Growing pains 8: The School Strap and the Wooden Spoon

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Growing pains 8: The School Strap and the Wooden Spoon

Post by NMD » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:11 pm

This story concerns the nonconsensual, nonsexual disciplinary spanking of a teenaged girl. It is completely fictional and is set in late 70s alberta canada. I am writing as a female character as a thought experiment. If you like the story, let me know and also you might like the previous 7 stories in the series.

Today has been the longest day of my life. it started out ok but then I had a class with a boy
who keeps picking on me and making fun of me. but today I had a plan to get him back once
and for all.

Simon liked drawing cartoons. I had a bit of talent at drawing, so I did a cartoon in his style and left
it beside his desk on the floor. I then waited. He sat in his desk, not noticing the paper on the floor
beside it. Perfect, I thought.

In came our homeroom teacher and asked Simon to put away the cartoon on the floor. Simon
looked at it and swore it wasn't his. The homeroom teacher insisted that it was in his style and was
therefore his. Simon protested that he did not however draw it. The two of the argued back and forth
for a while and then the Vice Principal came in the room and joined in.the fray. simon was getting
increasingly agitated.

I could not believe my luck, and smiled broadly. Then Simon lost his patience and shoved the
teacher, causing him to fall over. The Vice Principal grabbed him by the arm and started marching
him out of the room. "but Mr. Loewen, I did not draw that picture," he exclaimed.

"He's telling the truth, Mr. Lowen," Tom said, simply. I looked at him in sheer horror. "Cara did the
drawing and deliberately left it under Simon's desk." Simon and the Vice Principal shot angry
looks at me.I felt the blood drain from my face. I could not face Tom's smug expression.

"You are coming along too," said Mr. Lowewn, angrily.He grabbed my arm and marched both of us
to his office. I felt lightheaded. I had almost gotten away with it but now all I could think about was
my stupidity and malice and how I was in for the biggest spanking of my life. why did I ever think
this was a good idea?

He almost shoved the both of us into his office and then closed the door. First he scolded Simon
for shoving a teacher, and then told him to report after school for 4 straps on each hand. Then he
turned to me. He gave me one hell of a scolding for trying to frame another kid. he sentenced me
to 6 on each hand and said he wished he could give me more.

I don't remember much about the rest of the school day. All I could think of is how much trouble
I was in and how stupid I had been. The dismissal bell did not come soon enough. Simon and I
filed to the Vice Principal's office. There was another boy there, I think from one of the younger
grades. I don't remember what he was in trouble for, but he was to get two on each hand.

He wasn't taking it very well, which made both of us nervous. "Why," Simon asked. "Because I
hate when you tease me all the time and I wanted it to stop," I answered, hesitatingly. "You
could have just asked me to stop," he said, a bit reproachfully. I deserved that. "I thought it would
have made it worse," I said, sadly. "why do you keep teasing me," I asked. "Because I like you,"
he said, simply.

My jaw fell off. Well not really, but you could have knocked me over with a feather. "Really," I
stammered. Simon nodded. I cried softly and said that i was sorry. We agreed that he would not
tease me and that I wouldn't frame him into getting strapped anymore.

The younger kid's punishment was finally over. he walked quickly out of the office with his hands
over his face. Simon was curtly ordered into Mr. Loewen's office. I could hear the impact of the
strap on his hands, and it made me shudder with each blow. After what seemed like forever, he
came out, looking at his hands. I only had time to mouth a quick "I'm sorry" before I was ordered
into the Vice Principal's office for my date with his strap.

it was bigger and scarier looking than the leather belt that was used on me last year. This, I was
told, was a Razor Strap. Dutifully, I held out my hand. I could not look at the strap. I just stared at
the palm of my hand. I gasped in shock as the first blow landed. I didn't think my hand could
absorb this much pain and transmit it up to my brain. The second one landed about 30 seconds
later. I was very close to tears, and breathed deeply through clenched teeth. How was I going to
get through the next ten?

I cried out in pain after the third one landed, and tears started falling down my cheeks. Mr.
Loewen contined remorselessly on with the next three at 30 second intervals. that palm was
red, sore and very hot. Sharply, he ordered me to hold the other one out. I did so as if on

The last six were every bit as painful as the first six. I was crying openly by the time he
finally finished. He brusquely ordered me out of his office. There was Simon in the middle of
the waiting room with his arms open for a hug. I ran into his arms and sobbed apologies onto
his shoulder. he told me that it was all over and forgiven as far as he was concerned.

Mr. Loewen ordered us out of his office and started walking towards the front door of the school.
"Will you be spanked at home," Simon asked. "Yes," I said, sadly. "What about
you"? "I think so too," he admitted. Well, at least i wasn't the only 15 year old who was
spanked. Then again, my new sisters are even older and they are still spanked.

Daddy was waiting for me in the school lobby. After I introduced Simon, Daddy offered him a ride
home. Simon accepted and gave the address. He sat in the front with Daddy. he explained what
happened and said that if it wasnt for his teasing the whole thing wouldn't have happened. Finally,
he begged Daddy to go easy on me or even not punish me further. I could not believe my ears. No
one had ever done that for me before.

Daddy said that he would go easy on me. I was somewhat relieved. I mean, at least I would not
get it as hard as he was going to make it, but I still had another spanking coming. I still breathed
a little easier.

Finally we reached Simon's house. With Daddy's permission, I walked him to the door. His parents
were waiting for him. I introduced myself as the girl he got in trouble with and explained what
happened from my perspective, being careful to put teh blame on me. I then begged them not to
spank Simon as it was really my fault he got in trouble. They agreed and said that Simon would not
be spanked further. I was so relieved.

But there was still the walk back to the car. I was real nervous about that. What would happen now
that Daddy and I were by ourselves? Would he yell and scream? Would he tell me I was stupid and
useless? Would he slap me? Those are the sorts of things that my father would do. He smiled when
I got back in the car. That was a good sign.

We drove quietly for a couple minutes. "Daddy," I said nervously. "Yes Carissima?" Did I mention that
I love it when he calls me that? "Are you going to throw me away now?" he looked genuinely shocked
and pulled over. I thought for sure he was going to kick me out of the car right then and there. But he

Instead, he said that he would never do that. he said that he loves me and cares for me just as much
as his other two daughters. Yes I am going to get a spanking, and even though he will go easy on me
it will still be the biggest spanking of my life. That didn't do much to reassure me.

He then scolded and lectured me about why it was wrong to try to frame someone into getting in trouble,
and how it would still be wrong even if I had succeeded. He also told me that he was disappinted in me
and expects better from me. There were other things he probably said as well but I don't remember
much about it. I was too busy thinking about how sore my bottom was going to be and how it was no
one's fault but my own. Why do parents think that us kids can concentrate at a time like this?

We parked the car in the garage and went inside the house, with him leading me by the hand.
Wordlessly, he took the wooden spoon from the top of the fridge and we went into the study. The
reproachful looks on my sisters' faces said all I needed to know. Daddy closed the door behind us.
I was already sniffling and there were already tears in my eyes.

Shaking with fear, I took my jeans and panties down and went over daddy's lap. He held me firmly
in place. This is never reassuring. I clenched my cheeks but still that spoon bit into me. It seemed
to bite right down to the bone. The pain was unbelievable. Tsunamis of pain roared up my spine and
crashed into my brain. The pain was all I could register. I had some vague idea that I was howling,
crying, kicking and blubbering. I held onto the chair legs with my hands for dear life. I was begging
for forgiveness and saying that I was sorry. And indeed I was a very sorry little girl.

Finally it stopped, but it took a moment for the searing pain to subside and for me to notice. i just
lay across his lap, sobbing and howling. Daddy had his hands on my back, and was telling me that
it was alll over. it took me a couple more minutes to compose myself.

Finally we both stood up. He supported my wobbly legs by hugging me tight. he told me over and
over again taht it was all over and all forgiven. I kept telling him that I was sorry and that wouldn't
dream of doing something like this again. and indeed I don't want to do something like this again.
Not just because of the extreme pain I was in just then but because of the reproachful,
disappointed glances of my new sisters and Mr. Loewen's disdain. Besides, it was all because of
a boy with a crush on me and I got him in tons of trouble.

After I had composed myself enough to stop blubbvering quite so much, Daddy led me into the
corner and told me to stand there for one hour without talking or rubbing. I sobbed away for another
hour with my nose in the corner. Finally, I was called out of the corner. I got dressed again and
ran into Daddy's open arms. Again I cried and apologised some more. Daddy told me again that it
was all forgiven and over with. I loved hearing that. It made all that pain worthwhile somehow.

Still a bit shakey on my feet, I went into the kitchen. There were my two sisters, smiling at me. I
hugged them both and apologised. They told me that they forgave me as well and it was all over.
Barely able to stand, I leaned against the back wall of the kitchen eating sandwiches with my
new family.

i was sent to bed right afterwards, and told to get into my jammies. Daddy was by a few minutes
later and tucked me in. I must admit I was still bleary eyed when he came in. We talked briefly
about how I will have ot be extra careful from now on always to be honest and neve to pull anything
even remotely close to this again. Also I will have to earn back lots of trust and respect at school.
Then he tucked me in and kissed my forehead night night.

So here I am lying on my tummy trying to get to sleep. My hands are still feeling sorry for
themselves a bit, and my bottom is not speaking to me at the moment. I don't ever want a
spanking again, especially not like that. I've said that before though. I will probbably wind up
over daddy's lap again before too long,. Thats depressing. I wish I wasn't so stupid like this.
Will I ever be too old for a spanking??

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Joined: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:45 pm

Re: Growing pains 8: The School Strap and the Wooden Spoon

Post by badlizzie » Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:29 am

loved this story, it evoked memories and thoughts in me and I was totally absorbed in it, we written and thank you :)

Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:11 pm

Re: Growing pains 8: The School Strap and the Wooden Spoon

Post by NMD » Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:38 am

You are certainly welcome, lizzie. Now i will have to write some more!

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