© SoCalSwitchyGuy@yahoo.com all rights reserved
Here's another one from the archives. Totally fiction, though I'm on a quest to enjoy this kind of relationship R/L
Me and my big mouth. You know the old saying, "Be careful what you ask for"? Well, I certainly got my wish all right. And I'm typing this standing up as a result. You see there's this woman in my life, Valerie. We met online and really connected. Better still, we both switch, so we compliment each other really well. Until she met me, she had only been spanked a few times and never given a spanking before but was fascinated by the idea of reciprocal domestic discipline. She already knew from her limited experience that she liked the idea of being spanked when she needed it and thought she would like doling out the swats in return, but wasn't sure at first how good a spanker she would be. Let me tell you, she caught on fast. Real fast.
{He's so cute just after a spanking. I just love to see that furry little tush of his all nice and red after I've warmed him up over my lap. Of course, I do exercise a certain amount of restraint because, although he's over my lap a lot, Greg DOES spank back and he can be just as stern a disciplinarian as I am. Boy, can he!}
One day, we were talking about habits we'd like to change and I mentioned how easy it was for me to succumb to the temptation of going online when I should really be working. Valerie's mood turned somber. "That's one of the reasons you haven't accomplished nearly as much as you're capable of, young man. Because you are too easily distracted by toys, aren't you?"
The silence hung there like a heavy curtain as she stared me down. I tried to look away, but she took my chin in her hand and stared me down. I shamefacedly nodded my head.
{I love putting the screws to Greg and watching him squirm. Especially when we're in public. But the truth is, I also care about the guy and I hate to see him waste so much time and so many opportunities from screwing around when he could be doing something productive.}
"I think you and I need to go back to your place so that we can have a serious discussion about your procrastination, don't you?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"In fact, I think we may need to have a very heated discussion in order for the points I want to make to be brought home with maximum impact, don't you agree?"
At this point, I was squirming in the restaurant, not only out of embarrassment (what if someone heard and knew what she was really talking about?), but also out anticipation of what was to come. But, early in our friendship, I said I wanted a woman in my life that wouldn't hesitate to turn me over her lap when she thought I needed it. Unfortunately for my bottom, Valerie thought I needed it.
{You bet I thought he needed it. And I knew that one trip over my lap wasn't going to be nearly enough to help him learn to budget his time better. But, to paraphrase the old Chinese proverb, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single trip over a friendly lap." I was determined to help him get his act together, even if it meant a thousand trips over my knee, beginning that night.}
"I asked you a question, young man. Or do I need to get the hairbrush out right here and now?"
That got my attention - and fast. I didn't know if this was a threat she would ever carry out, but I sure as hell didn't want to take the chance.
"Sorry Valerie. Serious discussion. Yes, I agree."
"Good boy. I'll follow you back to your place and we can have our little chat."
The drive home, though only a mile or so, seemed to last forever - until I pulled up in front and waited for Valerie to park and get out of her car. Then, it seemed to have lasted no more than a second. I let her in and we began the ritual that had become all too familiar in recent months. While she freshened herself up, I stripped from the waist down and headed for the corner until she was ready for me.
{This is our core ritual. For a Basic Spanking, I would make Greg strip from the waist down, NEATLY folding his pants and underpants and placing them next to the sofa, then make him stand in the corner with his naughty bottom on display until I am ready to spank him. This gives him plenty of time to anticipate and slip deeper and deeper into sub space, and it gives me time to decide how I want to handle him.}
After what seemed like an eternity, I heard Valerie's heels clicking on the floor as she came to get me. Yes, I know everyone says "feels like an eternity", but I can't help it. That's what it feels like. What are you going to do, spank me? Not that there's much left to spank after Ms. V gets done with one of her "specials."
She only said one word, "Now," sitting there on the sofa. She idly fingered a leather strap while waiting for me to stand in front of her. She continued to play with the 14" long piece of thick, doubled over leather as she began her brief, but potent lecture.
"I see you're staring at my little Persuader. Wondering how hard I plan to use it. Imagining the way it will feel on your bare bottom in a few minutes. You're already feeling its burning kiss, aren't you?" I silently nodded my head in agreement. "Good. Every time it comes down on that backside of yours, I want you to think about what got you into this situation to begin with: your procrastination and practice of wasting time with recreational activities when you should be doing something productive. I care about you Greg. I know what you're capable of. And it hurts me to see you floundering when you could be flying. So if I have to light your tail on fire every day in order to help you get your act together, so be it. Either your productivity is about to make a dramatic increase or you're going to have a lot of trouble sitting from now on. And I have a feeling it's going to be a little of both for a while. Now turn over my knee."
{This is actually a technique I learned from Greg one of the first times he spanked me for overloading my schedule. Since I know from the beginning that he's going to be focusing on his upcoming spanking during the pre-potch lecture, I have found it to be VERY effective to use the object of his attention as a way of refocusing his attention on WHY he's about to be spanked.}
By this time, I was halfway in tears already as I settled in over her lap. A tug-of-war went on inside of me, as it always does just before I'm about to get a serious spanking. One part of me feels all warm, loved and grateful that Val cares enough about me to take me in hand like this. And the other part responds with "What the hell are you talking about? This lady is about to put you into serious pain and you're crazy enough to cooperate. What's wrong with you?" That's the rational, adult talking. Fortunately, he always loses this debate, though for the first part of any spanking from Valerie, his voice is pretty strong.
Valerie usually begins with a brisk hand spanking. When I'm feeling really bratty, I will tease her about her "wimpy spank hand", but the truth is, her hand is plenty hard. Her standard procedure is to apply a steady pace of medium intensity spanks all over for a solid 10 minutes. That may not seem like a lot, but believe me, somewhere between the 5 and 7 minute mark, she's got me seriously squirming over her lap.
{He's right. When I first started spanking Greg, I DID have a wimpy spank hand. You know the old saying, "this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you"? Well, that was me all right, mainly because I didn't know what I was doing. But between learning how to slightly cup my hand while spanking Greg, using my fingers more than my palm and the toughening up of my hands that naturally comes with practice, I'm happy to say that my hand is no longer wimpy. In fact, there are times when I come pretty close to getting him to tears just from a hand spanking.}
When she decides I need a discipline or punishment spanking, that first 10 minutes over her knee, no matter how close to tears I get, is always just the prologue. And while I wasn't crying yet, by the time she let me up off her lap and marched me and my dark pink butt back into the corner, I was well on my way.
{I love making Greg do Corner Time, especially during a spanking. It gives his bottom a chance to cool down just enough so that it's really sensitive for the next go round. It inevitably brings him into an even deeper level of subspace and surrender. And, frankly, I really enjoy the view of my handy work, though I am far from done at this point.}
I hate Corner Time. I really do. I get all fidgety and restless and it seems to go on and on and on longer than that damned bunny. But I have to admit it also does get me more in the mood for what's to come. And this time was no exception. When she decided I had been "baking" long enough in the corner, Valerie let me know in her own unique way that it was time for the next part of my spanking.
{I slip up behind him and start lightly running my fingertips over that cute bottom of his, especially up and down the crack. When I'm done, I give him a sharp SMACK! on each cheek and then take my seat on the Throne of Justice, as we sometimes call his sofa during Spank Time. Once I'm seated, he knows he's got about 3 seconds to get himself back over my knee. The one time he stalled, I flipped him over the back of his recliner, gave him six of the best with a heavy frat paddle, then massaged a generous dose of extra strength Tiger Balm, which he later told me made his ass feel like it was in a blast oven. Then I gave him another dose of Corner Time before resuming his spanking. He has been a good boy about going back over my lap ever since.}
Once back over Valerie's lap, she lightly caressed my bottom. "I know this hurts sweetie," she cooed. "And it's going to hurt more before I'm done with you because I want to make sure you understand how serious I consider this procrastination of yours. This is a Warning Spanking. When we're done, you and I are going to sit down and work out a schedule for you, laying out very specifically Work hours and Play hours. Now I'll give you a little slack on going online during Work hours, because we all need to take a brief break from time to time. But heaven help this tushy of yours (she gave me a sharp smack to the right cheek) if I see you playing online more than 15 minutes a day during Work Time. Now take a deep breath, young man. It's time for your strapping."
I don't have to tell you, it didn't take long before Valerie and that strap of hers got me squirming and misty eyed. From the burn it caused on my backside, you would think she had it preheated to about 400 degrees. But she was relentless in her punishment.
{Actually, I prefer to think of it myself as "determined". This is the part of a spanking I like the best, when Greg is right near the edge. I know that love/hate feeling he has about being over my lap. When I'm giving Greg a serious spanking, it's no patty cake game. I am in dead earnest about teaching him a lesson. And when it comes to his procrastination, it's a lesson I know he wants and needs to learn.}
It may have been "only" a Warning Spanking, but let me tell you, I felt it - BIG TIME. And I needed it too. I get so stuck in my stuff sometimes that the only way I can pry myself loose is with a good swift kick in the pants. OK, so it's not actually a "kick", but you know what I mean. But Valerie's right. And I get really mad at myself for sabotaging my own success by all the different ways I avoid taking care of business. Which gets me into an even deeper funk where I want to deal with even less. I hate to admit it, but while I don't "like" getting this kind of spanking from Val, they sure help me get out of my funks.
{I can feel how angry he is with himself for the very things I've been scolding him for. But, like so many men, he has a tendency to bottle up all of that self-directed rage and hurt, so my job is to help him let it out. And when those walls begin to crack and he starts to really let go, I want to start crying myself, I am so happy for him. I guess it's my Nurturing Goddess side. It's kind of hard to describe, but when he starts to cry, I feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders too and I am just so thrilled that he feels safe enough with me to let himself be this vulnerable. I know how hard it is for him and how rarely he lets his guard down.}
Valerie has always said that one of her goals in spanking me is to get me out of my head and into my feelings. As that strap continued to come down, painting and repainting my flaming flanks with a moving fire, I became more and more lost in the sensations. Each rhythmic stroke of the strap drove me deeper and deeper into a world of pure feelings. I could feel the walls beginning to crack as Valerie switched from the strap to a heavy hairbrush.
She paused to pull me in tighter to her body and clamped her right leg over my calves. "I'm really going to lay it on now Gregory. The more you fight me, the harder and longer I will keep you here. It's OK to cry sweetie. Just breathe deeply and let it all out like a good boy."
Her words and energy were so loving. I could feel my eyes getting moist and my nose starting to run. She began spanking faster. "Just let out all that anger and pain. It's OK." I could feel my lower lip quivering as I began pounding the sofa cushions. The tears came easier now.
{I can usually tell when Greg has gotten what he needs. Even though these spankings are not about foreplay, I can feel his penis growing and shrinking against my thigh several times during the course of a spanking. Sometimes, when I want to make a really strong point, I'll make him get up and masturbate in front of me as soon as I feel him getting hard. Not only does this release all that pent up sexual energy so that he'll feel the spanking that much more. It also lets me really draw out the spanking. But this time, I let him enjoy rubbing against me. And, judging from the combination of his very sincere tears and the way he and his erection were rubbing against my thigh, I knew he was nearly there.}
There comes a time in a well given spanking where you have cried and vented as much as you can and all of a sudden, it's over. I could feel that moment of Ultimate Release about to happen any moment.
{What Greg failed to mention (and he and I will have a little "chat" about that omission later) is that a physical climax often coincides with his emotional one at the end of a spanking. I had been playing him like a Stradivarius for the past hour or so and now I could feel it was time to build a nice crescendo to end on.}
My body violently bucked across her lap. Suddenly, the Moment came - and so did I.
{In other words, he came on my lap.}
I howled one last time as I felt those final waves of release shooting out of me, both physically and emotionally. My body instantly went from being rigid as a board to limp as a piece of overcooked linguini, as if I was a marionette whose strings were suddenly cut. Although I was still crying a bit, I felt very much at peace.
{When he was done, his body just went limp and he lay there quietly sobbing. Fortunately, we had done this before, so I was prepared. I let him lie there for a few minutes, then gently helped him sit up. I pulled out the washcloth that I had set aside in a bowl of warm water and washed off my thigh and his crotch, then just cuddled him in my arms.}
Something very special had just happened between us. I felt closer to Valerie than I ever had. And I knew that this was just the beginning. Better still, as I lay in her arms feeling all warm and loved and complete, I grinned big time. You see, I wasn't the only due for a "serious discussion" that day.
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