Ruth's cousin's twice removed, or would they be Ruth's great-grandchildren on the Fellows side of the family?
Returning to the Family Reunion (F/m)
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Re: Returning to the Family Reunion (F/m)
Looks like Anne knows how to give a good spanking and Derrick is a man who knows he needs a woman who can give him the spankings he needs.
More stories about this couple would be great!
More stories about this couple would be great!
Re: Returning to the Family Reunion (F/m)
I'm glad you took the time to reply to this story.
I thought this was a nice place to end the story. Derrick is dreaming about how it could be and not thinking about obstacles in their way (not the least of which being Anne might not want to be in a spanking relationship) so it ends on a high note. Even if Anne wants the same sort of relationship that Derrick does it might not be as magical as that first time. Derrick spent years dreaming about that spanking he almost had which made it all special.
He'd spent so long dreaming about it that if he had found the place by himself he might have whipped it out and jerked off into the bushes, thinking about what could have happened there. To have the chance for a do over, well that was his dream come true - and the next time just won't be the same. It would be good, but not the same.
I thought this was a nice place to end the story. Derrick is dreaming about how it could be and not thinking about obstacles in their way (not the least of which being Anne might not want to be in a spanking relationship) so it ends on a high note. Even if Anne wants the same sort of relationship that Derrick does it might not be as magical as that first time. Derrick spent years dreaming about that spanking he almost had which made it all special.
He'd spent so long dreaming about it that if he had found the place by himself he might have whipped it out and jerked off into the bushes, thinking about what could have happened there. To have the chance for a do over, well that was his dream come true - and the next time just won't be the same. It would be good, but not the same.
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