Spanking Overheard – Debbie: M-tf, R/L

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Spanking Overheard – Debbie: M-tf, R/L

Post by bigdaddy » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:24 pm

Spanking Overheard – Debbie: M-tf, R/L

Caution: This is a recreation of a real life memory of a teen spanking back in the mid 1960’s. If that subject makes you uncomfortable please read no further.

Back when I was 15 there was a girl named Debbie that lived down the street from me. Debbie was about a year younger than me, and very cute with long dark brown hair and a nice body. Unfortunately I never could get up the courage to ask her out.

One time Debbie and I, along with some other friends, were hanging out in the woods near our house and we lost track of time. By the time we started walking back her father was waiting for her and started yelling at her that she was late for dinner, and then he hurried her in the front door with a smack on the butt.
Realizing that might mean she will get a spanking, instead of walking home I snuck around to the side of her house to try to listen. When I got there I wasn’t disappointed:

Debbie: I’m sorry Dad, I didn’t know what time it was.

Debbie’s dad: We told you to be back by 6 and it is past 7 we were worried about you.

Debbie: I’m sorry ,,, please don’t

SMACK! Ow! SMACK! Nooo! SMACK! I’m SMACK! sorry! SMACK! Please! SMACK! Stop!
SMACK! Wah! SMACK! WAAH!...................................................................SMACK WAAH!

By the time her dad was done spanking her, Debbie was crying hard, and then I decided that I better get out of there before I got caught.

Afterwards I felt guilty because I knew it was wrong for me to eavesdrop on her like that, but at the same time I felt excited about the image of a cute girl getting her bottom spanked.

I had already known that I had some sort of strange attraction to spankings. But, after this incident I realized how much the thought of an attractive girl / woman getting spanked turned me on. Especially after this incident I usually fantasized about spankings when I masturbated.


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