The Exchange Student
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The Exchange Student
„But I told you the grades don’t count towards my grades at home, so why bother?“ Elin looked at her guest Mom Cathy in exasperation. “Who cares whether I do my homework or not?”
Out of the corner of her eye Cathy noticed her own daughter Shannon flinch at Elin’s words. The 18 year old high school senior tried to mutely communicate to their Swedish guest to shut up. Shannon knew from long experience that when her Mom was that angry, it was best not to argue with her. Cathy kept her eyes on Elin though. “I care.”, she said firmly. “While you are staying with us, you will do your best. If you have problems with school work, you can always ask – seeing that I am a teacher myself, and I am sure Shannon would be happy to assist you, too.” Cathy glared at Elin who avoided the stern look by walking across the kitchen to take a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“Not doing your homework is not an option.”, Cathy continued sternly, pushing a strand of red hair out of her face. “Honestly, Elin – school informed me that you have been completely unprepared for three days in a row.” Elin turned back from the fridge and sulkily folded her arms. “So what do you want to do now, sit next to me and watch me do my homework?” Why couldn’t that woman just leave her alone? She hadn’t come on this exchange program to spend her days studying. She wanted to have some fun while she was here!
Cathy tried to keep the anger out of her voice. “You know what, I actually might. But for the time being you are grounded, young lady. Until Monday you will not leave the house for anything but school, is that clear?!”
Elin’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her parents had never made such a fuss over school. Since the age of twelve she had been told that she was old enough to take care of her own school work, that it was her own responsibility. “Till Monday?!”, she exclaimed angrily. “But it’s only Wednesday, and I already have plans for this weekend!” She glanced at Shannon for help, but her guest sister’s face was suddenly dark, and she wouldn’t meet Elin’s eye.
“You heard me. Now go to your room and stay there. I will call you for dinner.”, Cathy said coolly. “If I were you I would start catching up on the missed assignments.” Furiously, Elin turned on her heel, storming out of the kitchen. Soon she could be heard slamming the door of her upstairs bedroom. Cathy flinched, then sighed.
Shannon pushed her chair back with unnecessary force. “I need to go to the library.”, she told her Mom curtly. “I will be back for dinner.” She grabbed her car keys from the kitchen table and left the room. With another sigh Cathy fell down into the vacated chair, rubbing her temples.
It had seemed such a good idea to invite an exchange student to live with them. Her daughter Shannon was an only child and Cathy and her husband Malcolm had thought that it would be nice for her to have someone else to hang out with – even though they had known then that there would be problems. Integrating a stranger into your family, especially someone with a different cultural background, wouldn’t be easy. In all fairness it had to be said though that having Elin stay with them had worked out quite well in those past six weeks. In general the exchange student was friendly, fun-loving and helpful, and she and Shannon had hit off immediately. School was quite a different issue though. So far Malcolm and Cathy had not been able to make her take school seriously. Seeing that they expected good grades from Shannon, they were unwilling to let Elin get off with her nonchalant attitude towards school. Just two days previously Cathy had talked with her husband that they needed to sit down with Elin and talk about school. Again.
“Right.”, Cathy murmured, as she got up again. It was no use to continue fuming over the girl’s behaviour. She would talk with Elin again later, after dinner. She glanced at the clock over the counter and saw that she still had some time to grade papers before starting on dinner. She went to her study and got to work.
Elin took a little longer to calm down. She was absolutely furious that Cathy had grounded her. Who did that woman think she was, her Mom? True, they had discussed school before, so Elin guessed that she had had a fair warning. But a grounding? She was 18 years old, not three! And this weekend, too, of all times! Shannon’s and Elin’s friend Leslie was throwing a party this Friday and everyone would be there. Well – everyone except me, Elin thought crossly. She simply had to talk with Cathy again, make her see sense. There was no way she was going to miss that party. Maybe Shannon could help her to work out a strategy.
Elin frowned as she remembered Shannon’s cold look earlier. Why on earth had her guest sister reacted like that? They normally got on fine, and it had been more than once that Shannon got her out of potential trouble. So why the dark face?
Cathy turned as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps, expecting to see Shannon. But it was Elin’s face that tentatively looked into her study. Cathy’s lips thinned. “I believe I told you to stay in your room, Elin.”
Elin nodded. “I know. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.” Cathy gazed at her for a moment, then gestured towards the chair beside the desk. Elin sat down, curling her legs underneath her. She looked thoughtfully at her guest Mom. “Cathy, why was Shannon so angry when you and I, uhm, talked earlier?”
Cathy took her time responding. She put the cap back on the red pen she used for grading papers, then said slowly. “Well, I assume that Shannon felt I let you off easy.”
“Let me off easy?”, Elin burst out. “You gotta be kidding!” Cathy turned towards the girl and looked her full in the face. “Elin”, she said gently, “did Shannon never tell you how we punish her in situations like that?” Elin shook her head, considering. “No, I don’t think so.” She grinned. “I don’t think Shannon would ever get herself into trouble anyway.”
Cathy returned the smile. “You are right, actually, she is usually very responsible. But when she isn’t…” She hesitated for a moment. “When she isn’t, Shannon gets a spanking.” Elin stared at her in disbelief, as if she was unsure she had understood her guest Mom correctly. “A spanking? You mean like a smacked bottom, that kind of spanking?”
“Yes.”, Cathy simply responded. “That kind of spanking.”
Elin stared at her, speechless. “But that’s a kid’s punishment.”, she finally said. “You do that with children when they are young.” Cathy smiled. “Older children like Shannon sometimes benefit from a good spanking, too, trust me.” She pulled the next paper towards her to start grading it.
“And Shannon thought that you should spank me, too?”, Elin asked hesitantly.
“That would be my guess.”, Cathy said absentmindedly. “But you are not our daughter, so I don’t think it would be appropriate.”
Elin looked at Cathy thoughtfully. It seemed to be too good to be true, the answer to her problem. “So if you would spank me for not doing my homework, would I be allowed to go to Leslie’s party on Friday?”
Cathy considered the question. “Yes, I think so.”
Elin looked at her. “I think Shannon’s right, it’s not fair that you treat me differently.”, she blurted out. “I would rather have a spanking than the grounding.”
Cathy laughed. “Oh no, you don’t, trust me. Spankings are no fun. Besides,” her face became stern again, “if you don’t want to be punished, you may want to consider just doing your schoolwork, you know?”
Elin disregarded this. “But I really want to go to the party on Friday.”, she begged. “Please, Cathy, come on.”
Cathy bit her lip. “I’m not sure about this, Elin, and about what your parents would say.”
“But I am 18.”, Elin reminded her. “I can make my own decisions.”
“Hm. I guess that is true.”, Cathy said thoughtfully. “I will think about it. Please go back to your room, I will come and see you when I have made my decision.”
Elin beamed. “Jättebra! Thanks!” She slid off her chair and gave Cathy a fleeting hug on her way out. YES! So she would go to that party after all!
Upstairs she paced her room, unable to sit down. Elin wasn’t worried about the spanking. So Cathy would smack her bottom a few times, big deal. She guessed it would hurt more than the fleeting smacks on the seat of her jeans when she was a little girl, but that couldn’t be worse than missing Leslie’s party.
Apart from that Elin had always been secretly fascinated by spankings. She was now feeling the same butterflies in her tummy as when she was a child, and one of her friends was taken home from the playground by an irate parent planting a few smacks on their bottoms as they went. Elin wondered what Cathy’s spanking would feel like. She stretched out on her bed, thinking about it with the butterflies dancing in her tummy.
A while later there was a knock at the door. Elin sat up as Cathy entered and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Well, Elin.”, she said. “I have thought about it, and there is no doubt in my mind that a spanking would do you a world of good, and it certainly is appropriate for not doing homework for three days in a row.” Elin felt a “but” coming, and waited with bated breath.
“All the same”, Cathy continued, “you are not our daughter and you have probably never been spanked before. I will therefore leave you a choice. If, at any time, you want me to stop the spanking, you just tell me that you take the grounding. But let me make one thing very clear – no matter how long into the spanking it is that you reconsider, IF you reconsider, not a minute will be knocked off your grounding. Is that clear?” Elin nodded impatiently. “OK, but I won’t.”
“Entirely your decision.”, Cathy said. She looked at the teen’s long, white blond hair. “Fix your hair in a pony tail, so it doesn't get into your face. I will be right back.”
Elin quickly did as she was told, then stood nervously by her bed, waiting. Cathy re-entered the room, holding a large oval hairbrush. Elin was confused. What would Cathy need a hairbrush for now?
Her guest Mom sat down on the bed, hairbrush next to her, motioning Elin to stand on her right. “Well, young lady. As I have already told you, we take school work very seriously in this house. Not doing your homework is simply not an option, and I can assure you that from now on you will always be punished when I hear that you have neglected school.” As the scolding continued, Elin was surprised to feel her cheeks burning. She felt stupid standing there like a little child, listening to the lecture, and just wanted to get the spanking over with.
She didn’t have to wait for long. After a few minutes, Cathy said, “Right, let’s get those jeans down.” Elin started. “What?” No, no, no, no, no!
“Spankings are generally given on the bare bottom in this house.”, Cathy explained. “Seeing that you are not our daughter, you may keep your panties on, but those jeans will come down.” She unbuttoned and unzipped the girl’s jeans, and tugged it down to her knees. Before Elin had much time to be mortified to stand there in her white panties, Cathy had taken Elin’s wrist and pulled the girl across her knee.
Elin wasn’t sure what she had expected, but certainly not that. Lying across Cathy’s knee was so embarrassing. For the first time she doubted that she had made the right decision. “Well, young lady”, Cathy said, “let’s see if we can’t make you take school seriously.” Elin flinched as Cathy’s palm connected with her bottom for the first time, then a second time, until she felt the spanks coming in a steady rhythm. It certainly stung, but it was bearable, Elin thought, as the spanks rained down on her bottom, and the warmth spreading on her nether cheeks was actually feeling quite nice. The butterflies in her tummy were dancing again.
Cathy continued to scold her. “You are a smart girl, and I want you to do your best. You are not only here to enjoy yourself, but also to learn new things.” She increased the pace of the spanking. The girl had held up quite well so far, she thought as she aimed a volley of spanks at the girl’s sit spot. Elin had made hardly a sound and there had been very little flinching. “I don’t care if your grades count towards your qualification at home or not, because you don’t learn for grades – you learn for life.”
Elin bit her lip to cut back a flippant response. Much more than having the last word she wanted this spanking to be over with. By now the lovely warmth on her bottom had been replaced by stinging, and the longer it went on, the more it hurt. She hoped it would be over soon and just wanted to get up from that undignified position, sprawled over her guest Mom’s lap, with her jeans bunched around her knees.
On and on Cathy spanked. Elin now knew what her guest Mom had meant when she said that spankings weren’t fun. It wasn’t at all as Elin had imagined. It hurt much more than she had anticipated – and where had those lovely butterflies got to? Instead she was feeling the shame and humiliation of the situation very much. She gritted her teeth. Well – if she wanted to go to that party, she would just have to bear it.
Cathy smiled to herself. The girl’s bottom was now a uniform pink, and Elin had started to wriggle, trying to get out of the way of the spanking. Good, Cathy thought, looks like I am starting to make an impression. And you just wait, my girl, when I am starting with the hairbrush. That will make an impression alright – an oval one.
She stopped spanking and heard Elin breathe out with relief. “No need to relax yet, dear, we aren’t done yet.”, she said and picked up the hairbrush. Elin was dismayed. Not done yet? How much longer was that sordid spanking supposed to go on?
Cathy used her free hand to rub the girl’s bottom. It was quite warm already, and Cathy was going to make sure it would get a lot hotter. She pushed Elin’s panties aside, bunching them up between the girl’s bottom cheeks. Elin wriggled uncomfortably. What was this woman doing? Whatever it was, by now Elin had an inkling that she wouldn’t enjoy it.
Elin arched her back and squealed out loud as the hairbrush connected with her now virtually bare bottom. “OWWWWW – WHAT ARE YOU DOING???”, she panted.
“I am giving you a spanking.”, Cathy responded coolly as Elin wriggled away from the brush as CRACK! It landed for the third time on the girl’s bottom. Cathy held her more securely around the waist, watching the three red marks of the hairbrush forming on the previously pink bottom. She raised the hairbrush again.
CRACK! “I will not - CRACK! – have you – CRACK! – neglect school – CRACK! – while you – CRACK! – are here!”
Elin shrieked, kicked and howled, she arched her back in a futile attempt to wriggle off her guest Mom’s lap as again and again the hairbrush landed on her bottom.
“OWWWWWW – DON’T!!!”, she howled. The sting was unbelievable, Elin had never felt anything like that before. She gave a sob as Cathy stopped, but the spanking still wasn’t over. Cathy had simply grown tired of trying to stop the girl wriggle off. She clamped her right leg over the unfortunate girl’s and picked up the brush again.
On and on it went. Elin howled. “NO MORE!!! PLEASE - IT HURTSSSSSS!” Her hand flew back to protect her bottom, but Cathy simply caught it, and pinned it to the small of Elin’s back. “Of course it hurts, silly girl, it’s a spanking.” Cathy knew that Elin about had enough and finished the spanking with a few hard smacks on the sit spot that made the girl buck and shriek harder than before.
Cathy put the brush aside. “You may get up.”, she said gently to the panting girl and helped her get back onto her feet. Elin’s hands flew to her bottom, rubbing furiously, fighting tears. Cathy noticed that Elin’s face was nearly as red as her bottom. Good, she thought, looks like the young lady learned something. She gently pulled the girl over to sit beside her on the bed. Elin put her head against Cathy’s shoulder and her guest Mom held her, rubbing the girl’s face. “You took that quite well”, Cathy said. “I am impressed. I expected you to stop me any moment and ask for your grounding.”
Elin raised her head stared at her guest Mom open-mouthed. The grounding! She had completely forgotten about that during the spanking. She could have stopped that horrible ordeal much sooner. Imagine going through something that painful and embarrassing, just to go to a party! Elin sniffed.
Cathy hugged her. “Why don’t you take a nap now? You will feel better when you wake up.” Elin nodded. She felt exhausted and gratefully kicked off her jeans before scrambling into the bed that Cathy had opened for her.
Lying on her side, she didn’t dare to look Cathy into the eye, she was so embarrassed. Cathy covered her up. “I’ll let you sleep now. And tonight we will sit down and see how you can make up for your missed assignments, okay?”
Her gentle, loving tone made the tears well up in Elin’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”, she whispered. “Sorry I let everything slide. I won’t do it again. I’ll study, I promise.”
“I know.”, Cathy said, rubbing Elin’s head. “Now get some sleep.”
She picked up Elin’s jeans from the ground and hung it over a chair. Tidiness was something else they needed to discuss at some point…
Elin woke up an hour later and squinted sleepily at her alarm clock. Nearly dinner time, she’d better get up. She got gingerly out of bed and stood in front of the mirror, touching her bottom. She moved the panties aside. Wow – her bottom was still very red and hot. She had expected the red to fade more quickly. Her bottom didn’t exactly hurt anymore, it was just rather sore. She just knew sitting down would be uncomfortable. She sighed and quickly put on her jeans. What a day! She would never consider spankings “kids’ punishments” anymore, that much was sure.
Cathy smiled as Elin came into the kitchen. “Did you have a good nap?” Elin nodded, looking embarrassed. “Yes, thanks...” It was an effort to look her guest Mom into the eye. But what she saw was love and concern. “I wanted to say that I am sorry. I didn’t mean to be difficult.”, Elin blurted out, surprised at herself. She hadn’t planned to say anything like that.
Cathy hugged Elin. “I know, dear. Don’t worry. Now go sit down, dinner is ready.” Elin smiled, and slipped onto her chair, and the smile turned into a grimace. She had been right – sitting was uncomfortable.
Malcolm and Shannon came in as Cathy put the lasagna on the table. Malcolm smiled and greeted Elin, but Shannon still avoided looking at her.
“That looks wonderful.”, Malcolm said. Turning to the girls he said, “How was your day?”
“Pretty good.”, Shannon said, still looking slightly mutinous. Malcolm frowned but turned to Elin. “Elin, did you have a good day?”
Elin blushed furiously and looked down at her plate. Cathy gave her a moment, but when it became clear that Elin was not going to answer Malcolm’s question, she said, “Actually, Elin’s day has not been too good.”
Elin’s head flew up, looking at Cathy pleadingly. Please don’t tell them, she thought, please don’t tell…
“Elin and I had a talk about school work today, after school called to tell me that she had been completely unprepared for three days in a row.”, Cathy continued calmly, watching Shannon out of the corner of her eye pushing her food around the plate. “I gave Elin a spanking, and she promised to work harder from now on.”
Now it was Shannon’s head that flew up. Disbelievingly she looked from her Mom to Elin. “You spanked Elin?”
Elin was mortified. Earth, please open and swallow me now, she thought desperately, not looking at anyone. Boy, this party had better be good, after everything I’ve gone through to be able to go.
Cathy looked at her daughter. “Yes, Elin felt it was unfair if we treated the two of you differently.”
Speechless, Shannon gave Elin an admiring look before returning to her food. Elin looked up in time to see Cathy smiling and winking at her. Shyly she returned the smile, and for the first time since her arrival she felt like a full member of the family.
Malcolm was giving his wife a long look. He was definitely looking forward to hear that story later.
Out of the corner of her eye Cathy noticed her own daughter Shannon flinch at Elin’s words. The 18 year old high school senior tried to mutely communicate to their Swedish guest to shut up. Shannon knew from long experience that when her Mom was that angry, it was best not to argue with her. Cathy kept her eyes on Elin though. “I care.”, she said firmly. “While you are staying with us, you will do your best. If you have problems with school work, you can always ask – seeing that I am a teacher myself, and I am sure Shannon would be happy to assist you, too.” Cathy glared at Elin who avoided the stern look by walking across the kitchen to take a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“Not doing your homework is not an option.”, Cathy continued sternly, pushing a strand of red hair out of her face. “Honestly, Elin – school informed me that you have been completely unprepared for three days in a row.” Elin turned back from the fridge and sulkily folded her arms. “So what do you want to do now, sit next to me and watch me do my homework?” Why couldn’t that woman just leave her alone? She hadn’t come on this exchange program to spend her days studying. She wanted to have some fun while she was here!
Cathy tried to keep the anger out of her voice. “You know what, I actually might. But for the time being you are grounded, young lady. Until Monday you will not leave the house for anything but school, is that clear?!”
Elin’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her parents had never made such a fuss over school. Since the age of twelve she had been told that she was old enough to take care of her own school work, that it was her own responsibility. “Till Monday?!”, she exclaimed angrily. “But it’s only Wednesday, and I already have plans for this weekend!” She glanced at Shannon for help, but her guest sister’s face was suddenly dark, and she wouldn’t meet Elin’s eye.
“You heard me. Now go to your room and stay there. I will call you for dinner.”, Cathy said coolly. “If I were you I would start catching up on the missed assignments.” Furiously, Elin turned on her heel, storming out of the kitchen. Soon she could be heard slamming the door of her upstairs bedroom. Cathy flinched, then sighed.
Shannon pushed her chair back with unnecessary force. “I need to go to the library.”, she told her Mom curtly. “I will be back for dinner.” She grabbed her car keys from the kitchen table and left the room. With another sigh Cathy fell down into the vacated chair, rubbing her temples.
It had seemed such a good idea to invite an exchange student to live with them. Her daughter Shannon was an only child and Cathy and her husband Malcolm had thought that it would be nice for her to have someone else to hang out with – even though they had known then that there would be problems. Integrating a stranger into your family, especially someone with a different cultural background, wouldn’t be easy. In all fairness it had to be said though that having Elin stay with them had worked out quite well in those past six weeks. In general the exchange student was friendly, fun-loving and helpful, and she and Shannon had hit off immediately. School was quite a different issue though. So far Malcolm and Cathy had not been able to make her take school seriously. Seeing that they expected good grades from Shannon, they were unwilling to let Elin get off with her nonchalant attitude towards school. Just two days previously Cathy had talked with her husband that they needed to sit down with Elin and talk about school. Again.
“Right.”, Cathy murmured, as she got up again. It was no use to continue fuming over the girl’s behaviour. She would talk with Elin again later, after dinner. She glanced at the clock over the counter and saw that she still had some time to grade papers before starting on dinner. She went to her study and got to work.
Elin took a little longer to calm down. She was absolutely furious that Cathy had grounded her. Who did that woman think she was, her Mom? True, they had discussed school before, so Elin guessed that she had had a fair warning. But a grounding? She was 18 years old, not three! And this weekend, too, of all times! Shannon’s and Elin’s friend Leslie was throwing a party this Friday and everyone would be there. Well – everyone except me, Elin thought crossly. She simply had to talk with Cathy again, make her see sense. There was no way she was going to miss that party. Maybe Shannon could help her to work out a strategy.
Elin frowned as she remembered Shannon’s cold look earlier. Why on earth had her guest sister reacted like that? They normally got on fine, and it had been more than once that Shannon got her out of potential trouble. So why the dark face?
Cathy turned as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps, expecting to see Shannon. But it was Elin’s face that tentatively looked into her study. Cathy’s lips thinned. “I believe I told you to stay in your room, Elin.”
Elin nodded. “I know. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.” Cathy gazed at her for a moment, then gestured towards the chair beside the desk. Elin sat down, curling her legs underneath her. She looked thoughtfully at her guest Mom. “Cathy, why was Shannon so angry when you and I, uhm, talked earlier?”
Cathy took her time responding. She put the cap back on the red pen she used for grading papers, then said slowly. “Well, I assume that Shannon felt I let you off easy.”
“Let me off easy?”, Elin burst out. “You gotta be kidding!” Cathy turned towards the girl and looked her full in the face. “Elin”, she said gently, “did Shannon never tell you how we punish her in situations like that?” Elin shook her head, considering. “No, I don’t think so.” She grinned. “I don’t think Shannon would ever get herself into trouble anyway.”
Cathy returned the smile. “You are right, actually, she is usually very responsible. But when she isn’t…” She hesitated for a moment. “When she isn’t, Shannon gets a spanking.” Elin stared at her in disbelief, as if she was unsure she had understood her guest Mom correctly. “A spanking? You mean like a smacked bottom, that kind of spanking?”
“Yes.”, Cathy simply responded. “That kind of spanking.”
Elin stared at her, speechless. “But that’s a kid’s punishment.”, she finally said. “You do that with children when they are young.” Cathy smiled. “Older children like Shannon sometimes benefit from a good spanking, too, trust me.” She pulled the next paper towards her to start grading it.
“And Shannon thought that you should spank me, too?”, Elin asked hesitantly.
“That would be my guess.”, Cathy said absentmindedly. “But you are not our daughter, so I don’t think it would be appropriate.”
Elin looked at Cathy thoughtfully. It seemed to be too good to be true, the answer to her problem. “So if you would spank me for not doing my homework, would I be allowed to go to Leslie’s party on Friday?”
Cathy considered the question. “Yes, I think so.”
Elin looked at her. “I think Shannon’s right, it’s not fair that you treat me differently.”, she blurted out. “I would rather have a spanking than the grounding.”
Cathy laughed. “Oh no, you don’t, trust me. Spankings are no fun. Besides,” her face became stern again, “if you don’t want to be punished, you may want to consider just doing your schoolwork, you know?”
Elin disregarded this. “But I really want to go to the party on Friday.”, she begged. “Please, Cathy, come on.”
Cathy bit her lip. “I’m not sure about this, Elin, and about what your parents would say.”
“But I am 18.”, Elin reminded her. “I can make my own decisions.”
“Hm. I guess that is true.”, Cathy said thoughtfully. “I will think about it. Please go back to your room, I will come and see you when I have made my decision.”
Elin beamed. “Jättebra! Thanks!” She slid off her chair and gave Cathy a fleeting hug on her way out. YES! So she would go to that party after all!
Upstairs she paced her room, unable to sit down. Elin wasn’t worried about the spanking. So Cathy would smack her bottom a few times, big deal. She guessed it would hurt more than the fleeting smacks on the seat of her jeans when she was a little girl, but that couldn’t be worse than missing Leslie’s party.
Apart from that Elin had always been secretly fascinated by spankings. She was now feeling the same butterflies in her tummy as when she was a child, and one of her friends was taken home from the playground by an irate parent planting a few smacks on their bottoms as they went. Elin wondered what Cathy’s spanking would feel like. She stretched out on her bed, thinking about it with the butterflies dancing in her tummy.
A while later there was a knock at the door. Elin sat up as Cathy entered and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Well, Elin.”, she said. “I have thought about it, and there is no doubt in my mind that a spanking would do you a world of good, and it certainly is appropriate for not doing homework for three days in a row.” Elin felt a “but” coming, and waited with bated breath.
“All the same”, Cathy continued, “you are not our daughter and you have probably never been spanked before. I will therefore leave you a choice. If, at any time, you want me to stop the spanking, you just tell me that you take the grounding. But let me make one thing very clear – no matter how long into the spanking it is that you reconsider, IF you reconsider, not a minute will be knocked off your grounding. Is that clear?” Elin nodded impatiently. “OK, but I won’t.”
“Entirely your decision.”, Cathy said. She looked at the teen’s long, white blond hair. “Fix your hair in a pony tail, so it doesn't get into your face. I will be right back.”
Elin quickly did as she was told, then stood nervously by her bed, waiting. Cathy re-entered the room, holding a large oval hairbrush. Elin was confused. What would Cathy need a hairbrush for now?
Her guest Mom sat down on the bed, hairbrush next to her, motioning Elin to stand on her right. “Well, young lady. As I have already told you, we take school work very seriously in this house. Not doing your homework is simply not an option, and I can assure you that from now on you will always be punished when I hear that you have neglected school.” As the scolding continued, Elin was surprised to feel her cheeks burning. She felt stupid standing there like a little child, listening to the lecture, and just wanted to get the spanking over with.
She didn’t have to wait for long. After a few minutes, Cathy said, “Right, let’s get those jeans down.” Elin started. “What?” No, no, no, no, no!
“Spankings are generally given on the bare bottom in this house.”, Cathy explained. “Seeing that you are not our daughter, you may keep your panties on, but those jeans will come down.” She unbuttoned and unzipped the girl’s jeans, and tugged it down to her knees. Before Elin had much time to be mortified to stand there in her white panties, Cathy had taken Elin’s wrist and pulled the girl across her knee.
Elin wasn’t sure what she had expected, but certainly not that. Lying across Cathy’s knee was so embarrassing. For the first time she doubted that she had made the right decision. “Well, young lady”, Cathy said, “let’s see if we can’t make you take school seriously.” Elin flinched as Cathy’s palm connected with her bottom for the first time, then a second time, until she felt the spanks coming in a steady rhythm. It certainly stung, but it was bearable, Elin thought, as the spanks rained down on her bottom, and the warmth spreading on her nether cheeks was actually feeling quite nice. The butterflies in her tummy were dancing again.
Cathy continued to scold her. “You are a smart girl, and I want you to do your best. You are not only here to enjoy yourself, but also to learn new things.” She increased the pace of the spanking. The girl had held up quite well so far, she thought as she aimed a volley of spanks at the girl’s sit spot. Elin had made hardly a sound and there had been very little flinching. “I don’t care if your grades count towards your qualification at home or not, because you don’t learn for grades – you learn for life.”
Elin bit her lip to cut back a flippant response. Much more than having the last word she wanted this spanking to be over with. By now the lovely warmth on her bottom had been replaced by stinging, and the longer it went on, the more it hurt. She hoped it would be over soon and just wanted to get up from that undignified position, sprawled over her guest Mom’s lap, with her jeans bunched around her knees.
On and on Cathy spanked. Elin now knew what her guest Mom had meant when she said that spankings weren’t fun. It wasn’t at all as Elin had imagined. It hurt much more than she had anticipated – and where had those lovely butterflies got to? Instead she was feeling the shame and humiliation of the situation very much. She gritted her teeth. Well – if she wanted to go to that party, she would just have to bear it.
Cathy smiled to herself. The girl’s bottom was now a uniform pink, and Elin had started to wriggle, trying to get out of the way of the spanking. Good, Cathy thought, looks like I am starting to make an impression. And you just wait, my girl, when I am starting with the hairbrush. That will make an impression alright – an oval one.
She stopped spanking and heard Elin breathe out with relief. “No need to relax yet, dear, we aren’t done yet.”, she said and picked up the hairbrush. Elin was dismayed. Not done yet? How much longer was that sordid spanking supposed to go on?
Cathy used her free hand to rub the girl’s bottom. It was quite warm already, and Cathy was going to make sure it would get a lot hotter. She pushed Elin’s panties aside, bunching them up between the girl’s bottom cheeks. Elin wriggled uncomfortably. What was this woman doing? Whatever it was, by now Elin had an inkling that she wouldn’t enjoy it.
Elin arched her back and squealed out loud as the hairbrush connected with her now virtually bare bottom. “OWWWWW – WHAT ARE YOU DOING???”, she panted.
“I am giving you a spanking.”, Cathy responded coolly as Elin wriggled away from the brush as CRACK! It landed for the third time on the girl’s bottom. Cathy held her more securely around the waist, watching the three red marks of the hairbrush forming on the previously pink bottom. She raised the hairbrush again.
CRACK! “I will not - CRACK! – have you – CRACK! – neglect school – CRACK! – while you – CRACK! – are here!”
Elin shrieked, kicked and howled, she arched her back in a futile attempt to wriggle off her guest Mom’s lap as again and again the hairbrush landed on her bottom.
“OWWWWWW – DON’T!!!”, she howled. The sting was unbelievable, Elin had never felt anything like that before. She gave a sob as Cathy stopped, but the spanking still wasn’t over. Cathy had simply grown tired of trying to stop the girl wriggle off. She clamped her right leg over the unfortunate girl’s and picked up the brush again.
On and on it went. Elin howled. “NO MORE!!! PLEASE - IT HURTSSSSSS!” Her hand flew back to protect her bottom, but Cathy simply caught it, and pinned it to the small of Elin’s back. “Of course it hurts, silly girl, it’s a spanking.” Cathy knew that Elin about had enough and finished the spanking with a few hard smacks on the sit spot that made the girl buck and shriek harder than before.
Cathy put the brush aside. “You may get up.”, she said gently to the panting girl and helped her get back onto her feet. Elin’s hands flew to her bottom, rubbing furiously, fighting tears. Cathy noticed that Elin’s face was nearly as red as her bottom. Good, she thought, looks like the young lady learned something. She gently pulled the girl over to sit beside her on the bed. Elin put her head against Cathy’s shoulder and her guest Mom held her, rubbing the girl’s face. “You took that quite well”, Cathy said. “I am impressed. I expected you to stop me any moment and ask for your grounding.”
Elin raised her head stared at her guest Mom open-mouthed. The grounding! She had completely forgotten about that during the spanking. She could have stopped that horrible ordeal much sooner. Imagine going through something that painful and embarrassing, just to go to a party! Elin sniffed.
Cathy hugged her. “Why don’t you take a nap now? You will feel better when you wake up.” Elin nodded. She felt exhausted and gratefully kicked off her jeans before scrambling into the bed that Cathy had opened for her.
Lying on her side, she didn’t dare to look Cathy into the eye, she was so embarrassed. Cathy covered her up. “I’ll let you sleep now. And tonight we will sit down and see how you can make up for your missed assignments, okay?”
Her gentle, loving tone made the tears well up in Elin’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”, she whispered. “Sorry I let everything slide. I won’t do it again. I’ll study, I promise.”
“I know.”, Cathy said, rubbing Elin’s head. “Now get some sleep.”
She picked up Elin’s jeans from the ground and hung it over a chair. Tidiness was something else they needed to discuss at some point…
Elin woke up an hour later and squinted sleepily at her alarm clock. Nearly dinner time, she’d better get up. She got gingerly out of bed and stood in front of the mirror, touching her bottom. She moved the panties aside. Wow – her bottom was still very red and hot. She had expected the red to fade more quickly. Her bottom didn’t exactly hurt anymore, it was just rather sore. She just knew sitting down would be uncomfortable. She sighed and quickly put on her jeans. What a day! She would never consider spankings “kids’ punishments” anymore, that much was sure.
Cathy smiled as Elin came into the kitchen. “Did you have a good nap?” Elin nodded, looking embarrassed. “Yes, thanks...” It was an effort to look her guest Mom into the eye. But what she saw was love and concern. “I wanted to say that I am sorry. I didn’t mean to be difficult.”, Elin blurted out, surprised at herself. She hadn’t planned to say anything like that.
Cathy hugged Elin. “I know, dear. Don’t worry. Now go sit down, dinner is ready.” Elin smiled, and slipped onto her chair, and the smile turned into a grimace. She had been right – sitting was uncomfortable.
Malcolm and Shannon came in as Cathy put the lasagna on the table. Malcolm smiled and greeted Elin, but Shannon still avoided looking at her.
“That looks wonderful.”, Malcolm said. Turning to the girls he said, “How was your day?”
“Pretty good.”, Shannon said, still looking slightly mutinous. Malcolm frowned but turned to Elin. “Elin, did you have a good day?”
Elin blushed furiously and looked down at her plate. Cathy gave her a moment, but when it became clear that Elin was not going to answer Malcolm’s question, she said, “Actually, Elin’s day has not been too good.”
Elin’s head flew up, looking at Cathy pleadingly. Please don’t tell them, she thought, please don’t tell…
“Elin and I had a talk about school work today, after school called to tell me that she had been completely unprepared for three days in a row.”, Cathy continued calmly, watching Shannon out of the corner of her eye pushing her food around the plate. “I gave Elin a spanking, and she promised to work harder from now on.”
Now it was Shannon’s head that flew up. Disbelievingly she looked from her Mom to Elin. “You spanked Elin?”
Elin was mortified. Earth, please open and swallow me now, she thought desperately, not looking at anyone. Boy, this party had better be good, after everything I’ve gone through to be able to go.
Cathy looked at her daughter. “Yes, Elin felt it was unfair if we treated the two of you differently.”
Speechless, Shannon gave Elin an admiring look before returning to her food. Elin looked up in time to see Cathy smiling and winking at her. Shyly she returned the smile, and for the first time since her arrival she felt like a full member of the family.
Malcolm was giving his wife a long look. He was definitely looking forward to hear that story later.
Re: The Exchange Student
Great story! I enjoyed it, thanks for sharing the best red tail tale I've read for some time. It's hard to believe that this is the first story you have posted, surely you've written more or are you just naturally very talented as an author?
Re: The Exchange Student
Very good. Cathy showed her that even a substitute mom can discipline with love and concern, and showed she is a caring person. Elin now feels like a member of the family. I hope you will continue writing.
Re: The Exchange Student
Very good story! And the end is marvellous! YouTube do open all kinds of spin offs from there!
Please do not stop!
Please do not stop!
Re: The Exchange Student
very nice story. your a natural. looking forward to more stories from you.
Re: The Exchange Student
Elins littlefriend is pleased that she has spankings like her when naughty so she thinks more of her and hugs her.
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- Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:11 pm
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Re: The Exchange Student
Another good writer. A very good spanking story.
Establish your premise. Say what you want to say. And end your story.
A simple, successful recipe for an excellent spanking story.
Establish your premise. Say what you want to say. And end your story.
A simple, successful recipe for an excellent spanking story.
Re: The Exchange Student
Excellent story. Love the context and the description of the spanking itself.
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Sun May 20, 2012 12:03 pm
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Re: The Exchange Student
loved the story I even think it chould be more parts.
Re: The Exchange Student
Great story! Coming fom a 'non-spanking' country would make it very exciting for Elin to come to a spanking household. Wish I thougth of that 40 years ago 

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