Babysitter Trouble – Alternate Ending: f/m, R/L mixed with f

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Babysitter Trouble – Alternate Ending: f/m, R/L mixed with f

Post by bigdaddy » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:30 pm

Babysitter Trouble – Alternate Ending: f/m, R/L mixed with fantasy.

Caution: This story is a recreation of a real life memory of the actions that led to a real life childhood spanking back in the early 1960’s, but it ends with a fictional account of how I would like to have it turn out.
If that subject makes you uncomfortable please read no further.

Several months after the incident described in “Childhood Spanking Games – Windmill”; when I was 10 years old my parents hired Linda the next door neighbor girl to babysit me and my little brother while they went out for the evening. Since I had always liked Linda and had developed a pre-pubescent crush on her, I was excited about having her as my sitter.

After she finished getting my 5 year old brother bathed and put to bed, Linda told me it was time for me to take my bath and get ready for bed. I finished taking my bath and drying off. But, instead of putting on the pajamas that Linda had left out for me, I did something that to this day I have no idea what possessed me:

Instead of putting on my Pajamas I came streaking out of the bathroom and into the living room where she was sitting, with my little pre-pubescent penis waving in front of me.

Linda looked at me with a look of shock on her face and said:

“Allen what are you doing running around naked? You were supposed to put your pajamas on and go to bed!”

At that moment I said something about being sorry, and ran back into to bathroom to get dressed.

Alternate Ending:

Just as I started to sit down on the toilet to pull my pajama bottoms on Linda walked into the bathroom and said:
“Don’t bother putting them on now because they are going to come right back down anyway.”

Me: “I’m sorry Linda!”

Linda: “You’re going to be a lot sorrier when I am done you bad boy. I want you to march back into the living room right now so that I can give you the spanking you deserve!”

Me: “You can’t spank me, you’re not my mother!”

Linda: “Your father told me I have permission to spank you if you misbehave, so that is exactly what I am going to do!” She then punctuated the sentence by grabbing my arm, turning me around, and giving me a few sharp spanks: SMACK! Oww! SMACK! Owww! SMACK! I’m sorry!

She then led / dragged me by the arm into the living room and over to the sofa, sat down, and pulled me over her lap in one continuous motion.

“Please don’t SMACK! Spank SMACK! Meee! SMACK! Owww!

After the first few spanks Linda started to lecture me between spanks:

This SMACK! is SMACK! what SMACK! happen’s SMACK! to

SMACK! naughty SMACK! little SMACK! boys SMACK! that

SMACK! don’t SMACK! do SMACK! what SMACK! they

SMACK! are SMACK! told SMACK! and SMACK! run

SMACK! around SMACK! naked!

At the first several smacks I was crying, squirming, and kicking, but I wasn’t really trying to get away. Even though my butt was really starting to get hot and sore, I was also starting to get that strange feeling I had during the Windmill game, only this time the feeling was even stronger with my little pre-pubescent erection rubbing against Linda’s leg.

“If you stop fighting me and take your spanking like a big boy I will not have to tell your parents. But, if you don’t, I will tell them and you will get your Dad’s belt.”

The threat of my dad’s belt definitely helped get me to stop squirming and kicking after which I just laid there crying while she continued the spanking.

SMACK! Wah! SMACK! Waah! ……………………………………………………..SMACK! Waah!

When she decided I had enough, Linda let me lay over her lap while my crying settled down. She then stood me up and smiled when she looked down and saw my little erection. Linda then told me to go put my pajamas on and go to bed, and then gave me a quick slap on my bottom to hurry me along.

After putting my pajamas on, I climbed into bed and laid there rubbing my sore bottom hoping she wouldn’t tell my parents, and wondering what the strange feeling was that I had down there.

It wasn’t the hardest spanking I ever had. But, it was the longest I had experienced up to that time, and the cumulative effect had my bottom burning. I also noticed that my bottom wasn’t the only part of me that was feeling warm. Even though Linda spanked me, my crush on her didn’t end that day, if anything it was intensified.

Unfortunately about a year after this incident occurred, Linda’s family moved and we lost contact after awhile.


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