The Thaw Onto The Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part Four

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The Thaw Onto The Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part Four

Post by naughtylilgirl09 » Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:14 am

The Thaw onto the Freeze – A Nat and Alyssa Story
Part Four

“Can’t you just spank me,” she finally asked him. “Please?”

He started laughing. Of all the reactions she expected, laughing was not one of them. She hadn’t said anything that was funny. In fact, she had been perfectly serious in her request. The last thing that she wanted to do was have this conversation.

“Oh, Alyssa,” he said, his hand fondly brushing over her hair and cupping the back of her head for a moment. “I believe you are the only person that I have ever heard say that.”

She could feel herself start to blush. Was he making fun of her? Had she said something stupid? Just because she thought it had made sense, didn’t necessarily mean that it did. Nat must have sensed that she was embarrassed because he pulled her a bit closer and said, “that’s not a bad thing. It is something that only you would say, it’s unique to you. It’s what makes you special.”

“I hate being special,” Alyssa muttered to herself. Given that she was sitting on Nat’s lap, he, of course, heard.

“Oh really, and why is that?” he responded, then continuing, “it isn’t a bad thing. It sets you apart from the crowd, makes you stand out. It’s doubtful I’d remember you from any other student at school if it weren’t for how unique you are.”

“Which means I’d have had a lot fewer headaches during school and a much easier time sitting the past month,” Alyssa replied sullenly.

There was silence. Silence that lasted too long to be a pause. She hadn’t been looking at Nat when she made her last comment and she was beginning to think maybe she hadn’t chosen her words as wisely as she could have. Turning her head she looked up at Nat, his face was not revealing anything as usual. When he saw her looking over he did respond though. “Is that truly how you feel?” he asked her.

“No,” she said to him. “I’m sorry for the stupid mean comment. I, I just, yes, I’m special or unique, but I’m always in trouble. So, I don’t really see how it’s a good thing.”

He opened his mouth to begin speaking, this time she cut him off.

“Yes, I know I, I, I understand that I wouldn’t be part of your life, you wouldn’t be part of mine, whatever if I weren’t, you know, special, unique. And, I’m really happy that you’re part of my life, Nat.” Alyssa made sure, this time, she could look into his eyes. Even though they rarely told her anything, she was hoping that, even if she couldn’t read anything from his, he would see the sincerity in hers.

“More than I’ll ever be able to express to you. Truly. Both back at school, though you did give me a lot of headaches, but I’m sure I did the same for you. And now. And even if I have trouble sitting because you spanked me, I know it’s because you care about me. And I love that. I just, the unique-ness has always led to drama and that has always led to people not wanting me in their lives anymore.”

“I see,” he replied, this time pulling her in closer, placing one hand on her head and guiding it towards his chest and then wrapping his arms around her for a big hug. “Well I have no plans to ever not want you in my life. You’re stuck with me kid. If you want to leave that’s a different story. But as far as I’m concerned, you’re as close as you possibly could be to being a member of this family. And family, you’re stuck with them.”

At hearing that Alyssa did the one thing that neither one of them expected. She began to cry, tears of happiness, but still, the crying was not expected

Nat held her as she wept, still a bit in shock from the overwhelming emotion that had come over her so quickly. He just held her, rocking her back as forth as best one can in a kitchen chair, waiting until she had calmed down a bit more to finish this conversation. It didn’t take more than a few minutes before her tears ceased and she was ready to continue talking. “What else is going on, Alyssa?” Nat asked, gently pulling her away from his chest, where she had buried herself.

“Not much,” she replied with a shrug of her shoulders. “The weather still looks pretty bad, parents still in Florida, about to run out of coffee.”

Nat smiled at her. It was truly adorable how those were the three things she would come up with to tell him about. Weather. Parents. Coffee supply. “Well thank you for the update,” he said, still smiling, lightly tapping her nose. He’d observed over the past few weeks that doing so, for some reason, helped her relax and feel more secure.

“However, I was still referring to your school work. There is something else going on, isn’t there? What is at the root of you constantly having difficulty with school? It isn’t because you aren’t smart enough, we both know you’re extraordinarily intelligent, too much for your own good occasionally.” He saw her smile at that last comment. “So,” he pressed.

She gave a half moan, half groan, turned and plunked her body back down into his chest and muffled out an answer. Despite the fact that he couldn’t understand a word she said, she had just told him everything he needed to know. Rubbing her back, he, again, calmed her down. This time, however, instead of continuing the conversation once she had stopped crying, he lifted her up, standing up as well, turned and placed her down in the kitchen chair. He saw Alyssa look up at him a bit shocked.

Crouching down so that he would be at eye level with her, Nat said, “I’m going to finish the dishes, go upstairs, take a very quick shower, change into some sweats or something more comfortable than what I wore to work, and then I’ll be back. While I’m doing all of this, I want you to sit here, quietly. Keep your hands folded in your lap, or folded on the table. If you can’t do that, then I can always arrange for this chair to be moved into the corner, or simply for you to stand and face the wall.”

He waited for Alyssa’s eyes to meet his, when they did he knew that she would sit quietly at the table. Nodding, he continued, “You’re to use this time to think about this entire situation, and when I come back, I expect you to be ready to tell me exactly what the root issue is that is behind this. Understand?” Alyssa nodded. “Alyssa?” Nat hardened his tone a bit.

“Yes sir,” she said quietly, “I understand.”

“Good,” Nat said standing up. “And believe me, young lady, if you don’t have an answer for me about what’s behind all this, it will be your behind that I’ll give some incentive to.”

Alyssa sat at the kitchen table waiting for Nat. She found herself annoyed by the fact that he was able to tell that there was some ‘deep underlying issue’ behind everything. Why couldn’t he just punish her for not getting the work done in her current classes? Why did they have to look at the underlying issues? It wasn’t like she didn’t know what they were. Alyssa was well aware of all the issues that were causing problems in her life. At least school related problems. She was also quite aware of how well a job she had done at avoiding confronting them.

As she stared off into nowhere, otherwise known as a speck of dirt on the wall, mind racing from thought to thought, she didn’t hear Nat enter the kitchen and join her at the table. It wasn’t until he cleared his throat and then said her name whilst reaching over to take hold of her hand that she exited the world of thought that she had been in. Lost in her daze, a place where she had been badgering him to death for his stupidity for demanding this conversation in the first place, Alyssa jumped when she felt the human contact.

Nat simply observed everything. That mind of hers was definitely working itself over time. Alyssa was usually wrapped up in her own thoughts, but not to the point where she lost track of her surroundings. He pulled his hand back and gave her a few seconds to gather herself, well aware that anything longer would simply cause her anxiety which would lead to endless babbling.

“All right, Alyssa,” he began, making sure to keep his tone friendly and gentle, maintaining a normal volume, while ensuring a small smile remained on his face. All of the things that he had come to learn, that while seemingly small, made a world of difference when it came to Alyssa. “Let’s talk about school.”

Immediately she yanked both her hands off the table, an annoyed look appearing on her face as she replied “what about it?” She noted the small frown of disapproval he gave her and dropped her gaze a bit.

Nat gave her a few seconds, waiting to see if she would continue past the smart mouthed remark. When the room remained silent except for Alyssa drumming her fingers on her knee, he started again. “Alyssa, look at me when I’m talking to you.” He could hear what must have been her leg begin to bounce up and down along with the tapping of her fingers. He wasn’t sure if he had ever seen her this anxious before. It took her time but she did raise her head and eyes back up to meet his gaze. Nat was patient and simply waited for her, knowing that pushing her wouldn’t help things.

Alyssa saw concern in his eyes. Why does he have to be concerned about this? She thought to herself. Of all the things in my life that he could pick, why did he have to pick this one? “What is really behind all of these problems and issues you have with your school work?” Nat asked her. Instead of looking down again, she chose to simply close her eyes to give herself a minute to think. Maybe, if she was lucky, she’d open them up and discover this was all a bad dream. Probably not, though.

When she did open her eyes Nat was still sitting across from her, staring at her, waiting for her to say something. Damn. Just one time she wanted the dream thing to be true. Apparently that wasn’t going to be today. Pursing her lips together she thought for a moment, then, using her ‘talk fast so they’ll only hear every third word’ principle, said as fast as she possibly could, “turning all my work in on time and only using academic accommodations when absolutely necessary is the right thing to do.” Nat was confused as evidenced by the look on his face, but he just nodded.

When she saw the look on Nat’s face it was obvious she had succeeded with the only hearing every third word part…either that or she made even less sense than she thought she did. Either way, she was going to have to keep talking, which she was not thrilled about. Taking a deep breath, she told herself, ‘the faster you talk, the faster this will be over’, and then spit out, “well that means I was doing something that I shouldn’t have been doing the entire time I was in undergrad and the first two semesters at the GCC,” in record time.

Nat was beginning to piece together her thought process on this, once he actually caught up with her speech pace. But wasn’t quite sure where the end result was going to be. “Okay,” he said, using a tone that indicated that he was following her and for her to continue.

He watched as her hands both appeared on the table and were tapping away, indicating her anxiety level had shot through the roof. “Well,” she said, “if I agree that doing stuff on time is the right thing to do, then I have to agree the other, what I was or have been doing, that’s the wrong thing, and if I do that, I like, I have to accept responsibility for all those semesters of doing all of that crap that I did, and I feel horrible about that and I don’t know what to do about it, so I’m just not going to.” The tapping stopped and Alyssa let out a very loud sigh of relief.

While he hadn’t thought it possible, Nat was fairly sure she had said all of that in thirty seconds and he had to mentally replay it a few times before he comprehended everything she had just said.

There, Alyssa thought to herself. I told him. I explained it. I did exactly what I was asked to. We can move on. It’s over. I survived. Totally over. Finished. Conversation done.

“What needs to happen so that you won’t feel horrible?” Nat asked.

Apparently, conversation not so done.

“You know, I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” Alyssa told him.

“Okay,” Nat replied. See, her brain said, it’s done? You survived. Now get the heck out of there before you open your big mouth and get into some sort of trouble. For once, she agreed with herself. Exiting seemed like a brilliant idea at the moment. Just as she started to get up she heard Nat speak. “That doesn’t mean this conversation is going to end, though.”

She saw him holding back a smile but her shock was too great, at the moment, to come up with any sort of witty retort. The best she could do was whine and complain. And whine and complain, she did.

“You said ‘okay’” Alyssa began, using her best whiny, pathetic, ‘poor me’ voice that she could manage at that point. Seriously though, this wasn’t fair.

“Yes, I did,” Nat replied in that soothing, condescending voice he used when he was about to say something she was going to hate. “It is perfectly okay that you don’t want to talk about this anymore. But that doesn’t mean that we are going to stop. It’s important that we delve deeper into things like this, address the root causes so that things in the future improve.”

She had already sat back down, knowing that any attempt to try and leave the table would be futile. At hearing his current announcement, Alyssa simply put her head down on the table and let out something of a scream mixed with a growl.

Nat watched her, amused as he often was by her reactions to things. She didn’t lift her head off the table, but he could hear her quite clearly as she told him, “I’d feel guilty, and the only way I’ve only been able to help that is when you spank me, and that’s like a lot, so can you just forget about it, okay?”

He was taken aback, not by her answer but by the fact that he didn’t have to pry it out of her. Reaching across the table he took one of her hands into his own and squeezed it in a friendly gesture. “Yes, that would be a lot,” he said, “but I think it’s something that needs to be addressed, piece by piece. So, I’m not just going to forget about it. We’ll just start with the first semester that you were in undergrad and go from there.”

A tense silence filled the room and Nat knew Alyssa was thinking or processing what he just said. He watched as she finally raised her head off the table, “wait, you mean, what?”

Reaching over he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear as he said, “sweetheart I know you well enough to know that you have to address every little piece of every semester to get rid of all the guilt you’re feeling. I would never, ever spank you that much at one time, ever. I want to help you, I will never harm you. Understand?”

He didn’t get an answer. Instead he got Alyssa flying around the table into his arms which was answer enough.

Alyssa was ecstatic, he had actually said that he would help. Yes, it was a strange thing to request help with. But she wanted to be successful, she knew that she was smart, and if this was the one thing that was hindering her then she absolutely wanted to do everything possible to move past it. Even if that everything included what she could only imagine would be a number of painful spankings, it was worth it.

She felt safe in his arms and hoped that he’d never let her go. It was within minutes that she felt Nat pull away from that secure hug and look down at her, almost as if assessing her. He appeared to think for a moment before saying, “no time like the present to begin this therapeutic venture.”

Nat felt her begin to move towards him, back into the embrace he had held her in, where she had been able to block out her surroundings, her problems, the world. He stopped her, hating to do so, but at the same time wanting to help her with this much bigger item weighing on her. “Why don’t you go print me a copy of your transcript, yes?” While he said it as a question it was quite clear to both of them that it wasn’t. Especially as he lifted her off his lap, set the small girl on her feet, and, pointing her in the direction of the living room, gave her bottom a light swat to send her on her way.

He could tell she was reluctant to do as he asked. It was obvious in the way that she walked, the very slow pace, the slump of the shoulders. When Alyssa turned to look at him from the door way he could see the hope she held that he would change his mind. He knew her oh so well. ‘Yes I want to work on this, but not right now.’ That was Alyssa.

She told him that she really wanted to be held accountable so she would do better, and then was furious when he actually did so. She had wanted the appearance, not the actual thing. Nat knew that he would never get her talking about her setbacks regarding school if he waited. If he went along and said that acknowledging was enough, that they could deal with the rest later, things would only get worse.

As she looked back her last bit of hope vanished when Nat simply raised his eyebrows and gave her a quite pointed stare, one that clearly communicated that he wasn’t going to change his mind. Why had she opened her mouth in the first place?? Oh wait, she hadn’t, well not really. She simply hadn’t stalled nearly as long as she could have, normally would have. It was strange, there was maybe a piece of her that wanted to address these issues?

After logging onto the computer, into the university portal, located a copy of her unofficial transcript and sent it to the printer, she quickly began to doubt her sanity as her eyes took in all of the grades that were in front of her. There had to be a way out of this, Alyssa thought, her mind working as quickly as it could. Come on brain, think!

Either her mind was not doing as she wished, as it often didn’t, or this was the universe’s way of telling her that she really should bite the bullet and address all of these things so that she could move forward. Whichever reason it was, from what she could tell she was not going to be able to sit down for the next year.

Nat had been glancing over a magazine, the articles of which he did not find interesting however he had no intention of just sitting and staring at the wall. He heard footsteps and looked up just as Alyssa walked back into the room, papers in her hand, and a look on her face that was quite indescribable. She looked like she was walking to the gallows, taking her final steps, forlorn but accepting of what was to happen. Her face was so serious Nat had to bite his lip from laughing.

There was a moment of hesitation and then she handed over the papers before hastily going to the other side of the table to sit down. After a quick glance Nat could see why. It was not the most impressive transcript he had ever seen. Though he had been somewhat aware of her grades while she was a student, actually talking about these grades, looking at them as a whole was quite different.

He took one more look at the pages and then put them down on the table and looked across at Alyssa who now looked ready to burst into tears. “All right,” he said to her, taking her out of whatever thoughts she had become lost in, “we’ll take it semester by semester. Tonight we’re going to talk, you’re going to tell me what caused this,” Nat held up the pages, he saw Alyssa give a sigh of relief at the news of just talking that evening. “Don’t celebrate yet young lady,” he said sharply, watching as she jerked a little, “you already earned a spanking for not doing school work when you had plenty of time. And while I’m glad that your deputy director is going to be keeping an eye on you, I’m not concerned with you reading top secret documents. You work at a health care agency, and one of the smallest ones. I’m disappointed in how you used your time this week. I have seen your to do list, Alyssa, I’ve helped you write out to do lists. If you didn’t have enough to keep your butt in your desk chair, you have entire to do lists to tackle.”

He watched Alyssa’s facial expressions change about five times before she finally reached one that let him know she accepted her fate. “Tomorrow we’ll begin the more hands on part of the past school transgressions.”

Alyssa couldn’t help herself, she let out a loud groan at that. The ‘hands on’ part just was so corny. She saw the look Nat gave her and quieted down immediately. He could be as corny as he wanted to be, she was going to be thankful that all they were doing was talking about her former grades this evening.

She watched as Nat stood up, the three pages in his hand, and turned himself towards the door. That meant going to another room in the house, and going to another room usually meant that she was in trouble. ‘Stupid brain, why did you have to have me groan out loud’ she chided herself.

“How bout we move into the living room, hmm?” Nat asked, yet Alyssa was quite aware that while phrased as a question, it wasn’t. He hadn’t actually begun walking out of the room. ‘He is waiting for you to go first,’ her brain reminded her. Oh yes, he always did that. This wasn’t the first time she wondered why?

As she got up and walked towards the living room area she spent the few seconds pondering that very thought. It wasn’t like she was going to go running out the back door. She knew how to get to the living room, this wasn’t a huge house that required a ‘you-are-here’ map. She’d spent time in those types of houses, they weren’t pleasant. ‘It’s polite?’ her brain took a guess.

Taking a seat on the couch Alyssa rolled that thought around for a moment. It made a good deal of sense. She wasn’t sure she liked it. People around her were not polite and things in her life did not make sense easily. When they did there was something wrong.

Nat watched for a brief second, simply observing the young girl before following her into the other room. Why he constantly considered her to be a young girl he would never know as she was nearing her 29th birthday. She had taken a seat on the large, worn couch, and pulled her knees up to her chest in a protective position. She usually held herself like that, he mused to himself.

Now that she had finally shared what was bothering her, he had no doubt she intended to close off the world again, let her emotions go back into that tightly guarded clam shell until the next time she just happened to feel like talking. Reaching over he lifted her right off the couch, waited for her feet to shoot out from under her and placed her on the ground so she was standing in front of him.

“Alyssa,” he said, “what did I tell you would happen if you fell behind in your schoolwork again, after the last time we had to discuss this?”

She paused a moment and then replied, “you said that you’d use your belt for a long spanking, and then every evening following you’d spank me with your hand or the hairbrush until I got caught up.”

“Yes, I believe that is exactly what I said would happen. The only thing that is saving your bottom at the moment is the fact that you told me what is going on in here,” Nat lightly tapped the side of her head. “That doesn’t mean you aren’t going to pay the piper, but it will not be the severe punishment that I warned you of. This time. Only this time.” He saw her breathe a sigh of relief.

“And,” he emphasized the word, making sure he had her attention. “If you are not caught up within one week you can expect that exact punishment except we’ll be using a switch the first night, and my belt every evening until you’re caught up.” He watched her eyes widen in horror. He hadn’t finished yet. “Also once you’ve caught up, you’ll be guaranteed an evening spanking with that hairbrush to make sure you stay that way. Clear?”

She nodded vigorously, “yes sir.”

“Good,” Nat replied. “Now, pants and panties down to your knees, bend over, place your hands on the seat of the sofa.”

He gave her a minute to do so as he walked back into the kitchen a retrieved one of the wooden spoons from the drawer. He was pleased to see that Alyssa had done as instructed when he reentered the room. “All right, Alyssa, repeat after me. I will use my time effectively.”

“I will use my time effectively,” she said as Nat swung the spoon down onto her bottom three times.

“Again,” he told her.

“I will use my time effectively, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!”


“I, I will..SMACK! use my time effectively, SMACK! SMACK!”

He had her say it twenty times. When he had finished, he didn’t have her stand up, which he knew would confuse her. “All right Alyssa, now bend all the way over, grab your ankles.” She hesitated for a moment, but did as he said. Holding her to make sure she didn’t fly over, Nat proceeded to spank her with his hand, causing her to cry out in surprise.

“I’d save those protests, young lady,” he said. “If you fall behind again, this small spanking will seem like a love tap.” And it would. It was a mere dusting really. He couldn’t have landed more than forty or fifty swats to her bottom before he finished. The only reason he limited it to that was because he was sure that they wouldn’t get through the rest of the evening without her being spanked further.

In fact he’d bet money that they wouldn’t get through the evening without her being spanked further. He gave her a few seconds to calm herself. It didn’t take more than that, she really hadn’t endured that horrible of a spanking. Then reaching down, he took hold of her forearm and assisted her to her feet. The moment she was standing upright and seemed to sense that it was okay to be in his embrace, she dove into his arms. It never ceased to make him chuckle. Lifting her up, he sat down and held her. She seemed so at peace, so content to be held, she’d always find some little place where she thought her head fit perfectly on his chest. He could tell she was planning to stay in his arms the rest of the night.

That wouldn’t do. This time it wouldn’t be acceptable. When she finally spit out the fact that she felt so much guilt, her face told him how much it was weighing on her. Lifting her from where she was sitting, Nat placed her over his knees, positioned so that she was able to reach the floor where he had placed the copy of her transcript. Quite familiar with the position, after glancing at the transcript, he felt her begin to pull back, the protests beginning. He had anticipated this one and in all truth was not about to fight her on the issue.

Grabbing a small paddle from behind the couch cushions he landed two hard swats on her behind, punctuating his words ‘that’s enough!’ The action had its desired effect as she settled down instantly. “Good,” Nat said to her, “let’s see if you can keep this good behavior for the rest of the evening, hmm?” He got no response but also hadn’t expected one. Setting the paddle down to the side of him, he tugged Alyssa’s pants and panties down to from where they were resting on her upper thighs down to her knees.

For her part, Alyssa had mostly figured things out and was not at all pleased. Wasn’t it enough that she had told him that one thing? Couldn’t he just give her time for the rest? Those two swats alone were harder than anything she had ever felt before…at least in the beginning of a spanking.

She had to tell herself over and over that Nat wasn’t mad at her. Nat only wanted her to stop fighting him so he could help her with the exact thing that she had asked for help with. Her unofficial transcript was directly in front of her and it wasn’t difficult to guess what was about to happen. The minute she felt Nat ease down yoga pants and black lace panties it confirmed everything for her. She was going to be stuck explaining everything that was on that thing whether she wanted to or not.

‘Stupid psychological guilt issues’ Alyssa thought to herself. If they hadn’t been causing such a major road block in her life she wouldn’t have opened her mouth in the first place. Thing were so much more cut and dried when it came to her graduate degree transcript, which technically had yet to get printed out. The grades on that weren’t that bad.

However, before those no-so-bad grades were one heck of a lot of W’s. Alyssa knew if she was actually going to start turning things around, turning over a new leaf, becoming one of those people that turned things in on time, worked ahead to be prepared, only took extensions when she needed them, etc., she was going to have to admit that was the way a student was supposed to act, that it was the right thing to do.

The minute she did that, well, she would know that even though it had resulted in W’s her first year of grad school along with a good portion of undergrad she had been doing the opposite, oh so not the right thing at all.

Hell, she already knew it, but when she admitted it, it was just different. Admitting it would mean that the knowledge of all the times she wasn’t doing the right thing was going to hit her, and the guilt would come with it and it was so much easier to just keep not doing the right thing. Or, open her stupid mouth and end up here, with the hope that this horrific experience would help her get rid of all her guild about school stuff and it would lead to her doing better in school. Yeah, she never could do anything the simple way.

Nat was grateful he had the hairbrush and paddle nearby. It was an early evening, possibly 6:30 when this proceeding began, but it was not until 9:00 that they finished. Three pages, it was only three pages. It wasn’t single spaced or small font. He did have to give Alyssa a bit of credit, she tried her best to be cooperative and was better than he had expected. Not that it meant she wouldn’t have a very sore bottom for a while.

After finishing the final semester, not without a fair amount of encouragement to get through it, Nat lifted her off his knees, turned her over and set her back into his lap, holding her close while she cried out the rest of her tears. He held her and soothed her as best he could, as much as she would allow. He was fully prepared to discuss what the next day would entail, as Alyssa always wanted to know such details. However, when he felt her breathing even out, he glanced down at her and was surprised to find her fast asleep.

Nat carried her upstairs and gently tucked her into bed. She was not going to be happy when she found out what was in store for her the next few days. It would never matter to her one bit, the fact that she had asked for this. Admitted that she wanted to be punished, wanted it, needed it to make this guilt that she was feeling go away. She’d still complain about it every step of the way. Tomorrow, well that was a fight that wasn’t even worth thinking about.

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Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:22 am

Re: The Thaw Onto The Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part Four

Post by spankogirl » Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:42 am

These nat and Alyssa stories are the best

Posts: 89
Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:02 pm

Re: The Thaw Onto The Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part Four

Post by naughtylilgirl09 » Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:45 pm

Thank you! I'm glad to see someone comment on them. I'm never sure if anyone likes them or not.

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:46 pm

Re: The Thaw Onto The Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part Four

Post by devildoc » Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:21 am

Good story here naughtylilgirl09. I think nat is a master @ getting Alyssa to see that all she really needs is love. It's all we really need. "Love is all we need", RIP john Lennon (8 December, we shall not forget)

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