Child of Sorrow part 3

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Child of Sorrow part 3

Post by derry-boychild » Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:40 am

This is continuing links to older parts

Links part 1 ... 276#p12276

Part 2 ... f=3&t=3143

Mildred talked again to Deidre:

“Norma has a gift for you.”

The 16 year old saw her 14 year old cousin holding up pajamas/

She first saw the cartoons and her face fell. Next she saw the feet

Then Norma said.

“They are so PRACTICAL for a very NAUGHTY girl.”

She demonstrated a drop seat. Just as Deidre was about to cry Aunt Mildred addressed her

“Are you not going to curtsy and say thank you for the appropriate night wear?”

For a few second the 16 year old froze. Then Aunty patted her hand with the hairbrush.

The giggles were very loud as Deidre managed a slight bob and said:

“Thanks for the jammies.”

Deidre heard the giggles. It got worse. She noticed Abigail recording the scene with her cell phone camera.

Then Mildred took her niece’s hand

“Time for bath and bed.”

She felt her hand held strongly. Mildred led her niece. Deidre, though appalled, did not resist.

Deidre allowed Aunt to lead her upstairs and into the bathroom.

Mildred then quickly undressed the 16 year old, with the same ease as she prepared 22 month old Jessica for a bath.

Deidre saw that the bath had already been run. Aunty had a plastic apron on and lifted the 16 year old into the bath.

It was an odd feeling. Being washed felt quite nice but very embarrassing. It got worse and better. Certain areas were reached and cleansed

At last Deidre felt herself lifted out of the bath. Aunty thoroughly dried her and then lay her on her back on towels.

Mildred looked down at her niece:

“Someone does not need any big girl hair.”

Deidre saw shaving things


She yelled. The next voice was not as loud but was very assertive


Deidre lay very still. The mirror was well placed. Deidre saw and felt her rather nice bush disappear. She cried.

Then there was a knock on the bathroom door. Norma was admitted.

“Can I help Dee into her new jammies?”

Asked the 14 year old.

“What a good idea.”

Said Mildred. She had lowered the lid on the toilet seat, sat down, and lifted her 16 year old niece onto her lap. Norma enjoyed helping her technically older cousin into the toddler style jammies.

Then Norma firmly held her cousin’s hand and walked her to the living room.

Her aunt ordered Deidre

“Say good night and good bye.”

She obeyed. When she reached Moira her class mate picked her up, lifted her onto a lap and said

“Although we are in different schools could I sometimes baby sit Dee dee?”

Her aunt said


Deidre was about to protest either at the humiliating suggestion or the infantile name. Then she thought better of it seeing her Aunt’s expression.

Mildred then took her hand, as she walked past what she thought was her room Deidre saw a label with Norma’s name. Then at the end of the hall she saw 2 names, Jessica and Deidre’s room.

It was decorated as a nursery. Deidre’s small bed was next to the crib.

“Bed time!”

Announced her aunt/

“But it’s eight o’clock.”

Her aunt had another surprise

“Late I know, other evening we’ll have less excitement and you can be bathed and in bed by 7.”

The 16 year old cried herself to sleep.

Deidre thought ‘tomorrow is another day’. If she had expected a more comfortable day she was going to be disappointed.

part four link ... f=3&t=3157

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