Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
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Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
Making it home for Christmas
"I can't believe." Linda moaned theatrically. "Where did it all go?"
"You should have budgeted better." Stacy smirked. "You live in residence with a meal plan; how could you be broke?"
"I did budget." Linda insisted. "It's just, um, maybe I didn't it right?"
The other girls broke into laughter and giggles, causing Linda to blush deeply.
She had been hoping that one of the other girls could come up with a plan, or a suggestion, or even point out what she had done wrong. Retreating her room she brought up a spreadsheet and tried to see where the problem was.
"I should be able to make a budget." Linda muttered. "Where did I go wrong?"
Last year, when she had been a freshman, her parents had made a budget for her. She had slavishly followed it to the penny, agonising anytime she over spent in any category. But that was then. Last summer she had gotten a killer summer job and since she wasn't taking much from her parents she had insisted on doing her own budget, which she had followed.
Puzzled, she brought up last year's budget and went through. Rent was the same. Well, generally the same; the price had gone up but the budget included that. Meal plan was the same. Books, tuition, everything was matching until she got to incidentals.
She had forgotten to budget incidentals. She had just gone to her account to cover them when they came up.
"Toothpaste and nylons can't be that expensive." Linda muttered.
Then she realised where the money had gone. Incidentals covered toothpaste, but trips to O'Malley's also came from that fund. Anytime she had eaten anywhere but the dining hall. Coffee with the girls. Mid afternoon snacks and power drinks to keep her going. Her entire social life should have been covered by 'incidentals' and since she hadn't budgeted it she hadn't tracked it. September she hadn't tracked it. October she hadn't tracked it. For practically of all November she hadn't tracked it and money had vanished into the black hole of 'didn't track it'.
"So if a round of drinks cost that and my share of a pizza cost that..." Linda muttered.
Some fast math later and she was done. She now knew where the money had gone but that didn't help her. The money was gone and she had to replace it somehow.
"I'm already getting used books, but maybe I could take fifty from there... but then I might not be able to afford all the books I do need. Maybe if I borrow from there..."
There was that word, 'borrow'. It implied paying back, which meant money from somewhere and Linda wasn't going to get anymore until next summer when she was working again. There was no way she could free up extra money for December. She could ask her parents, but that would involve admitting that she had screwed up and that wasn't going to happen. Running the numbers she still had enough (if she cut back on her social life) for everything except Christmas.
Not just gifts, but her ticket home. She had to find some extra money somewhere or she wouldn't be able to go home for Christmas. Linda knew that her parents would buy her a ticket but that would mean hearing her father harping on it for months. Maybe it would be years before he stopped saying: "You think you're so smart? Well who couldn't manage her own money and had to get bailed out? Who? It wasn't me but it was someone, wasn't it?". She could practically hear him saying it.
A knock on her dorm room freed Linda from that belittling image. She looked up from her computer and said: "It's open."
A girl that Linda vaguely knew entered, shutting the door behind her. Linda thought that the girl lived on the fourth floor, but other than that couldn't really place. Linda thought the other girl had a weird name, but couldn't think what it might be.
"Hi. We don't really know each other. I'm Gwen and I'm on four and I couldn't help overhearing you talking in the common room. You were talking about money troubles." Gwen began.
"It's nothing major." Linda told her. "Nothing to really worry about. Are you the RA for four?"
"No." Gwen laughed. "Just a third year student who knows about money troubles. And solutions."
"Solutions?" Linda asked.
"There's no good way to explain this. Believe me, I've tried several ways and there's no good way to do this, so I'll with the least worst." Gwen began. "First, it's nothing illegal."
"Illegal?" Linda squeaked, wondering at the strange girl she had invited into her room.
"Not illegal." Gwen repeated. "It's got nothing to do with drugs or anything like that."
Linda ran down the possibilities in her mind. If it wasn't drugs then...
"Is it sex?" Linda asked defensively.
"No, not exactly."
"How not exactly?"
"It's wouldn't involve anything you didn't feel comfortable with." Gwen explained. "And that includes anything that you don't want to do."
"Um, how much would it pay?" Linda asked, hoping that whatever it was would be less humiliating than asking her parents for cash.
"That depends on what you feel comfortable with." Gwen answered. "But it would be in the hundreds for a couple of hours work."
"So how much for what?" Linda asked.
"I don't know." Gwen said, then she reacted to Linda's look. "Well I don't. I know what I earn but not what you'd earn and I don't want to give you the wrong figures. Look, do you have some spare time tomorrow? If you do I could take you there and they'd explain it out. With figures. No obligation, you're not committing to anything. They don't even do it there; you wouldn't even have a chance to earn the money tomorrow."
"So when would I get the cash?" Linda asked, glossing over whatever it was Gwen was hinting at.
"You could earn it Wednesday or Friday, depending on their schedule and what you feel comfortable doing." Gwen told her.
"Um, well, maybe I'm crazy but it wouldn't hurt to talk. Um, so when tomorrow?"
Gwen told her, then added: "Bring ID. Lots of it. Something with your photo on and everything that they need for your taxes."
The normality of that last bit, that she would have to fill out paperwork for taxes, was reassuring. Linda ran through her study schedule in her mind. She might be able to make this work. Anything had to be better than asking her parents for cash; anything as long as it was legal.
The next day Linda allowed Gwen to lead her to an office building. It wasn't much, just a converted strip mall. Linda looked around for a directory but Gwen confidently led her to one of the offices. Knock first, Gwen opened the door with barely a pause.
"Eddy? Are you back there?" Gwen called.
Linda followed nervously, only slightly reassured by the floor length windows that fronted the office. The entrance room looked normal enough. A desk with a computer and some chairs in front of it, a couch and two other chairs for those waiting. There was even a long table with magazines on it. It all looked normal enough, but Linda decided not to take any crazy chances.
'I'm not going away from those windows unless I feel safe.' Linda told herself.
A voice called back from a backroom.
"Gwen? You're a bit early. Just let me get this router reset and I'll be right out. Bastard! You're not supposed to do that! Come on, that cable can't be loose again."
"That's Eddy for you." Gwen said with a nod. "He thinks talking to computers make them work better."
"What's he working on? Do you know?" Linda asked. So far she hadn't seen the slightest hint of what they were doing there.
"There's a server room in back there and there's always something going wrong." Gwen said with a shrug. "Eddy said something about adding a new RAID and updating one of the file servers. I'm guessing that one of the routers didn't recognise the changes."
"So this is a computer place?" Linda asked, wondering how she would earn money here.
"Kind of." Gwen nodded. "It's best if Eddy explains it. Come on, take a seat. Not there, one of ones in front of the desk."
Linda stepped back from the couch and took a seat along side Gwen.
Finally an older man entered the office. Linda guessed him to be early forties with a salt and pepper beard and a wavy haircut that didn't try to hide either the grey in his hair or the slightly receding hairline.
"Ah, and you'd be Linda." Eddy said with a smile. "Gwen mentioned you."
As she shook his hand, Linda cleared her voice and said: "Well she hasn't mentioned you, or anything about this place."
Eddy sighed.
"Hey, you know I'm no good at explaining things." Gwen said defensively.
"I know, I know." Eddy said as he sat at the desk. "Okay, here's what I know about you: I know that you need money."
"Um, right." Linda nodded.
"And I know that you're over 18." Eddy continued.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Linda asked.
"It has everything to do with how we run our business." Eddy told her. "Let me explain. XYZ Acme dot com has been through plenty of changes over the years, especially after the dot com crash."
Linda nodded. She had heard about that crash.
"Right now our main business is hosting an adult site."
"Um, you mean porn?" Linda asked.
"Yes, but not necessarily nudity or sexuality." Eddy informed her.
"Um, how do you have porn without that?" Linda asked, looking between Gwen (who was looking a bit embarrassed) and Eddy (who wasn't).
"We run a spanking site." Eddy said matter-of-factly. "We sell photos and streaming videos of spankings. DVDs too. Well, technically we give some of the photos away, but you can't make money without advertising."
"Spanking?" Linda asked, confused.
"Spanking." Eddy nodded. "Between consenting adults. They run the course between total nudity and practically none as well as between hardcore sex and none."
"Um, full nudity?" Linda asked in horror.
Eddy nodded, pretending that she wasn't reacting this way. He was used to it; especial with the models that Gwen brought around. He could see that this was a new concept for her, but the fact that she was still sitting there and not running for the door meant that she either was okay with the way things were going or really needed the money. Eddy hoped it was the former because that always worked out better than when it was the latter.
"Yes, full nudity." Eddy said, turning to the computer. He banished the screen saver and brought up a spreadsheet. "Right now the most plausible scenario for that is someone leaving the shower and being taken to task before she had a chance to put on more than a towel, which quickly comes off."
"Right now?" Linda squeaked.
"Certainly. Different scenarios work best at different time." Eddy informed her. "In the summer the most plausible one is someone wearing a one-piece and it all having to come off so her bum can be bared for a spanking."
"I see." Linda said weakly.
"Of course that's excluding the sex aspect." Eddy continued. "For those the nudity is just part of the sex. Just a fun loving couple including some spanking in with their sex."
"Um, you said that the sex bit was, um..."
"Variable." Eddy said, finishing her sentence. "It can go from real sex to fondling breasts and stroking the outside the genitals to no sex."
"Um, no sex? Um, I that that's um..." Linda said, fumbling for the words.
"I think what you're trying to say is that you aren't prepared to have sexual contact with a stranger in front of a camera." Eddy said, completing her thought.
"That's it." Linda agreed.
"Well, that still leave us with a lot of options." Eddy said, punching a few keys. "There are plenty of people who want to see a spanking with no sex. Now do you have any acting experience?"
"Um, I was in a play in middle school, um, but not really." Linda admitted.
"That's fine. We can't expect every girl to walk through that door to have played Ophelia." Eddy said, nodding. "However, that does cut down on the roles you can play. I can't risk casting in a part that demands good acting until I know if you can handle it. That means that the first video will be one that doesn't require much in the way of acting."
"Um, so what does that leave us with?" Linda asked, telling herself that she could say no at anytime.
"Well, without sex that leaves us with the classic 'I caught you doing something bad and now you're getting a spanking' and something that usually sells well around this time of year." Eddy told her. "It's called 'I'm making a video because I need money to go home for Christmas' and it sells well in December."
"But that's why I might do it." Linda blurted out, not quite committing herself. "It's the truth."
"I know, and that's why it wouldn't require much in the way of acting." Eddy said with a nod. "We just give you a false name and you more or less stick to the truth. Maybe we add something about you wasting your money or being cheated by someone; both are popular. Some people like to see wastrels punished whist other like the idea of someone forced into making a video."
"Whist?" Linda asked.
"It means while." Eddy said with a laugh. "Sorry, it's that mention of Ophelia. I start thinking about the Bard and my language starts getting flowery."
"Um, how would it be done? I mean what would I have to wear?" Linda asked.
"Probably something schoolgirl like, and to answer your real question it would either involve your panties being pulled down or you wearing a thong."
"A thong? I don't usually wear those." Linda answered.
"Don't worry, you give us your size and we'll supply it." Eddy assured her. "A new one out of an unopened package. It's just that we need to show the cheeks. It's weird; you can show a spanking but unless you show red cheeks the viewers seem to think it's fake and they ask for their money back. Or they give a bad review, which is just as bad."
"So my bum would show?" Linda squeaked.
"Everything not covered by the thong." Eddy nodded. "We'd probably start you in a skirt and then pull it up."
Linda blushed. The man had gone from talking about 'someone' and now was talking about her. Using the pronoun 'you'. The whole idea was moving from the abstract to something that she might really do.
"Um, how much would it pay?" Linda demanded.
"For no acting, nudity, or sex?" Eddy asked. "Five hundred dollars."
"Five hundred!?!?" Linda exclaimed. "I've heard about porn starts earning truck loads of money! What are you trying to pull?"
"Nothing." Eddy said, as if he hadn't had to explain this a million times. "If you give me a chance to explain I'll tell you where that number comes from."
"Fine! But it better be good." Linda said in huff.
"First, we aren't talking an entire movie but just one scene." Eddy explained. "Second, you won't be having any sex, not even simulated sex. Third, with the thong you'd be basically beach legal so it's not actually porn. Fourth, there's no acting so we won't be paying you for your talent. All we'd be paying you is to show your body as your bum gets spanked and $500 is what's that worth. If you wanted to do more, to show more, then we could talk but since I won't ask you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with and you're obviously not comfortable with showing more of your body then $500 it is."
"But only $500 dollars." Linda said, almost whining. It would get her home but it wouldn't repair all the damage she'd done to her finances.
"Okay, I'm willing to work with you." Eddy told her. "If you can act a bit, act like you've changed your mind midway though, I'll make it $750 and if you can cry believably for the camera I'll add an extra hundred. If those things work out I'll be able to charge a premium."
"So that's $850?" Linda asked, running the numbers through her head.
"No, that's $500 certain with some maybe money." Eddy told her, wanting her to have all the facts before she made her decision. "If you act badly then people will still pay the basic rate to see you spanked. If it's clear that you're faking tears then people will still pay the basic rate. If you can picture dead puppies and cry on cue then they'll pay more, just like they will if we give them a working story line."
"But why so little?" Linda asked, still focusing on the money.
"We aren't making blockbusters here." Eddy explained. "Just short little videos that have set costs and a limited shelf life."
"But how much can it cost?"
"Plenty." Eddy informed her. "There's your salary and at least one other actor. There's cameras. lights, sound and people to work them. Especially the sound; we screw that up and we can't sell the video. There's the prorated cost of the studio..."
"Prorated?" Linda asked.
Eddy nodded.
"We will be shooting multiple videos so that prorated bit is the amount of rent we have to pay for your scene." Eddy explained. "Then we need to edit it and convert it to a streaming format. Those are fixed costs that we have to pay before we see a penny. Then there's the cost of bandwidth, advertising, and processing fees. There aren't many companies that will process fees for adult websites and they all charge a higher percentage than companies like Seven Eleven pay. All that for a video that might not sell and if it doesn't sell enough before it goes stale then we're out money and have to make it up elsewhere."
"But $500...."
"If you were a proven talent, say you had your own following on the site, then it would be more, but you don't." Eddy told her. "Maybe later you'll want to do another video or two, but that's the future and this is now."
"Wait, you said go stale." Linda accused. "Videos don't go stale."
"These ones do." Eddy said with a sigh. "People always want to see fresh videos which is why we're always making new ones. The idea of a college girl needing money to go home sell well in December, but come New Year's Day and people will want to see a video of the girl who partied too much last night and needs to be punished for it. They might still buy a Christmas video then, but by Valentine's Day it will be long gone from our front page and stuck way back in the archives. Look, I'm not trying to cheat you here. Five hundred is a good rate for no nudity or sex and you have the chance to earn more. If you want to make more videos later then we can talk, but I'm not going over $500 now. Sorry."
"Um, how much does she get?" Linda asked, pointing to Gwen.
Gwen, who was starting to blush.
"She doesn't act in videos." Eddy answered. "She's taking computer science with an empathise on graphics. In another year or two she'll be off to Industrial Light and Magic or some other LA company but right now she works on the servers and edits. And no, she doesn't make $500 a hour doing that."
"What? But..." Linda couldn't grasp it. If the video business was so good, such an easy paycheque, then why wasn't Gwen cashing in.
"Because Gwendolyn here is my niece." Eddy said bluntly. "Her parents don't really like her working in the backroom here, but she needs the money."
"I made up my own budget last year too." Gwen admitted. "Like I said, I know about money troubles."
"As for reasons why she'll never, ever work in front of the camera, let's count the minor ones." Eddy continued. "One, her dad would killed me. Two, her mom would kill me. All of her grandparents are alive so reasons three to six is them killing me. But those are the minor ones. The main reason is I've known her since she was born. You get roped into changing a baby's diaper or giving them a bath and you never want to think of them doing adult stuff. I know she has boyfriends but there's no way I'd ever put her in front of a camera."
"But if it's her call..." Linda started.
"Look, you've babysat, right? A little brother, a cousin, some neighbour's kid? Well can you imagine them doing something like this? Even when they're old enough to do it?"
"Um, no." Linda admitted.
"You really know how to make me feel tiny." Gwen complained. "You know I'm an adult and that I enjoy having..."
"La la la I can't hear you." Eddy responded.
That was what did it. Eddy was acting just like her dad did when Linda tried to explain that she wasn't a little kid anymore. It was so familiar that Linda couldn't picture Eddy trying to screw her on this acting job.
"Okay, I'll do it." Linda said, breaking up the family moment.
"Fine, now let's see your ID. All of it." Eddy said.
Linda produced it and to her surprise Eddy started examining it closely. Closer than any bouncer had ever looked at her fake ID.
"What are you looking for?" Linda asked.
"Air bubbles." Eddy told her. "If this is home made then there might be air bubbles."
As he watched her compare the IDs, checking the pictures and details on both her driver's license and student ID, Linda could only wonder why. Once Eddy seem convinced that they were real he looked up at her.
"Could you tilt your head so you look like you do in these pictures?"
"I guess so." Linda said, tilting her head. "But why all the fuss? It's not like I'm claiming to be 21 or something."
"Why? Let me tell a little story while I start an employee record for you." Eddy said as he turned to the computer. "Once upon a time, long, long ago in a far away... Okay, it was the dawn of the video age when porn exploded, but since that was before you were born that qualifies as long ago for you, and the place was LA which is a long way away here. Anyway, there was this girl named Traci Lords who used a fake ID to break into the porn business. Now that was a porn star - there was nothing and no one she wouldn't do on screen - but she made movies with a fake ID. Her movies made millions and when people learned that she used a fake ID all but a handful of the movies she did became illegal. Now you can forget about all the money people lost and the criminal charges that were laid and focus on the moral outrage. The authorities shouted 'never again'. Now that wasn't the first time they said something like that, but unlike Bosnia and Rwanda this involved porn so they when they said 'never again' they meant it. They brought in a huge number of laws and one of them was called title 18 dot 2257. In layman's terms, if I put a sixty year old in from of a camera and I don't have her paperwork exactly right then I go to jail, pay a huge fine, or both because I didn't make her prove that she was over 18. Now I don't want to go to jail so I make sure all the ID is real and I dot every 'I' and cross every 'T'."
"There's that much paperwork?" Linda asked, wondering what Bosnia had to do with porn.
"Not for you, for me." Eddy clarified. "I have to scan your ID, photocopy it, then photocopy it again right before you shoot. It's a real pain to do but better than being arrested. Now I've got a studio booked for Wednesday and Friday; when's better for you?"
"Um, the weekend would be perfect."
"For you and every other student." Eddy agreed. "Including the film students. That's why the studio rents for more on the weekend. We have to be out by five o'clock Friday or they charge an arm and leg. Keeping the up front costs down is the key to making money in this game."
"Um, well..."
"How does four thirty Wednesday sound?" Eddy asked.
"Let me think... Yeah, I can do that."
"Fine. I'll just photocopy these and print you out a contract." Eddy said, taking her ID to the back room.
As she listened to the hum of the copier, Linda turned to Gwen and asked: "So is an afternoon time good?"
"Not really." Gwen admitted. "Oh, everyone will be on their game and they will have been filming videos for hours so all the girls will just blur together for the guys, but it means he isn't sure if you'll come. He'll ask a couple of girls from earlier shoots to stick around, let their colour fade a bit, then if you pull a no show he'll use them as substitutes to fill the time slot."
"And what happens if I don't show?" Linda asked, picturing gangsters tracking her down and dragging her in.
"Then you don't get paid. But if you still need the money and promise to show then Eddy will probably give you a second chance. He's good that way."
Left unsaid was the need for a steady stream of new faces (and fresh bums) to keep the website going. Gwen could vaguely remember when her Uncle Eddy had money in the dot com day but now his main source of income was this website. New girls meant more customers meant more money meant Gwen got a finder's fee for every desperate co-ed she steered to him. It wasn't hard; there were always girls who needed a little extra cash and this could involve flashing less flesh than working at a strip club and wasn't illegal like hooking.
But Linda didn't have to know that she was just one of a crowd of girls that Gwen had been paid to steer to XYZ Acme dot com so Gwen didn't bother telling her.
When Eddy returned he had one last question.
"Now what do you want to use as a screen name?" Eddy asked. "If you don't have one picked out then I can suggest one."
"Um, maybe you should." Linda answered.
"How about Caroline Daly?" Eddy suggested, looking at his computer.
"Isn't it supposed to be a pet and my mother's maiden name or something like that?" Linda asked.
"That's for porn stars who do real movies." Eddy chuckled. "I use old cast lists, mixing the actor and character names. Tyne Daly played Caroline Beale on General Hospital in 1968 and Caroline Daly sounds like a real name. You gotta love wikipedia. Damn, I wish I'd thought of wikipedia first."
"Um, so that's it?" Linda asked.
"No, I need a bit more information." Eddy told her. "Basically I need to know a bit about you so I craft a scene for you. I'm not going to ask if you're sexually active because there's no sex or exchange of bodily fluid in this scene but I need to know a few things. Do you play spanking games with lovers? Do you fantasise about being spanked? Did you get spanked a lot as a kid?"
"No, no, and no." Linda answered. She knew that her blush was back but couldn't fight it.
"Well that eliminates most of the other questions." Eddy said, typing a few things into the computer. "Now do you think that you could play a roll where you gave other answers? I'm not talking about memorising lines but being told a different set of answers and answering questions based on those."
"Um, like what?"
"Well if we have you spending money hand over fist then you might say that you play spanking games with your boyfriend and once we start say we're doing it too hard and tell us to stop." Eddy explained. "Or if you're playing that you've been forced into it you might say that you've always had a secret fantasy about being spanked or ever since you decided to apply for the job you've wondered what a real spanking would feel like, then when the spanking starts you say this isn't what you expected. Stuff like that."
"Um, I guess I could try." Linda said doubtfully.
"Great." Eddy said, pressing a few more keys.
The nearby printer began to hum.
That will be your contract." Eddy told her. "Sign that, come in on Wednesday, and we'll get this show on the road."
"Um, how will I get paid?"
"A corporate cheque, which you can cash at my bank. There's a branch just off campus. Head there on Thursday and you'll have your cash then." Eddy told her. "I won't bother to do any withholdings, not this time. Between your basic deductions and your education deductions you shouldn't have to worry about taxes, but if you work for me again then I'll have to start payroll taxes."
"I won't need to do this again." Linda told him.
"Maybe not, but from the way you're acting $500 isn't going to solve all your problems." Eddy said philosophically as he picked up her contract. "If you need to work again, say in February or March, you know where to find us. And if you decide to make a mini career out of this, well it's better than stripping."
"Barely." Linda commented
She looked at the contract. The basics were spelled out. For $500 she would do a few lines of dialogue then be spanked over either a skirt and or a thong. If she acted believably when she said she changed her mind her fee would be $750. "Realistic and appropriate tears" would mean a $100 bonus. Scanned copies of her ID were printed on the contract, as was her stage name.
Linda scrawled her signature.
"Good. So I'll see you at half past four on Wednesday then." Eddy told. He scribbled the studio's address (and the time) on a business card and handed it to her. "In the meantime, here's our web address so you can check us out and see what we do."
"Um, I will." Linda replied with a nod.
Gwen nodded along with her. She hoped that Linda would show up for the video but she wasn't going to try to make it happen. Linda would make her own way there or not. Introducing people to her uncle was one thing, but trying to make sure they showed up would make her feel too much like a procurer and ruin her rep on campus. Not that she really worried about that, as long as she stayed away from the freshman students she felt that no one should have problem about her introducing adults to something as harmless as a spanking site.
Making her way back to campus, Linda wondered if she was crazy, if putting up with her dad would be all that bad, if she would show up on Wednesday, and (most importantly) what a spanking really felt like.
Once back on campus, Linda rushed to one of the computer labs. Heading to the back corner Linda was grateful that the usual bunch of "freshmen who were pretending they weren't looking at porn while practically jerking off" weren't in their normal space, so she could discreetly checkout that website. A few clicks later she was there.
She saw pictures of spankings. No videos, at least not for free and she wasn't going to pay for something like that, but plenty of pictures. Guys spankings girls. Girls spanking girls. A few of girls spanking guys. Looking at the dates they were added she could see that new videos were being added practically daily. There were tags, various ones listing instruments, positions, levels of nudity, and (Linda saw with a blush) different sexual activities. Doing a search Linda found variations on the theme that Eddy had proposed for their shoot. Every Christmas, Easter, Thanksgivings, etc there were videos starring "college girls" who "needed just a little extra cash" to make it home. Linda thought that they looked like real college girls, at least they did from the scattered still photos, and to her relief they weren't tagged with any sexual tags. Some were labelled 'bare bum' and others were labelled 'thong', but none of them had any other nudity tags associated with them.
Satisfied that Eddy's offer was legitimate, Linda began looking around the site. Other than the pictures there were some stories in a forum. Scanning through them, Linda couldn't believe most of them. Women saying that just thinking of spankings making them moist. Talking about how they actually came while being spanked. Linda wasn't believing any of them until she got to one where a woman was talking how the heat from the bum spreading 'elsewhere'. That was when part of made a bit of sense to her. That maybe women were mistaking one sort of heat for another.
'But sexy or not it's $500 and I don't even really have to take my clothes off.' Linda thought to herself. 'And I need the money.'
Then classes changed and a horde of geeky freshmen swarmed the lab. Linda closed the browser and logged out before they reached the back of room. Making her way out of the corner Linda saw that some of the boys already had porn showing on their monitors.
When Wednesday came around Linda cut a class and took a cab to the address on the back of the card. She found herself outside a large, plain looking building. The door was locked so she rang a bell. A few minutes later she rang it again. She was debating whether or not to leave when the door opened, to reveal a friendly looking woman.
"Hi. Sorry about that; we were taping and I had to run to the door when I saw the lights flicker."
"Flicker?" Linda asked.
"When we're shooting the doorbell flickers a light so it we don't get an extra noise on the tape. Anyway, I'm Trysh, Trysh spelled with a 'y' instead of an 'i', and I'm kind of the assistant producer, gopher, script girl, and basically everything that someone else isn't doing. And you are?"
"Um, I'm Linda, but I'm filming under Caroline Daly." Linda answered, not wanting to use her real name last. She knew it was on her contract but the fewer people who heard it the better.
"Right! Eddy said you'd probably be here today." Trysh said brightly. "Well come on in. We've got the studio for the rest of the day. Practically everyone is on the soundstage, but I can take you to the dressing room where can get changed. Come on, follow me."
Linda took a deep breath and followed.
The dressing room was a large, broad room. Mirrors lined the walls with a make up counter running under them. Linda tried to focus on the room's details, just so she wouldn't have to focus on its inhabitants.
There was a naked woman, totally completely naked, in front of one of one of the mirrors trying to fix her hair while another one, wearing just a bra and thong, fixed her face in another one.
"Hi everyone." Trysh said brightly. "This is Linda and she's shooting her first video today. Linda, these are Nancy and June."
"Hey." Nancy said, glancing away from her hair. "A word of warning. If Eddy wants you to be completely naked then ask for a shower cap. My hairdresser is going to kill me."
"Don't blame Eddy." June said. "He's just got a limited imagination. There's got to be millions of reasons for someone to be totally naked when she's getting spanked."
"Um, so do you, um..." Linda began.
"Do this often?" June said, completing her sentence. "Pretty much. I've got my own little online following. I'd like to say I really, really love it but I'm basically in for the money."
"Everyone is." Nancy agreed. "Even the girls who really love getting spanked are only here for the money. Unless they're exhibitionists. Otherwise they get what they need at home."
"Make yourself at home." Trysh said. "I've got to check on some details."
Trysh left by a different door, and when she opened Linda could smacking and yelping. She winced slightly at those sounds.
"So did she tell you she spells her name with a 'y'?" Nancy asked.
"Like you need to be able to spell her name to say it." June laughed.
"Um, well..."
"She tells everyone that." Nancy nodded. "She thinks it makes her sound like a real actress or entertainment pro. Her real name isn't Trish or Patricia, but you didn't hear that from me."
"And you do this sort of thing all the time."
"The money's good." Nancy nodded.
"It's better than pole dancing." June added. "I used to work at this crappy dive where the guys were always trying to paw at me. Then one had his hand in his pants and when he tried to shove a dollar in my thong it was sticky. That was the day I quit. This pays the bills and if someone's jerking off he's doing it on the other side of a computer screen where I don't have to see it and nothing gets me sticky."
"Um, yeah, right." Linda said.
It hadn't dawned on her until then that someone would be jerking off looking at her. Maybe hundreds of someones. She knew she was making porn but she hadn't thought about anyone using porn until now. People - men and boys - would be touching themselves as they watched her. It made her feel dirty just thinking about it. Not hot, not flattered, just dirty.
"About the money." Nancy said, still working on her hair. "I was thinking about doing my own website."
"I thought about that." June said. "I even talked to Eddy about it. He'd said he'd set up something and license me my old videos and make new ones for me. Only once we started talking about money he'd be making the lion's share from the old videos and I'd be taking the all the risks for my new site. I ran the numbers and they didn't work, not without me putting up a lot of cash up front and I don't have that kind of money."
"I'm just going to make this one video." Linda offered.
"Most of the girls say that." Nancy said with a smile.
"And most of them mean it." June added quickly, giving Nancy a dirty look. "Check the website. Most of the girls just have a single video."
"But if you change your mind, then Eddy's always there with his offer of quick cash. Where else can you a week's pay for an hour's work? Legally? Without fucking some stranger?"
"Um, well..."
"Oh, leave the girl alone." June scolded. "She's nervous. It's her first time."
"And last time." Nancy chuckled. "Right?"
"Right." Linda asserted.
Trysh stuck her head in the room again. This time no sounds followed her through the door.
"Quick question: do you want a male or female to spank you?" Trysh asked.
Linda's mind raced. She hadn't thought about that. Then she considered being over a man's lap, with him being excited and hard, and answered: "Female."
Trysh nodded and turned her head calling: "She wants a girl."
Then Trysh entered the room and headed to a box. She sorted through bundles of paper before selecting one.
"This script will do." Trysh said. Then she went back to door to the soundstage and called: "Number FF324"
"FF324?" Linda asked.
"It's the script code." Trysh told her. "Female female 324. We have them all printed out here so people can look through them and they've got a printer out there. Did you want to look it over?"
'Sure." Linda answered.
She scanned the 'script', if you could call it that. It was basically an outline that covered what she and Eddy had talked about. She had to say that she was there because her boyfriend, or someone she thought was her boyfriend, had taken all her money and promised to invest in a get rich quick scheme but had taken off. After he left she discovered he had another girlfriend and he had spent of her money on her. It seemed stupid, but Linda could see herself saying those lines.
"Now there's some legal stuff on the last page of the script." Trysh said, taking it from Linda and flipping pages. "It's to cover everything involving consent. Glance it over and initial here and sign there."
Linda looked at the page of legalese. It looked like standard stuff. There was mention of liability and of Linda agreeing to everything stated above.
"Do I sign my real or my..."
"Your real name." Trysh answered, handing her a pen.
Linda initialled and signed.
"Can I get you two to witness this?" Trysh asked, handing the contract over to the over two.
"Sure." Nancy said.
As she signed, Nancy glanced at Linda and said: "You know porn?"
"Um, sure." Linda agreed.
After the signature was witnessed, Trysh returned the script to Linda.
"Read it over and I'll get your wardrobe."
Linda went back to reading, but there wasn't much meat in the script. Her character was interviewing with the office manager about making a spanking video and the office manager wants her to audition and Linda's character agreed to be spanked. Partway through, maybe after Linda's skirt was lifted or maybe a bit later in the spanking, Linda's character tries to change her mind but is held in place and forced to take a spanking for wasting the office manager's time. At sometime Linda might cry, or she might not, but only after she tried to get out of being spanked.
It was basically what she had been preparing for since her talk with Eddy.
Trysh returned with a blouse and skirt set, socks and sneakers, and a thong still in its package.
"Sorry, we didn't get a bra." Trysh told her. "Eddy didn't note your cup size."
"But he wrote down my, um, thong size?" Linda asked.
"Eddy has an eye for bottoms." Nancy noted, still working on her hair. "And if he got it wrong he's usually got a couple of dozen fresh thongs just in case."
"Eddy isn't a tit man." June agreed. "He'll look you in the eye when you'll talking to him but when you walk away from him he's looking at your bum and thighs. He always does. He thinks we don't notice just because he isn't obvious about it, but he's got all of our bums memorised."
Linda glanced at the thong. She wasn't surprised to see that it would fit. It was skimpy, nothing that she would wear to the beach, but it would fit.
"Anyway, either you wear your own bra, if it goes with the blouse, or you go without." Trysh continued in her cheerful voice. "Your choice, as long as it matches. Oh, and nothing that you're not comfortable with. That's Eddy's golden rule when it comes to actresses. If the bra doesn't match and you're not comfortable going without one then you don't have to do the video. You can leave at any time. Of course that means that you don't get paid, but it's your choice. And remember, you know porn."
"Yes, okay. Um, where do I change?" Linda asked.
"This is the dressing room." Trysh pointed out.
"If you want we can look away." Nancy offered, still naked. "Or you can go in the bathroom. It's through that door."
"Um, no, that's okay." Linda said, fighting her urge to blush.
She changed her top first, and everyone agreed that her bra did go with the surprisingly short blouse. It wasn't quite an accident; most schoolgirl blouses were white and Linda had planned accordingly. Then again, this wasn't the average schoolgirl blouse.
"There isn't much to tuck in." Linda pointed out. "It barely goes to my waist."
"That means that there's nothing covering your bum." Nancy pointed out, still working on her head. "You wear your skirt high and when that goes up there's only the thong on your bum."
"Oh. Right. I see." Linda said.
She put on the skirt then lowered her slacks. Once they were off she change into the skimpy thong.
"Did you want to see what it shows?" Trysh asked.
"Um, well..."
"Just bent over, flip up your skirt and look at your bum in a mirror." June prompted. "Eddy doesn't like when someone freaks over nudity. It's best if you find out what you're showing now instead of on the set."
Linda took the woman's advice and checked out her bum in one of the mirrors. Depressingly, the thong showed about as much as she expected it would. But everything important was covered and Linda told herself that as long it was covered the rest didn't matter. So the world would see her pale cheeks turn red, who cared as long she got the money she needed?
After Linda changed Trysh led her out to the soundstage. As she was leaving June looked at her and said: "Remember, you know porn."
"Right." Linda nodded.
The soundstage was divided into sets. One looked like a bedroom, one looked like... Then Linda's eyes were draw to the office set and the rest of the soundstage might as well not exist. That the set where she would perform. There was a woman standing there. Brunette, maybe late thirties, maybe early forties, dressed in a conservative business suit, reading a script. Looking at her, Linda couldn't help picturing herself over that woman's lap, getting spanked.
Then she looked around and noticed everyone else. There were a couple of people working cameras, one moving a boom mike around, and someone fiddling with the lights. A few other people were moving around, but Linda couldn't tell what they were doing.
Then Eddy walked up to Linda.
"Everything's still all right then?" Eddy asked. "Only I have to make a photocopy of your ID. If you're still up for this that is."
"And if I'm not?"
"Then I'll get someone else to handle things." Eddy told her. "Only thing is, you won't get paid if you don't work. Sorry about that, but it's the way of the world. No work, no money."
"I'm still up for it." Linda assured him, reaching into her purse.
"That's good to know." Eddy said.
Linda waited while Eddy photocopied her documents, then he retrieved the back page of her script.
"So you're okay with everything?" Eddy asked. "I don't want you do to think about doing anything that you aren't comfortable with."
"I'm fine with everything." Linda answered.
"That's great." Eddy smiled. "And remember: You know corn."
"Right." Linda said, smiling.
'Weird.' Linda thought as she walked to the set. 'Everyone's saying you know porn, like it's a password or something, but I could swear that he said corn, not porn.'
Once on the set the other actress introduced herself to Linda.
"Hi. I'm Kate and I'm playing the role of Ethel Brackenwood, office manager." Kate said, offering her hand.
"I'm Linda... I mean Caroline Daly." Linda said, correcting herself.
"Where did Eddy get that name?" Kate asked with a smile. "The Guiding Light?"
"No, General Hospital." Linda admitted. "So have you done a lot of these?"
"Enough." Kate answered with a smile. "I'm a regular on the website, pretending to interview people for the site and spanking them. I've done so many of these of these that some people think that I'm really the office manager for the website. As if Eddy could afford an office manager."
"What if I had wanted a male to um, well..."
"Then you would have been spanked by 'Old Joe'." Kate told her. "That character usually enters the shoot pushing a mop or a broom and when he hears someone he sits behind the desk and pretends he's the office manager and spanks them. We use the same actor for that, just like I play Ethel Brackenwood all the time."
"I see." Linda said.
"People." Eddy called over. "If you're ready then we're ready to go."
"Um, so I..." Linda asked.
"I sit there." Kate said, pointing behind the cluttered desk. "Pretending to work. You go there, Roy triggers a knocking sound, and I look up. I say come in, then you walk from there to there and introduce yourself to me. Then we run things more or less by the script. Don't try to deliver your lines perfectly; this isn't Shakespeare."
"Yeah, people keep saying that." Linda muttered.
"We've only been saying that since we added a Shakespearean actress to the payroll." Kate told her.
"What, really?" Linda asked.
"She played Ophelia in a college production and has appeared in a couple of other of the Bard's plays." Kate informed her.
"But... Then why would she..."
"Because drama majors need to eat too." Kate said with a laugh.
"Right." Linda replied, focusing on why she was here. She needed the money.
"And remember: you know corn."
Filming started and Linda stayed in character. It wasn't hard, not with Caroline's story being so close her own life. She hadn't even lied much when she said that she had been curious about spanking since she contacted the website.
Then they got to real point. Kate said: "Well, if you really want to work her then we should give you an audition."
Kate stood and moved, shifting her chair around so its back was against the side of the desk. Linda assumed that it move so that the camera could catch the action better. Linda swallowed hard and rose.
"Right over my lap." Kate said. "That's right, come here."
Linda when over the woman's knees and winced as Kate landed a couple of smacks.
"This will never do." Kate tsked. "I need to see what I'm doing. Let's get that skirt up."
Linda co-operated as Kate raised her skirt.
"Normally I would take down your panties." Kate said. "But that little thong isn't going to offer your buns any protection. None at all."
Linda felt herself agreeing.
"Now let's make sure I have a good grip on you." Kate said, shifting her hold. Linda (of course) co-operated.
Then Kate brought her hand down again. And again. Kate muttered ahs and ouches as the heat slowly built.
"Well you've passed the first part of the audition." Kate said, pausing the spanking and reaching behind her.
"Hairbrush?" Linda asked.
She could remember seeing a hairbrush on desk. It was mixed in with the clutter. Clutter that included a couple of combs, a hair ribbon, a scarf, hairspray, and other hair care products. Linda thought that she might have even seen a barrette mixed in there. Linda hadn't given the hairbrush a second thought.
Then something exploded on her right butt cheek.
"What the hell!" Linda demanded.
"It's a hairbrush dear." Kate said, bringing it down again.
"Hairbrushes have another use." Kate told her. "Let me explain that second use."
"In great detail." Kate said, bringing the brush down again.
"But you didn't say anything OOOH about a hairbrush when we AHHHH! talking." Linda protested.
Kate just chuckled said something about how the site had varied working conditions.
When the brush decided again Linda decided that she had had enough.
"Okay, I'm calling this righ OOOGH! Now!" Linda insisted.
"Sorry." Kate said, bringing the brush down again. "You've agreed to a full audition."
"But I've changed OOH my mind and AHHHH I don't want to OOOOH!" Linda protested.
"I've got a rep to maintain." Kate said, not slowing the spanking. "I can't stop just because you call uncle."
"UNCLE! Linda screamed. "I'm OH calling an end to OOH this."
"You no can do." Kate said calmly.
Linda exploded in a rush of activity. Her arms and legs went wild, or at least her legs did. Her arms were securely held. Very securely. She had even helped Kate make sure that Kate had a good hold on her. The only results of her struggles was an even more secure hold as Kate trapped one of her legs. With that leg trapped and held her legs were scissored apart, Linda could only picture what she looked like. The camera focused on her bum, her legs sprayed apart, the thong being only the thinnest piece of cloth between her legs - Linda could feel the blood rushing to her face almost as fast as it rushed to her backside.
"But I don't OOOH but I said OOOH! I'm changed my mind OOOWW!" Linda protested.
It wasn't the pain. Linda had felt pain before. She had once broken her leg and other than some screaming she hadn't given into the pain. No, it wasn't the pain but the helplessness. Kate had a death grip on her and wasn't letting go. Kate wasn't listening her. The cameramen were there, circling. The sound guy (Ron? Roy? something like that) was keeping the boom mike in place. Other people were just moving around the studio. Linda knew that they could all hear her screaming but no one was doing anything. Eddy had said that they wouldn't do anything that she wasn't comfortable with but he was just standing there while she was screaming no and not doing anything to stop it.
The helplessness. The betrayal. That, more than the pain, was what got to her. Linda's upper lip quivered then she let go. She cried. Not 'cried at a sad movie', not 'cried over a boy', she cried.
Tears ran down her face as she sobbed. She begged and pleaded and sobbed and whined and nothing changed. Kate kept making quips and the hairbrush kept smacking Linda's bum (and occasionally her thighs) and everyone kept doing nothing as Linda screamed for the spanking to stop.
"There!" Kate said firmly as she delivered one last whack. "Now I think you're ready to meet the boss."
Linda was too busy crying to answer. But she stopped protesting as Kate loosened her hold and slowly helped her to her feet. Linda winced as her skirt made contact with her throbbing backside but she didn't slow as Kate led the way to opposite side of the set, to where "the boss's office" was.
Linda was still sobbing when someone yelled cut.
"Good job." Kate said with a smile. "You did better than most first timers."
Linda just kept crying.
The crew was on the opposite sit of the soundstage, filming something about a boy who pushed his sister's friend too far and whose butt was now paying for it. The set they were using looked like a boardroom ('the naughty executive assistant' had been shot there earlier that day). Eddy was sitting at the head of the table, muttering darkly.
"I can't fucking believe it." Eddy muttered. "People don't screw up like this. They just don't fucking screw up this way."
The others standing around the table winced. Eddy didn't normally swear. The last time he had said 'fuck' on a soundstage was the day when an actress with one of the cutest butts he even had on his website was fired for cause. This time it wasn't the actress' butt figuratively on the line.
Then Trysh escorted Linda to the impromptu meeting.
"Hello Trysh." Eddy said. "Sit, stand, whatever you feel comfortable with. I understand you have some concerns."
"Damn right." Linda growled.
"When you came to the office I said I didn't want you to do anything you didn't feel comfortable with. Trysh went over the script with you. You reviewed the details. I talked to you afterward. Kate talked to you about the script before you started. We all talked with you, so how come I'm only hearing about your discomfort now?"
"Now?" Linda exploded. "I was screaming at you during the scene. I was yelling and screaming and you didn't do a thing."
"You were playing a role." Eddy reminded her. "You were playing the role of someone who changed her mind about getting a spanking. When you protested we assumed you were acting."
"Acting? Do you really think that I'm that good of an actress?" Linda demanded.
"I did." Eddy acknowledged. "I was preparing a cheque the full amount. Seven fifty for acting out the part and an extra hundred for the tears. I was even thinking of asking if you wanted to earn extra money by coming back on Friday for another video."
"Like that would ever happen." Linda snorted.
"What I'm saying is you never told me that you wanted things to stop." Eddy continued.
"I screamed and screamed and sobbed and yelled and I..."
"You didn't say the safe word." Eddy said, interrupting her.
"The what?" Linda asked.
"The... Trysh, you reviewed the paperwork with her, didn't you?" Eddy asked, a dangerous tone to his voice.
"Of course I did." Trysh said. "She signed off and initialled. I even got it witnessed."
"I didn't ask if she had signed the paper." Eddy said calmly. "I've seen the paperwork. I've reviewed the paperwork. I know the paperwork was done. That's not what I asked. What I asked was if you went over the paperwork with her."
"Um, well I told her the safe word." Trysh insisted. "I told her. Nancy and June were there; they heard me. They witnessed it and they mentioned her safe word to her."
"No they didn't." Linda insisted. "No one mentioned anything like that to me."
"Linda." Eddy said with a sigh. "I mentioned it to you. I heard Kate mention it to you. See reminded you about it just before the video started."
"Are you crazy?" Linda asked. "What safe word?"
"This one." Eddy said, sliding a photocopy of her form over to her. "The one by your initials."
"Unicorn?" Linda asked, reading the word. "No one said..."
Linda stopped, realisation dawning.
"Oh fuck." Linda moaned. "I thought people were saying 'you know porn'. I didn't expect anyone to mention unicorns and I thought - except you! I thought you said 'You know corn' and..."
"And you didn't ask me why I said that because you didn't want to sound like you didn't know what you were doing." Eddy sighed. "Linda, I am truly sorry for what you went through."
"You're sorry." Linda snorted.
"If it would make you feel better I'll pretend that you said your safe word during the shoot." Eddy said. "I'll dump the video and not use it."
Linda almost agreed to that, but then she glanced at the paper she was holding. To what it said around where she had initialled.
"Would I still get paid?" Linda asked.
"Normally we would stop filming, check on you, and if we could either continue or salvage something then you would be paid." Eddy explained. "But in this case the shoot is long over and we're talking about dumping the video, so no, you wouldn't be paid the full amount."
Linda didn't hesitate.
"I busted my ass for this money, well Kate busted it, and I want it." Linda said. "You can use the video."
The others around the table (especially Trysh with a 'Y') relaxed. Eddy not having to eat the cost of the shoot meant it was likely they all still had jobs.
"Very well." Eddy said. "As long as you're comfortable with that. And in a small, very small and probably pointless, attempt to make things up to you I'll bump your check up to an even $900. I am truly sorry about this misunderstanding and if you are looking for employment in the future I hope that you'll remember us."
"Yeah right." Linda snorted.
"At the very least it's an easy $500." Eddy reminded her. "And in the future you will know about the safe word so this problem won't come up again."
A check was printed and Linda left.
After she was gone, Ted, Eddy's part time accountant (who worked at a cut rate as long as Eddy let him hang around when they were filming), asked: "Do you think that was all just a ploy for more money?"
"Of course not." Eddy said. "For one, as she said, she's not that good of an actress and that really looked like someone was getting spanked against her will. It's too bad we can't plug it that way, but if we tried it would just cause legal problems."
"And?" Ted asked.
"And what?" Eddy asked.
"You said for one." Ted prompted.
"Oh, and for two she didn't raise the topic of money first. If it had been a cash grab she would have asked for fifteen hundred or two grand and she wouldn't have left with anything less than a thousand." Eddy said, basing those figures on years of experience. "No, we screwed up and we'll lucky she didn't try to sue. We'd win in court but we'd lose from publicity. And we wouldn't be able to recruit new actresses. No one would want to work with people who screwed someone like that. No, we screwed up and lucked out when she settled for $50 compensation."
Linda stopped at a drugstore on the way home; some of the other actresses had recommended a cream that could help. Linda stocked up on the cream and hurried back to her dorm room. Rushing, she was able to get back to her dorm before her roommate returned from class. The cream had an odour to it so Linda lit a few candles. She stretched out face down on her bed and pretended to read.
The next day she cut class and rushed to Eddy's bank. She counted the money three times before she left the bank. Then she rushed to her own bank and covered her debts. With her money problems mostly solved Linda tried to that awful experience out of her mind.
Linda didn't think about that day again to mid December when Gwen dropped by her room.
"Knock, knock." Gwen called as she opened the door.
"Come in close it." Linda said. Once Gwen was inside Linda talked quickly. "Look, no offence, but I really don't need money so if that's why you came..."
"No, it's not that." Gwen said, embarrassed. "Look, I heard about what happened. I know it isn't much, but my Uncle Eddy wanted you to have something. A peace offering. It's not much, but..."
"Another fifty bucks?" Linda asked crossly.
"No, some courtesy copies of the DVD." Gwen said. She reached into her bag and produced five DVDs. "Like I said, it isn't much, but he thought you might be able curious about how things turned out."
"You mean it's up?" Linda asked.
"You haven't been checking?" Gwen asked in surprise. "Most actresses check every day to see if their video is up. You mean you..."
"I'm been trying not to think about it." Linda said honestly.
And she was being honest. Even when she awoke in the night emerging from a nightmare (or dream?) of being back on that soundstage Linda tried not to think about it. She tried her hardest not to think about it.
"Well," Gwen said as she handed over the DVDs. "This way you won't have to pay to see your performance. Anyway, I should go."
"Um, thanks?" Linda said, not sure if she meant it.
"You're welcome." Gwen said with a grin. "I've always wondered what it would be like to star in one of those videos but my uncle will never cast me."
"You don't need to be in a video learn what a spanking feels like." Linda said, not sure if she was being helpful or catty.
"Oh I know what a spanking feels like." Gwen said with a grin. "I just wonder what it would feel like to get one with the cameras rolling and the sound guy there and even the caterer."
"Caterer?" Linda asked.
"You mean no one told you about the craft table? Anyway, you take care and remember, if you really need cash again..."
"I'll never need cash that much again." Linda vowed.
Gwen felt good as she returned to her room. She was glad that Linda wouldn't have to pay to see her own video and didn't feel bad about the little white lie she had told. Linda might feel better if she could see the results of that day's work and she didn't have to know that it was because someone had fouled up. An order had come in for six copies of Linda's performance and an idiot had burnt the DVDs without asking "Why would someone want six copies of the same video?". Of course the customer hadn't wanted six copies and they were stuck with five DVDs that no one one to pay for. Giving them Linda had seemed like the right thing to.
Once Gwen was gone Linda quickly hid the DVDs. She was supposed to be studying for an exam, but Linda couldn't concentrate any more. Eventually she went to a computer lab and checked out the website. Linda could only stare at the still photos of Caroline, the girl who was willing to take a spanking for a plane ticket home. It was her face and her story, but as Linda looked at the webpage it helped to think of the girl on the computer screen as Caroline.
Heading back to her dorm room, Linda wished that she dared check the page from her laptop, but she didn't. She knew websites left footprints all over computers and she didn't know how to delete them all. Not that she thought that anyone would be checking her laptop for adult sites, but when went home for Christmas someone might take a peek at it.
But that fear didn't stop her from taking her laptop deep into the stacks and watching one the DVDs. She was amazed at how she looked. Amazed and mortified. At the point when Kate trapped her leg the video showed as much as Linda feared it would.
"I might as well let them take my panties down." Linda muttered.
She still had that thong but Linda didn't think that she would ever wear it again.
The trip home was worth it. Being with her family was great, and at Christmas Linda lucked out. Most of her family gave her cash and gift cards which meant that most her money problems were solved. As far as Linda was concerned she could go through life pretending that the video thing hadn't happen.
The first crack in that idea came on New Year's Eve. That was when Roger Greene came up to her. Roger lived three houses down and Linda had known him all her life. Their mothers even joked about how they used to get baths together. In Linda's eyes he was a cross between a brother and part of the background scenery of the neighbourhood.
Roger was drunk at the party, which wasn't common. Seeing him drunk made Linda uncomfortable. It brought back memories of that time in tenth grade when he had gotten drunk enough to ask her for a date. She had turned him down as gently as she could but it had been hard to be gentle with him being so drunk.
"So um so um, Linda how's college working out?" Roger slurred.
"Pretty good Roger."
"How's it going it college?" Roger slurred.
"Good." Linda answered, using a slightly louder voice.
"Good because um, its, sometime there is problem and..."
"I'm doing fine." Linda repeated.
"Um remember back when you um broke um, broke my model airplane?" Roger asked.
"Maybe. Sure." Linda said, not really remember the incident but agreeing so that Roger would stop talking to her and go bore someone else.
"And um I said um you needed a spanking for brokening it and um you said that no one spanked you um and I better not try and you said that no one ever spanked you."
"Yeah, sure. I remember that. So did you want some more of that punch because it's a good punch." Linda said, switching tactics. If she couldn't get Roger to leave it would be better if Roger passed out quietly.
"Yeah. Um, she had trouble... Money trouble... um... Caroline..."
"You have a friend named Caroline?" Linda asked. "Did she break up with you? Is that why you're drinking?"
"Um, Caroline, she um needed earn money um made video..."
"What are you talking about?" Linda asked.
"Caroline needed video saw video nice video and..." Roger slurred.
Linda had heard about people losing colour but have never really believed it. Until now. Glancing down she saw that her arms were milk white. She wasn't sure if her heart was still beating. The world didn't seem real. This had to be a dream. Roger couldn't have seen that video. No one she knew could have ever seen that video. It was impossible. That video was only a quick paycheque, not something that could affect her life.
"Roger, are you talking a video on the internet?" Linda asked in a hushed voice. "Did you see a video on the internet."
"So that not true." Roger slurred. "Not true that you never um never um spanked getted."
"Roger, we can't talk about this now." Linda told him.
"So how Ethel really like?" Roger slurred.
Linda took him by the arm. She told herself that it was because she wanted to lead him away and not that she needed support standing after Roger said the name 'Ethel'. She wasn't sure how she did it but somehow she steered him to a quiet corner of the party. It took a while; Roger had to sober up enough for him to understand her, but finally, after much repetition, Linda's message got through to him.
"What did you say?" Roger asked beadily.
"I said that we can talk about this later." Linda repeated. "We can't talk now. You're drunk. We can talk about this later. We can't talk now. You're drunk."
"I'm drink?" Roger asked.
"Yes, you're drunk." Linda repeated. "We can't talk now. We can talk about this later. We can't talk now. You're drunk."
"Talk later." Roger nodded. "Sure Caroline. Talk later."
The sight of him staggering away was one of the nicest ones that Linda had ever seen.
Linda left for college three days later. She spent all three days dodging Roger. She was 'out' when he called, ignored his texts and emails, and basically hoped that he would die in some painless accident before he told anyone about that video. Her mother covered for her; all it took was a single white lie. Linda just had to say: "Um, Roger got drunk on New Year's and tried to have a 'serious' talk me" and her mother was glad to run interference. Mostly because her daughter asked her to do it but partly so that Roger wouldn't do anything to embarrass himself.
Before she left Linda told her family that she was looking at a massive workload this term that she wouldn't be able to make it back for Spring Break. They weren't overjoyed to hear the news but they accepted it.
Which meant that Linda had until the end of term to think of something to say to say to Roger.
Once she was safely back at college Linda went to a lab and checked the website. The video was still there but it had dropped off the first page.
"Soon it will be in archives and no one will see." Linda muttered.
Later that month Linda was staring at her computer screen, wishing that the numbers worked. They didn't. She shifted it this way and that way but the problem was the numbers just weren't large enough to begin with.
"I must be crazy to even think about it." Linda muttered. "But it's that or not having a social life. So just one more time and this time for big bucks. And Roger better not see it. Maybe they can block him out or something."
Linda went to XYZ Acme dot com's office, telling herself that she was crazy.
'All I really have to do is cut out a few coffees and most of the pub nights.' Linda thought to herself. 'I can't believe I'm doing this rather than just cutting back on my social life. I must really be crazy.'
Crazy or not, she was still doing it.
"Hello?" Linda said as she opened the office door. "Anyone here?"
"Just a sec." Eddy called from the back office. "I'll be out in a minute. I just need to get the router to recognise the secure server again."
"Um, okay, I'll wait." Linda called back.
It was close to five minutes and Linda wanted to run during each one of them. Finally Eddy emerged.
"Yes, how can I help you?" Eddy said as he entered the room.
"Um, yes, um, I think I want to shoot another video?" Eddy squeaked.
"Another one? Yes, I think I recognise the face." Eddy replied, knowing that faces weren't his strong suit.
"Um, I did the video where I was pretending to be a broke college student and then I kind of forgot about the safe word?"
"Of course!" Eddy said, recognition dawning. "You thought people were saying 'you know porn' when they repeating unicorn. It's Linda, right? You performed as Carol something?"
"That's right." Linda nodded. "I was Caroline Daly."
"Right, Caroline Daly." Eddy nodded. "So you want to make another video?"
"Yeah. Um, yeah. Um, how much... um, you said... more for sex um sh-showing m-m-more?" Linda stuttered.
"Oh, that doesn't matter." Eddy said with a smile. "I never ask an actress to do anything she's not comfortable with."
"B-but but I want to." Linda insisted. "Re-really."
"No you don't." Eddy said kindly. "You can't even say the words. It's clear that you're not comfortable with any of that. There's no way I'd put you in front of a camera when you can't even say the words."
"Um, but..."
"Look, if you really need the money then you can make two videos." Eddy told her. "Making two of them makes more sense than trying to get everything with you need with a single one."
"But I only want to make one more and..."
"Look, I won't try to put you in the camera to do anything that you're not comfortable with and that's that." Eddy said.
"Um, so what kind of video could I do?" Linda asked.
"Well maybe something involving a bare bottom but that's the most you're showing." Eddy told her. "That or another thong video."
"Um, I could do that." Linda nodded. "Um, so what kind of video?"
"Well Valentine's Day is coming up." Eddy said, turning to his computer. "Let's see. Well, here's a popular one. A bratty girlfriend who demands everything for Valentine Day and then berates her boyfriend until he spanks her. If you're not comfortable with a male spanker then maybe you could have stolen someone's boyfriend just for the Valentine gifts and now the ex-girlfriend, who you say can have him back spanks you. Maybe with one of her girlfriends helping to hold you. Or maybe we go with the bratty girlfriend and the boy's friend's sister, mother, or whatever spanks you to teach you manners. Or we could go with you needing cash to go dutch with your Valentine date."
"Um, yeah, that kind of makes sense. I think I could handle doing any of those sorts of videos." Linda nodded.
"I thought so." Eddy said, nodding. "Did you want to use the same acting name? And how about the same character?"
"Um, what's the difference?" Linda asked.
"The name is what we use in the credits and for what the other actors call you." Eddy explained. "The character thing is what we base your script around. Basically, do you want your roles to be that of a starving college student whose boyfriends rip her off or you want to do other roles?"
"Um, well, I don't really know." Linda said. "I haven't really thought about it."
"Well, we can hammer it out before we shoot. How does next Wednesday work for you?"
"So soon?" Linda asked.
"We need to get shooting soon if we want to do a Valentine's day one." Eddy said. "But if you're more comfortable with waiting we can do some other type of video. I'd never ask you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with."
"Um, no, Wednesday is fine." Linda answered. "Um, how much would that pay?"
"The same rate as last time." Eddy answered. "Five hundred for the spanking, seven fifty if you can act out the scene, and a bonus of a hundred for believable tears."
"Um, about that crying." Linda took a deep breath and gave her rehearsed speech. "I need the money so I don't want to have to say my safe word because I really need the money but I might want to say that word so is there something else we can work out?"
"Oh, something can be worked out." Eddy assured her, working out what she meant. "Talk with the person spanking you and you can work something out."
"Something like what?" Linda asked.
"Well there's one actress that says 'sweet baby Jesus' when things are getting too hard to handle." Eddy revealed. "Think of it as a minor safe word. A 'go bit easier or we might lose the video' type thing."
"That sounds good." Linda nodded. "Yeah, I could go for something like that."
"Then that's something that can be worked out on Wednesday." Eddy assured her. "Now did you want some sort of arc? If we use the same character then we might want to think of arc for her."
"No, that's okay." Linda answered. "I'm only doing one more of these things."
"Of course." Eddy nodded. "If that's the way you want it then that's the way we'll do."
As Linda left Eddy made a note in on Linda's file. It wouldn't be the same payment as the first time but Gwen was going to get a finder's fee for this video as well. His niece was great at finding these needy college girls and as far as Eddy was concerned it was cheaper than dealing with an agent.
'Weird how that didn't go as planned.' Linda thought as she packed her room at the end of the year.
She had meant to stop at one more video, she really had, but things didn't work out that way. She had only done a small number of videos, just enough to support her lifestyle and leave a bit left over. Thanks to Eddy's website she had some (not a lot of, but some) money in the bank and small but loyal following on that site. People who followed Caroline's story arc of a nice girl who was forced to do videos then discovered that she liked doing them. Her last video ("Caroline needs money to get home from college") would be posted soon, and it was a good one to end her career on.
Linda knew it was a good one because Eddy had been nice enough to give her advanced copy when he burnt "Caroline Economic Misadventures" for her; it was a DVD collection of all of the videos she had made, and he had even given her a discount on the videos. At least he had given one of for her newer videos; the older ones had already hit the maximum discount on the website.
'Well I did learn a lot.' Linda thought to herself. 'I even learnt that I can act. At least I can when I'm paired up with Jenna.'
Jenna was the drama major who was paying her way through college doing videos and she always brought out the best in her fellow performers. It helped that Jenna had no body issues and would play any role that didn't involve sex because having her around had helped Linda explore new sides of herself.
"And this year I've got a decent summer job lined up." Linda muttered to herself.
While freshmen took any job that they could get Linda had scored a much better job this year. She had crunched the numbers and if she saved as much as she planned to then she wouldn't need to do another video ever again.
'But maybe I will.' Linda thought. 'It might be hard not to. It's so easy using Eddy like a bank machine. But I can worry about next fall next fall. That's four months away. Right now I have to think about what to say to Roger.'
Roger, who had sent a couple of email to her (as opposed to messaging Caroline on the website). Roger, whose emails hadn't been answered. Roger, who she would be seeing face to face within days. Roger, who could easily tell Linda's family about the Caroline videos. Roger, who had to get drunk to talk to her about this. Roger, who she known all her life and still didn't have the slightest idea on how to handle.
'I'd let him spank me if I thought it would get him off my back.' Linda mused. 'But only if it was just the once and I don't seem to do 'just once' that well.'
As she finished packing, Linda hoped that divine inspiration would hit her at some point on the trip home.
"I can't believe." Linda moaned theatrically. "Where did it all go?"
"You should have budgeted better." Stacy smirked. "You live in residence with a meal plan; how could you be broke?"
"I did budget." Linda insisted. "It's just, um, maybe I didn't it right?"
The other girls broke into laughter and giggles, causing Linda to blush deeply.
She had been hoping that one of the other girls could come up with a plan, or a suggestion, or even point out what she had done wrong. Retreating her room she brought up a spreadsheet and tried to see where the problem was.
"I should be able to make a budget." Linda muttered. "Where did I go wrong?"
Last year, when she had been a freshman, her parents had made a budget for her. She had slavishly followed it to the penny, agonising anytime she over spent in any category. But that was then. Last summer she had gotten a killer summer job and since she wasn't taking much from her parents she had insisted on doing her own budget, which she had followed.
Puzzled, she brought up last year's budget and went through. Rent was the same. Well, generally the same; the price had gone up but the budget included that. Meal plan was the same. Books, tuition, everything was matching until she got to incidentals.
She had forgotten to budget incidentals. She had just gone to her account to cover them when they came up.
"Toothpaste and nylons can't be that expensive." Linda muttered.
Then she realised where the money had gone. Incidentals covered toothpaste, but trips to O'Malley's also came from that fund. Anytime she had eaten anywhere but the dining hall. Coffee with the girls. Mid afternoon snacks and power drinks to keep her going. Her entire social life should have been covered by 'incidentals' and since she hadn't budgeted it she hadn't tracked it. September she hadn't tracked it. October she hadn't tracked it. For practically of all November she hadn't tracked it and money had vanished into the black hole of 'didn't track it'.
"So if a round of drinks cost that and my share of a pizza cost that..." Linda muttered.
Some fast math later and she was done. She now knew where the money had gone but that didn't help her. The money was gone and she had to replace it somehow.
"I'm already getting used books, but maybe I could take fifty from there... but then I might not be able to afford all the books I do need. Maybe if I borrow from there..."
There was that word, 'borrow'. It implied paying back, which meant money from somewhere and Linda wasn't going to get anymore until next summer when she was working again. There was no way she could free up extra money for December. She could ask her parents, but that would involve admitting that she had screwed up and that wasn't going to happen. Running the numbers she still had enough (if she cut back on her social life) for everything except Christmas.
Not just gifts, but her ticket home. She had to find some extra money somewhere or she wouldn't be able to go home for Christmas. Linda knew that her parents would buy her a ticket but that would mean hearing her father harping on it for months. Maybe it would be years before he stopped saying: "You think you're so smart? Well who couldn't manage her own money and had to get bailed out? Who? It wasn't me but it was someone, wasn't it?". She could practically hear him saying it.
A knock on her dorm room freed Linda from that belittling image. She looked up from her computer and said: "It's open."
A girl that Linda vaguely knew entered, shutting the door behind her. Linda thought that the girl lived on the fourth floor, but other than that couldn't really place. Linda thought the other girl had a weird name, but couldn't think what it might be.
"Hi. We don't really know each other. I'm Gwen and I'm on four and I couldn't help overhearing you talking in the common room. You were talking about money troubles." Gwen began.
"It's nothing major." Linda told her. "Nothing to really worry about. Are you the RA for four?"
"No." Gwen laughed. "Just a third year student who knows about money troubles. And solutions."
"Solutions?" Linda asked.
"There's no good way to explain this. Believe me, I've tried several ways and there's no good way to do this, so I'll with the least worst." Gwen began. "First, it's nothing illegal."
"Illegal?" Linda squeaked, wondering at the strange girl she had invited into her room.
"Not illegal." Gwen repeated. "It's got nothing to do with drugs or anything like that."
Linda ran down the possibilities in her mind. If it wasn't drugs then...
"Is it sex?" Linda asked defensively.
"No, not exactly."
"How not exactly?"
"It's wouldn't involve anything you didn't feel comfortable with." Gwen explained. "And that includes anything that you don't want to do."
"Um, how much would it pay?" Linda asked, hoping that whatever it was would be less humiliating than asking her parents for cash.
"That depends on what you feel comfortable with." Gwen answered. "But it would be in the hundreds for a couple of hours work."
"So how much for what?" Linda asked.
"I don't know." Gwen said, then she reacted to Linda's look. "Well I don't. I know what I earn but not what you'd earn and I don't want to give you the wrong figures. Look, do you have some spare time tomorrow? If you do I could take you there and they'd explain it out. With figures. No obligation, you're not committing to anything. They don't even do it there; you wouldn't even have a chance to earn the money tomorrow."
"So when would I get the cash?" Linda asked, glossing over whatever it was Gwen was hinting at.
"You could earn it Wednesday or Friday, depending on their schedule and what you feel comfortable doing." Gwen told her.
"Um, well, maybe I'm crazy but it wouldn't hurt to talk. Um, so when tomorrow?"
Gwen told her, then added: "Bring ID. Lots of it. Something with your photo on and everything that they need for your taxes."
The normality of that last bit, that she would have to fill out paperwork for taxes, was reassuring. Linda ran through her study schedule in her mind. She might be able to make this work. Anything had to be better than asking her parents for cash; anything as long as it was legal.
The next day Linda allowed Gwen to lead her to an office building. It wasn't much, just a converted strip mall. Linda looked around for a directory but Gwen confidently led her to one of the offices. Knock first, Gwen opened the door with barely a pause.
"Eddy? Are you back there?" Gwen called.
Linda followed nervously, only slightly reassured by the floor length windows that fronted the office. The entrance room looked normal enough. A desk with a computer and some chairs in front of it, a couch and two other chairs for those waiting. There was even a long table with magazines on it. It all looked normal enough, but Linda decided not to take any crazy chances.
'I'm not going away from those windows unless I feel safe.' Linda told herself.
A voice called back from a backroom.
"Gwen? You're a bit early. Just let me get this router reset and I'll be right out. Bastard! You're not supposed to do that! Come on, that cable can't be loose again."
"That's Eddy for you." Gwen said with a nod. "He thinks talking to computers make them work better."
"What's he working on? Do you know?" Linda asked. So far she hadn't seen the slightest hint of what they were doing there.
"There's a server room in back there and there's always something going wrong." Gwen said with a shrug. "Eddy said something about adding a new RAID and updating one of the file servers. I'm guessing that one of the routers didn't recognise the changes."
"So this is a computer place?" Linda asked, wondering how she would earn money here.
"Kind of." Gwen nodded. "It's best if Eddy explains it. Come on, take a seat. Not there, one of ones in front of the desk."
Linda stepped back from the couch and took a seat along side Gwen.
Finally an older man entered the office. Linda guessed him to be early forties with a salt and pepper beard and a wavy haircut that didn't try to hide either the grey in his hair or the slightly receding hairline.
"Ah, and you'd be Linda." Eddy said with a smile. "Gwen mentioned you."
As she shook his hand, Linda cleared her voice and said: "Well she hasn't mentioned you, or anything about this place."
Eddy sighed.
"Hey, you know I'm no good at explaining things." Gwen said defensively.
"I know, I know." Eddy said as he sat at the desk. "Okay, here's what I know about you: I know that you need money."
"Um, right." Linda nodded.
"And I know that you're over 18." Eddy continued.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Linda asked.
"It has everything to do with how we run our business." Eddy told her. "Let me explain. XYZ Acme dot com has been through plenty of changes over the years, especially after the dot com crash."
Linda nodded. She had heard about that crash.
"Right now our main business is hosting an adult site."
"Um, you mean porn?" Linda asked.
"Yes, but not necessarily nudity or sexuality." Eddy informed her.
"Um, how do you have porn without that?" Linda asked, looking between Gwen (who was looking a bit embarrassed) and Eddy (who wasn't).
"We run a spanking site." Eddy said matter-of-factly. "We sell photos and streaming videos of spankings. DVDs too. Well, technically we give some of the photos away, but you can't make money without advertising."
"Spanking?" Linda asked, confused.
"Spanking." Eddy nodded. "Between consenting adults. They run the course between total nudity and practically none as well as between hardcore sex and none."
"Um, full nudity?" Linda asked in horror.
Eddy nodded, pretending that she wasn't reacting this way. He was used to it; especial with the models that Gwen brought around. He could see that this was a new concept for her, but the fact that she was still sitting there and not running for the door meant that she either was okay with the way things were going or really needed the money. Eddy hoped it was the former because that always worked out better than when it was the latter.
"Yes, full nudity." Eddy said, turning to the computer. He banished the screen saver and brought up a spreadsheet. "Right now the most plausible scenario for that is someone leaving the shower and being taken to task before she had a chance to put on more than a towel, which quickly comes off."
"Right now?" Linda squeaked.
"Certainly. Different scenarios work best at different time." Eddy informed her. "In the summer the most plausible one is someone wearing a one-piece and it all having to come off so her bum can be bared for a spanking."
"I see." Linda said weakly.
"Of course that's excluding the sex aspect." Eddy continued. "For those the nudity is just part of the sex. Just a fun loving couple including some spanking in with their sex."
"Um, you said that the sex bit was, um..."
"Variable." Eddy said, finishing her sentence. "It can go from real sex to fondling breasts and stroking the outside the genitals to no sex."
"Um, no sex? Um, I that that's um..." Linda said, fumbling for the words.
"I think what you're trying to say is that you aren't prepared to have sexual contact with a stranger in front of a camera." Eddy said, completing her thought.
"That's it." Linda agreed.
"Well, that still leave us with a lot of options." Eddy said, punching a few keys. "There are plenty of people who want to see a spanking with no sex. Now do you have any acting experience?"
"Um, I was in a play in middle school, um, but not really." Linda admitted.
"That's fine. We can't expect every girl to walk through that door to have played Ophelia." Eddy said, nodding. "However, that does cut down on the roles you can play. I can't risk casting in a part that demands good acting until I know if you can handle it. That means that the first video will be one that doesn't require much in the way of acting."
"Um, so what does that leave us with?" Linda asked, telling herself that she could say no at anytime.
"Well, without sex that leaves us with the classic 'I caught you doing something bad and now you're getting a spanking' and something that usually sells well around this time of year." Eddy told her. "It's called 'I'm making a video because I need money to go home for Christmas' and it sells well in December."
"But that's why I might do it." Linda blurted out, not quite committing herself. "It's the truth."
"I know, and that's why it wouldn't require much in the way of acting." Eddy said with a nod. "We just give you a false name and you more or less stick to the truth. Maybe we add something about you wasting your money or being cheated by someone; both are popular. Some people like to see wastrels punished whist other like the idea of someone forced into making a video."
"Whist?" Linda asked.
"It means while." Eddy said with a laugh. "Sorry, it's that mention of Ophelia. I start thinking about the Bard and my language starts getting flowery."
"Um, how would it be done? I mean what would I have to wear?" Linda asked.
"Probably something schoolgirl like, and to answer your real question it would either involve your panties being pulled down or you wearing a thong."
"A thong? I don't usually wear those." Linda answered.
"Don't worry, you give us your size and we'll supply it." Eddy assured her. "A new one out of an unopened package. It's just that we need to show the cheeks. It's weird; you can show a spanking but unless you show red cheeks the viewers seem to think it's fake and they ask for their money back. Or they give a bad review, which is just as bad."
"So my bum would show?" Linda squeaked.
"Everything not covered by the thong." Eddy nodded. "We'd probably start you in a skirt and then pull it up."
Linda blushed. The man had gone from talking about 'someone' and now was talking about her. Using the pronoun 'you'. The whole idea was moving from the abstract to something that she might really do.
"Um, how much would it pay?" Linda demanded.
"For no acting, nudity, or sex?" Eddy asked. "Five hundred dollars."
"Five hundred!?!?" Linda exclaimed. "I've heard about porn starts earning truck loads of money! What are you trying to pull?"
"Nothing." Eddy said, as if he hadn't had to explain this a million times. "If you give me a chance to explain I'll tell you where that number comes from."
"Fine! But it better be good." Linda said in huff.
"First, we aren't talking an entire movie but just one scene." Eddy explained. "Second, you won't be having any sex, not even simulated sex. Third, with the thong you'd be basically beach legal so it's not actually porn. Fourth, there's no acting so we won't be paying you for your talent. All we'd be paying you is to show your body as your bum gets spanked and $500 is what's that worth. If you wanted to do more, to show more, then we could talk but since I won't ask you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with and you're obviously not comfortable with showing more of your body then $500 it is."
"But only $500 dollars." Linda said, almost whining. It would get her home but it wouldn't repair all the damage she'd done to her finances.
"Okay, I'm willing to work with you." Eddy told her. "If you can act a bit, act like you've changed your mind midway though, I'll make it $750 and if you can cry believably for the camera I'll add an extra hundred. If those things work out I'll be able to charge a premium."
"So that's $850?" Linda asked, running the numbers through her head.
"No, that's $500 certain with some maybe money." Eddy told her, wanting her to have all the facts before she made her decision. "If you act badly then people will still pay the basic rate to see you spanked. If it's clear that you're faking tears then people will still pay the basic rate. If you can picture dead puppies and cry on cue then they'll pay more, just like they will if we give them a working story line."
"But why so little?" Linda asked, still focusing on the money.
"We aren't making blockbusters here." Eddy explained. "Just short little videos that have set costs and a limited shelf life."
"But how much can it cost?"
"Plenty." Eddy informed her. "There's your salary and at least one other actor. There's cameras. lights, sound and people to work them. Especially the sound; we screw that up and we can't sell the video. There's the prorated cost of the studio..."
"Prorated?" Linda asked.
Eddy nodded.
"We will be shooting multiple videos so that prorated bit is the amount of rent we have to pay for your scene." Eddy explained. "Then we need to edit it and convert it to a streaming format. Those are fixed costs that we have to pay before we see a penny. Then there's the cost of bandwidth, advertising, and processing fees. There aren't many companies that will process fees for adult websites and they all charge a higher percentage than companies like Seven Eleven pay. All that for a video that might not sell and if it doesn't sell enough before it goes stale then we're out money and have to make it up elsewhere."
"But $500...."
"If you were a proven talent, say you had your own following on the site, then it would be more, but you don't." Eddy told her. "Maybe later you'll want to do another video or two, but that's the future and this is now."
"Wait, you said go stale." Linda accused. "Videos don't go stale."
"These ones do." Eddy said with a sigh. "People always want to see fresh videos which is why we're always making new ones. The idea of a college girl needing money to go home sell well in December, but come New Year's Day and people will want to see a video of the girl who partied too much last night and needs to be punished for it. They might still buy a Christmas video then, but by Valentine's Day it will be long gone from our front page and stuck way back in the archives. Look, I'm not trying to cheat you here. Five hundred is a good rate for no nudity or sex and you have the chance to earn more. If you want to make more videos later then we can talk, but I'm not going over $500 now. Sorry."
"Um, how much does she get?" Linda asked, pointing to Gwen.
Gwen, who was starting to blush.
"She doesn't act in videos." Eddy answered. "She's taking computer science with an empathise on graphics. In another year or two she'll be off to Industrial Light and Magic or some other LA company but right now she works on the servers and edits. And no, she doesn't make $500 a hour doing that."
"What? But..." Linda couldn't grasp it. If the video business was so good, such an easy paycheque, then why wasn't Gwen cashing in.
"Because Gwendolyn here is my niece." Eddy said bluntly. "Her parents don't really like her working in the backroom here, but she needs the money."
"I made up my own budget last year too." Gwen admitted. "Like I said, I know about money troubles."
"As for reasons why she'll never, ever work in front of the camera, let's count the minor ones." Eddy continued. "One, her dad would killed me. Two, her mom would kill me. All of her grandparents are alive so reasons three to six is them killing me. But those are the minor ones. The main reason is I've known her since she was born. You get roped into changing a baby's diaper or giving them a bath and you never want to think of them doing adult stuff. I know she has boyfriends but there's no way I'd ever put her in front of a camera."
"But if it's her call..." Linda started.
"Look, you've babysat, right? A little brother, a cousin, some neighbour's kid? Well can you imagine them doing something like this? Even when they're old enough to do it?"
"Um, no." Linda admitted.
"You really know how to make me feel tiny." Gwen complained. "You know I'm an adult and that I enjoy having..."
"La la la I can't hear you." Eddy responded.
That was what did it. Eddy was acting just like her dad did when Linda tried to explain that she wasn't a little kid anymore. It was so familiar that Linda couldn't picture Eddy trying to screw her on this acting job.
"Okay, I'll do it." Linda said, breaking up the family moment.
"Fine, now let's see your ID. All of it." Eddy said.
Linda produced it and to her surprise Eddy started examining it closely. Closer than any bouncer had ever looked at her fake ID.
"What are you looking for?" Linda asked.
"Air bubbles." Eddy told her. "If this is home made then there might be air bubbles."
As he watched her compare the IDs, checking the pictures and details on both her driver's license and student ID, Linda could only wonder why. Once Eddy seem convinced that they were real he looked up at her.
"Could you tilt your head so you look like you do in these pictures?"
"I guess so." Linda said, tilting her head. "But why all the fuss? It's not like I'm claiming to be 21 or something."
"Why? Let me tell a little story while I start an employee record for you." Eddy said as he turned to the computer. "Once upon a time, long, long ago in a far away... Okay, it was the dawn of the video age when porn exploded, but since that was before you were born that qualifies as long ago for you, and the place was LA which is a long way away here. Anyway, there was this girl named Traci Lords who used a fake ID to break into the porn business. Now that was a porn star - there was nothing and no one she wouldn't do on screen - but she made movies with a fake ID. Her movies made millions and when people learned that she used a fake ID all but a handful of the movies she did became illegal. Now you can forget about all the money people lost and the criminal charges that were laid and focus on the moral outrage. The authorities shouted 'never again'. Now that wasn't the first time they said something like that, but unlike Bosnia and Rwanda this involved porn so they when they said 'never again' they meant it. They brought in a huge number of laws and one of them was called title 18 dot 2257. In layman's terms, if I put a sixty year old in from of a camera and I don't have her paperwork exactly right then I go to jail, pay a huge fine, or both because I didn't make her prove that she was over 18. Now I don't want to go to jail so I make sure all the ID is real and I dot every 'I' and cross every 'T'."
"There's that much paperwork?" Linda asked, wondering what Bosnia had to do with porn.
"Not for you, for me." Eddy clarified. "I have to scan your ID, photocopy it, then photocopy it again right before you shoot. It's a real pain to do but better than being arrested. Now I've got a studio booked for Wednesday and Friday; when's better for you?"
"Um, the weekend would be perfect."
"For you and every other student." Eddy agreed. "Including the film students. That's why the studio rents for more on the weekend. We have to be out by five o'clock Friday or they charge an arm and leg. Keeping the up front costs down is the key to making money in this game."
"Um, well..."
"How does four thirty Wednesday sound?" Eddy asked.
"Let me think... Yeah, I can do that."
"Fine. I'll just photocopy these and print you out a contract." Eddy said, taking her ID to the back room.
As she listened to the hum of the copier, Linda turned to Gwen and asked: "So is an afternoon time good?"
"Not really." Gwen admitted. "Oh, everyone will be on their game and they will have been filming videos for hours so all the girls will just blur together for the guys, but it means he isn't sure if you'll come. He'll ask a couple of girls from earlier shoots to stick around, let their colour fade a bit, then if you pull a no show he'll use them as substitutes to fill the time slot."
"And what happens if I don't show?" Linda asked, picturing gangsters tracking her down and dragging her in.
"Then you don't get paid. But if you still need the money and promise to show then Eddy will probably give you a second chance. He's good that way."
Left unsaid was the need for a steady stream of new faces (and fresh bums) to keep the website going. Gwen could vaguely remember when her Uncle Eddy had money in the dot com day but now his main source of income was this website. New girls meant more customers meant more money meant Gwen got a finder's fee for every desperate co-ed she steered to him. It wasn't hard; there were always girls who needed a little extra cash and this could involve flashing less flesh than working at a strip club and wasn't illegal like hooking.
But Linda didn't have to know that she was just one of a crowd of girls that Gwen had been paid to steer to XYZ Acme dot com so Gwen didn't bother telling her.
When Eddy returned he had one last question.
"Now what do you want to use as a screen name?" Eddy asked. "If you don't have one picked out then I can suggest one."
"Um, maybe you should." Linda answered.
"How about Caroline Daly?" Eddy suggested, looking at his computer.
"Isn't it supposed to be a pet and my mother's maiden name or something like that?" Linda asked.
"That's for porn stars who do real movies." Eddy chuckled. "I use old cast lists, mixing the actor and character names. Tyne Daly played Caroline Beale on General Hospital in 1968 and Caroline Daly sounds like a real name. You gotta love wikipedia. Damn, I wish I'd thought of wikipedia first."
"Um, so that's it?" Linda asked.
"No, I need a bit more information." Eddy told her. "Basically I need to know a bit about you so I craft a scene for you. I'm not going to ask if you're sexually active because there's no sex or exchange of bodily fluid in this scene but I need to know a few things. Do you play spanking games with lovers? Do you fantasise about being spanked? Did you get spanked a lot as a kid?"
"No, no, and no." Linda answered. She knew that her blush was back but couldn't fight it.
"Well that eliminates most of the other questions." Eddy said, typing a few things into the computer. "Now do you think that you could play a roll where you gave other answers? I'm not talking about memorising lines but being told a different set of answers and answering questions based on those."
"Um, like what?"
"Well if we have you spending money hand over fist then you might say that you play spanking games with your boyfriend and once we start say we're doing it too hard and tell us to stop." Eddy explained. "Or if you're playing that you've been forced into it you might say that you've always had a secret fantasy about being spanked or ever since you decided to apply for the job you've wondered what a real spanking would feel like, then when the spanking starts you say this isn't what you expected. Stuff like that."
"Um, I guess I could try." Linda said doubtfully.
"Great." Eddy said, pressing a few more keys.
The nearby printer began to hum.
That will be your contract." Eddy told her. "Sign that, come in on Wednesday, and we'll get this show on the road."
"Um, how will I get paid?"
"A corporate cheque, which you can cash at my bank. There's a branch just off campus. Head there on Thursday and you'll have your cash then." Eddy told her. "I won't bother to do any withholdings, not this time. Between your basic deductions and your education deductions you shouldn't have to worry about taxes, but if you work for me again then I'll have to start payroll taxes."
"I won't need to do this again." Linda told him.
"Maybe not, but from the way you're acting $500 isn't going to solve all your problems." Eddy said philosophically as he picked up her contract. "If you need to work again, say in February or March, you know where to find us. And if you decide to make a mini career out of this, well it's better than stripping."
"Barely." Linda commented
She looked at the contract. The basics were spelled out. For $500 she would do a few lines of dialogue then be spanked over either a skirt and or a thong. If she acted believably when she said she changed her mind her fee would be $750. "Realistic and appropriate tears" would mean a $100 bonus. Scanned copies of her ID were printed on the contract, as was her stage name.
Linda scrawled her signature.
"Good. So I'll see you at half past four on Wednesday then." Eddy told. He scribbled the studio's address (and the time) on a business card and handed it to her. "In the meantime, here's our web address so you can check us out and see what we do."
"Um, I will." Linda replied with a nod.
Gwen nodded along with her. She hoped that Linda would show up for the video but she wasn't going to try to make it happen. Linda would make her own way there or not. Introducing people to her uncle was one thing, but trying to make sure they showed up would make her feel too much like a procurer and ruin her rep on campus. Not that she really worried about that, as long as she stayed away from the freshman students she felt that no one should have problem about her introducing adults to something as harmless as a spanking site.
Making her way back to campus, Linda wondered if she was crazy, if putting up with her dad would be all that bad, if she would show up on Wednesday, and (most importantly) what a spanking really felt like.
Once back on campus, Linda rushed to one of the computer labs. Heading to the back corner Linda was grateful that the usual bunch of "freshmen who were pretending they weren't looking at porn while practically jerking off" weren't in their normal space, so she could discreetly checkout that website. A few clicks later she was there.
She saw pictures of spankings. No videos, at least not for free and she wasn't going to pay for something like that, but plenty of pictures. Guys spankings girls. Girls spanking girls. A few of girls spanking guys. Looking at the dates they were added she could see that new videos were being added practically daily. There were tags, various ones listing instruments, positions, levels of nudity, and (Linda saw with a blush) different sexual activities. Doing a search Linda found variations on the theme that Eddy had proposed for their shoot. Every Christmas, Easter, Thanksgivings, etc there were videos starring "college girls" who "needed just a little extra cash" to make it home. Linda thought that they looked like real college girls, at least they did from the scattered still photos, and to her relief they weren't tagged with any sexual tags. Some were labelled 'bare bum' and others were labelled 'thong', but none of them had any other nudity tags associated with them.
Satisfied that Eddy's offer was legitimate, Linda began looking around the site. Other than the pictures there were some stories in a forum. Scanning through them, Linda couldn't believe most of them. Women saying that just thinking of spankings making them moist. Talking about how they actually came while being spanked. Linda wasn't believing any of them until she got to one where a woman was talking how the heat from the bum spreading 'elsewhere'. That was when part of made a bit of sense to her. That maybe women were mistaking one sort of heat for another.
'But sexy or not it's $500 and I don't even really have to take my clothes off.' Linda thought to herself. 'And I need the money.'
Then classes changed and a horde of geeky freshmen swarmed the lab. Linda closed the browser and logged out before they reached the back of room. Making her way out of the corner Linda saw that some of the boys already had porn showing on their monitors.
When Wednesday came around Linda cut a class and took a cab to the address on the back of the card. She found herself outside a large, plain looking building. The door was locked so she rang a bell. A few minutes later she rang it again. She was debating whether or not to leave when the door opened, to reveal a friendly looking woman.
"Hi. Sorry about that; we were taping and I had to run to the door when I saw the lights flicker."
"Flicker?" Linda asked.
"When we're shooting the doorbell flickers a light so it we don't get an extra noise on the tape. Anyway, I'm Trysh, Trysh spelled with a 'y' instead of an 'i', and I'm kind of the assistant producer, gopher, script girl, and basically everything that someone else isn't doing. And you are?"
"Um, I'm Linda, but I'm filming under Caroline Daly." Linda answered, not wanting to use her real name last. She knew it was on her contract but the fewer people who heard it the better.
"Right! Eddy said you'd probably be here today." Trysh said brightly. "Well come on in. We've got the studio for the rest of the day. Practically everyone is on the soundstage, but I can take you to the dressing room where can get changed. Come on, follow me."
Linda took a deep breath and followed.
The dressing room was a large, broad room. Mirrors lined the walls with a make up counter running under them. Linda tried to focus on the room's details, just so she wouldn't have to focus on its inhabitants.
There was a naked woman, totally completely naked, in front of one of one of the mirrors trying to fix her hair while another one, wearing just a bra and thong, fixed her face in another one.
"Hi everyone." Trysh said brightly. "This is Linda and she's shooting her first video today. Linda, these are Nancy and June."
"Hey." Nancy said, glancing away from her hair. "A word of warning. If Eddy wants you to be completely naked then ask for a shower cap. My hairdresser is going to kill me."
"Don't blame Eddy." June said. "He's just got a limited imagination. There's got to be millions of reasons for someone to be totally naked when she's getting spanked."
"Um, so do you, um..." Linda began.
"Do this often?" June said, completing her sentence. "Pretty much. I've got my own little online following. I'd like to say I really, really love it but I'm basically in for the money."
"Everyone is." Nancy agreed. "Even the girls who really love getting spanked are only here for the money. Unless they're exhibitionists. Otherwise they get what they need at home."
"Make yourself at home." Trysh said. "I've got to check on some details."
Trysh left by a different door, and when she opened Linda could smacking and yelping. She winced slightly at those sounds.
"So did she tell you she spells her name with a 'y'?" Nancy asked.
"Like you need to be able to spell her name to say it." June laughed.
"Um, well..."
"She tells everyone that." Nancy nodded. "She thinks it makes her sound like a real actress or entertainment pro. Her real name isn't Trish or Patricia, but you didn't hear that from me."
"And you do this sort of thing all the time."
"The money's good." Nancy nodded.
"It's better than pole dancing." June added. "I used to work at this crappy dive where the guys were always trying to paw at me. Then one had his hand in his pants and when he tried to shove a dollar in my thong it was sticky. That was the day I quit. This pays the bills and if someone's jerking off he's doing it on the other side of a computer screen where I don't have to see it and nothing gets me sticky."
"Um, yeah, right." Linda said.
It hadn't dawned on her until then that someone would be jerking off looking at her. Maybe hundreds of someones. She knew she was making porn but she hadn't thought about anyone using porn until now. People - men and boys - would be touching themselves as they watched her. It made her feel dirty just thinking about it. Not hot, not flattered, just dirty.
"About the money." Nancy said, still working on her hair. "I was thinking about doing my own website."
"I thought about that." June said. "I even talked to Eddy about it. He'd said he'd set up something and license me my old videos and make new ones for me. Only once we started talking about money he'd be making the lion's share from the old videos and I'd be taking the all the risks for my new site. I ran the numbers and they didn't work, not without me putting up a lot of cash up front and I don't have that kind of money."
"I'm just going to make this one video." Linda offered.
"Most of the girls say that." Nancy said with a smile.
"And most of them mean it." June added quickly, giving Nancy a dirty look. "Check the website. Most of the girls just have a single video."
"But if you change your mind, then Eddy's always there with his offer of quick cash. Where else can you a week's pay for an hour's work? Legally? Without fucking some stranger?"
"Um, well..."
"Oh, leave the girl alone." June scolded. "She's nervous. It's her first time."
"And last time." Nancy chuckled. "Right?"
"Right." Linda asserted.
Trysh stuck her head in the room again. This time no sounds followed her through the door.
"Quick question: do you want a male or female to spank you?" Trysh asked.
Linda's mind raced. She hadn't thought about that. Then she considered being over a man's lap, with him being excited and hard, and answered: "Female."
Trysh nodded and turned her head calling: "She wants a girl."
Then Trysh entered the room and headed to a box. She sorted through bundles of paper before selecting one.
"This script will do." Trysh said. Then she went back to door to the soundstage and called: "Number FF324"
"FF324?" Linda asked.
"It's the script code." Trysh told her. "Female female 324. We have them all printed out here so people can look through them and they've got a printer out there. Did you want to look it over?"
'Sure." Linda answered.
She scanned the 'script', if you could call it that. It was basically an outline that covered what she and Eddy had talked about. She had to say that she was there because her boyfriend, or someone she thought was her boyfriend, had taken all her money and promised to invest in a get rich quick scheme but had taken off. After he left she discovered he had another girlfriend and he had spent of her money on her. It seemed stupid, but Linda could see herself saying those lines.
"Now there's some legal stuff on the last page of the script." Trysh said, taking it from Linda and flipping pages. "It's to cover everything involving consent. Glance it over and initial here and sign there."
Linda looked at the page of legalese. It looked like standard stuff. There was mention of liability and of Linda agreeing to everything stated above.
"Do I sign my real or my..."
"Your real name." Trysh answered, handing her a pen.
Linda initialled and signed.
"Can I get you two to witness this?" Trysh asked, handing the contract over to the over two.
"Sure." Nancy said.
As she signed, Nancy glanced at Linda and said: "You know porn?"
"Um, sure." Linda agreed.
After the signature was witnessed, Trysh returned the script to Linda.
"Read it over and I'll get your wardrobe."
Linda went back to reading, but there wasn't much meat in the script. Her character was interviewing with the office manager about making a spanking video and the office manager wants her to audition and Linda's character agreed to be spanked. Partway through, maybe after Linda's skirt was lifted or maybe a bit later in the spanking, Linda's character tries to change her mind but is held in place and forced to take a spanking for wasting the office manager's time. At sometime Linda might cry, or she might not, but only after she tried to get out of being spanked.
It was basically what she had been preparing for since her talk with Eddy.
Trysh returned with a blouse and skirt set, socks and sneakers, and a thong still in its package.
"Sorry, we didn't get a bra." Trysh told her. "Eddy didn't note your cup size."
"But he wrote down my, um, thong size?" Linda asked.
"Eddy has an eye for bottoms." Nancy noted, still working on her hair. "And if he got it wrong he's usually got a couple of dozen fresh thongs just in case."
"Eddy isn't a tit man." June agreed. "He'll look you in the eye when you'll talking to him but when you walk away from him he's looking at your bum and thighs. He always does. He thinks we don't notice just because he isn't obvious about it, but he's got all of our bums memorised."
Linda glanced at the thong. She wasn't surprised to see that it would fit. It was skimpy, nothing that she would wear to the beach, but it would fit.
"Anyway, either you wear your own bra, if it goes with the blouse, or you go without." Trysh continued in her cheerful voice. "Your choice, as long as it matches. Oh, and nothing that you're not comfortable with. That's Eddy's golden rule when it comes to actresses. If the bra doesn't match and you're not comfortable going without one then you don't have to do the video. You can leave at any time. Of course that means that you don't get paid, but it's your choice. And remember, you know porn."
"Yes, okay. Um, where do I change?" Linda asked.
"This is the dressing room." Trysh pointed out.
"If you want we can look away." Nancy offered, still naked. "Or you can go in the bathroom. It's through that door."
"Um, no, that's okay." Linda said, fighting her urge to blush.
She changed her top first, and everyone agreed that her bra did go with the surprisingly short blouse. It wasn't quite an accident; most schoolgirl blouses were white and Linda had planned accordingly. Then again, this wasn't the average schoolgirl blouse.
"There isn't much to tuck in." Linda pointed out. "It barely goes to my waist."
"That means that there's nothing covering your bum." Nancy pointed out, still working on her head. "You wear your skirt high and when that goes up there's only the thong on your bum."
"Oh. Right. I see." Linda said.
She put on the skirt then lowered her slacks. Once they were off she change into the skimpy thong.
"Did you want to see what it shows?" Trysh asked.
"Um, well..."
"Just bent over, flip up your skirt and look at your bum in a mirror." June prompted. "Eddy doesn't like when someone freaks over nudity. It's best if you find out what you're showing now instead of on the set."
Linda took the woman's advice and checked out her bum in one of the mirrors. Depressingly, the thong showed about as much as she expected it would. But everything important was covered and Linda told herself that as long it was covered the rest didn't matter. So the world would see her pale cheeks turn red, who cared as long she got the money she needed?
After Linda changed Trysh led her out to the soundstage. As she was leaving June looked at her and said: "Remember, you know porn."
"Right." Linda nodded.
The soundstage was divided into sets. One looked like a bedroom, one looked like... Then Linda's eyes were draw to the office set and the rest of the soundstage might as well not exist. That the set where she would perform. There was a woman standing there. Brunette, maybe late thirties, maybe early forties, dressed in a conservative business suit, reading a script. Looking at her, Linda couldn't help picturing herself over that woman's lap, getting spanked.
Then she looked around and noticed everyone else. There were a couple of people working cameras, one moving a boom mike around, and someone fiddling with the lights. A few other people were moving around, but Linda couldn't tell what they were doing.
Then Eddy walked up to Linda.
"Everything's still all right then?" Eddy asked. "Only I have to make a photocopy of your ID. If you're still up for this that is."
"And if I'm not?"
"Then I'll get someone else to handle things." Eddy told her. "Only thing is, you won't get paid if you don't work. Sorry about that, but it's the way of the world. No work, no money."
"I'm still up for it." Linda assured him, reaching into her purse.
"That's good to know." Eddy said.
Linda waited while Eddy photocopied her documents, then he retrieved the back page of her script.
"So you're okay with everything?" Eddy asked. "I don't want you do to think about doing anything that you aren't comfortable with."
"I'm fine with everything." Linda answered.
"That's great." Eddy smiled. "And remember: You know corn."
"Right." Linda said, smiling.
'Weird.' Linda thought as she walked to the set. 'Everyone's saying you know porn, like it's a password or something, but I could swear that he said corn, not porn.'
Once on the set the other actress introduced herself to Linda.
"Hi. I'm Kate and I'm playing the role of Ethel Brackenwood, office manager." Kate said, offering her hand.
"I'm Linda... I mean Caroline Daly." Linda said, correcting herself.
"Where did Eddy get that name?" Kate asked with a smile. "The Guiding Light?"
"No, General Hospital." Linda admitted. "So have you done a lot of these?"
"Enough." Kate answered with a smile. "I'm a regular on the website, pretending to interview people for the site and spanking them. I've done so many of these of these that some people think that I'm really the office manager for the website. As if Eddy could afford an office manager."
"What if I had wanted a male to um, well..."
"Then you would have been spanked by 'Old Joe'." Kate told her. "That character usually enters the shoot pushing a mop or a broom and when he hears someone he sits behind the desk and pretends he's the office manager and spanks them. We use the same actor for that, just like I play Ethel Brackenwood all the time."
"I see." Linda said.
"People." Eddy called over. "If you're ready then we're ready to go."
"Um, so I..." Linda asked.
"I sit there." Kate said, pointing behind the cluttered desk. "Pretending to work. You go there, Roy triggers a knocking sound, and I look up. I say come in, then you walk from there to there and introduce yourself to me. Then we run things more or less by the script. Don't try to deliver your lines perfectly; this isn't Shakespeare."
"Yeah, people keep saying that." Linda muttered.
"We've only been saying that since we added a Shakespearean actress to the payroll." Kate told her.
"What, really?" Linda asked.
"She played Ophelia in a college production and has appeared in a couple of other of the Bard's plays." Kate informed her.
"But... Then why would she..."
"Because drama majors need to eat too." Kate said with a laugh.
"Right." Linda replied, focusing on why she was here. She needed the money.
"And remember: you know corn."
Filming started and Linda stayed in character. It wasn't hard, not with Caroline's story being so close her own life. She hadn't even lied much when she said that she had been curious about spanking since she contacted the website.
Then they got to real point. Kate said: "Well, if you really want to work her then we should give you an audition."
Kate stood and moved, shifting her chair around so its back was against the side of the desk. Linda assumed that it move so that the camera could catch the action better. Linda swallowed hard and rose.
"Right over my lap." Kate said. "That's right, come here."
Linda when over the woman's knees and winced as Kate landed a couple of smacks.
"This will never do." Kate tsked. "I need to see what I'm doing. Let's get that skirt up."
Linda co-operated as Kate raised her skirt.
"Normally I would take down your panties." Kate said. "But that little thong isn't going to offer your buns any protection. None at all."
Linda felt herself agreeing.
"Now let's make sure I have a good grip on you." Kate said, shifting her hold. Linda (of course) co-operated.
Then Kate brought her hand down again. And again. Kate muttered ahs and ouches as the heat slowly built.
"Well you've passed the first part of the audition." Kate said, pausing the spanking and reaching behind her.
"Hairbrush?" Linda asked.
She could remember seeing a hairbrush on desk. It was mixed in with the clutter. Clutter that included a couple of combs, a hair ribbon, a scarf, hairspray, and other hair care products. Linda thought that she might have even seen a barrette mixed in there. Linda hadn't given the hairbrush a second thought.
Then something exploded on her right butt cheek.
"What the hell!" Linda demanded.
"It's a hairbrush dear." Kate said, bringing it down again.
"Hairbrushes have another use." Kate told her. "Let me explain that second use."
"In great detail." Kate said, bringing the brush down again.
"But you didn't say anything OOOH about a hairbrush when we AHHHH! talking." Linda protested.
Kate just chuckled said something about how the site had varied working conditions.
When the brush decided again Linda decided that she had had enough.
"Okay, I'm calling this righ OOOGH! Now!" Linda insisted.
"Sorry." Kate said, bringing the brush down again. "You've agreed to a full audition."
"But I've changed OOH my mind and AHHHH I don't want to OOOOH!" Linda protested.
"I've got a rep to maintain." Kate said, not slowing the spanking. "I can't stop just because you call uncle."
"UNCLE! Linda screamed. "I'm OH calling an end to OOH this."
"You no can do." Kate said calmly.
Linda exploded in a rush of activity. Her arms and legs went wild, or at least her legs did. Her arms were securely held. Very securely. She had even helped Kate make sure that Kate had a good hold on her. The only results of her struggles was an even more secure hold as Kate trapped one of her legs. With that leg trapped and held her legs were scissored apart, Linda could only picture what she looked like. The camera focused on her bum, her legs sprayed apart, the thong being only the thinnest piece of cloth between her legs - Linda could feel the blood rushing to her face almost as fast as it rushed to her backside.
"But I don't OOOH but I said OOOH! I'm changed my mind OOOWW!" Linda protested.
It wasn't the pain. Linda had felt pain before. She had once broken her leg and other than some screaming she hadn't given into the pain. No, it wasn't the pain but the helplessness. Kate had a death grip on her and wasn't letting go. Kate wasn't listening her. The cameramen were there, circling. The sound guy (Ron? Roy? something like that) was keeping the boom mike in place. Other people were just moving around the studio. Linda knew that they could all hear her screaming but no one was doing anything. Eddy had said that they wouldn't do anything that she wasn't comfortable with but he was just standing there while she was screaming no and not doing anything to stop it.
The helplessness. The betrayal. That, more than the pain, was what got to her. Linda's upper lip quivered then she let go. She cried. Not 'cried at a sad movie', not 'cried over a boy', she cried.
Tears ran down her face as she sobbed. She begged and pleaded and sobbed and whined and nothing changed. Kate kept making quips and the hairbrush kept smacking Linda's bum (and occasionally her thighs) and everyone kept doing nothing as Linda screamed for the spanking to stop.
"There!" Kate said firmly as she delivered one last whack. "Now I think you're ready to meet the boss."
Linda was too busy crying to answer. But she stopped protesting as Kate loosened her hold and slowly helped her to her feet. Linda winced as her skirt made contact with her throbbing backside but she didn't slow as Kate led the way to opposite side of the set, to where "the boss's office" was.
Linda was still sobbing when someone yelled cut.
"Good job." Kate said with a smile. "You did better than most first timers."
Linda just kept crying.
The crew was on the opposite sit of the soundstage, filming something about a boy who pushed his sister's friend too far and whose butt was now paying for it. The set they were using looked like a boardroom ('the naughty executive assistant' had been shot there earlier that day). Eddy was sitting at the head of the table, muttering darkly.
"I can't fucking believe it." Eddy muttered. "People don't screw up like this. They just don't fucking screw up this way."
The others standing around the table winced. Eddy didn't normally swear. The last time he had said 'fuck' on a soundstage was the day when an actress with one of the cutest butts he even had on his website was fired for cause. This time it wasn't the actress' butt figuratively on the line.
Then Trysh escorted Linda to the impromptu meeting.
"Hello Trysh." Eddy said. "Sit, stand, whatever you feel comfortable with. I understand you have some concerns."
"Damn right." Linda growled.
"When you came to the office I said I didn't want you to do anything you didn't feel comfortable with. Trysh went over the script with you. You reviewed the details. I talked to you afterward. Kate talked to you about the script before you started. We all talked with you, so how come I'm only hearing about your discomfort now?"
"Now?" Linda exploded. "I was screaming at you during the scene. I was yelling and screaming and you didn't do a thing."
"You were playing a role." Eddy reminded her. "You were playing the role of someone who changed her mind about getting a spanking. When you protested we assumed you were acting."
"Acting? Do you really think that I'm that good of an actress?" Linda demanded.
"I did." Eddy acknowledged. "I was preparing a cheque the full amount. Seven fifty for acting out the part and an extra hundred for the tears. I was even thinking of asking if you wanted to earn extra money by coming back on Friday for another video."
"Like that would ever happen." Linda snorted.
"What I'm saying is you never told me that you wanted things to stop." Eddy continued.
"I screamed and screamed and sobbed and yelled and I..."
"You didn't say the safe word." Eddy said, interrupting her.
"The what?" Linda asked.
"The... Trysh, you reviewed the paperwork with her, didn't you?" Eddy asked, a dangerous tone to his voice.
"Of course I did." Trysh said. "She signed off and initialled. I even got it witnessed."
"I didn't ask if she had signed the paper." Eddy said calmly. "I've seen the paperwork. I've reviewed the paperwork. I know the paperwork was done. That's not what I asked. What I asked was if you went over the paperwork with her."
"Um, well I told her the safe word." Trysh insisted. "I told her. Nancy and June were there; they heard me. They witnessed it and they mentioned her safe word to her."
"No they didn't." Linda insisted. "No one mentioned anything like that to me."
"Linda." Eddy said with a sigh. "I mentioned it to you. I heard Kate mention it to you. See reminded you about it just before the video started."
"Are you crazy?" Linda asked. "What safe word?"
"This one." Eddy said, sliding a photocopy of her form over to her. "The one by your initials."
"Unicorn?" Linda asked, reading the word. "No one said..."
Linda stopped, realisation dawning.
"Oh fuck." Linda moaned. "I thought people were saying 'you know porn'. I didn't expect anyone to mention unicorns and I thought - except you! I thought you said 'You know corn' and..."
"And you didn't ask me why I said that because you didn't want to sound like you didn't know what you were doing." Eddy sighed. "Linda, I am truly sorry for what you went through."
"You're sorry." Linda snorted.
"If it would make you feel better I'll pretend that you said your safe word during the shoot." Eddy said. "I'll dump the video and not use it."
Linda almost agreed to that, but then she glanced at the paper she was holding. To what it said around where she had initialled.
"Would I still get paid?" Linda asked.
"Normally we would stop filming, check on you, and if we could either continue or salvage something then you would be paid." Eddy explained. "But in this case the shoot is long over and we're talking about dumping the video, so no, you wouldn't be paid the full amount."
Linda didn't hesitate.
"I busted my ass for this money, well Kate busted it, and I want it." Linda said. "You can use the video."
The others around the table (especially Trysh with a 'Y') relaxed. Eddy not having to eat the cost of the shoot meant it was likely they all still had jobs.
"Very well." Eddy said. "As long as you're comfortable with that. And in a small, very small and probably pointless, attempt to make things up to you I'll bump your check up to an even $900. I am truly sorry about this misunderstanding and if you are looking for employment in the future I hope that you'll remember us."
"Yeah right." Linda snorted.
"At the very least it's an easy $500." Eddy reminded her. "And in the future you will know about the safe word so this problem won't come up again."
A check was printed and Linda left.
After she was gone, Ted, Eddy's part time accountant (who worked at a cut rate as long as Eddy let him hang around when they were filming), asked: "Do you think that was all just a ploy for more money?"
"Of course not." Eddy said. "For one, as she said, she's not that good of an actress and that really looked like someone was getting spanked against her will. It's too bad we can't plug it that way, but if we tried it would just cause legal problems."
"And?" Ted asked.
"And what?" Eddy asked.
"You said for one." Ted prompted.
"Oh, and for two she didn't raise the topic of money first. If it had been a cash grab she would have asked for fifteen hundred or two grand and she wouldn't have left with anything less than a thousand." Eddy said, basing those figures on years of experience. "No, we screwed up and we'll lucky she didn't try to sue. We'd win in court but we'd lose from publicity. And we wouldn't be able to recruit new actresses. No one would want to work with people who screwed someone like that. No, we screwed up and lucked out when she settled for $50 compensation."
Linda stopped at a drugstore on the way home; some of the other actresses had recommended a cream that could help. Linda stocked up on the cream and hurried back to her dorm room. Rushing, she was able to get back to her dorm before her roommate returned from class. The cream had an odour to it so Linda lit a few candles. She stretched out face down on her bed and pretended to read.
The next day she cut class and rushed to Eddy's bank. She counted the money three times before she left the bank. Then she rushed to her own bank and covered her debts. With her money problems mostly solved Linda tried to that awful experience out of her mind.
Linda didn't think about that day again to mid December when Gwen dropped by her room.
"Knock, knock." Gwen called as she opened the door.
"Come in close it." Linda said. Once Gwen was inside Linda talked quickly. "Look, no offence, but I really don't need money so if that's why you came..."
"No, it's not that." Gwen said, embarrassed. "Look, I heard about what happened. I know it isn't much, but my Uncle Eddy wanted you to have something. A peace offering. It's not much, but..."
"Another fifty bucks?" Linda asked crossly.
"No, some courtesy copies of the DVD." Gwen said. She reached into her bag and produced five DVDs. "Like I said, it isn't much, but he thought you might be able curious about how things turned out."
"You mean it's up?" Linda asked.
"You haven't been checking?" Gwen asked in surprise. "Most actresses check every day to see if their video is up. You mean you..."
"I'm been trying not to think about it." Linda said honestly.
And she was being honest. Even when she awoke in the night emerging from a nightmare (or dream?) of being back on that soundstage Linda tried not to think about it. She tried her hardest not to think about it.
"Well," Gwen said as she handed over the DVDs. "This way you won't have to pay to see your performance. Anyway, I should go."
"Um, thanks?" Linda said, not sure if she meant it.
"You're welcome." Gwen said with a grin. "I've always wondered what it would be like to star in one of those videos but my uncle will never cast me."
"You don't need to be in a video learn what a spanking feels like." Linda said, not sure if she was being helpful or catty.
"Oh I know what a spanking feels like." Gwen said with a grin. "I just wonder what it would feel like to get one with the cameras rolling and the sound guy there and even the caterer."
"Caterer?" Linda asked.
"You mean no one told you about the craft table? Anyway, you take care and remember, if you really need cash again..."
"I'll never need cash that much again." Linda vowed.
Gwen felt good as she returned to her room. She was glad that Linda wouldn't have to pay to see her own video and didn't feel bad about the little white lie she had told. Linda might feel better if she could see the results of that day's work and she didn't have to know that it was because someone had fouled up. An order had come in for six copies of Linda's performance and an idiot had burnt the DVDs without asking "Why would someone want six copies of the same video?". Of course the customer hadn't wanted six copies and they were stuck with five DVDs that no one one to pay for. Giving them Linda had seemed like the right thing to.
Once Gwen was gone Linda quickly hid the DVDs. She was supposed to be studying for an exam, but Linda couldn't concentrate any more. Eventually she went to a computer lab and checked out the website. Linda could only stare at the still photos of Caroline, the girl who was willing to take a spanking for a plane ticket home. It was her face and her story, but as Linda looked at the webpage it helped to think of the girl on the computer screen as Caroline.
Heading back to her dorm room, Linda wished that she dared check the page from her laptop, but she didn't. She knew websites left footprints all over computers and she didn't know how to delete them all. Not that she thought that anyone would be checking her laptop for adult sites, but when went home for Christmas someone might take a peek at it.
But that fear didn't stop her from taking her laptop deep into the stacks and watching one the DVDs. She was amazed at how she looked. Amazed and mortified. At the point when Kate trapped her leg the video showed as much as Linda feared it would.
"I might as well let them take my panties down." Linda muttered.
She still had that thong but Linda didn't think that she would ever wear it again.
The trip home was worth it. Being with her family was great, and at Christmas Linda lucked out. Most of her family gave her cash and gift cards which meant that most her money problems were solved. As far as Linda was concerned she could go through life pretending that the video thing hadn't happen.
The first crack in that idea came on New Year's Eve. That was when Roger Greene came up to her. Roger lived three houses down and Linda had known him all her life. Their mothers even joked about how they used to get baths together. In Linda's eyes he was a cross between a brother and part of the background scenery of the neighbourhood.
Roger was drunk at the party, which wasn't common. Seeing him drunk made Linda uncomfortable. It brought back memories of that time in tenth grade when he had gotten drunk enough to ask her for a date. She had turned him down as gently as she could but it had been hard to be gentle with him being so drunk.
"So um so um, Linda how's college working out?" Roger slurred.
"Pretty good Roger."
"How's it going it college?" Roger slurred.
"Good." Linda answered, using a slightly louder voice.
"Good because um, its, sometime there is problem and..."
"I'm doing fine." Linda repeated.
"Um remember back when you um broke um, broke my model airplane?" Roger asked.
"Maybe. Sure." Linda said, not really remember the incident but agreeing so that Roger would stop talking to her and go bore someone else.
"And um I said um you needed a spanking for brokening it and um you said that no one spanked you um and I better not try and you said that no one ever spanked you."
"Yeah, sure. I remember that. So did you want some more of that punch because it's a good punch." Linda said, switching tactics. If she couldn't get Roger to leave it would be better if Roger passed out quietly.
"Yeah. Um, she had trouble... Money trouble... um... Caroline..."
"You have a friend named Caroline?" Linda asked. "Did she break up with you? Is that why you're drinking?"
"Um, Caroline, she um needed earn money um made video..."
"What are you talking about?" Linda asked.
"Caroline needed video saw video nice video and..." Roger slurred.
Linda had heard about people losing colour but have never really believed it. Until now. Glancing down she saw that her arms were milk white. She wasn't sure if her heart was still beating. The world didn't seem real. This had to be a dream. Roger couldn't have seen that video. No one she knew could have ever seen that video. It was impossible. That video was only a quick paycheque, not something that could affect her life.
"Roger, are you talking a video on the internet?" Linda asked in a hushed voice. "Did you see a video on the internet."
"So that not true." Roger slurred. "Not true that you never um never um spanked getted."
"Roger, we can't talk about this now." Linda told him.
"So how Ethel really like?" Roger slurred.
Linda took him by the arm. She told herself that it was because she wanted to lead him away and not that she needed support standing after Roger said the name 'Ethel'. She wasn't sure how she did it but somehow she steered him to a quiet corner of the party. It took a while; Roger had to sober up enough for him to understand her, but finally, after much repetition, Linda's message got through to him.
"What did you say?" Roger asked beadily.
"I said that we can talk about this later." Linda repeated. "We can't talk now. You're drunk. We can talk about this later. We can't talk now. You're drunk."
"I'm drink?" Roger asked.
"Yes, you're drunk." Linda repeated. "We can't talk now. We can talk about this later. We can't talk now. You're drunk."
"Talk later." Roger nodded. "Sure Caroline. Talk later."
The sight of him staggering away was one of the nicest ones that Linda had ever seen.
Linda left for college three days later. She spent all three days dodging Roger. She was 'out' when he called, ignored his texts and emails, and basically hoped that he would die in some painless accident before he told anyone about that video. Her mother covered for her; all it took was a single white lie. Linda just had to say: "Um, Roger got drunk on New Year's and tried to have a 'serious' talk me" and her mother was glad to run interference. Mostly because her daughter asked her to do it but partly so that Roger wouldn't do anything to embarrass himself.
Before she left Linda told her family that she was looking at a massive workload this term that she wouldn't be able to make it back for Spring Break. They weren't overjoyed to hear the news but they accepted it.
Which meant that Linda had until the end of term to think of something to say to say to Roger.
Once she was safely back at college Linda went to a lab and checked the website. The video was still there but it had dropped off the first page.
"Soon it will be in archives and no one will see." Linda muttered.
Later that month Linda was staring at her computer screen, wishing that the numbers worked. They didn't. She shifted it this way and that way but the problem was the numbers just weren't large enough to begin with.
"I must be crazy to even think about it." Linda muttered. "But it's that or not having a social life. So just one more time and this time for big bucks. And Roger better not see it. Maybe they can block him out or something."
Linda went to XYZ Acme dot com's office, telling herself that she was crazy.
'All I really have to do is cut out a few coffees and most of the pub nights.' Linda thought to herself. 'I can't believe I'm doing this rather than just cutting back on my social life. I must really be crazy.'
Crazy or not, she was still doing it.
"Hello?" Linda said as she opened the office door. "Anyone here?"
"Just a sec." Eddy called from the back office. "I'll be out in a minute. I just need to get the router to recognise the secure server again."
"Um, okay, I'll wait." Linda called back.
It was close to five minutes and Linda wanted to run during each one of them. Finally Eddy emerged.
"Yes, how can I help you?" Eddy said as he entered the room.
"Um, yes, um, I think I want to shoot another video?" Eddy squeaked.
"Another one? Yes, I think I recognise the face." Eddy replied, knowing that faces weren't his strong suit.
"Um, I did the video where I was pretending to be a broke college student and then I kind of forgot about the safe word?"
"Of course!" Eddy said, recognition dawning. "You thought people were saying 'you know porn' when they repeating unicorn. It's Linda, right? You performed as Carol something?"
"That's right." Linda nodded. "I was Caroline Daly."
"Right, Caroline Daly." Eddy nodded. "So you want to make another video?"
"Yeah. Um, yeah. Um, how much... um, you said... more for sex um sh-showing m-m-more?" Linda stuttered.
"Oh, that doesn't matter." Eddy said with a smile. "I never ask an actress to do anything she's not comfortable with."
"B-but but I want to." Linda insisted. "Re-really."
"No you don't." Eddy said kindly. "You can't even say the words. It's clear that you're not comfortable with any of that. There's no way I'd put you in front of a camera when you can't even say the words."
"Um, but..."
"Look, if you really need the money then you can make two videos." Eddy told her. "Making two of them makes more sense than trying to get everything with you need with a single one."
"But I only want to make one more and..."
"Look, I won't try to put you in the camera to do anything that you're not comfortable with and that's that." Eddy said.
"Um, so what kind of video could I do?" Linda asked.
"Well maybe something involving a bare bottom but that's the most you're showing." Eddy told her. "That or another thong video."
"Um, I could do that." Linda nodded. "Um, so what kind of video?"
"Well Valentine's Day is coming up." Eddy said, turning to his computer. "Let's see. Well, here's a popular one. A bratty girlfriend who demands everything for Valentine Day and then berates her boyfriend until he spanks her. If you're not comfortable with a male spanker then maybe you could have stolen someone's boyfriend just for the Valentine gifts and now the ex-girlfriend, who you say can have him back spanks you. Maybe with one of her girlfriends helping to hold you. Or maybe we go with the bratty girlfriend and the boy's friend's sister, mother, or whatever spanks you to teach you manners. Or we could go with you needing cash to go dutch with your Valentine date."
"Um, yeah, that kind of makes sense. I think I could handle doing any of those sorts of videos." Linda nodded.
"I thought so." Eddy said, nodding. "Did you want to use the same acting name? And how about the same character?"
"Um, what's the difference?" Linda asked.
"The name is what we use in the credits and for what the other actors call you." Eddy explained. "The character thing is what we base your script around. Basically, do you want your roles to be that of a starving college student whose boyfriends rip her off or you want to do other roles?"
"Um, well, I don't really know." Linda said. "I haven't really thought about it."
"Well, we can hammer it out before we shoot. How does next Wednesday work for you?"
"So soon?" Linda asked.
"We need to get shooting soon if we want to do a Valentine's day one." Eddy said. "But if you're more comfortable with waiting we can do some other type of video. I'd never ask you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with."
"Um, no, Wednesday is fine." Linda answered. "Um, how much would that pay?"
"The same rate as last time." Eddy answered. "Five hundred for the spanking, seven fifty if you can act out the scene, and a bonus of a hundred for believable tears."
"Um, about that crying." Linda took a deep breath and gave her rehearsed speech. "I need the money so I don't want to have to say my safe word because I really need the money but I might want to say that word so is there something else we can work out?"
"Oh, something can be worked out." Eddy assured her, working out what she meant. "Talk with the person spanking you and you can work something out."
"Something like what?" Linda asked.
"Well there's one actress that says 'sweet baby Jesus' when things are getting too hard to handle." Eddy revealed. "Think of it as a minor safe word. A 'go bit easier or we might lose the video' type thing."
"That sounds good." Linda nodded. "Yeah, I could go for something like that."
"Then that's something that can be worked out on Wednesday." Eddy assured her. "Now did you want some sort of arc? If we use the same character then we might want to think of arc for her."
"No, that's okay." Linda answered. "I'm only doing one more of these things."
"Of course." Eddy nodded. "If that's the way you want it then that's the way we'll do."
As Linda left Eddy made a note in on Linda's file. It wouldn't be the same payment as the first time but Gwen was going to get a finder's fee for this video as well. His niece was great at finding these needy college girls and as far as Eddy was concerned it was cheaper than dealing with an agent.
'Weird how that didn't go as planned.' Linda thought as she packed her room at the end of the year.
She had meant to stop at one more video, she really had, but things didn't work out that way. She had only done a small number of videos, just enough to support her lifestyle and leave a bit left over. Thanks to Eddy's website she had some (not a lot of, but some) money in the bank and small but loyal following on that site. People who followed Caroline's story arc of a nice girl who was forced to do videos then discovered that she liked doing them. Her last video ("Caroline needs money to get home from college") would be posted soon, and it was a good one to end her career on.
Linda knew it was a good one because Eddy had been nice enough to give her advanced copy when he burnt "Caroline Economic Misadventures" for her; it was a DVD collection of all of the videos she had made, and he had even given her a discount on the videos. At least he had given one of for her newer videos; the older ones had already hit the maximum discount on the website.
'Well I did learn a lot.' Linda thought to herself. 'I even learnt that I can act. At least I can when I'm paired up with Jenna.'
Jenna was the drama major who was paying her way through college doing videos and she always brought out the best in her fellow performers. It helped that Jenna had no body issues and would play any role that didn't involve sex because having her around had helped Linda explore new sides of herself.
"And this year I've got a decent summer job lined up." Linda muttered to herself.
While freshmen took any job that they could get Linda had scored a much better job this year. She had crunched the numbers and if she saved as much as she planned to then she wouldn't need to do another video ever again.
'But maybe I will.' Linda thought. 'It might be hard not to. It's so easy using Eddy like a bank machine. But I can worry about next fall next fall. That's four months away. Right now I have to think about what to say to Roger.'
Roger, who had sent a couple of email to her (as opposed to messaging Caroline on the website). Roger, whose emails hadn't been answered. Roger, who she would be seeing face to face within days. Roger, who could easily tell Linda's family about the Caroline videos. Roger, who had to get drunk to talk to her about this. Roger, who she known all her life and still didn't have the slightest idea on how to handle.
'I'd let him spank me if I thought it would get him off my back.' Linda mused. 'But only if it was just the once and I don't seem to do 'just once' that well.'
As she finished packing, Linda hoped that divine inspiration would hit her at some point on the trip home.
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Re: Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
Wow i hope there is a part to to this GoodGulf love it
Yet us know soon please
Yet us know soon please
Re: Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
I don't see a sequel for this story - but thank you for taking the time to comment.
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Re: Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
Ya thats the problem you leave room for more but your to lazy to continue a realy good story GoodGulf
Re: Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
Um, I've finished several stories since this one was posted. Counting the stories in the archive I've posted around 160 stories on this board.
All stories have a beginning, middle, and ending. This story's beginning was a girl who overspent and needed a fast source of cash. The middle was her appearing in spanking videos. The end came when she no longer needed the money, but was wondering if she would stop making videos or use them for quick cash when needed. I could have kept writing for weeks more but I reached a point where it made sense to end the story.
If you would like to see what happens when I keep writing, please checkout Christmas Across the County Line at ... ?f=3&t=130 - which is so long that it required more than one message window to post (yes, there is a upper limit on story size here) or The Chronicles of Bamber at ... ?f=3&t=114 - a five part story that I posted.
If you really feel that this story is incomplete, then feel free to write something on this theme, but I've reached the end of this story. Maybe I could do a part 2, maybe, but the dynamics would be very different (she was a nervous fist timer here, in part two she would be an experienced spanking actress).
All stories have a beginning, middle, and ending. This story's beginning was a girl who overspent and needed a fast source of cash. The middle was her appearing in spanking videos. The end came when she no longer needed the money, but was wondering if she would stop making videos or use them for quick cash when needed. I could have kept writing for weeks more but I reached a point where it made sense to end the story.
If you would like to see what happens when I keep writing, please checkout Christmas Across the County Line at ... ?f=3&t=130 - which is so long that it required more than one message window to post (yes, there is a upper limit on story size here) or The Chronicles of Bamber at ... ?f=3&t=114 - a five part story that I posted.
If you really feel that this story is incomplete, then feel free to write something on this theme, but I've reached the end of this story. Maybe I could do a part 2, maybe, but the dynamics would be very different (she was a nervous fist timer here, in part two she would be an experienced spanking actress).
Re: Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
Your a very good writer Goodgulf. You should think about expanding your writing skills beyond the spanking realm. If you havent already.
Re: Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
Oh that was another good one.
Re: Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
I've tried writing fanfic, but spanking keeps creeping into the writing... I guess I just write about what I like...
I've tried writing fanfic, but spanking keeps creeping into the writing... I guess I just write about what I like...
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